Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

Clearly you do not. Here is Dr Paul again since you are very slow:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

My God you are one stupid child.

I'm quoting Ron Paul. You think he doesn't understand tariffs? Wow you are stupid. Please explain tariffs.

Ron Paul is an obstetrician-gynecologist. He has been wrong on so many issues, so many times, and his son is learning to be just like him. Forever failure.

A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Given we all buy Chinese goods it is a tax on all of us. And it is worse for the poor than rich.

You admitted it only affects people when they choose to do something. Buy American.

And there are lots of essentials.
A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Are you this clueless? When the goods arrive in the country, the cost of the Tariff will be added to the wholesale price, and the retailer will pass that increased cost onto the consumer.

The manufacturer will pay the tax to the US government and then recover it from the wholesaler, who will pass it along to the retailer, who will ultimately pass it along to the consumer.

Since manufacturing clothing, electronics, and low end goods is virtually all done outside of the US now, costs of basic consumer goods will skyrocket with absolutely no benefit to consumers. These jobs are gone. The manufacturing facilities and equipment no longer exists in the US. Support skills such as pattern making, cutting, and other skills have been lost and aren't easy to replace.

My mother used to say you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. Give these companies one-time tax breaks to bring the jobs home, and tax them heavily if they pull jobs out. Tariffs do it in such a way that consumers' end up worse off than they are now, which is not the goal.

I gave you the definition. You tried to skew it to fit your agenda. You are the one who is clueless. No one is forced to buy imported goods from China.
Sure if they don't need clothes or other essentials for life.

When have tariffs ever worked?

What essentials for life are produced ONLY in China? Come back later when you realize that you are lying.

If you think the US can produce all its own clothing you are a moron.

Again, when have tariffs ever worked? You avoid the question because they don't and never have.

No, the moron is the one calling people names for stating facts. You are a hopeless ignorant fool. Enjoy your time posting to no one.

I finally figured out your user name. That .357 slug to the brain didn't help.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.
You have it wrong, government subsidizes wal mart employees because they are too unmotivated to advance their education in order to qualify for a better paying job.
A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Are you this clueless? When the goods arrive in the country, the cost of the Tariff will be added to the wholesale price, and the retailer will pass that increased cost onto the consumer.

The manufacturer will pay the tax to the US government and then recover it from the wholesaler, who will pass it along to the retailer, who will ultimately pass it along to the consumer.

Since manufacturing clothing, electronics, and low end goods is virtually all done outside of the US now, costs of basic consumer goods will skyrocket with absolutely no benefit to consumers. These jobs are gone. The manufacturing facilities and equipment no longer exists in the US. Support skills such as pattern making, cutting, and other skills have been lost and aren't easy to replace.

My mother used to say you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. Give these companies one-time tax breaks to bring the jobs home, and tax them heavily if they pull jobs out. Tariffs do it in such a way that consumers' end up worse off than they are now, which is not the goal.

The corporate tax system should be changed entirely. Any company who hires here, pays good wages, and gives good benefits can pay no taxes. Companies who do none of those are taxed heavily.

The income tax system should be changed entirely. Anyone that doesn't pay income taxes should not be able to vote for officeholders that can raise taxes on someone else that already pays.
My God you are one stupid child.

I'm quoting Ron Paul. You think he doesn't understand tariffs? Wow you are stupid. Please explain tariffs.

Ron Paul is an obstetrician-gynecologist. He has been wrong on so many issues, so many times, and his son is learning to be just like him. Forever failure.

A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Given we all buy Chinese goods it is a tax on all of us. And it is worse for the poor than rich.

You admitted it only affects people when they choose to do something. Buy American.

And there are lots of essentials.

You can't even name one. Fool!
A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Are you this clueless? When the goods arrive in the country, the cost of the Tariff will be added to the wholesale price, and the retailer will pass that increased cost onto the consumer.

The manufacturer will pay the tax to the US government and then recover it from the wholesaler, who will pass it along to the retailer, who will ultimately pass it along to the consumer.

Since manufacturing clothing, electronics, and low end goods is virtually all done outside of the US now, costs of basic consumer goods will skyrocket with absolutely no benefit to consumers. These jobs are gone. The manufacturing facilities and equipment no longer exists in the US. Support skills such as pattern making, cutting, and other skills have been lost and aren't easy to replace.

My mother used to say you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. Give these companies one-time tax breaks to bring the jobs home, and tax them heavily if they pull jobs out. Tariffs do it in such a way that consumers' end up worse off than they are now, which is not the goal.

I gave you the definition. You tried to skew it to fit your agenda. You are the one who is clueless. No one is forced to buy imported goods from China.

Brain even admitted the only time a tariff affects someone is if they CHOOSE to buy a product on which a tariff is placed.
Are you this clueless? When the goods arrive in the country, the cost of the Tariff will be added to the wholesale price, and the retailer will pass that increased cost onto the consumer.

The manufacturer will pay the tax to the US government and then recover it from the wholesaler, who will pass it along to the retailer, who will ultimately pass it along to the consumer.

Since manufacturing clothing, electronics, and low end goods is virtually all done outside of the US now, costs of basic consumer goods will skyrocket with absolutely no benefit to consumers. These jobs are gone. The manufacturing facilities and equipment no longer exists in the US. Support skills such as pattern making, cutting, and other skills have been lost and aren't easy to replace.

My mother used to say you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. Give these companies one-time tax breaks to bring the jobs home, and tax them heavily if they pull jobs out. Tariffs do it in such a way that consumers' end up worse off than they are now, which is not the goal.

I gave you the definition. You tried to skew it to fit your agenda. You are the one who is clueless. No one is forced to buy imported goods from China.
Sure if they don't need clothes or other essentials for life.

When have tariffs ever worked?

What essentials for life are produced ONLY in China? Come back later when you realize that you are lying.

If you think the US can produce all its own clothing you are a moron.

Again, when have tariffs ever worked? You avoid the question because they don't and never have.

No, the moron is the one calling people names for stating facts. You are a hopeless ignorant fool. Enjoy your time posting to no one.

I finally figured out your user name. That .357 slug to the brain didn't help.

I'll be waiting for your examples of where tariffs have ever worked. The fact you support something we know does not work says you are a moron.
My God you are one stupid child.

I'm quoting Ron Paul. You think he doesn't understand tariffs? Wow you are stupid. Please explain tariffs.

Ron Paul is an obstetrician-gynecologist. He has been wrong on so many issues, so many times, and his son is learning to be just like him. Forever failure.

A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Given we all buy Chinese goods it is a tax on all of us. And it is worse for the poor than rich.

You admitted it only affects people when they choose to do something. Buy American.

And there are lots of essentials.

Are you saying that essentials can only be bought from foreign countries?
A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Are you this clueless? When the goods arrive in the country, the cost of the Tariff will be added to the wholesale price, and the retailer will pass that increased cost onto the consumer.

The manufacturer will pay the tax to the US government and then recover it from the wholesaler, who will pass it along to the retailer, who will ultimately pass it along to the consumer.

Since manufacturing clothing, electronics, and low end goods is virtually all done outside of the US now, costs of basic consumer goods will skyrocket with absolutely no benefit to consumers. These jobs are gone. The manufacturing facilities and equipment no longer exists in the US. Support skills such as pattern making, cutting, and other skills have been lost and aren't easy to replace.

My mother used to say you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. Give these companies one-time tax breaks to bring the jobs home, and tax them heavily if they pull jobs out. Tariffs do it in such a way that consumers' end up worse off than they are now, which is not the goal.

I gave you the definition. You tried to skew it to fit your agenda. You are the one who is clueless. No one is forced to buy imported goods from China.

Brain even admitted the only time a tariff affects someone is if they CHOOSE to buy a product on which a tariff is placed.
And if you tariff all Chinese products we will all be paying those tariffs.
A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Are you this clueless? When the goods arrive in the country, the cost of the Tariff will be added to the wholesale price, and the retailer will pass that increased cost onto the consumer.

The manufacturer will pay the tax to the US government and then recover it from the wholesaler, who will pass it along to the retailer, who will ultimately pass it along to the consumer.

Since manufacturing clothing, electronics, and low end goods is virtually all done outside of the US now, costs of basic consumer goods will skyrocket with absolutely no benefit to consumers. These jobs are gone. The manufacturing facilities and equipment no longer exists in the US. Support skills such as pattern making, cutting, and other skills have been lost and aren't easy to replace.

My mother used to say you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. Give these companies one-time tax breaks to bring the jobs home, and tax them heavily if they pull jobs out. Tariffs do it in such a way that consumers' end up worse off than they are now, which is not the goal.

I gave you the definition. You tried to skew it to fit your agenda. You are the one who is clueless. No one is forced to buy imported goods from China.

Brain even admitted the only time a tariff affects someone is if they CHOOSE to buy a product on which a tariff is placed.
And if you tariff all Chinese products we will all be paying those tariffs.

ONLY if you choose to buy those products.
I'm quoting Ron Paul. You think he doesn't understand tariffs? Wow you are stupid. Please explain tariffs.

Ron Paul is an obstetrician-gynecologist. He has been wrong on so many issues, so many times, and his son is learning to be just like him. Forever failure.

A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Given we all buy Chinese goods it is a tax on all of us. And it is worse for the poor than rich.

You admitted it only affects people when they choose to do something. Buy American.

And there are lots of essentials.

Are you saying that essentials can only be bought from foreign countries?
I'm saying nobody in the US can make enough socks to support the whole country. Prove me wrong.
A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Are you this clueless? When the goods arrive in the country, the cost of the Tariff will be added to the wholesale price, and the retailer will pass that increased cost onto the consumer.

The manufacturer will pay the tax to the US government and then recover it from the wholesaler, who will pass it along to the retailer, who will ultimately pass it along to the consumer.

Since manufacturing clothing, electronics, and low end goods is virtually all done outside of the US now, costs of basic consumer goods will skyrocket with absolutely no benefit to consumers. These jobs are gone. The manufacturing facilities and equipment no longer exists in the US. Support skills such as pattern making, cutting, and other skills have been lost and aren't easy to replace.

My mother used to say you can get more flies with honey than you can with vinegar. Give these companies one-time tax breaks to bring the jobs home, and tax them heavily if they pull jobs out. Tariffs do it in such a way that consumers' end up worse off than they are now, which is not the goal.

I gave you the definition. You tried to skew it to fit your agenda. You are the one who is clueless. No one is forced to buy imported goods from China.

Brain even admitted the only time a tariff affects someone is if they CHOOSE to buy a product on which a tariff is placed.
And if you tariff all Chinese products we will all be paying those tariffs.

ONLY if you choose to buy those products.
Which we all have to do.
Almost as disastrous as doubling it would be, so don't act so smug.

It has happened in many cities without disaster.


Where has a min wage increase ever ended in disaster?

When it forces a business to pay more for someone's skills than those skills are worth.

Those businesses always keep going.

Why should a skill worth or that only brings in $5/hour be paid $7.25/hour?
Tariffs have been around a very long time, they never work. Give an example where they have worked.
Ron Paul is an obstetrician-gynecologist. He has been wrong on so many issues, so many times, and his son is learning to be just like him. Forever failure.

A tariff is a tax on imported goods. They do not tax people as was stated. The red text is wrong. The green text is correct.

Given we all buy Chinese goods it is a tax on all of us. And it is worse for the poor than rich.

You admitted it only affects people when they choose to do something. Buy American.

And there are lots of essentials.

Are you saying that essentials can only be bought from foreign countries?
I'm saying nobody in the US can make enough socks to support the whole country. Prove me wrong.

Prove what wrong, your unsupported claim? You made the claim, back it up with proof. I know what you said. Your saying it doesn't make it true. Proving it makes it true.
It has happened in many cities without disaster.


Where has a min wage increase ever ended in disaster?

When it forces a business to pay more for someone's skills than those skills are worth.

Those businesses always keep going.

Why should a skill worth or that only brings in $5/hour be paid $7.25/hour?

It is good for the economy.
Given we all buy Chinese goods it is a tax on all of us. And it is worse for the poor than rich.

You admitted it only affects people when they choose to do something. Buy American.

And there are lots of essentials.

Are you saying that essentials can only be bought from foreign countries?
I'm saying nobody in the US can make enough socks to support the whole country. Prove me wrong.

Prove what wrong, your unsupported claim? You made the claim, back it up with proof. I know what you said. Your saying it doesn't make it true. Proving it makes it true.

Can't find anyone with the ability to. I win.
Tariffs have been around a very long time, they never work. Give an example where they have worked.

Give an example of where raising the minimum wage worked. Paying someone with little/no skills a higher amount doesn't change their skill level. It simply pays them more for having nothing to offer. If someone is going to be paid more, shouldn't they offer more in return?

Where has a min wage increase ever ended in disaster?

When it forces a business to pay more for someone's skills than those skills are worth.

Those businesses always keep going.

Why should a skill worth or that only brings in $5/hour be paid $7.25/hour?

It is good for the economy.

You admitted it only affects people when they choose to do something. Buy American.

And there are lots of essentials.

Are you saying that essentials can only be bought from foreign countries?
I'm saying nobody in the US can make enough socks to support the whole country. Prove me wrong.

Prove what wrong, your unsupported claim? You made the claim, back it up with proof. I know what you said. Your saying it doesn't make it true. Proving it makes it true.

Can't find anyone with the ability to. I win.

Using yourself as a source? That's the sign of a born loser.

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