Want to lower unemployment???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Lower the minimum wage.
That simple.
If you want the economic reality ask and I will share!
On the same page where discussions of 500 black on black chicago shootings... you can answer this OP... Why would lowering the minimum wage lower unemployment???
I am waiting for just one INQUISITIVE intelligent person to ask for the proof how lowering the minimum wage would lower unemployment!
Everyone is ignorant in some ways.. most people are primarily out of laziness!
Because liberals would lose votes if they proposed that.

So they leave it up the the GOP to say what actually needs to be done, and then demonize them for it.
I am waiting for just one INQUISITIVE intelligent person to ask for the proof how lowering the minimum wage would lower unemployment!

It would increase unemployment, that's already been proven. With no disposable income to spend, consumers quit buying. Consumers quit buying, manufacturing slows. Manufacturing slows, unemployment increases.

The Rust Belt debunked your silly little disinfo theory 30 years ago.

Please try to keep up.
I am waiting for just one INQUISITIVE intelligent person to ask for the proof how lowering the minimum wage would lower unemployment!

It would increase unemployment, that's already been proven. With no disposable income to spend, consumers quit buying. Consumers quit buying, manufacturing slows. Manufacturing slows, unemployment increases.

The Rust Belt debunked your silly little disinfo theory 30 years ago.

Please try to keep up.

OK.. THEN explain this MATH!!

Right now with Minimum wage of $7.25. We Both agree RIGHT?

This means an employer pays 6.2% for SS, 1.45% for Medicare, and from 3 to 6.2% for unemployment taxes. Do you agree or didn't you know this???

So over all an employer pays up to 13.9% on the minimum wage worker.
This is means today an employer with 50 employees working 40 hours the employer after adding Employer's payment of SS/Medicare/FUTA costs: $858,806.

But if the minimum wage was lowered to $6.00 the total out of pocket cost to the employer is $710,736.

A savings of $148,070 or at $14,214 per employee another 10 employees could be hired!

There are about 4.5 million businesses with 50 or less employees.

If 20% of those 4.5 million or 900,000 businesses hired 7 people at $6.00/ hour.. that would be 6,300,000 fewer unemployed!
Sources: Statistics about Small Business
Since the majority of minimum wage, minimum skills are Teenagers (16 to 19 years) over 23.4 million,

So if the majority of the NEW HIRED AT $6.00/hr are teenagers... WHAT kind of family do they support.. ALMOST NONE!
What will the spend it on.. consuming!
What will that mean to the families they LIVE with that currently support these teenagers.. LOTS because in many cases the newly employed teen will contribute to the families income thus REDUCING POVERTY!!!!

The actual figure is somewhere between 4.5 million and 4.75 million firms with 50 or fewer employees.
Sources: Statistics about Small Business

Teenagers (16 to 19 years)..... 23.4 million
National Retail Federation - Retail Sales per Establishment and Employee

SO WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS to refute this MATH???
You make a good point but the question is, would they really hire more if it was dropped?
WHERE are YOUR FACTS when you say lowering what employers have to pay would "It would increase unemployment,"???
Do you understand that EMPLOYERS pay for employees BASED on their wages 6.2% for SS, 1.45% for Medicare, and as much as 7% for FUTA/SUTA??

I don't think you knew that!
So if employers have to pay less in FEDERAL payroll taxes that means they have more to hire more people!

Instead of reducing GDP as you suggest without any proof, this would INCREASE GDP!
As many of the minimum wage, low skill workers are teenagers who live at home who cost parents money by being unemployed BUT would SAVE parents money even add to the income of the parents... SO what is wrong with that???
Now the parents have more income can spend more ALSO adding to GDP!!!

Where is there a losing element in any of this???
I am waiting for just one INQUISITIVE intelligent person to ask for the proof how lowering the minimum wage would lower unemployment!

It would increase unemployment, that's already been proven. With no disposable income to spend, consumers quit buying. Consumers quit buying, manufacturing slows. Manufacturing slows, unemployment increases.

The Rust Belt debunked your silly little disinfo theory 30 years ago.

Please try to keep up.

OK.. THEN explain this MATH!!

Right now with Minimum wage of $7.25. We Both agree RIGHT?

This means an employer pays 6.2% for SS, 1.45% for Medicare, and from 3 to 6.2% for unemployment taxes. Do you agree or didn't you know this???

So over all an employer pays up to 13.9% on the minimum wage worker.
This is means today an employer with 50 employees working 40 hours the employer after adding Employer's payment of SS/Medicare/FUTA costs: $858,806.

But if the minimum wage was lowered to $6.00 the total out of pocket cost to the employer is $710,736.

A savings of $148,070 or at $14,214 per employee another 10 employees could be hired!

There are about 4.5 million businesses with 50 or less employees.

If 20% of those 4.5 million or 900,000 businesses hired 7 people at $6.00/ hour.. that would be 6,300,000 fewer unemployed!
Sources: Statistics about Small Business
Since the majority of minimum wage, minimum skills are Teenagers (16 to 19 years) over 23.4 million,

So if the majority of the NEW HIRED AT $6.00/hr are teenagers... WHAT kind of family do they support.. ALMOST NONE!
What will the spend it on.. consuming!
What will that mean to the families they LIVE with that currently support these teenagers.. LOTS because in many cases the newly employed teen will contribute to the families income thus REDUCING POVERTY!!!!

The actual figure is somewhere between 4.5 million and 4.75 million firms with 50 or fewer employees.
Sources: Statistics about Small Business

Teenagers (16 to 19 years)..... 23.4 million
National Retail Federation - Retail Sales per Establishment and Employee

SO WHERE ARE YOUR FACTS to refute this MATH???

Hey here is some facts. No company with 50 employees has all 50 being paid minimum wage. That is fact. Maybe if you go into a busy fast food resturant, they MIGHT have 50% of their employees being paid minimum wage. But probably not.

The second fact for you is that no business hires just becaues they can pay their minimum wage worker less. Business hires because the demand for the goods or service they provide has grown to the point where they need more production of goods or service. And if a service related job, they did not grow their service related business on minimum wage workers. And if they produce a product, the did not generate new products on the efforts of minimum wage worders.

Have you ever held a job? If so, it wasn't fact based was it. But I bet you got paid minimum wage. Cause with critical thinking like you just displayed, well minimum wage may have been overpayment.
Lower the minimum wage.
That simple.
If you want the economic reality ask and I will share!

That's simple all right.


These GRANDIOSE massive efforts to MARCH 310 million people who historically have distrusted directions coming from "CENTRAL COMMITTEES", "Central Planning"
KNOW much better their local conditions local ethics, local rules and regulations then some cubby-holed bureaucrats thinking they are micromanaging their own little "SIMS"!

So yes it is that simple. Lower minimum wage will hire MORE teenagers! Will lower teenage unemployment rate by 7 million teenagers that make up 18% of unemployeed.
This will instead of COSTING parents money in allowances, food,etc. the kids BRING income in!
Like I did when minimum wage was $1.65 and my sacking groceries job too menial for college educated was just right to keep me from running the streets..
All attributes that RAISING instead of lowering will cause more!
This is preposterous.

Low wage jobs are not charity. They only exist because the employer needs them.

If an employer has 10 people working for him at $7.25 an hour, it's because he needs 10 man-hours of work done per hour.

If you lower the minimum wage to 6.25, does he hire an extra person? Of course not. He doesn't NEED an extra person. 10 people are getting the job done that he needs done...

...lower the minimum wage to 6.25, and all that happens is that the employer pockets an extra 10 bucks for every hour his people work.
Lower the minimum wage.
That simple.
If you want the economic reality ask and I will share!

That's simple all right.


These GRANDIOSE massive efforts to MARCH 310 million people who historically have distrusted directions coming from "CENTRAL COMMITTEES", "Central Planning"
KNOW much better their local conditions local ethics, local rules and regulations then some cubby-holed bureaucrats thinking they are micromanaging their own little "SIMS"!

So yes it is that simple. Lower minimum wage will hire MORE teenagers! Will lower teenage unemployment rate by 7 million teenagers that make up 18% of unemployeed.
This will instead of COSTING parents money in allowances, food,etc. the kids BRING income in!
Like I did when minimum wage was $1.65 and my sacking groceries job too menial for college educated was just right to keep me from running the streets..
All attributes that RAISING instead of lowering will cause more!

What business will hire more people, if they don't need them to do the work? Why would I want to hire someone at half the minimum wage, if I didn't need them?
This is preposterous.

Low wage jobs are not charity. They only exist because the employer needs them.

If an employer has 10 people working for him at $7.25 an hour, it's because he needs 10 man-hours of work done per hour.

If you lower the minimum wage to 6.25, does he hire an extra person? Of course not. He doesn't NEED an extra person. 10 people are getting the job done that he needs done...

...lower the minimum wage to 6.25, and all that happens is that the employer pockets an extra 10 bucks for every hour his people work.

AND??? So what???? I imagine YOU bury your extra money in the back yard right???
I bet you have oh hundreds of dollars under your mattress???

A) What have you Central planners constantly said.. STIMULATE the economy by borrowing more money from chinese !

B) What do you idiots say.. evil business owners will ONLY pocket the lower wages ... YET your frugal President is spending
millions today in Fl playing golf in secret while OUR taxes are paying his trips and wife's trip to CO!

C) AND YOU idiot... ASSUME just for once that the employers greedy bastards they are, KNOW if they had more people working slave labor wages of $6.00 who will want the jobs that will bring in more GroSS sales meaning UGH more profits! OH by the way did I mention more PROFITS mean MORE TAXES???

Works everytime.. when more people employed more taxes being paid by more people employed then going out to people in unemployment payments!

Besides... again you idiots have NO facts when you make your idiotic grandiose hyperbolic statements HERE are the facts as to
WHO is paid MINIMUM WAGE... Easy to get dumb shiT!!!

FROM THE GOVERNMENT if you took time to get your facts!!!
Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

Among those paid by the hour, 1.7 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 2.2 million had wages below the minimum.

Together, these 3.8 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 5.2 percent of all hourly-paid workers.
Among employed teenagers paid by the hour, about 23 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 3 percent of workers age 25 and over.

I know to you this is complicated.. but SIMPLY put.
3.9 million make up I am shouting now!!! 1.2% OF THE ENTIRE POPULATION!
And of these 3.9 million that make minimum or less.. 23% are teenagers!

So when the idiot,economic SHRIFTED Prez pushes for HIGHER minimum wage GEEZ don't you think employers will have to let workers go???
What a stupid theory.

Unemployment would not go down simply because of lowering the minimum wage.

It's likely even the opposite.
This is preposterous.

Low wage jobs are not charity. They only exist because the employer needs them.

If an employer has 10 people working for him at $7.25 an hour, it's because he needs 10 man-hours of work done per hour.

If you lower the minimum wage to 6.25, does he hire an extra person? Of course not. He doesn't NEED an extra person. 10 people are getting the job done that he needs done...

...lower the minimum wage to 6.25, and all that happens is that the employer pockets an extra 10 bucks for every hour his people work.

AND??? So what???? I imagine YOU bury your extra money in the back yard right???
I bet you have oh hundreds of dollars under your mattress???

A) What have you Central planners constantly said.. STIMULATE the economy by borrowing more money from chinese !

B) What do you idiots say.. evil business owners will ONLY pocket the lower wages ... YET your frugal President is spending
millions today in Fl playing golf in secret while OUR taxes are paying his trips and wife's trip to CO!

C) AND YOU idiot... ASSUME just for once that the employers greedy bastards they are, KNOW if they had more people working slave labor wages of $6.00 who will want the jobs that will bring in more GroSS sales meaning UGH more profits! OH by the way did I mention more PROFITS mean MORE TAXES???

Works everytime.. when more people employed more taxes being paid by more people employed then going out to people in unemployment payments!

Besides... again you idiots have NO facts when you make your idiotic grandiose hyperbolic statements HERE are the facts as to
WHO is paid MINIMUM WAGE... Easy to get dumb shiT!!!

FROM THE GOVERNMENT if you took time to get your facts!!!
Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2011

Among those paid by the hour, 1.7 million earned exactly the prevailing Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 2.2 million had wages below the minimum.

Together, these 3.8 million workers with wages at or below the Federal minimum made up 5.2 percent of all hourly-paid workers.
Among employed teenagers paid by the hour, about 23 percent earned the minimum wage or less,
compared with about 3 percent of workers age 25 and over.

I know to you this is complicated.. but SIMPLY put.
3.9 million make up I am shouting now!!! 1.2% OF THE ENTIRE POPULATION!
And of these 3.9 million that make minimum or less.. 23% are teenagers!

So when the idiot,economic SHRIFTED Prez pushes for HIGHER minimum wage GEEZ don't you think employers will have to let workers go???

Nothing in the above rant has anything to do with what I posted, you asshole.

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