War In Ukraine Has Decimated A Once Feared Russian Brigade


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011

I think "decimated" is an understatement. Dismembered is a better description.

Things must be going very badly for Russia if they felt it necessary to deploy a brigade meant to protect their nuclear arsenal to fight in Ukraine.

And that brigade has been catastrophically damaged.

No wonder Putin is resorting to drones now. It's all he has left to fight with.

Nuclear-armed submarines slip in and out of the frigid waters along the coast of Russia’s Kola Peninsula at the northern edge of Europe. Missiles capable of destroying cities are stored by the dozens in bunkers burrowed into the inland hills.

Since the Cold War, this Arctic arsenal has been protected by a combat unit considered one of Russia’s most formidable — the 200th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade — until it sent its best fighters and weapons to Ukraine this year and was effectively destroyed.


A document detailing a mid-war inventory of its ranks shows that by late May, fewer than 900 soldiers were left in two battalion tactical groups that, according to Western officials, had departed the brigade’s garrison in Russia with more than 1,400. The brigade’s commander was badly wounded. And some of those still being counted as part of the unit were listed as hospitalized, missing or “refuseniks” unwilling to fight, according to the document, part of a trove of internal Russian military files obtained by Ukraine’s security services and provided to The Post.

I wonder what Russia does to "refuseniks".

“They are barely at 60 percent strength, being forced to rely on reinforcements that aren’t near enough,” Pekka Toveri, former director of Finland’s defense intelligence service, said in an interview. “You have guys who are refusing to fight, guys who are missing. It all tells us that for Russia the war has gone terribly wrong.”


Many of the unit’s most potent weapons, including mobile rocket launchers and tanks, were either destroyed or captured.


All the while, the brigade was being degraded from within. The skilled troops and professional officers sent into battle at the start of the war with state-of-the-art T-80BVM tanks have given way to an assemblage of poorly trained conscripts pressed into service with paltry or outdated gear.

Some of the brigade’s own soldiers described its condition as dire.

“The unit is in a state of decay,” said a soldier now serving in the 200th after being drafted under mobilization orders that Putin issued in September. He and others were initially issued “painted helmets from 1941 and vests without plates,” he said in an interview with The Post this month. “They are not even training us. … They just tell you, ‘You are a shooter now. Here you go, here is a machine gun.’”

In a war that has been disastrous for much of Russia’s military, the dismemberment of the 200th stands out. It entered the conflict with better training, newer equipment and more experience — including prior combat missions in Ukraine — than most other units. Now, given the magnitude of its losses, one European military official said, it “cannot be considered a fighting force.”


The troops, like others in the invading force, were led to believe they were deploying to take part in drills, according to Ukrainian officials citing accounts of captured 200th soldiers. Only at 3 a.m. on Feb. 24 were they told, “There will be shooting,” an official said.


By day’s end, multiple units of the 200th had been ambushed or attacked, dozens of soldiers killed or wounded, and equipment including tanks and “Grad” mobile rocket launchers destroyed or abandoned on roadsides, according to Ukrainian and Western accounts.


“The front they were assigned proved to be well defended with very motivated Ukrainians,” a senior European intelligence official said. :Boom2:

“What’s there to know about them?” Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky, who later commanded the Kharkiv offensive, said recently in an interview when asked about the 200th. “They run away very well.” :scared1:


In a sign of growing desperation, the brigade in June began forming what it called a “mixed volunteer battalion” including sailors pulled off Northern Fleet ships, logistics specialists from depots and others often coerced into action despite having little or no experience or training in ground combat, according to Western officials.


Ukrainian commanders described battles in which 200th soldiers wouldn’t fight or defied orders. In mid-July, a Ukrainian reconnaissance unit captured audio of a Russian tank commander in Hrakove screaming at subordinates.

“Should I show you how to kill Ukrainians? I’ll get in the tank myself,” the commander shouted, shortly before the tank was destroyed by a Javelin missile, according to Oleksandr, a reconnaissance scout in Ukraine’s 92nd Mechanized Brigade, who spoke on the condition that his surname not be published to maintain his security.

YEAH, BABY! That's why I have Saint Javelin as my avatar.

It's a long article, but well worth reading. There is a great blow by blow account of how the Ukrainians destroyed the 200th. Excellent tactics.
No,russia is a paper tiger and has been for decades.
Hell,they've been trying for over a decade to get their one aircraft carrier sea worthy,it spends more time in dry dock than on the water.
So no the Ukraine hasn't decimated the russian military,it's been a shiit show for a long time.
This was predicted to happen. They learned nothing from our debacles which happened because we previously learning nothing from their earlier debacles.

I think "decimated" is an understatement. Dismembered is a better description.

Things must be going very badly for Russia if they felt it necessary to deploy a brigade meant to protect their nuclear arsenal to fight in Ukraine.

And that brigade has been catastrophically damaged.

No wonder Putin is resorting to drones now. It's all he has left to fight with.

Nuclear-armed submarines slip in and out of the frigid waters along the coast of Russia’s Kola Peninsula at the northern edge of Europe. Missiles capable of destroying cities are stored by the dozens in bunkers burrowed into the inland hills.

Since the Cold War, this Arctic arsenal has been protected by a combat unit considered one of Russia’s most formidable — the 200th Separate Motor Rifle Brigade — until it sent its best fighters and weapons to Ukraine this year and was effectively destroyed.


A document detailing a mid-war inventory of its ranks shows that by late May, fewer than 900 soldiers were left in two battalion tactical groups that, according to Western officials, had departed the brigade’s garrison in Russia with more than 1,400. The brigade’s commander was badly wounded. And some of those still being counted as part of the unit were listed as hospitalized, missing or “refuseniks” unwilling to fight, according to the document, part of a trove of internal Russian military files obtained by Ukraine’s security services and provided to The Post.

I wonder what Russia does to "refuseniks".

“They are barely at 60 percent strength, being forced to rely on reinforcements that aren’t near enough,” Pekka Toveri, former director of Finland’s defense intelligence service, said in an interview. “You have guys who are refusing to fight, guys who are missing. It all tells us that for Russia the war has gone terribly wrong.”


Many of the unit’s most potent weapons, including mobile rocket launchers and tanks, were either destroyed or captured.


All the while, the brigade was being degraded from within. The skilled troops and professional officers sent into battle at the start of the war with state-of-the-art T-80BVM tanks have given way to an assemblage of poorly trained conscripts pressed into service with paltry or outdated gear.

Some of the brigade’s own soldiers described its condition as dire.

“The unit is in a state of decay,” said a soldier now serving in the 200th after being drafted under mobilization orders that Putin issued in September. He and others were initially issued “painted helmets from 1941 and vests without plates,” he said in an interview with The Post this month. “They are not even training us. … They just tell you, ‘You are a shooter now. Here you go, here is a machine gun.’”

In a war that has been disastrous for much of Russia’s military, the dismemberment of the 200th stands out. It entered the conflict with better training, newer equipment and more experience — including prior combat missions in Ukraine — than most other units. Now, given the magnitude of its losses, one European military official said, it “cannot be considered a fighting force.”


The troops, like others in the invading force, were led to believe they were deploying to take part in drills, according to Ukrainian officials citing accounts of captured 200th soldiers. Only at 3 a.m. on Feb. 24 were they told, “There will be shooting,” an official said.


By day’s end, multiple units of the 200th had been ambushed or attacked, dozens of soldiers killed or wounded, and equipment including tanks and “Grad” mobile rocket launchers destroyed or abandoned on roadsides, according to Ukrainian and Western accounts.


“The front they were assigned proved to be well defended with very motivated Ukrainians,” a senior European intelligence official said. :Boom2:

“What’s there to know about them?” Col. Gen. Oleksandr Syrsky, who later commanded the Kharkiv offensive, said recently in an interview when asked about the 200th. “They run away very well.” :scared1:


In a sign of growing desperation, the brigade in June began forming what it called a “mixed volunteer battalion” including sailors pulled off Northern Fleet ships, logistics specialists from depots and others often coerced into action despite having little or no experience or training in ground combat, according to Western officials.


Ukrainian commanders described battles in which 200th soldiers wouldn’t fight or defied orders. In mid-July, a Ukrainian reconnaissance unit captured audio of a Russian tank commander in Hrakove screaming at subordinates.

“Should I show you how to kill Ukrainians? I’ll get in the tank myself,” the commander shouted, shortly before the tank was destroyed by a Javelin missile, according to Oleksandr, a reconnaissance scout in Ukraine’s 92nd Mechanized Brigade, who spoke on the condition that his surname not be published to maintain his security.

YEAH, BABY! That's why I have Saint Javelin as my avatar.

It's a long article, but well worth reading. There is a great blow by blow account of how the Ukrainians destroyed the 200th. Excellent tactics.
Your link is to "The Barents's Observer". And they cite no specific sources. The author didn't even put his name on the article fer crissakes. And you other link is hidden behind a paywall. That's spam.


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How long should we continue to fund this war?... 1 year 10 or 20?... how about 50 years?.... I'd really like one of you libtards to answer that question....
The Russian have upped the anti now the US will send equipment to shoot their planes down. This is going nowhere fast. Someone needs the guts to find where Putin is hiding and take him out of the equation.
Ha! 900 effectives left of 1400 after months of combat? A 40% causality rate (by all causes) ain't shit for a combat brigade after being in the field that long.

STFU and fly your Ukrainian flag like Tater tells ya.
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War In Ukraine Has Decimated A Once Feared Russian Brigade​

This will be infinitely irrelevant if the nuclear launch button is ever pressed.
A man with absolute power, obsessed with keeping that power, on the brink of losing it is a very dangerous situation for all.

There is no guarantee life on Earth will exist tomorrow.
OP Garbage
The original Ukey army of ca.200 000 has now been all but obliterated .

Wagner Group Breach Ukrainian Lines To Take Control of Eastern Bakhmut—ISW​


Russia's Wagner Group has breached Ukrainian lines to take control of the eastern portion of the city of Bakhmut, according to an assessment by the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
As long as it takes, Putin lover... change the damn channel you're on Russian propaganda lol
As long as it takes you will pay to defend Ukraine?... untold riches too?... your nations future economic standing?... you sir are a traitor to American and the American people... a Ukraine spy I presume?....
As long as it takes you will pay to defend Ukraine?... untold riches too?... your nations future economic standing?... you sir are a traitor to American and the American people... a Ukraine spy I presume?....
A Ukraine spy :auiqs.jpg:
What can a Ukraine spy do in the US?

War In Ukraine Has Decimated A Once Feared Russian Brigade​

This will be infinitely irrelevant if the nuclear launch button is ever pressed.
A man with absolute power, obsessed with keeping that power, on the brink of losing it is a very dangerous situation for all.

There is no guarantee life on Earth will exist tomorrow.

Exactly . The sooner Dementia Man and Blinken go the sooner we can relax .

The CIA has taken a terrible beating these last few months .

Need the late onset of winter to start fast to allow the Russian ground troops to wrap up this SMO .

There are up to 500 000 Russian troops waiting for that frozen ground in Russia , Donbass and Belarus .
A Ukraine spy :auiqs.jpg:
What can a Ukraine spy do in the US?
Convince weak minded non thinkers that sending trillions to Ukraine and picking a fight with a nuclear power is the right thing to do....
Decimation means 10% have been killed.

So, if 1400 soldiers that would be 1260 or fewer remaining.

But really this term just doesn’t have the same dramatic weight unless it’s done like Crassus during the Servile War, where a tenth of soldiers were chosen at random and killed by the remainder as a punishment for failure. The legions were so afraid of Spartacus and his gladiators that Crassus decided to give them something to fear more.

Evil? Absolutely.
Badass and dramatic? Absolutely.

And of course the evil bastard died later in a horrible and infamous way later.

The More You Know.
Convince weak minded non thinkers that sending trillions to Ukraine and picking a fight with a nuclear power is the right thing to do....
You mean those ones who don't want to be bitches of dictators like you and your ilk are? Something tells me these people don't need convincing.

No one talks about trillions and a fight with a nuclear power, dummy, so stop whining.
You mean those ones who don't want to be bitches of dictators like you and your ilk are? Something tells me these people don't need convincing.

No one talks about trillions and a fight with a nuclear power, dummy, so stop whining.
Odd, I don't recall Putin touching me in a inappropriate manner.
You mean those ones who don't want to be bitches of dictators like you and your ilk are? Something tells me these people don't need convincing.

No one talks about trillions and a fight with a nuclear power, dummy, so stop whining.
How do you figure we are bitches of a dictator?... because we don't want another fucking war?... haven't you had enough after a 20 year war?... I'm guessing you didn't go and fight in Afghanistan or Iraq and won't be going if Russia attacks American troops....
This is why we should have compensatory service for all when they turn 18 so we don't get punks like you red faced and shouting for war from the safety of your den....

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