Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

And you're too stupid to remember what you wrote:

No, I know exactly what I wrote. YOu are too stupid to read a chart. This is a pretty basic skill, but it explains why you can't get a job that even rates health insurance.

Recessions are a natural economic cycle not only here, but abroad as well. It's HUD that made the regulations that caused the housing crisis. It's the Republicans that wanted to put the brakes on before it was too late, but house Democrats made sure there was never going to be an oversight committee for Fanny and Freddy. You've seen the video of that debate repeatedly, and if not, just ask and I'll post it.

Uh, guy... Bush controlled both houses of Congress. They could have easily passed oversight of Freddy and Fanny, which weren't the problem anyway. What caused the housing crisis were the greed of the banks, and a lot of gullible white people who thought they could game the system.

Sorry, man, you guys own the recession. You got everything you wanted and it turned into a shit show. Own it. Embrace it. Stop trying to blame poor people for your fuckups.

Uh, guy... Bush controlled both houses of Congress. They could have easily passed oversight of Freddy and Fanny, which weren't the problem anyway. What caused the housing crisis were the greed of the banks, and a lot of gullible white people who thought they could game the system.

Sorry, man, you guys own the recession. You got everything you wanted and it turned into a shit show. Own it. Embrace it. Stop trying to blame poor people for your fuckups.

I never blamed the poor people, I blamed the Democrats for empowering the poor people to start the housing bubble.

No, I know exactly what I wrote. YOu are too stupid to read a chart. This is a pretty basic skill, but it explains why you can't get a job that even rates health insurance.

Allow me to demonstrate how I read a chart:

View attachment 83681

Now, Bush took over in 2000. See how the chart slowly went down and then had a temporary peak? That's when Bush left office. Now see how (look at the number 2008 at the bottom of the chart) the line took a dive-bomb towards the end of the chart? That was DumBama's term Joe. Now look at the left side of the chart. Those numbers tell the percentage of people in the labor workforce. That's a change of 1% during Bush's term Joe. 3.5 is over three times the amount of 1.

That wasn't so hard, was it????
That's what happens with socialism everyone expects someone else to do the work, therefore nothing gets done.
Socialism is a cancer, we are already passed the point of no return... Fact
Now, Bush took over in 2000. See how the chart slowly went down and then had a temporary peak? That's when Bush left office. Now see how (look at the number 2008 at the bottom of the chart) the line took a dive-bomb towards the end of the chart? That was DumBama's term Joe. Now look at the left side of the chart. Those numbers tell the percentage of people in the labor workforce. That's a change of 1% during Bush's term Joe. 3.5 is over three times the amount of 1.

That wasn't so hard, was it????

Bush didn't stop being President until 2009. It dropped from 67.3% in 2000 to 64.6 in 2009.

That's your boy Bush. Fucking up everything, but you blame the black guy..
Now, Bush took over in 2000. See how the chart slowly went down and then had a temporary peak? That's when Bush left office. Now see how (look at the number 2008 at the bottom of the chart) the line took a dive-bomb towards the end of the chart? That was DumBama's term Joe. Now look at the left side of the chart. Those numbers tell the percentage of people in the labor workforce. That's a change of 1% during Bush's term Joe. 3.5 is over three times the amount of 1.

That wasn't so hard, was it????

Bush didn't stop being President until 2009. It dropped from 67.3% in 2000 to 64.6 in 2009.

That's your boy Bush. Fucking up everything, but you blame the black guy..
You cheer how you regressed us back to the 1970's.....fascinating.....
Now, Bush took over in 2000. See how the chart slowly went down and then had a temporary peak? That's when Bush left office. Now see how (look at the number 2008 at the bottom of the chart) the line took a dive-bomb towards the end of the chart? That was DumBama's term Joe. Now look at the left side of the chart. Those numbers tell the percentage of people in the labor workforce. That's a change of 1% during Bush's term Joe. 3.5 is over three times the amount of 1.

That wasn't so hard, was it????

Bush didn't stop being President until 2009. It dropped from 67.3% in 2000 to 64.6 in 2009.

That's your boy Bush. Fucking up everything, but you blame the black guy..
The problem is socialism, career politicians are socialists. That chart will continue to drop like a rock like it has over the last several years as long as career politicians run the show. Dip shit
Bush didn't stop being President until 2009. It dropped from 67.3% in 2000 to 64.6 in 2009.

Yes in 2009. JANUARY of 2009. January 20th to be exact. He was President less than 3 weeks of 2009.

Nice try.

Do you people ever hold Bush accountable for anything. It's almost like he was never president according to you guys.


We should be so lucky....
Do you people ever hold Bush accountable for anything. It's almost like he was never president according to you guys.

You have a lot of room to talk on the left there, don't you?

The right was one of Bush's heaviest critics. We didn't like a lot of things he did. But when we point to DumBama's failures, the first thing that you people bring up is Bush. Bush, Bush, Bush. But things you didn't like that happened during Bush, oh, it was all Bush's fault. He was in charge.
You have a lot of room to talk on the left there, don't you?

The right was one of Bush's heaviest critics. We didn't like a lot of things he did. But when we point to DumBama's failures, the first thing that you people bring up is Bush. Bush, Bush, Bush. But things you didn't like that happened during Bush, oh, it was all Bush's fault. He was in charge.

Uh, guy, Obama's failures don't have body counts...
You have a lot of room to talk on the left there, don't you?

The right was one of Bush's heaviest critics. We didn't like a lot of things he did. But when we point to DumBama's failures, the first thing that you people bring up is Bush. Bush, Bush, Bush. But things you didn't like that happened during Bush, oh, it was all Bush's fault. He was in charge.

Uh, guy, Obama's failures don't have body counts...
. Oh yes they do (here & abroad). The latest are the innocent cops being killed, because Obama don't believe in letting the wheels of his justice Dept. turn before he opens his big mouth.
. Oh yes they do (here & abroad). The latest are the innocent cops being killed, because Obama don't believe in letting the wheels of his justice Dept. turn before he opens his big mouth.

Uh, Black people would be just as upset about Cops shooting their unarmed kids regardless of whether Obama said something or not.
Uh, Black people would be just as upset about Cops shooting their unarmed kids regardless of whether Obama said something or not.

Which is the problem. These losers don't want to live in a civilized society. They don't care what the laws are which is why their buddies got shot in the first place.

A civilized society is systematic. Civilized people don't riot. Civilized people let the steps of justice take place and learn all there is about a situation before they express an opinion; not rely on the evil MSM to excite them into believing something happened that didn't.

Whether we're talking about a mass murderer or a little old lady that shot an intruder in her home, everybody in a civilized society is considered innocent until proven otherwise. In an uncivilized society, you simply convict based on your likes or dislikes.

The only people we convict are those that broke our laws. We don't convict people because they could have done something better, could have put themselves in more risk before they reacted, could have used alternative means of defense. If a person has the legal right to use deadly force via a firearm, then they broke no laws and therefore should not suffer any penalty.
Which is the problem. These losers don't want to live in a civilized society. They don't care what the laws are which is why their buddies got shot in the first place.

No, guy, it's a matter of what is REASONABLE force to enforce the law.

So when you have the guys at the birdhouse in Oregon waiving guns around and Federal Officials for months, and nobody shoots them until they start shooting while trying to escape, but some black child is shot for jaywalking or playing with a toy, people get to see what a 'civilized" society we live in.

A civilized society is systematic. Civilized people don't riot. Civilized people let the steps of justice take place and learn all there is about a situation before they express an opinion; not rely on the evil MSM to excite them into believing something happened that didn't.

Okay, um, guy, the whitewash in these cases aside, we know what happened. Tamir Rice was shot for playing with a toy. Laquan McDonald was shot 16 times when he was lying on the ground. Sandra Bland was arrested for a minor traffic infraction and left to die in a cell.

Damn right people are going to riot when they see enough of this shit.

Whether we're talking about a mass murderer or a little old lady that shot an intruder in her home, everybody in a civilized society is considered innocent until proven otherwise. In an uncivilized society, you simply convict based on your likes or dislikes.

The only people we convict are those that broke our laws. We don't convict people because they could have done something better, could have put themselves in more risk before they reacted, could have used alternative means of defense. If a person has the legal right to use deadly force via a firearm, then they broke no laws and therefore should not suffer any penalty.

I think you need a little higher standard of the right to use deadly force than "He was black and I was, really, really scared."
Which is the problem. These losers don't want to live in a civilized society. They don't care what the laws are which is why their buddies got shot in the first place.

No, guy, it's a matter of what is REASONABLE force to enforce the law.

So when you have the guys at the birdhouse in Oregon waiving guns around and Federal Officials for months, and nobody shoots them until they start shooting while trying to escape, but some black child is shot for jaywalking or playing with a toy, people get to see what a 'civilized" society we live in.

A civilized society is systematic. Civilized people don't riot. Civilized people let the steps of justice take place and learn all there is about a situation before they express an opinion; not rely on the evil MSM to excite them into believing something happened that didn't.

Okay, um, guy, the whitewash in these cases aside, we know what happened. Tamir Rice was shot for playing with a toy. Laquan McDonald was shot 16 times when he was lying on the ground. Sandra Bland was arrested for a minor traffic infraction and left to die in a cell.

Damn right people are going to riot when they see enough of this shit.

Whether we're talking about a mass murderer or a little old lady that shot an intruder in her home, everybody in a civilized society is considered innocent until proven otherwise. In an uncivilized society, you simply convict based on your likes or dislikes.

The only people we convict are those that broke our laws. We don't convict people because they could have done something better, could have put themselves in more risk before they reacted, could have used alternative means of defense. If a person has the legal right to use deadly force via a firearm, then they broke no laws and therefore should not suffer any penalty.

I think you need a little higher standard of the right to use deadly force than "He was black and I was, really, really scared."

No, guy, it's a matter of what is REASONABLE force to enforce the law.

So when you have the guys at the birdhouse in Oregon waiving guns around and Federal Officials for months, and nobody shoots them until they start shooting while trying to escape, but some black child is shot for jaywalking or playing with a toy, people get to see what a 'civilized" society we live in.

Prove any law was broken.

Okay, um, guy, the whitewash in these cases aside, we know what happened. Tamir Rice was shot for playing with a toy. Laquan McDonald was shot 16 times when he was lying on the ground. Sandra Bland was arrested for a minor traffic infraction and left to die in a cell.

Damn right people are going to riot when they see enough of this shit.

Prove any law was broken.

I think you need a little higher standard of the right to use deadly force than "He was black and I was, really, really scared."

Nope. A police officer has the right to use deadly force if he (or she) believes they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. I have the same right as a citizen, and I would fight to remove any politician from office that wants to take away that right, and they know it.

All legal shootings of police officers have one thing in common: The suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer.
Prove any law was broken.

You mean other than the fact they are all under arrest now?

Nope. A police officer has the right to use deadly force if he (or she) believes they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. I have the same right as a citizen, and I would fight to remove any politician from office that wants to take away that right, and they know it.

And the rest of us are pretty tired of being held hostage by your tiny penis.

All legal shootings of police officers have one thing in common: The suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer.

I am always amazed you right wingers who don't want the government deciding who should get a wedding cake or telling you that you can't use your land if you are going to wipe out a sanctuary for snail darters are the ones who want to give the police so much fucking latitude on who needs to die with no trial.

yes, little Tamir Rice needed to die because he didn't listen to a police officer in the 1.3 seconds between the time Office Weepy pulled up and put a bullet in his chest.
Prove any law was broken.

You mean other than the fact they are all under arrest now?

Nope. A police officer has the right to use deadly force if he (or she) believes they (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. I have the same right as a citizen, and I would fight to remove any politician from office that wants to take away that right, and they know it.

And the rest of us are pretty tired of being held hostage by your tiny penis.

All legal shootings of police officers have one thing in common: The suspect didn't listen to the orders of the police officer.

I am always amazed you right wingers who don't want the government deciding who should get a wedding cake or telling you that you can't use your land if you are going to wipe out a sanctuary for snail darters are the ones who want to give the police so much fucking latitude on who needs to die with no trial.

yes, little Tamir Rice needed to die because he didn't listen to a police officer in the 1.3 seconds between the time Office Weepy pulled up and put a bullet in his chest.

You mean other than the fact they are all under arrest now?

I'm not familiar with the cases you spoke of. But if an officer did anything illegal, they will be brought to a grand jury and perhaps afterwards a trial. Then we see who is guilty or innocent. Again, that's the way a civilized society is supposed to work.

And the rest of us are pretty tired of being held hostage by your tiny penis.

I'm so surprised Joe, you seem to have this hangup about tiny penises. It sounded to me like you rather enjoyed them.

I am always amazed you right wingers who don't want the government deciding who should get a wedding cake or telling you that you can't use your land if you are going to wipe out a sanctuary for snail darters are the ones who want to give the police so much fucking latitude on who needs to die with no trial.

yes, little Tamir Rice needed to die because he didn't listen to a police officer in the 1.3 seconds between the time Office Weepy pulled up and put a bullet in his chest.

Yep, that's the way it works when a police officer sees somebody pulling out a gun on them. They shoot. I know you liberals would love for a police officer to get shot first before returning fire, but we value the lives of our officers and believe they should do whatever it takes to go home after their shift.

It's funny how you libs never blame these single-parent moms who don't have the ability to teach their children how to interact with police officers; especially in such bad neighborhoods. Instead, blame the cop. Well, now that cop has to live with that death the rest of his life and is momma is a millionaire for no good reason. That will certainly drain funds from an already broke Democrat city, and it's the citizens that will have to suffer.
I'm not familiar with the cases you spoke of. But if an officer did anything illegal, they will be brought to a grand jury and perhaps afterwards a trial. Then we see who is guilty or innocent. Again, that's the way a civilized society is supposed to work.

Try to keep up, Buddy.

Okay- once more. Out in Oregon, a bunch of Cliven Bundy's followers showed up with guns and took over a federal building. Instead of shooting them ON SITE like they did poor Tamir Rice (the 12 year old playing with a toy in the park) they instead let them throw a month-long tantrum, make a lot of belicose shit about overthrowing the government, and eventually just waited them out except for one guy who decided to commit Suicide By Cop.

But they were WHITE
Try to keep up, Buddy.

Okay- once more. Out in Oregon, a bunch of Cliven Bundy's followers showed up with guns and took over a federal building. Instead of shooting them ON SITE like they did poor Tamir Rice (the 12 year old playing with a toy in the park) they instead let them throw a month-long tantrum, make a lot of belicose shit about overthrowing the government, and eventually just waited them out except for one guy who decided to commit Suicide By Cop.

But they were WHITE

So you're trying to compare a standoff situation by a bunch of yahoos to a kid that looked very much like an adult pulling out a firearm on a police officer?

It's not a wonder why you know nothing about police procedure. You think they plan their actions according to race and not the situation. Well I have some bad news for you, and that is police treat immediate threats differently than hostage or standoff incidents. When somebody all of a sudden pulls a gun out in front of you, you don't have time to sit there and talk him out of it. You have a fraction of a second to respond, and if you don't respond the proper way, your family might be burring you in a couple of days.
Which is the problem. These losers don't want to live in a civilized society. They don't care what the laws are which is why their buddies got shot in the first place.

No, guy, it's a matter of what is REASONABLE force to enforce the law.

So when you have the guys at the birdhouse in Oregon waiving guns around and Federal Officials for months, and nobody shoots them until they start shooting while trying to escape, but some black child is shot for jaywalking or playing with a toy, people get to see what a 'civilized" society we live in.

A civilized society is systematic. Civilized people don't riot. Civilized people let the steps of justice take place and learn all there is about a situation before they express an opinion; not rely on the evil MSM to excite them into believing something happened that didn't.

Okay, um, guy, the whitewash in these cases aside, we know what happened. Tamir Rice was shot for playing with a toy. Laquan McDonald was shot 16 times when he was lying on the ground. Sandra Bland was arrested for a minor traffic infraction and left to die in a cell.

Damn right people are going to riot when they see enough of this shit.

Whether we're talking about a mass murderer or a little old lady that shot an intruder in her home, everybody in a civilized society is considered innocent until proven otherwise. In an uncivilized society, you simply convict based on your likes or dislikes.

The only people we convict are those that broke our laws. We don't convict people because they could have done something better, could have put themselves in more risk before they reacted, could have used alternative means of defense. If a person has the legal right to use deadly force via a firearm, then they broke no laws and therefore should not suffer any penalty.

I think you need a little higher standard of the right to use deadly force than "He was black and I was, really, really scared."

What double standard you sp
I'm not familiar with the cases you spoke of. But if an officer did anything illegal, they will be brought to a grand jury and perhaps afterwards a trial. Then we see who is guilty or innocent. Again, that's the way a civilized society is supposed to work.

Try to keep up, Buddy.

Okay- once more. Out in Oregon, a bunch of Cliven Bundy's followers showed up with guns and took over a federal building. Instead of shooting them ON SITE like they did poor Tamir Rice (the 12 year old playing with a toy in the park) they instead let them throw a month-long tantrum, make a lot of belicose shit about overthrowing the government, and eventually just waited them out except for one guy who decided to commit Suicide By Cop.

But they were WHITE

Why the hell are you trying to compare the country to the inner city's?

A cop on the south side of Chicago suits up for war every day.

A cop in the country just thinks about what kind of pie he will get at Mel's dinner for lunch.
Try to keep up, Buddy.

Okay- once more. Out in Oregon, a bunch of Cliven Bundy's followers showed up with guns and took over a federal building. Instead of shooting them ON SITE like they did poor Tamir Rice (the 12 year old playing with a toy in the park) they instead let them throw a month-long tantrum, make a lot of belicose shit about overthrowing the government, and eventually just waited them out except for one guy who decided to commit Suicide By Cop.

But they were WHITE

So you're trying to compare a standoff situation by a bunch of yahoos to a kid that looked very much like an adult pulling out a firearm on a police officer?

It's not a wonder why you know nothing about police procedure. You think they plan their actions according to race and not the situation. Well I have some bad news for you, and that is police treat immediate threats differently than hostage or standoff incidents. When somebody all of a sudden pulls a gun out in front of you, you don't have time to sit there and talk him out of it. You have a fraction of a second to respond, and if you don't respond the proper way, your family might be burring you in a couple of days.
He just mad country folk get special treatment because for the most part they don't do anything wrong.

He is upset because to many cops on the streets of big city's catching folks that steal and Rob people

In his mind less cops equal less crime reported
So you're trying to compare a standoff situation by a bunch of yahoos to a kid that looked very much like an adult pulling out a firearm on a police officer?

Uh, yeah.. Guys with real guns are a lot more serious than a child with a toy.

It's not a wonder why you know nothing about police procedure. You think they plan their actions according to race and not the situation. Well I have some bad news for you, and that is police treat immediate threats differently than hostage or standoff incidents. When somebody all of a sudden pulls a gun out in front of you, you don't have time to sit there and talk him out of it. You have a fraction of a second to respond, and if you don't respond the proper way, your family might be burring you in a couple of days.

Except Tamir didn't have a gun. He didn't pull a gun. There was no one else in that park and he wasn't an immediate threat. Oh, yeah, you can look at this video and tell this is pretty obviously a child. We can also talk about how they didn't render first aid for four minutes, and how they threw his 14 year old sister into the back of a police car.

We can also talk about how the cop involve was fired from another police department for emotional instability and being unable to handle his weapon on a range.

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