Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

Why the hell are you trying to compare the country to the inner city's?

A cop on the south side of Chicago suits up for war every day.

A cop in the country just thinks about what kind of pie he will get at Mel's dinner for lunch.

That's the problem. You have white cops who act like they are in a war zone instead of a community they are part of.

So when they shoot a Tamir Rice or a Laquan McDonald, they don't think of it like shooting one of hte neighbors that they know.
Correct. But they couldn't afford top engineers or designers. Union workers had the money.

They had plenty of money. It was the poor decisions by the execs that made the money short. People were always willing to pay a premium for USA made cars till the execs made decisions that ruined the brand.

You are full of it the unions ran GM back in the day and people were not willing to pay premium..look what thread you are on.

They wanted to buy cheap, they were greedy and Sam gave them what they wanted.

Sam doesn't sell cars. People loved buying American until the execs ran the companies into the ground.

The workers were slow to adapt. Were on a walmart thread btw in case you didn't get the memo

Yes a walmart thread. Their workers should be union, then they wouldn't be a drag on the economy and country while the waltons make billions.
And poor people would have to pay higher prices.
Why the hell are you trying to compare the country to the inner city's?

A cop on the south side of Chicago suits up for war every day.

A cop in the country just thinks about what kind of pie he will get at Mel's dinner for lunch.

That's the problem. You have white cops who act like they are in a war zone instead of a community they are part of.

So when they shoot a Tamir Rice or a Laquan McDonald, they don't think of it like shooting one of hte neighbors that they know.

Lmao, just drive to the south side and tell me it's not a war zone, it's so bad three or four people being shot don't even make the news
Republicans have been preaching it for years. Elminate the greedy unions and there will be more $ for the workers. Well that didn't workout did it?

No, Republicans never preached that.

What Republicans did was preach about our future which they were 100% accurate on. They warned us of jobs leaving the US between overpaid union workers, government regulations and taxation.

The Democrats told their sheep to ignore the Republicans because the Democrats got a cut from union dues for their elections.

"Republicans said what about unions? No, no, no. They are just Republicans, Silly silly Republicans. They don't mean any of that. They are just trying to scare you for their rich buddies don't you see? Unions and good jobs will be around forever."

Spot on we have been warning these dumb fucks for decades the world was catching up. Either adapt or die.

Yes republicans have said what we need is to kill the middle class and have tons of inequality. Well you have done that and we also have a slow economy. Bravo.
That is a remarkably ignorant statement.
Lmao, just drive to the south side and tell me it's not a war zone, it's so bad three or four people being shot don't even make the news

I used to live on the Southwest side... Ithink you should really shut up before you look even more stupid.
Lmao, just drive to the south side and tell me it's not a war zone, it's so bad three or four people being shot don't even make the news

I used to live on the Southwest side... Ithink you should really shut up before you look even more stupid.

Lmao and you lived to tell about it gang banger?

I wonder if you were one of the brothers who sold me drugs during the day?

Your real name is not "Huggy" is it?
Well they are. If employers don't take care of people the government does. So the poor wages you applaud leads to bigger government. If you want small government, employers need to pay up.

No, just elect officials that promise to cut these wasteful programs already. That's how you make government smaller.
Republicans have been doing that for a long time, it doesn't work obviously.
So you're trying to compare a standoff situation by a bunch of yahoos to a kid that looked very much like an adult pulling out a firearm on a police officer?

Uh, yeah.. Guys with real guns are a lot more serious than a child with a toy.

It's not a wonder why you know nothing about police procedure. You think they plan their actions according to race and not the situation. Well I have some bad news for you, and that is police treat immediate threats differently than hostage or standoff incidents. When somebody all of a sudden pulls a gun out in front of you, you don't have time to sit there and talk him out of it. You have a fraction of a second to respond, and if you don't respond the proper way, your family might be burring you in a couple of days.

Except Tamir didn't have a gun. He didn't pull a gun. There was no one else in that park and he wasn't an immediate threat. Oh, yeah, you can look at this video and tell this is pretty obviously a child. We can also talk about how they didn't render first aid for four minutes, and how they threw his 14 year old sister into the back of a police car.

We can also talk about how the cop involve was fired from another police department for emotional instability and being unable to handle his weapon on a range.

Except Tamir didn't have a gun. He didn't pull a gun. There was no one else in that park and he wasn't an immediate threat. Oh, yeah, you can look at this video and tell this is pretty obviously a child. We can also talk about how they didn't render first aid for four minutes, and how they threw his 14 year old sister into the back of a police car.

We can also talk about how the cop involve was fired from another police department for emotional instability and being unable to handle his weapon on a range.

Yeah, it was pretty obvious that this 5'7" 195 lbs male was a 12 year old kid.

You should have been on the grand jury because as the video CLEARLY points out, Tamir did pull a gun on the police officer. That's why they didn't indict him. The defense used the video tape with a video expert going frame by frame to explain what the video showed. That process alone took hours.

Timothy Loehmann (the officer that shot Tamir) went to the Cleveland Police Academy in spite of his prior experience as an officer in Independence. The academy found no issues during his 26 week training and he served on the Cleveland Police force for eight months before the shooting with no incident. There are also stories around that claim Loehmann turned in his resignation to the Independence Police force which was refused, and he was forced to stay on the department for six months afterwards.

Uh, yeah.. Guys with real guns are a lot more serious than a child with a toy.

Nobody knew it was a toy. This "child" ripped off the florescent tip that defined it from a real gun.


One of These Is The Toy Gun Tamir Rice Was Holding
No they are ALWAYS promising to do something. They just never do.

Only so much they can do with Mr Veto Pen. You know, I have a cell phone and I have a pen?

The Republican Congress did cut food stamps, but not nearly enough, only what they could get away with.
Nothing even gets to a veto. Wow you are duped. Repub congress does nothing.

Nope. You are duped because you are a slave to the MSM:

Barack Obama and the Democrats have railed against the “do-nothing Congress” (translation: House Republicans) for nearly six years. So what are the facts? Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) recently addressed the charge:

Currently, 352 bills that passed the House are awaiting action on Harry Reid’s desk. Of these bills:

– 98% passed with bipartisan support
– Nearly 70% passed with 2/3rds support or more
– Over 50% passed with no opposition at all
– And 55 were introduced by Democrats

And still, Harry Reid refuses to bring them up for a vote.

352 Reasons Harry Reid and Senate Democrats Are Actively Working To Stop Congress From Doing Its Job
Nothing even gets to a veto. Wow you are duped. Repub congress does nothing.

Nope. You are duped because you are a slave to the MSM:

Barack Obama and the Democrats have railed against the “do-nothing Congress” (translation: House Republicans) for nearly six years. So what are the facts? Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) recently addressed the charge:

Currently, 352 bills that passed the House are awaiting action on Harry Reid’s desk. Of these bills:

– 98% passed with bipartisan support
– Nearly 70% passed with 2/3rds support or more
– Over 50% passed with no opposition at all
– And 55 were introduced by Democrats

And still, Harry Reid refuses to bring them up for a vote.

352 Reasons Harry Reid and Senate Democrats Are Actively Working To Stop Congress From Doing Its Job

That is funny.

Repubs control congress, what are they working on?
When anything that is brought up to help working class folk both parties should automatically pass it. Why is there dissension? The rich should be an after thought.
To vote down anything at all that will help working people should be considered anti american inclufing paid sick days, paid vacation, duty free lunch, maternity leave etc. If those cause hesitation i will wear a t shirt that the usa aint great.
To vote down anything at all that will help working people should be considered anti american inclufing paid sick days, paid vacation, duty free lunch, maternity leave etc. If those cause hesitation i will wear a t shirt that the usa aint great.

One of the definitions of fascism is companies being privately owned, but with heavy government involvement running them.

So if you want your government to force companies to provide benefits they could never afford, then just support getting rid of private ownership of companies and let government run them all. Or maybe move to North Korea or Cuba to see how it works for them first.
Nope, only one time really, and that was Newt's Welfare Reform bill. It was quite successful at the time.

which only worked because Clinton had an awesome economy. ONce Bush fucked up everything, those welfare rolls shot right back up.
Yeah, it was pretty obvious that this 5'7" 195 lbs male was a 12 year old kid.

You should have been on the grand jury because as the video CLEARLY points out, Tamir did pull a gun on the police officer. That's why they didn't indict him. The defense used the video tape with a video expert going frame by frame to explain what the video showed. That process alone took hours.

Yes, if you show a bunch of mutants on a grand jury a frame by frame showing, they'll probably get confused at a certain point, too.

Sorry, man, if the City felt that cop was in the right, they wouldn't have paid off Tamir's family.
Timothy Loehmann (the officer that shot Tamir) went to the Cleveland Police Academy in spite of his prior experience as an officer in Independence. The academy found no issues during his 26 week training and he served on the Cleveland Police force for eight months before the shooting with no incident. There are also stories around that claim Loehmann turned in his resignation to the Independence Police force which was refused, and he was forced to stay on the department for six months afterwards.

So the guy couldn't handle being a "Squirrel Cop", so let's put him in a crime ridden city.

The Man Who Killed Tamir Rice

In five short months, Loehmann was deemed “emotionally unstable” and unfit for service as a police officer. In his personnel records, his direct supervisors described him as having a “lack of maturity” as well as an “inability to perform basic functions as instructed.” These supervisors were referring to the disturbing behavior Loehmann exhibited during a weapons training session.

Loehmann’s worrisome conduct and mental instability when handling weapons would become a reoccurring theme in his personnel files.

In another training session held at a gun range, Loehmann suffered what was described as an “emotional meltdown.” In a memo sent to Human Resources, Deputy Chief Jim Polak of the Independence Police Department referred to this incident as a “dangerous loss of composure.” Polak noted that Loehmann’s “handgun performance was dismal” and that he was “distracted and weepy” during the training session. After Loehmann’s weapons were taken away by the training officer, he continued his “emotional meltdown” with detailed descriptions of his apparent issues with a girlfriend.

Deputy Chief Polak’s memo included several additional incidents of worrisome misconduct. He concluded the memo with the following:

“Individually, these events would not be considered major situations but, when taken together, they show a pattern of a lack of maturity, indiscretion, and not following instructions.”

“I do not believe time nor training will be able to change or correct these deficiencies.”

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