Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

The flipping went into effect later, but it was never the cause.

The cause was banks pressured into giving loans to poor and minorities which caused an increase in house prices due to sales. Any investor following the news knew what to do next. When banks are giving away loans like pop-tarts, the only way for home values is up.

guy, I knew house flippers back in the 1980's, I don't know what the fuck you are talking about... and neither do you.

Wars have nothing to do with the labor participation rate, Santa Clause as President does.

No, but they do have something to with truly fucking up the economy. Which did. But I'm glad you are finally admitting your boy Bush gave us recessions.

According to the BLS chart, Bush took over with a 67% participation rate. When he left, it dropped down to 66 and then DumBama took over. After five years of DumBama, the rate went from 66% to 62.5%

Obviously, you can't read a chart. It was down to 64.5% by the time Bush's Second Recession was done decimating the middle class.
You're talking out of your ass. Dip shit
Full time walmart workers should receive govt assistance. I have zero problem with that. Cant live on 10 dollars per hour. If one does it is not really living. But some anti life folk will disagree.
. As wealthy as Walmart is, it has to have the government subsidize it's employees ? How wrong is that ? The government needs to get out of the business of feeling sorry for these corporations, and require them to have a proper pay grade system that is suitable to the minimum cost of living standards in which are a part of the communities in which it serves & prospers from.

At any point is the responsibility for the workers of WalMart to be worth more so they can make more the responsibility of the workers at WalMart?

WalMart pays wages set by the market, that is their responsibility
. Yes, but no one should walk into a Walmart or any other job to find that there are workers who have been loyal, excellent workers for more than 2 years, and find that they are getting government assistance. That should be unexceptable by any standards. All companies should have a structured pay scale from entrance level to retirement level if choose to stay on for the long all or a company is the type of company for that to be the case. I mean a company like an arcade, ice cream parlor etc. that works school students should be exempt under the rules that apply to large companies employing 25 employees or more.

Yes, comrade, after two years WalMart has adopted them and should pay them what they need, not market rates.

And your scenario is unrealistic, if they were "loyal, excellent workers for more than 2 years," they are very unlikely to need government assistance now either because WalMart would see that or another employer would. WalMart gives opportunities to people who don't have good job histories and gives them a chance. They are a great American company. Capitalism is win-win.

Companies like McDonalds going to technology to cut workers really hasn't registered with the socialist crowd, has it? What would it take for you to get that companies don't pay workers more than they are worth and it's the job of the employee to be worth more, not the company to pay them what they are not worth?
You are an idiot, because what I say is exactly how it use to be in America, and that is why the working class could pull their little camper up next to your land yacht in the camp grounds, and enjoy a two week vacation just like you did. The nation's lower to middle class work force was strong and the elite back in the day was respected by the lower classes. Not so much anymore. Don't call me no comrade when I lived through the times when America was strong, ethical and moral for the most part, but not so much anymore. Just remember that your not fooling me or anybody else with your bull crap. It's just that it has gone so far down the tubes, that most Americans living today, don't know how it was back in the 50's and beyond until it all finally went so corrupt and greed driven. We know who the real communist are, and it sure isn't me. It's corporations acting like communist government's when dealing with it's comparable citizens/workers. The globalist have led America & it's citizens into this new deal, but there is still the older Americans who know better bout it all.. The gamble is the same as the rhetoric of the racist blacks now, where as the hope is that the old generation will die out before the new generation is told about how the old ethical way of doing things were in some areas of life, and this in order to be able to make changes whether good or bad with the new generation that's coming along. Now I know that the racist blacks are thinking right now "what ethical ways is he talking about" ? They think like this because they hate everything the whites have done or are about in this nation, because they don't trust the whites, but the corps are or were doing the same things to their citizen workers out of greed.. Both motivations are the same, but are totally different issues.
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I wouldn't make those assumptions. the point you ignore is that the average age of Americans is getting older, not younger.

People are living longer and there are less new people to replace them. A lot of our population growth has been due to immigration, not new births. Point was, the Labor Participation rate has been going down for decades...

Something your Boy Bush accellerated by giving us two recessions and two wars.

Wars have nothing to do with the labor participation rate, Santa Clause as President does.

According to the BLS chart, Bush took over with a 67% participation rate. When he left, it dropped down to 66 and then DumBama took over. After five years of DumBama, the rate went from 66% to 62.5%

Now this is the hard part for you public educated people: 66-62.5 = 3.5%, 67-66= 1% Again, the hard part: which number is greater than the other?
. It just goes to show that no matter what President is in there, the market is dictating the changes we keep seeing. What ever the corps says goes, and the President is just a puppet figure or figure head.
"Walmart is a great american company". Now that is hilarious. Working there for one year would be intolerable much less 2. When we start thinking walmart is great something is vastly wrong. If this is the new global economy we are screwed.

Obviously American consumers think they are a great American company. That's why Walmart is number one and has been for many years now.
. Number one for cheap prices, but take away their cheap communist controlled labor abroad, and you would see companies competing for business once again, and it would be on a better playing field.
. Number one for cheap prices, but take away their cheap communist controlled labor abroad, and you would see companies competing for business once again, and it would be on a better playing field

So what you're saying is places like Target and K-Mart don't sell foreign made products? After all, if you're going to take that away from Walmart, you have to take it away from everybody.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.
This thread is crazy.

Workers at a company being paid government welfare.
Obviously, you can't read a chart. It was down to 64.5% by the time Bush's Second Recession was done decimating the middle class.

Oh! So we move the goalposts now that I pointed out your error. Nice job lib, but it doesn't work with honest people.

No, but they do have something to with truly fucking up the economy. Which did. But I'm glad you are finally admitting your boy Bush gave us recessions.

No, Bush might have done something more to stop it, but as we all know, it's Democrat policy that created the housing collapse.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.
This thread is crazy.

Workers at a company being paid government welfare.

Well at least you understand it, so who's fault is it?

The government who allows this to happen so they don't have a riot on there hands

The government who enables workers who want to have no ambition in life?

Or the company's, just playing by the rules?
Any person who wants some self respect doesnt think about applying at wslmart. We can all agree on that. Leave those jobs UNFILLED. Those are jobs wr dont want to see adult americans having to do.
Any person who wants some self respect doesnt think about applying at wslmart. We can all agree on that. Leave those jobs UNFILLED. Those are jobs wr dont want to see adult americans having to do.

But they're doing them and Walmart is just fine. What's the problem?
We both know its not a good sign that people are working for those wages. I dont blame walmart but those jobs are for kids....not adults. Anything less that 20 bucks an hour is not a good wage and one cannot live on it. Sign of bad times....very bad. And it is not going to get any better.
We both know its not a good sign that people are working for those wages. I dont blame walmart but those jobs are for kids....not adults. Anything less that 20 bucks an hour is not a good wage and one cannot live on it. Sign of bad times....very bad. And it is not going to get any better.

Well you're in luck because most of those jobs are being taken by kids: kids wanting a little extra pot money; high school kids, college kids, kids.
Full time walmart workers should receive govt assistance. I have zero problem with that. Cant live on 10 dollars per hour. If one does it is not really living. But some anti life folk will disagree.
. As wealthy as Walmart is, it has to have the government subsidize it's employees ? How wrong is that ? The government needs to get out of the business of feeling sorry for these corporations, and require them to have a proper pay grade system that is suitable to the minimum cost of living standards in which are a part of the communities in which it serves & prospers from.

At any point is the responsibility for the workers of WalMart to be worth more so they can make more the responsibility of the workers at WalMart?

WalMart pays wages set by the market, that is their responsibility
. Yes, but no one should walk into a Walmart or any other job to find that there are workers who have been loyal, excellent workers for more than 2 years, and find that they are getting government assistance. That should be unexceptable by any standards. All companies should have a structured pay scale from entrance level to retirement level if choose to stay on for the long all or a company is the type of company for that to be the case. I mean a company like an arcade, ice cream parlor etc. that works school students should be exempt under the rules that apply to large companies employing 25 employees or more.

Yes, comrade, after two years WalMart has adopted them and should pay them what they need, not market rates.

And your scenario is unrealistic, if they were "loyal, excellent workers for more than 2 years," they are very unlikely to need government assistance now either because WalMart would see that or another employer would. WalMart gives opportunities to people who don't have good job histories and gives them a chance. They are a great American company. Capitalism is win-win.

Companies like McDonalds going to technology to cut workers really hasn't registered with the socialist crowd, has it? What would it take for you to get that companies don't pay workers more than they are worth and it's the job of the employee to be worth more, not the company to pay them what they are not worth?
You are an idiot, because what I say is exactly how it use to be in America, and that is why the working class could pull their little camper up next to your land yacht in the camp grounds, and enjoy a two week vacation just like you did. The nation's lower to middle class work force was strong and the elite back in the day was respected by the lower classes. Not so much anymore. Don't call me no comrade when I lived through the times when America was strong, ethical and moral for the most part, but not so much anymore. Just remember that your not fooling me or anybody else with your bull crap. It's just that it has gone so far down the tubes, that most Americans living today, don't know how it was back in the 50's and beyond until it all finally went so corrupt and greed driven. We know who the real communist are, and it sure isn't me. It's corporations acting like communist government's when dealing with it's comparable citizens/workers. The globalist have led America & it's citizens into this new deal, but there is still the older Americans who know better bout it all.. The gamble is the same as the rhetoric of the racist blacks now, where as the hope is that the old generation will die out before the new generation is told about how the old ethical way of doing things were in some areas of life, and this in order to be able to make changes whether good or bad with the new generation that's coming along. Now I know that the racist blacks are thinking right now "what ethical ways is he talking about" ? They think like this because they hate everything the whites have done or are about in this nation, because they don't trust the whites, but the corps are or were doing the same things to their citizen workers out of greed.. Both motivations are the same, but are totally different issues.

In your fantasy world, workers are identical. There is no difference. They are screwdrivers. Because ... you care about them! The screwdriver workers who are identical!!! You're a socialist piece of shit. Workers are not the same
Oh! So we move the goalposts now that I pointed out your error. Nice job lib, but it doesn't work with honest people.

Guy, i didn't move the goalposts. You are just too stupid to read a chart.

No, Bush might have done something more to stop it, but as we all know, it's Democrat policy that created the housing collapse.

Uh. NO. Bush was the guy who decided that hte banks didn't need regulating, appointed people to the SEC that were too busy watching online porn to actually do their jobs, and took the attitude that as long as people were flipping houses, that made up for the wholesale loss of manufacturing jobs that happened on his watch.

Seriously, guy, five of the last six recessions have happened when Republicans were in charge. Do you think this is just a coincidence, or a design feature?
Oh! So we move the goalposts now that I pointed out your error. Nice job lib, but it doesn't work with honest people.

Guy, i didn't move the goalposts. You are just too stupid to read a chart.

No, Bush might have done something more to stop it, but as we all know, it's Democrat policy that created the housing collapse.

Uh. NO. Bush was the guy who decided that hte banks didn't need regulating, appointed people to the SEC that were too busy watching online porn to actually do their jobs, and took the attitude that as long as people were flipping houses, that made up for the wholesale loss of manufacturing jobs that happened on his watch.

Seriously, guy, five of the last six recessions have happened when Republicans were in charge. Do you think this is just a coincidence, or a design feature?

Guy, i didn't move the goalposts. You are just too stupid to read a chart.

And you're too stupid to remember what you wrote:

Which is something i pointed out to Racist from Cleveland, that the Labor Participation rate started declining in 1999. But he'll ignore the 3% decline under Bush when he claims the economy was good and play up the 2% decline under Obama.

"The best part about telling the truth is you never have to remember what you said."
Author unknown.

Uh. NO. Bush was the guy who decided that hte banks didn't need regulating, appointed people to the SEC that were too busy watching online porn to actually do their jobs, and took the attitude that as long as people were flipping houses, that made up for the wholesale loss of manufacturing jobs that happened on his watch.

Seriously, guy, five of the last six recessions have happened when Republicans were in charge. Do you think this is just a coincidence, or a design feature?

Recessions are a natural economic cycle not only here, but abroad as well. It's HUD that made the regulations that caused the housing crisis. It's the Republicans that wanted to put the brakes on before it was too late, but house Democrats made sure there was never going to be an oversight committee for Fanny and Freddy. You've seen the video of that debate repeatedly, and if not, just ask and I'll post it.
. As wealthy as Walmart is, it has to have the government subsidize it's employees ? How wrong is that ? The government needs to get out of the business of feeling sorry for these corporations, and require them to have a proper pay grade system that is suitable to the minimum cost of living standards in which are a part of the communities in which it serves & prospers from.

At any point is the responsibility for the workers of WalMart to be worth more so they can make more the responsibility of the workers at WalMart?

WalMart pays wages set by the market, that is their responsibility
. Yes, but no one should walk into a Walmart or any other job to find that there are workers who have been loyal, excellent workers for more than 2 years, and find that they are getting government assistance. That should be unexceptable by any standards. All companies should have a structured pay scale from entrance level to retirement level if choose to stay on for the long all or a company is the type of company for that to be the case. I mean a company like an arcade, ice cream parlor etc. that works school students should be exempt under the rules that apply to large companies employing 25 employees or more.

Yes, comrade, after two years WalMart has adopted them and should pay them what they need, not market rates.

And your scenario is unrealistic, if they were "loyal, excellent workers for more than 2 years," they are very unlikely to need government assistance now either because WalMart would see that or another employer would. WalMart gives opportunities to people who don't have good job histories and gives them a chance. They are a great American company. Capitalism is win-win.

Companies like McDonalds going to technology to cut workers really hasn't registered with the socialist crowd, has it? What would it take for you to get that companies don't pay workers more than they are worth and it's the job of the employee to be worth more, not the company to pay them what they are not worth?
You are an idiot, because what I say is exactly how it use to be in America, and that is why the working class could pull their little camper up next to your land yacht in the camp grounds, and enjoy a two week vacation just like you did. The nation's lower to middle class work force was strong and the elite back in the day was respected by the lower classes. Not so much anymore. Don't call me no comrade when I lived through the times when America was strong, ethical and moral for the most part, but not so much anymore. Just remember that your not fooling me or anybody else with your bull crap. It's just that it has gone so far down the tubes, that most Americans living today, don't know how it was back in the 50's and beyond until it all finally went so corrupt and greed driven. We know who the real communist are, and it sure isn't me. It's corporations acting like communist government's when dealing with it's comparable citizens/workers. The globalist have led America & it's citizens into this new deal, but there is still the older Americans who know better bout it all.. The gamble is the same as the rhetoric of the racist blacks now, where as the hope is that the old generation will die out before the new generation is told about how the old ethical way of doing things were in some areas of life, and this in order to be able to make changes whether good or bad with the new generation that's coming along. Now I know that the racist blacks are thinking right now "what ethical ways is he talking about" ? They think like this because they hate everything the whites have done or are about in this nation, because they don't trust the whites, but the corps are or were doing the same things to their citizen workers out of greed.. Both motivations are the same, but are totally different issues.

In your fantasy world, workers are identical. There is no difference. They are screwdrivers. Because ... you care about them! The screwdriver workers who are identical!!! You're a socialist piece of shit. Workers are not the same
. And where on earth did you read & then draw such a conclusion as that, because you are completely wrong again idiot. Can anyone here educate spaz a little better on comprehension when he reads something, because this applying false narratives, agenda's or telling outright lies ( labeling me a communist or socialist), is getting old.
At any point is the responsibility for the workers of WalMart to be worth more so they can make more the responsibility of the workers at WalMart?

WalMart pays wages set by the market, that is their responsibility
. Yes, but no one should walk into a Walmart or any other job to find that there are workers who have been loyal, excellent workers for more than 2 years, and find that they are getting government assistance. That should be unexceptable by any standards. All companies should have a structured pay scale from entrance level to retirement level if choose to stay on for the long all or a company is the type of company for that to be the case. I mean a company like an arcade, ice cream parlor etc. that works school students should be exempt under the rules that apply to large companies employing 25 employees or more.

Yes, comrade, after two years WalMart has adopted them and should pay them what they need, not market rates.

And your scenario is unrealistic, if they were "loyal, excellent workers for more than 2 years," they are very unlikely to need government assistance now either because WalMart would see that or another employer would. WalMart gives opportunities to people who don't have good job histories and gives them a chance. They are a great American company. Capitalism is win-win.

Companies like McDonalds going to technology to cut workers really hasn't registered with the socialist crowd, has it? What would it take for you to get that companies don't pay workers more than they are worth and it's the job of the employee to be worth more, not the company to pay them what they are not worth?
You are an idiot, because what I say is exactly how it use to be in America, and that is why the working class could pull their little camper up next to your land yacht in the camp grounds, and enjoy a two week vacation just like you did. The nation's lower to middle class work force was strong and the elite back in the day was respected by the lower classes. Not so much anymore. Don't call me no comrade when I lived through the times when America was strong, ethical and moral for the most part, but not so much anymore. Just remember that your not fooling me or anybody else with your bull crap. It's just that it has gone so far down the tubes, that most Americans living today, don't know how it was back in the 50's and beyond until it all finally went so corrupt and greed driven. We know who the real communist are, and it sure isn't me. It's corporations acting like communist government's when dealing with it's comparable citizens/workers. The globalist have led America & it's citizens into this new deal, but there is still the older Americans who know better bout it all.. The gamble is the same as the rhetoric of the racist blacks now, where as the hope is that the old generation will die out before the new generation is told about how the old ethical way of doing things were in some areas of life, and this in order to be able to make changes whether good or bad with the new generation that's coming along. Now I know that the racist blacks are thinking right now "what ethical ways is he talking about" ? They think like this because they hate everything the whites have done or are about in this nation, because they don't trust the whites, but the corps are or were doing the same things to their citizen workers out of greed.. Both motivations are the same, but are totally different issues.

In your fantasy world, workers are identical. There is no difference. They are screwdrivers. Because ... you care about them! The screwdriver workers who are identical!!! You're a socialist piece of shit. Workers are not the same
. And where on earth did you read & then draw such a conclusion as that, because you are completely wrong again idiot. Can anyone here educate spaz a little better on comprehension when he reads something, because this applying false narratives, agenda's or telling outright lies ( labeling me a communist or socialist), is getting old.

So you admit workers are different. So then why if forced to pay more would companies not simply hire better workers? How are you helping people by getting them fired?

And what you are saying is Marxist ideology, if you want me to stop saying that, stop saying Marxist ideology.

Here's the inside information from a corporate insider. Companies hire the best worker they can for the money. And workers work for the highest wage they can get. If you lower wages, the workers you hired at a higher rate will find a better job. If you raise wages, you attract better workers and the ones who didn't want your lower wages will now be interested.

It's called a free market. Did you know selling toasters works the same way? For more money, you get a better toaster. For more money, you can buy a better car. For more money, you can eat at a better restaurant. Fucking freaky, isn't it?
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And you're too stupid to remember what you wrote:

No, I know exactly what I wrote. YOu are too stupid to read a chart. This is a pretty basic skill, but it explains why you can't get a job that even rates health insurance.

Recessions are a natural economic cycle not only here, but abroad as well. It's HUD that made the regulations that caused the housing crisis. It's the Republicans that wanted to put the brakes on before it was too late, but house Democrats made sure there was never going to be an oversight committee for Fanny and Freddy. You've seen the video of that debate repeatedly, and if not, just ask and I'll post it.

Uh, guy... Bush controlled both houses of Congress. They could have easily passed oversight of Freddy and Fanny, which weren't the problem anyway. What caused the housing crisis were the greed of the banks, and a lot of gullible white people who thought they could game the system.

Sorry, man, you guys own the recession. You got everything you wanted and it turned into a shit show. Own it. Embrace it. Stop trying to blame poor people for your fuckups.
And you're too stupid to remember what you wrote:

No, I know exactly what I wrote. YOu are too stupid to read a chart. This is a pretty basic skill, but it explains why you can't get a job that even rates health insurance.

Recessions are a natural economic cycle not only here, but abroad as well. It's HUD that made the regulations that caused the housing crisis. It's the Republicans that wanted to put the brakes on before it was too late, but house Democrats made sure there was never going to be an oversight committee for Fanny and Freddy. You've seen the video of that debate repeatedly, and if not, just ask and I'll post it.

Uh, guy... Bush controlled both houses of Congress. They could have easily passed oversight of Freddy and Fanny, which weren't the problem anyway. What caused the housing crisis were the greed of the banks, and a lot of gullible white people who thought they could game the system.

Sorry, man, you guys own the recession. You got everything you wanted and it turned into a shit show. Own it. Embrace it. Stop trying to blame poor people for your fuckups.

Uh, guy... Bush controlled both houses of Congress. They could have easily passed oversight of Freddy and Fanny, which weren't the problem anyway. What caused the housing crisis were the greed of the banks, and a lot of gullible white people who thought they could game the system.

Sorry, man, you guys own the recession. You got everything you wanted and it turned into a shit show. Own it. Embrace it. Stop trying to blame poor people for your fuckups.

I never blamed the poor people, I blamed the Democrats for empowering the poor people to start the housing bubble.

No, I know exactly what I wrote. YOu are too stupid to read a chart. This is a pretty basic skill, but it explains why you can't get a job that even rates health insurance.

Allow me to demonstrate how I read a chart:

LFP Participation.jpg

Now, Bush took over in 2000. See how the chart slowly went down and then had a temporary peak? That's when Bush left office. Now see how (look at the number 2008 at the bottom of the chart) the line took a dive-bomb towards the end of the chart? That was DumBama's term Joe. Now look at the left side of the chart. Those numbers tell the percentage of people in the labor workforce. That's a change of 1% during Bush's term Joe. 3.5 is over three times the amount of 1.

That wasn't so hard, was it????

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