Want gun control? Fight smart.

Gun control is such a typically trite and meaningless prog solution to a serious problem. Only the law abiding citizen will follow these laws, old and new. The end result is that only criminals will have guns.
The end result might also be that someone like Cruz would not have the gun he just used to kill 17 people.

The end result is that fucker should have been in Chattahoochee way before police were called to his house 39 times. No, he can't buy any rifles while in Chattahoochee. What happened is the government that some people want to be the only ones with the guns, failed to protect the citizenry with the guns they do have. I see it as government needing an efficiency checkup, and more regular citizens needing to be armed.
Gun control is such a typically trite and meaningless prog solution to a serious problem. Only the law abiding citizen will follow these laws, old and new. The end result is that only criminals will have guns.
The end result might also be that someone like Cruz would not have the gun he just used to kill 17 people.

The end result is that fucker should have been in Chattahoochee way before police were called to his house 39 times. No, he can't buy any rifles while in Chattahoochee. What happened is the government that some people want to be the only ones with the guns, failed to protect the citizenry with the guns they do have. I see it as government needing an efficiency checkup, and more regular citizens needing to be armed.
This kid's mental health needs weren't met, that's for sure. I was working a second job at Dunkin Donuts when they closed down most of the asylums. There was a big one in town and we started getting the mad homeless in for coffee and to do their ablutions in the bathroom. Really fucking sad. I'm not sure if they were glad to be "free" but when they were having an agitated day, they got to be good friends with the local police. There was no place to send them, so the next day, they'd be back, talking to the sugar bowl.
Gun control is such a typically trite and meaningless prog solution to a serious problem. Only the law abiding citizen will follow these laws, old and new. The end result is that only criminals will have guns.
The end result might also be that someone like Cruz would not have the gun he just used to kill 17 people.

The end result is that fucker should have been in Chattahoochee way before police were called to his house 39 times. No, he can't buy any rifles while in Chattahoochee. What happened is the government that some people want to be the only ones with the guns, failed to protect the citizenry with the guns they do have. I see it as government needing an efficiency checkup, and more regular citizens needing to be armed.
This kid's mental health needs weren't met, that's for sure. I was working a second job at Dunkin Donuts when they closed down most of the asylums. There was a big one in town and we started getting the mad homeless in for coffee and to do their ablutions in the bathroom. Really fucking sad. I'm not sure if they were glad to be "free" but when they were having an agitated day, they got to be good friends with the local police. There was no place to send them, so the next day, they'd be back, talking to the sugar bowl.

They need to open those things back up, I'm tellin' ya! Sugar Bowl talkers don't belong in jail or on the streets, either. They need to be hanging out in a fairly pleasant place with the lightbulb talkers! I wonder if the lightbulb ever talks to the sugar bowl? They could have a 4-way conversation together. :)

Yet away from the criminally violent crazies like umm..the latest one. They go over in the other wing. ;)
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Them DCF people need a serious housecleaning. It's mostly just office politics, they don't do people much good, and only blacks are hired.
Gun control is such a typically trite and meaningless prog solution to a serious problem. Only the law abiding citizen will follow these laws, old and new. The end result is that only criminals will have guns.
The end result might also be that someone like Cruz would not have the gun he just used to kill 17 people.

The end result is that fucker should have been in Chattahoochee way before police were called to his house 39 times. No, he can't buy any rifles while in Chattahoochee. What happened is the government that some people want to be the only ones with the guns, failed to protect the citizenry with the guns they do have. I see it as government needing an efficiency checkup, and more regular citizens needing to be armed.
This kid's mental health needs weren't met, that's for sure. I was working a second job at Dunkin Donuts when they closed down most of the asylums. There was a big one in town and we started getting the mad homeless in for coffee and to do their ablutions in the bathroom. Really fucking sad. I'm not sure if they were glad to be "free" but when they were having an agitated day, they got to be good friends with the local police. There was no place to send them, so the next day, they'd be back, talking to the sugar bowl.

They need to open those things back up, I'm tellin' ya! Sugar Bowl talkers don't belong in jail or on the streets, either. They need to be hanging out in a fairly pleasant place with the lightbulb talkers! I wonder if the lightbulb ever talks to the sugar bowl? They could have a 4-way conversation together. :)
I'm not sure if it was right or not, but the one thing we know for certain is that these mental hospitals cost money, so you'll never see them again.
And do remember that the vast majority of the mentally ill wouldn't hurt a fly (although the occasional sugar bowl or window, maybe); they just scare us because they're so abnormal. Cruz had anger issues but "crazy?" I dunno.
Gun control is such a typically trite and meaningless prog solution to a serious problem. Only the law abiding citizen will follow these laws, old and new. The end result is that only criminals will have guns.
The end result might also be that someone like Cruz would not have the gun he just used to kill 17 people.

The end result is that fucker should have been in Chattahoochee way before police were called to his house 39 times. No, he can't buy any rifles while in Chattahoochee. What happened is the government that some people want to be the only ones with the guns, failed to protect the citizenry with the guns they do have. I see it as government needing an efficiency checkup, and more regular citizens needing to be armed.
This kid's mental health needs weren't met, that's for sure. I was working a second job at Dunkin Donuts when they closed down most of the asylums. There was a big one in town and we started getting the mad homeless in for coffee and to do their ablutions in the bathroom. Really fucking sad. I'm not sure if they were glad to be "free" but when they were having an agitated day, they got to be good friends with the local police. There was no place to send them, so the next day, they'd be back, talking to the sugar bowl.

They need to open those things back up, I'm tellin' ya! Sugar Bowl talkers don't belong in jail or on the streets, either. They need to be hanging out in a fairly pleasant place with the lightbulb talkers! I wonder if the lightbulb ever talks to the sugar bowl? They could have a 4-way conversation together. :)
I'm not sure if it was right or not, but the one thing we know for certain is that these mental hospitals cost money, so you'll never see them again.
And do remember that the vast majority of the mentally ill wouldn't hurt a fly (although the occasional sugar bowl or window, maybe); they just scare us because they're so abnormal. Cruz had anger issues but "crazy?" I dunno.

Er, I'm thinking he was a homicidal maniac? :dunno:

If I had my say, they'd string him up publicly the morning after the trial.
The law that says a person can't buy a hand gun until they are 21, should have included semi automatics like the AR15.
18 year olds love to hunt. I am sure they appreciate you stripping their freedoms for being COMPLETELY innocent.
Even if, he would have just used something else. So, what kind of law would have stopped him from shooting up that school?

Well a 18 year old can go to war and risk his life so I agree with you there..but a 18 year old who's brain isn't developed yet ( the part where we weigh in consequence) is not developed yet..

Why does he need an assault rifle at 18 ?

Who are you to decide what someone else needs?

Why do you think that you can not drink until 21 ? Same area of the brain..


people that enlist at the age of 18 have different brains?

They can carry an automatic, or a semiautomatic, firearm,..

but still can't drink.

How are they different than the 18 year old civilian?

Same brain, heavy training in the military...
I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
The law that says a person can't buy a hand gun until they are 21, should have included semi automatics like the AR15.
18 year olds love to hunt. I am sure they appreciate you stripping their freedoms for being COMPLETELY innocent.
Even if, he would have just used something else. So, what kind of law would have stopped him from shooting up that school?
AR 15 s Are not hunting long guns.
True, they look different, otherwise they aren't any different from every other semi automatic rifle.
AR 15 s Are not hunting long guns

I beg to differ


.223 is an excellent hunting round.
Yet I have not met a hunter yet who hunts with one, even if they own one.
Do you know many hunters?

"According to a recent study by the National Shooting Sports Foundation, 27 percent of hunters surveyed have used a modern sporting rifle (MSR) in pursuit of game."

Why You Should Use an AR-15 as a Deer Rifle
I would love to know what law would have stopped that kid from shooting up the school.
Well there was one law back during Jimmy Carters regime, and that was to allow insane people back into society. That right there started the closing of asylums that would of kept people who want to hurt themselves and others.

Jimmy Carter: Mental Health Systems Legislation Message to the Congress Transmitting the Proposed Legislation.
I am today submitting to Congress the Mental Health Systems Act. This proposed legislation establishes a new partnership between the federal government and the states in the planning 'and provision of mental health services. It seeks to assure that the chronically mentally ill no longer face the cruel alternative of unnecessary institutionalization or inadequate care in the community.
When these sick people were allowed out of the institution, soon there were razor blades in apples and needles in candy bars at Halloween. And the rest is history....Liberal compassion ends up killing people...
Mental health laws wouldnt have stopped this guy either. He was apparently OKd by the FBI (or did they just forget?) AND the state welfare office. The childrens office deemed him perfectly sane.
What I heard over the weekend was about a kid who had explosive moments. He was always calm enough when the police or social workers arrived to be deemed "not a threat." He lived with the new family for over three months and was quiet, polite and followed all their rules. He was loving to their animals. What was happening in his mind, he kept to himself all too well.
The FBI did "forget," but he may well have bullshitted his way out of that interview, too.
He had ten guns. Why did he choose the AR-15? We all know why.

Hey media fed puppet, you piss abut ar15's, what about all these?










And this is just a hand full you moron
Not really trying to derail the discussion, but in all the threads about this situation............has anyone asked where the kid got the money to buy so many guns and yet get a public defender as counsel???
Clearly. What we need to solve the problem of wackos shooting people is to have more workshops teaching us how to fight.
Armed teachers. Why do ignore the only real answer?
Not familiar with sarcasm?

Ya gotta cut Mikey some slack........some days he's a little slow on the uptake. But we keep him around like a lost puppy
I did cut him some slack! You should see what I deleted! Seems I have a soft spot for lost puppies.
Clearly. What we need to solve the problem of wackos shooting people is to have more workshops teaching us how to fight.
Armed teachers. Why do ignore the only real answer?
Not familiar with sarcasm?

Ya gotta cut Mikey some slack........some days he's a little slow on the uptake. But we keep him around like a lost puppy
I recognize rights trashing scum when I read them.
Clearly. What we need to solve the problem of wackos shooting people is to have more workshops teaching us how to fight.
Armed teachers. Why do ignore the only real answer?
Not familiar with sarcasm?

Ya gotta cut Mikey some slack........some days he's a little slow on the uptake. But we keep him around like a lost puppy
I recognize rights trashing scum when I read them.

:itsok: down Fido ;)

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