walmart trains staff in crt

You should go easy on your use of the word "should". I got my information from good sources. Trust them completely.

Walmart's CRT is everything I said it is. Racist against whites & totally absurd lunacy.
Stop shopping at Walmart.
You got your information from good sources. :lol:

You obviously didn't read the actual source material.
You got your information from good sources. :lol:

You obviously didn't read the actual source material.
Don't need to and how do you know that is actually what you read. + you called racism a "white supremacy system" Walmart's CRT is a racist, white subordination system.
Don't need to and how do you know that is actually what you read. + you called racism a "white supremacy system" Walmart's CRT is a racist, white subordination system.
I followed the link in the OP to the source material, dipshit. That's what the stories are based on.

You were lied to.
Try to find anybody to work for $8.50 today.

Walmart takes good care of their management, their warehouse personnel, their office staff, offers the best opportunity for advancement, their truck drivers.

Even though Walmart pays the same or better than their competitors like Target, you've been brainwashed to believe Walmart is somehow an anomaly to McDonald's Wendy's, Target, K-Mart.

I wouldn't say that forcing employees to endure filthy, racist CRT training is exactly "takes good care of their management"
I followed the link in the OP to the source material, dipshit. That's what the stories are based on.

You were lied to.
Bullshit. I got the truth and now you have it too, You're welcome/.

Do you claim the "source material" doesn't say this ? >> ""If you are a citizen of the United States, part of the legacy you have inherited is the historical, systematic, and pervasive way in which white race and the benefits, privilege and power for those who came to be known as white have been constructed in this country,"

Or this ? >> "White people "cooperate" by following their "internal racist conditioning," which leads them to say, "I'm not racist, I'm a good White person."

Justin Danhof, a Walmart shareholder through the National Center for Public Policy Research, also condemned the training >>>

"As a Walmart shareholder, I really want to know how much money the company is spending to indoctrinate its employees with this racist propaganda," Danhof told FOX Business. "I also want to know if Walmart staffers were given an opportunity to object to this madness without fear of reprisal."

"Telling company managers - in a mandatory training - that they are guilty of ‘white supremacy thinking’ is beyond insane,"
Danhof added. "But that's the exact state of play with corporate America as more and more companies adopt racist and Marxist training programs."

You are the one who is from the lunatic fringe. The fact is that holding America accountable for it's not so good moments. You are proof that there is truth to CRT. Texas proves the validity of CRT. They have stricken minorities and women from from the history books. The reason why Texas is receiving 3 new House sets is because of the increase in the numbers of blacks and minorities. Yet those new seats will go to white Republicans. In Georgia, Republicans are trying to take over the Fulton County Board of Elections. Fulton has a large number of blacks. There is systemic racism.
What racism there is against blacks, is a DROP IN THE BUCKET compared to racism against whites >> Affirmative Action (57 years against the largest group of victims, whites, in America), Biden's American Rescue Plan (ripped to shreds by the courts for its anti-white racism), and now CRT filth.

By defending CRT, you just showed what a dirty racist pig you are. Get your brain in gear - this is 2021, not 1953.
Were you triggered when your buddies attacked the Capitol and injured 140 police?
were you triggered when YOUR buddies attacked the Capitol and injured 140 police?

Or how about when your buddies tried to burn police to death, by locking them inside their police station, and setting it on fire ? Or when your buddies rioted, looted, arsoned, and attacked cops for months, and they're still doing it now.

If the leftists treated Blacks badly, then they wouldn't get the majority of the Black vote. The left wing certainly is not perfect but look at the red states and how they treat Blacks and work hard to keep them from voting.
Myth. what isnt a myth is millions of illegal aliens voting (Democrat). Why do you think Biden is letting them inm and spreading them around the country?
Leftist love to harken back to the 1950s to stir up sympathy for blacks. PBS does it daily.

EARTH TO DUDMUCK: Since then we've had 57 years of Affirmative Action.
were you triggered when YOUR buddies attacked the Capitol and injured 140 police?

Or how about when your buddies tried to burn police to death, by locking them inside their police station, and setting it on fire ? Or when your buddies rioted, looted, arsoned, and attacked cops for months, and they're still doing it now.

MY buddies did not attack the Capitol

That was MAGA all the way
If the leftists treated Blacks badly, then they wouldn't get the majority of the Black vote. The left wing certainly is not perfect but look at the red states and how they treat Blacks and work hard to keep them from voting.

Another leftist lie. When they lie, why don't you people do some research on their lies?

When you create voting criteria for all people, it does not make it harder on any particular group of people since the law treats all people the same. Saying it makes it harder for blacks is saying blacks are too fucken stupid to follow simple law and instructions.

Ask a black man how he votes and he will tell you Democrat. Ask him why and he will say because Republicans are only for rich white people. Ask who told him that, he will tell you the Democrat party.

Is it any wonder why when blacks get an advanced education, many of them convert over to the Republican party. Most blacks are politically ignorant. Their friends vote Democrat, their family votes Democrat, and that's the only reason they vote Democrat.

I don't want my kids going to school in a racial jungle.
Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids.
They want to put ya'all back in chains.
You are not black unless you vote for me.
He (Obama) is articulate and clean.

These are just some of the racist statements made by Dementia in his career and of course got a majority of the black vote. Does it sound like the blacks are politically informed to you?

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