WaPo/ABC poll: Trump approval at 42%, lowest ever at this point

That means he's probably at 55 or 60%.

That means you are an idiot fully willing to deny even most basic facts.

There has not been even a single poll that was anywhere near those fantastical numbers.
Who is sitting in the Oval Office, asshole? Here's a hint: It ain't Hillary Clinton. Every poll and every msm pundit predicted a Clinton landslide. Fake polls, just like the fake stories they ran against Trump. Seems like the idiots are the ones who still believe the polls (published by the same people who predicted a Clinton landslide in November). That means YOU, sucker.

Hey dummy, national polls didn't show electoral college results, they showed national vote and were VERY accurate taken on average, just 1% off.

You want to believe some bullshit and you do, damn the evidence.
You're just a glutton for punishment, aren't you? :lol:

Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
/---- Here ya go Stumpy: WASH POST SHOCK POLL: Trump still beats Clinton, 43%-40%...
View attachment 122966
i wonder how bad trump would of beaten the beast if we deduct california
The same people who believed the polls that showed Hillary in a landslide now depend on post election polls sponsored by the criminal conspiracy in the MSM. Isn't it something like insanity to trust polls that have been proven to be biased and bigoted and wrong in the past?
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Although his party support remains firm, his lost of independents has been staggering.

New WSJ/NBC poll shows 40% approve of the job Trump is doing and 54% disapprove,a 14 point gap, the widest yet.
That means he's probably at 55 or 60%.

That means you are an idiot fully willing to deny even most basic facts.

There has not been even a single poll that was anywhere near those fantastical numbers.
Who is sitting in the Oval Office, asshole? Here's a hint: It ain't Hillary Clinton. Every poll and every msm pundit predicted a Clinton landslide. Fake polls, just like the fake stories they ran against Trump. Seems like the idiots are the ones who still believe the polls (published by the same people who predicted a Clinton landslide in November). That means YOU, sucker.

Hey dummy, national polls didn't show electoral college results, they showed national vote and were VERY accurate taken on average, just 1% off.

You want to believe some bullshit and you do, damn the evidence.
You're just a glutton for punishment, aren't you? :lol:

Retard, do you even understand what the words NATIONAL POLL mean?

I'll give you another clue: not a single vid you linked to is a result of a national poll.

Yes Clinton lost, yes STATE polling was off and YES national polling was spot on. Learn this and stop spreading your retard alt-facts already.

In this country Trump is well underwater in approval among adults. That is not up to your interpretation, that is a well established fact by all professional, scientific polling.
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Retard, do you even understand what the words NATIONAL POLL mean?
Yeah, and the same fucking people were predicting an ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE, idiot. You're trying to save face but it ain't workin'.
In this country Trump is well underwater in approval among adults. That is not up to your interpretation, that is a well established fact by all professional, scientific polling.
The same "professional, scientific polling" that told us Clinton would win in an ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE. Watch the videos again and you'll see the state by state polling predicting a Clinton ELECTORAL COLLEGE victory in the battleground states. That's not national polling. But keep clinging to that popular vote narrative if it gives you comfort in your defeat.
Retard, do you even understand what the words NATIONAL POLL mean?
Yeah, and the same fucking people were predicting an ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE, idiot. You're trying to save face but it ain't workin'.
In this country Trump is well underwater in approval among adults. That is not up to your interpretation, that is a well established fact by all professional, scientific polling.
The same "professional, scientific polling" that told us Clinton would win in an ELECTORAL LANDSLIDE. Watch the videos again and you'll see the state by state polling predicting a Clinton ELECTORAL COLLEGE victory in the battleground states. That's not national polling. But keep clinging to that popular vote narrative if it gives you comfort in your defeat.

No ignoranus, they are not the same people.

Modeling electoral college election outcome and simply conducting a national poll are two completely different things.

National polls were spot, Clinton did get 2 million more votes and nothing you said disputes that.

So learn the fucking difference if you want to run your mouth in this topic.
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Although his party support remains firm, his lost of independents has been staggering.

New WSJ/NBC poll shows 40% approve of the job Trump is doing and 54% disapprove,a 14 point gap, the widest yet.
/---- Well Geepers, let's drill down in that poll and see what we find: "The survey of 900 adults found some bright spots for the president, including strong support for the missile strikes he ordered on Syria in response to a chemical attack there in early April. More than six people in 10 approved of the military action, and half approved of his handling of Syria overall." Now why didn't you mention that as well?
piss lib.jpg
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Although his party support remains firm, his lost of independents has been staggering.

New WSJ/NBC poll shows 40% approve of the job Trump is doing and 54% disapprove,a 14 point gap, the widest yet.
/---- Well Geepers, let's drill down in that poll and see what we find: "The survey of 900 adults found some bright spots for the president, including strong support for the missile strikes he ordered on Syria in response to a chemical attack there in early April. More than six people in 10 approved of the military action, and half approved of his handling of Syria overall." Now why didn't you mention that as well?
View attachment 123052

Lol, that's it?

Trump, the-sand-digger-with-missiles in charge.
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Although his party support remains firm, his lost of independents has been staggering.

New WSJ/NBC poll shows 40% approve of the job Trump is doing and 54% disapprove,a 14 point gap, the widest yet.
/---- Well Geepers, let's drill down in that poll and see what we find: "The survey of 900 adults found some bright spots for the president, including strong support for the missile strikes he ordered on Syria in response to a chemical attack there in early April. More than six people in 10 approved of the military action, and half approved of his handling of Syria overall." Now why didn't you mention that as well?
View attachment 123052

Lol, that's it?

Trump, the-sand-digger-with-missiles in charge.
/---- No you idiot. The point is the poll the OP bragged about was from 900 random adults. It is a poll taken to generate a news story. Polls of random adults are easy and fast to do. You take a series of them to find one that fits your narrative and ignore the rest. Polls of 2,000 + likely voters is the most accurate but also the most expensive and time consuming to do. Get it?
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Although his party support remains firm, his lost of independents has been staggering.

New WSJ/NBC poll shows 40% approve of the job Trump is doing and 54% disapprove,a 14 point gap, the widest yet.
/---- Well Geepers, let's drill down in that poll and see what we find: "The survey of 900 adults found some bright spots for the president, including strong support for the missile strikes he ordered on Syria in response to a chemical attack there in early April. More than six people in 10 approved of the military action, and half approved of his handling of Syria overall." Now why didn't you mention that as well?
View attachment 123052

Lol, that's it?

Trump, the-sand-digger-with-missiles in charge.
/---- No you idiot. The point is the poll the OP bragged about was from 900 random adults. It is a poll taken to generate a news story. Polls of random adults are easy and fast to do. You take a series of them to find one that fits your narrative and ignore the rest. Polls of 2,000 + likely voters is the most accurate but also the most expensive and time consuming to do. Get it?

No I don't get it dummy. We are not ignoring any polls and American Adult sample CONSISTENTLY AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION shows trump well underwater at about -10
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Although his party support remains firm, his lost of independents has been staggering.

New WSJ/NBC poll shows 40% approve of the job Trump is doing and 54% disapprove,a 14 point gap, the widest yet.
/---- Well Geepers, let's drill down in that poll and see what we find: "The survey of 900 adults found some bright spots for the president, including strong support for the missile strikes he ordered on Syria in response to a chemical attack there in early April. More than six people in 10 approved of the military action, and half approved of his handling of Syria overall." Now why didn't you mention that as well?
View attachment 123052

Lol, that's it?

Trump, the-sand-digger-with-missiles in charge.
/---- No you idiot. The point is the poll the OP bragged about was from 900 random adults. It is a poll taken to generate a news story. Polls of random adults are easy and fast to do. You take a series of them to find one that fits your narrative and ignore the rest. Polls of 2,000 + likely voters is the most accurate but also the most expensive and time consuming to do. Get it?

No I don't get it dummy. We are not ignoring any polls and American Adult sample CONSISTENTLY AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION shows trump well underwater at about -10
/---- You don't get a simple fact and you call me a dummy? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
free stuff.jpg
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Although his party support remains firm, his lost of independents has been staggering.

New WSJ/NBC poll shows 40% approve of the job Trump is doing and 54% disapprove,a 14 point gap, the widest yet.
/---- Well Geepers, let's drill down in that poll and see what we find: "The survey of 900 adults found some bright spots for the president, including strong support for the missile strikes he ordered on Syria in response to a chemical attack there in early April. More than six people in 10 approved of the military action, and half approved of his handling of Syria overall." Now why didn't you mention that as well?
View attachment 123052

Lol, that's it?

Trump, the-sand-digger-with-missiles in charge.
/---- No you idiot. The point is the poll the OP bragged about was from 900 random adults. It is a poll taken to generate a news story. Polls of random adults are easy and fast to do. You take a series of them to find one that fits your narrative and ignore the rest. Polls of 2,000 + likely voters is the most accurate but also the most expensive and time consuming to do. Get it?

No I don't get it dummy. We are not ignoring any polls and American Adult sample CONSISTENTLY AND WITHOUT EXCEPTION shows trump well underwater at about -10
/--- Rasmussen has Trump at 49%. Here is how they conduct the poll: Daily tracking results are collected via telephone surveys of 500 likely voters per night and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel. The margin of sampling error for the full sample of 1,500 Likely Voters is +/- 2.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Results are also compiled on a full-week basis and crosstabs for full-week results are available for Platinum Members. Get it?
Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
No ignoranus, they are not the same people.
Look at the headline in this link. It says ABC, doesn't it? Now read the OP for this thread. It says ABC, doesn't it? Same people, retard.
ABC News Presidential State Ratings
National polls were spot, Clinton did get 2 million more votes and nothing you said disputes that.
So what? The SAME PEOPLE also predicted Clinton would win over 270 electoral votes. They have no credibility, that's my point, idiot.
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Although his party support remains firm, his lost of independents has been staggering.

New WSJ/NBC poll shows 40% approve of the job Trump is doing and 54% disapprove,a 14 point gap, the widest yet.
/---- Well Geepers, let's drill down in that poll and see what we find: "The survey of 900 adults found some bright spots for the president, including strong support for the missile strikes he ordered on Syria in response to a chemical attack there in early April. More than six people in 10 approved of the military action, and half approved of his handling of Syria overall." Now why didn't you mention that as well?
View attachment 123052
And what does that tells us. Trump's best bet at improving poll numbers lies with military action? The problem of course is after the death tolls and the huge cost in dollars start coming in, people start asking questions like was there a better way or was this really necessary, or how the hell are we going to get out of this mess. That's when the presidential approval polls really head south.
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Do you suppose those numbers will cause him to lose the election next week?

No election next week? Then what fucking difference does it make...
No, but the fund raising for the midterm elections has started and some candidates have already started campaigning. No congressman wants to tie himself to a sinking ship and that seems to be the way the Trump administration is headed.
Donald Trump has an approval rating lower than any other President at a comparable time. Nearing 100 days, Trump’s approval at record lows but his base is holding

In this thread, we will discuss the reasons why Trump has been such a huge failure.
Americans are dissatisfied with President Donald Trump as he nears his 100th day in office, with views of his effectiveness and ability to shake up Washington slipping, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Although his party support remains firm, his lost of independents has been staggering.

New WSJ/NBC poll shows 40% approve of the job Trump is doing and 54% disapprove,a 14 point gap, the widest yet.
/---- Well Geepers, let's drill down in that poll and see what we find: "The survey of 900 adults found some bright spots for the president, including strong support for the missile strikes he ordered on Syria in response to a chemical attack there in early April. More than six people in 10 approved of the military action, and half approved of his handling of Syria overall." Now why didn't you mention that as well?
View attachment 123052

Lol, that's it?

Trump, the-sand-digger-with-missiles in charge.
/---- No you idiot. The point is the poll the OP bragged about was from 900 random adults. It is a poll taken to generate a news story. Polls of random adults are easy and fast to do. You take a series of them to find one that fits your narrative and ignore the rest. Polls of 2,000 + likely voters is the most accurate but also the most expensive and time consuming to do. Get it?
That is complete nonsense. Polls aren't usually conducted by the organizations that report them but rather professional polling services whose business depends on the integrity of their polls. Hart Research Associates is a major polling service that conducts most of the WSJ/NBC polls. They have been in the polling business for over 40 years. They have thousands of clients in the political arena as well as business, nonprofits, media, and higher education. People that pay for polls and subscribe to the results want the truth because they make decision based on the results. Any major polling service that slants their results will soon find themselves out of business.

As of 4/22, Gallup, the largest polling service in the country, reported Trump Job Approval as:
40% approval
54% disapproval
Essential the same results as WSJ/NBC poll. Gallup's daily results are based on telephone interviews with approximately 1,500 national adults; Margin of error is ±3 percentage points.
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