War on men continues. College Baseball player booted from team for calling Mo'ne Davis a "slut"

Oh I know that. I'm saying that maybe people should not be able to get scholarships to college based on their athletic abilities?

I say that's a terrible idea. No offense.

Why? College is supposed to be about education, not sports.
Right. But if sports is a means to that education end how is that a problem?

Point I am trying to make is that getting a scholarship into a college should probably be based on academic achievement and not athleticism. Then, this wouldn't even be an issue. The only reason why colleges offer athletic scholarships is because sports bring in the money.
Right. But what is so wrong with offering a kid an opportunity for an education that wouldn't be there if not for sports?
I would say it's because boys are most often going to be stronger and more athletic than most girls. Therefore, having a boy on a girls' team would give that team an unfair advantage over a team that is ALL girls. If a girl is participating on a boys' team, that is not a concern. It is a biological fact that boys are stronger than girls.
A girl participating on a boys team is not an issue so long as she doesn't force anyone from participating by taking a spot that is limited by roster numbers. If the number is unlimited then it's moot. But if there is a roster limit then a boy is getting shorted and that is way wrong. Especially if a girls alternative is available.

There is no girls Little League baseball. There is no girls HS baseball. There is is no girls collegiate baseball. If a girl wants to play baseball, she needs to join a boys league.

I'd like you to point out some examples of girls taking roster spots from boys who ARE BETTER AT PLAYING BASEBALL.
Girls have softball at those levels. Boys don't have softball. So should boys try out for the girls softball teams or should they create their own softball teams? The same way girls can create their own baseball teams just as they have created girls opportunities for virtually every other sport.

Baseball and softball are different sports. If a boy wanted to play HS softball, I have no problem with him trying out for the team. If he's good enough, he should be put on the team.

You are one butthurt loser. Mo'ne Davis was selected to play on the "All Star" team from her league. That means she was better than just about every kid who played in the league. She wasn't given anyone's spot. She earned it.
She took a boy's spot an a boys team and the boy was not compensated by being allowed to take a girls spot on a girls team. Feminists want it both ways.

Liberals have a mental illness and a hatred for science if they don't understand why you don't put girls on a sport team full of young men.
She stole a spot. Boys are not allowed to play on girls teams. Girls teams were designed to better allow girls a chance to play sports.

Yup and we have the same thing in pro sports. Women are allowed to play in the NBA and the PGA but men can't play in the WNBA or LPGA.

Because men are naturally stronger than women. It makes for an unequal playing field.
You can't compare this issue with pro sports because those are totally market driven private enterprises.
Oh I know that. I'm saying that maybe people should not be able to get scholarships to college based on their athletic abilities?

I say that's a terrible idea. No offense.

Why? College is supposed to be about education, not sports.
Right. But if sports is a means to that education end how is that a problem?

Point I am trying to make is that getting a scholarship into a college should probably be based on academic achievement and not athleticism. Then, this wouldn't even be an issue. The only reason why colleges offer athletic scholarships is because sports bring in the money.
Right. But what is so wrong with offering a kid an opportunity for an education that wouldn't be there if not for sports?

I just don't think it's a very good reason to get a free college education . . . because you are good at sports.
She stole a spot. Boys are not allowed to play on girls teams. Girls teams were designed to better allow girls a chance to play sports.

Yup and we have the same thing in pro sports. Women are allowed to play in the NBA and the PGA but men can't play in the WNBA or LPGA.

Because men are naturally stronger than women. It makes for an unequal playing field.
You can't compare this issue with pro sports because those are totally market driven private enterprises.

I'm not. I'm saying that having a boy on a girls' team would potentially give that particular team an unfair edge against another team that happened to have ALL girls.
You're the one who sounds outraged with your insults. How about you stick to the topic and respond to the logic?
If you haven't coached any girls high school sports then you don't have the level of perspective on this topic that I do.
Explain how a girl can compete in a boys sport but boys can't compete in girls sports.

They let you around HS students? What sport?
More left wing disparagement. Just deal with the topic, OK, democrat?
Track and field, outdoor and indoor.

Dude....you are disparaging yourself here. Your take on this demonstrates below average intelligence. I wonder how you are permitted to work with young people.

I'm not a Democrat.

Track and field? Cool. Did you ever have an issue with a girl wanting to compete on the boys team?
You're the one who sounds outraged with your insults. How about you stick to the topic and respond to the logic?
If you haven't coached any girls high school sports then you don't have the level of perspective on this topic that I do.
Explain how a girl can compete in a boys sport but boys can't compete in girls sports.

They let you around HS students? What sport?
More left wing disparagement. Just deal with the topic, OK, democrat?
Track and field, outdoor and indoor.

Dude....you are disparaging yourself here. Your take on this demonstrates below average intelligence. I wonder how you are permitted to work with young people.

I'm not a Democrat.

Track and field? Cool. Did you ever have an issue with a girl wanting to compete on the boys team?
You reason like a democrat.
No need for a girl to compete on the boys team because there is already a girls team.
I have used the boys distance team to help prepare the girls for sprint competition.

If you had a girl who was faster than one of the boys on your 4 x 100 relay team.....and she wanted to run for the boys team instead of the girls team...you wouldn't allow her to? Because it would hurt the feelings of a slower boy? What if her speed meant the difference in your team winning states?
We wouldn't be allowed to. Title IX. What's more, I wouldn't permit it as a matter of fairness. If there was only one team and no girls alternative then that would be a different issue. But Title IX addresses that. Kind of in a defeatist manner, unfortunately. They insist that if no girls alternative is offered then the boys team must be nixed. Extremely counterproductive and extreme.
I say that's a terrible idea. No offense.

Why? College is supposed to be about education, not sports.
Right. But if sports is a means to that education end how is that a problem?

Point I am trying to make is that getting a scholarship into a college should probably be based on academic achievement and not athleticism. Then, this wouldn't even be an issue. The only reason why colleges offer athletic scholarships is because sports bring in the money.
Right. But what is so wrong with offering a kid an opportunity for an education that wouldn't be there if not for sports?

I just don't think it's a very good reason to get a free college education . . . because you are good at sports.
If the money is there why not apply to a good purpose? Why waste the opportunity?
She stole a spot. Boys are not allowed to play on girls teams. Girls teams were designed to better allow girls a chance to play sports.

Yup and we have the same thing in pro sports. Women are allowed to play in the NBA and the PGA but men can't play in the WNBA or LPGA.

Because men are naturally stronger than women. It makes for an unequal playing field.
You can't compare this issue with pro sports because those are totally market driven private enterprises.

I'm not. I'm saying that having a boy on a girls' team would potentially give that particular team an unfair edge against another team that happened to have ALL girls.
Of course it would. That is why girls teams were established. But feminists want it both ways, the hell with boys. Very rude and wrongheaded.
"War on men"? How about a War on Assholes. The guy is an asshole. He called a 13 year old child a slut in a public forum just because he is envious of her fame and the recognition she is receiving. He deserves to have his ass kicked too.

Again i ask. - Would a woman be thrown off her team if she insulted a male Little League player? THINK
If a grown woman called a 13 year old boy a slut I would personally kick her ass.
He was pretty stupid for calling a kid a name like that.
But someone needs to emphasize that this girl stole a spot from a deserving boy and that will never be corrected. It's not like the boy whose spot she took could go play on a girls team.
What's more, as the girl branded with the unfortunate ghetto name grows older, she will not be able to physically compete with males in her age group.
Flash-in-the-pan promo. At the expense of another kid's once in a lifetime opportunity.
She didn't steal any spot. She earned it
I just don't think it's a very good reason to get a free college education . . . because you are good at sports.

Right, they should probably get paid too when you consider how much money the college makes off them.

College should be "free". And colleges should pay their athletes but why would they agree to that? To be fair? lmao

Absolutely. College should be "free" to anyone who wants to go and meets the requirements. Our nation would kick global ass if we did something smart like that.
I just don't think it's a very good reason to get a free college education . . . because you are good at sports.

Right, they should probably get paid too when you consider how much money the college makes off them.

College should be "free". And colleges should pay their athletes but why would they agree to that? To be fair? lmao

Absolutely. College should be "free" to anyone who wants to go and meets the requirements. Our nation would kick global ass if we did something smart like that.

I think that would be wonderful, but the problem is that it is VERY expensive.
I just don't think it's a very good reason to get a free college education . . . because you are good at sports.

Right, they should probably get paid too when you consider how much money the college makes off them.

College should be "free". And colleges should pay their athletes but why would they agree to that? To be fair? lmao

Absolutely. College should be "free" to anyone who wants to go and meets the requirements. Our nation would kick global ass if we did something smart like that.

I think that would be wonderful, but the problem is that it is VERY expensive.

It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.
I just don't think it's a very good reason to get a free college education . . . because you are good at sports.

Right, they should probably get paid too when you consider how much money the college makes off them.

College should be "free". And colleges should pay their athletes but why would they agree to that? To be fair? lmao

Absolutely. College should be "free" to anyone who wants to go and meets the requirements. Our nation would kick global ass if we did something smart like that.

I think that would be wonderful, but the problem is that it is VERY expensive.

It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.

But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.
Right, they should probably get paid too when you consider how much money the college makes off them.

College should be "free". And colleges should pay their athletes but why would they agree to that? To be fair? lmao

Absolutely. College should be "free" to anyone who wants to go and meets the requirements. Our nation would kick global ass if we did something smart like that.

I think that would be wonderful, but the problem is that it is VERY expensive.

It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.

But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.

I've gone down these roads with you before. Let me ask you something. Do you understand what is meant by the terms "investment" and "dividends"?

If so....you can answer your question without any help.
College should be "free". And colleges should pay their athletes but why would they agree to that? To be fair? lmao

Absolutely. College should be "free" to anyone who wants to go and meets the requirements. Our nation would kick global ass if we did something smart like that.

I think that would be wonderful, but the problem is that it is VERY expensive.

It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.

But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.

I've gone down these roads with you before. Let me ask you something. Do you understand what is meant by the terms "investment" and "dividends"?

If so....you can answer your question without any help.

I do know what those terms mean, but your explanation is not clear. WHO is going to do the investing? How are you going to get people to invest. You could say that parents paying for their child's college education are doing the investing.
College should be "free". And colleges should pay their athletes but why would they agree to that? To be fair? lmao

Absolutely. College should be "free" to anyone who wants to go and meets the requirements. Our nation would kick global ass if we did something smart like that.

I think that would be wonderful, but the problem is that it is VERY expensive.

It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.

But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.

I've gone down these roads with you before. Let me ask you something. Do you understand what is meant by the terms "investment" and "dividends"?

If so....you can answer your question without any help.

No, you are mistaken. You and I have never discussed this topic before, so I don't know what you're talking about. Explain more about your "investment" idea. You need investors first.

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