WaPo/ABC poll: Trump approval at 42%, lowest ever at this point

That means he's probably at 55 or 60%.

That means you are an idiot fully willing to deny even most basic facts.

There has not been even a single poll that was anywhere near those fantastical numbers.
When have you ever posted any facts? Seems like it's always a regurgitated MSM hit job.

lol I posted a fact right in the post you quoted. Fact you can't dispute.
Facts? From MSM? Riiiiight.
Higher then when he was elected so it's going up.
Higher then Democrats in Congress as well.
And all that according to a fake news liberal poll!
He's doing fine.

Every poll since his election has been a record low for the time he was in office. Trump has held steady as the least approved of president ever.
By lefties. Which is a big plus. Polls said he couldn't win too, and for a long time. But liberals still think the president is supposed to take the left wing pulse every morning and do their bidding. Y'all are seriously confused.

Got it. If polls favor Trump, they're good. if not, they are bad. How perfectly RWNJ that is.
You are a full blooded no holds barred retard. I give no polling any credence and never made your claim. Why do you insist on PROVING just how goddamn dumb you are? Including the retard that supported your statement.

Got it. Anything that agrees with what you want it to be is great. Anything else, and you put your fingers in your ears and say LaLaLaLaLaLaLaLala
This is exactly what liberals are doing.
Facts? From MSM? Riiiiight.

Suddenly even the fox news poll is MSM
I have always stated Fox is biased just like all the rest. Why do you lib ALWAYS make up crap? In fact, I'm sure I've been banned or am about to be banned form the douches at Fox's website for my comments calling them out on their bias. Now, take this and spin it so you'll look im-potent.
In fact, I'm sure I've been banned or am about to be banned form the douches at Fox's website for my comments calling them out on their bias..

It doesn't take much to get banned from fox news. Their policy is you can't say anything bad about fox news, or any of their personnel. So all you had to do is tell the truth about Bill O'Reilly, and just like Bill-o, you would be gone.
In fact, I'm sure I've been banned or am about to be banned form the douches at Fox's website for my comments calling them out on their bias..

It doesn't take much to get banned from fox news. Their policy is you can't say anything bad about fox news, or any of their personnel. So all you had to do is tell the truth about Bill O'Reilly, and just like Bill-o, you would be gone.
Just like you, I don't know very much about Bill O'Reilly. What I refereed to in general was their constant bias.
Just like you, I don't know very much about Bill O'Reilly. What I refereed to in general was their constant bias.

You said you were on the verge, or possibly already banned from Fox News. That doesnt' say much, since as I pointed out, you need only say something negative, even if completely true, about one of their personnel, to warrant that action, It's in their rules.
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.

1. You need to separate popularity from success or failure. I realize being a follower has become very important to the left, but you'd think you'd have learned something from the election. You didn't. Additionally, most polls lean left (obviously). Personally, I prefer a capable leader over prom king.

2. Abe Lincoln wasn't popular either. Course he was our greatest POUS. He was generally on the side of right as opposed what the public desired, because he was a step ahead of everyone else (similar Trump).

3. Liberals have become easy targets & victims of liberal propaganda. They protest just to protest, and that's become very apparent. Beings they're generally wrong about everything, Trump's unpopularity with this group would imply he's doing a great job.
2. Abe Lincoln wasn't popular either. Course he was our greatest POUS. He was generally on the side of right as opposed what the public desired, because he was a step ahead of everyone else (similar Trump)..

Trump is the antithesis of Lincoln. Trump esposes the lowest common denominator. Trump goes with the crowd, rather than trying to educate or convince them of what's right. Trump tells a country of immigrants, he's closing the border,. Trump tells the world the US will no longer policew it. And Trump says our alies are on their own.

Lincoln was a uniter, not a divider.
Lincoln was a 'tax and spend' liberal. Imposing an income tax on the rich. Spin that to be 'just like Trump'
2. Abe Lincoln wasn't popular either. Course he was our greatest POUS. He was generally on the side of right as opposed what the public desired, because he was a step ahead of everyone else (similar Trump)..

Trump is the antithesis of Lincoln. Trump esposes the lowest common denominator. Trump goes with the crowd, rather than trying to educate or convince them of what's right. Trump tells a country of immigrants, he's closing the border,. Trump tells the world the US will no longer policew it. And Trump says our alies are on their own.

Lincoln was a uniter, not a divider.
Trump is correct. Close the borders, let our "allies" take care of themselves, and BTW, we are not a country of illegal immigrants.
Every single Trump voter is a fucking idiot, so naturally, they won't be admitting anything anytime soon. They're so fucking stupid that they actually think he's following through on his campaign promises. Sad!
"Polls" :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Hey snowflake....are these the same polls that predicted Hitlery would win in a landslide?
Poor little Billy000 is one of those people who the media and pollsters can lie to over and over and over and he will still believe everything they feed him. :lmao:

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