War on men continues. College Baseball player booted from team for calling Mo'ne Davis a "slut"

Absolutely. College should be "free" to anyone who wants to go and meets the requirements. Our nation would kick global ass if we did something smart like that.

I think that would be wonderful, but the problem is that it is VERY expensive.

It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.

But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.

I've gone down these roads with you before. Let me ask you something. Do you understand what is meant by the terms "investment" and "dividends"?

If so....you can answer your question without any help.

I do know what those terms mean, but your explanation is not clear. WHO is going to do the investing? How are you going to get people to invest. You could say that parents paying for their child's college education are doing the investing.

We.....the people...will invest. We will use tax dollars to make an investment that will pay for itself in a generation....and then continue to pay dividends forever.

If every parent could afford to pay for their kids college education....we'd not need to have this discussion.

Please....let me out of this vortex of willful ignorance.
I think that would be wonderful, but the problem is that it is VERY expensive.

It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.

But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.

I've gone down these roads with you before. Let me ask you something. Do you understand what is meant by the terms "investment" and "dividends"?

If so....you can answer your question without any help.

I do know what those terms mean, but your explanation is not clear. WHO is going to do the investing? How are you going to get people to invest. You could say that parents paying for their child's college education are doing the investing.

We.....the people...will invest. We will use tax dollars to make an investment that will pay for itself in a generation....and then continue to pay dividends forever.

If every parent could afford to pay for their kids college education....we'd not need to have this discussion.

Please....let me out of this vortex of willful ignorance.

Do you realize how much money it costs to attend college nowadays? If you want to take the MOST expensive school, it costs nearly 60,000 a year for ONE student.

That would be Harvard, including tuition plus room and board fees.
I think that would be wonderful, but the problem is that it is VERY expensive.

It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.

But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.

I've gone down these roads with you before. Let me ask you something. Do you understand what is meant by the terms "investment" and "dividends"?

If so....you can answer your question without any help.

I do know what those terms mean, but your explanation is not clear. WHO is going to do the investing? How are you going to get people to invest. You could say that parents paying for their child's college education are doing the investing.

We.....the people...will invest. We will use tax dollars to make an investment that will pay for itself in a generation....and then continue to pay dividends forever.

If every parent could afford to pay for their kids college education....we'd not need to have this discussion.

Please....let me out of this vortex of willful ignorance.

Unfortunately, everyone would NOT get the dividends back that they invested, as there are approximately 320 million people in this country, and we don't have NEARLY that many high-paying jobs. Probably not that many JOBS period.
It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.

But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.

I've gone down these roads with you before. Let me ask you something. Do you understand what is meant by the terms "investment" and "dividends"?

If so....you can answer your question without any help.

I do know what those terms mean, but your explanation is not clear. WHO is going to do the investing? How are you going to get people to invest. You could say that parents paying for their child's college education are doing the investing.

We.....the people...will invest. We will use tax dollars to make an investment that will pay for itself in a generation....and then continue to pay dividends forever.

If every parent could afford to pay for their kids college education....we'd not need to have this discussion.

Please....let me out of this vortex of willful ignorance.

Do you realize how much money it costs to attend college nowadays? If you want to take the MOST expensive school, it costs nearly 60,000 a year for ONE student.

That would be Harvard, including tuition plus room and board fees.

That's cool. Who said anything about doing that? And...if it became "free" those schools would drop their tuition in a heartbeat. The problem with nutters is that they can't see any "industry" where profit motive should not be the only motive.
But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.

I've gone down these roads with you before. Let me ask you something. Do you understand what is meant by the terms "investment" and "dividends"?

If so....you can answer your question without any help.

I do know what those terms mean, but your explanation is not clear. WHO is going to do the investing? How are you going to get people to invest. You could say that parents paying for their child's college education are doing the investing.

We.....the people...will invest. We will use tax dollars to make an investment that will pay for itself in a generation....and then continue to pay dividends forever.

If every parent could afford to pay for their kids college education....we'd not need to have this discussion.

Please....let me out of this vortex of willful ignorance.

Do you realize how much money it costs to attend college nowadays? If you want to take the MOST expensive school, it costs nearly 60,000 a year for ONE student.

That would be Harvard, including tuition plus room and board fees.

That's cool. Who said anything hing about doing that? And...if it became "free" those schools would drop their tuition in a heartbeat. The problem with nutters is that they can't see any "industry" where profit motive should not be the only motive.

Explain how this proposal would work. Explain where that money is going to come from. Are you wanting to raise taxes on people? How much do you think you would have to raise taxes in order to provide free college education for everyone?
It is an investment that pays awesome dividends. We are just too stupid to make it.

But WHERE is the money going to come from? Colleges have expenses too. They have to pay their employees, maintain their facilities, computers, etc., etc.

I've gone down these roads with you before. Let me ask you something. Do you understand what is meant by the terms "investment" and "dividends"?

If so....you can answer your question without any help.

I do know what those terms mean, but your explanation is not clear. WHO is going to do the investing? How are you going to get people to invest. You could say that parents paying for their child's college education are doing the investing.

We.....the people...will invest. We will use tax dollars to make an investment that will pay for itself in a generation....and then continue to pay dividends forever.

If every parent could afford to pay for their kids college education....we'd not need to have this discussion.

Please....let me out of this vortex of willful ignorance.

Unfortunately, everyone would NOT get the dividends back that they invested, as there are approximately 320 million people in this country, and we don't have NEARLY that many high-paying jobs. Probably not that many JOBS period.

Yeah....let's stop now. It's best.
The draft is not unconstitutional.

There is nothing wrong with a girl or a black boy cutting white boys out of sports

What is wrong with you, dweebs?
You men are so persecuted by women.

Yup - we pay for your welfare check and give you child support, which you spend on yourself. We also provide the cellphones and computers and other amazing gadgets of our hi-tech world while you silly bimbos becomes useless social workers.

Do you realize how much money it costs to attend college nowadays? If you want to take the MOST expensive school, it costs nearly 60,000 a year for ONE student.

That would be Harvard, including tuition plus room and board fees.

So don't go to harvard, you idiot. Go to a state school. Tuition there is usually around $6,000 a year. THINK

Do you realize how much money it costs to attend college nowadays? If you want to take the MOST expensive school, it costs nearly 60,000 a year for ONE student.

That would be Harvard, including tuition plus room and board fees.

So don't go to harvard, you idiot. Go to a state school. Tuition there is usually around $6,000 a year. THINK

We are talking about tax payers paying for college. Try to keep up.

Do you realize how much money it costs to attend college nowadays? If you want to take the MOST expensive school, it costs nearly 60,000 a year for ONE student.

That would be Harvard, including tuition plus room and board fees.

So don't go to harvard, you idiot. Go to a state school. Tuition there is usually around $6,000 a year. THINK

What school costs only $6000 a year? Even URI (University of Rhode Island) costs double that! What century are you from?
"War on men"? How about a War on Assholes. The guy is an asshole. He called a 13 year old child a slut in a public forum just because he is envious of her fame and the recognition she is receiving. He deserves to have his ass kicked too.

Again i ask. - Would a woman be thrown off her team if she insulted a male Little League player? THINK
If a grown woman called a 13 year old boy a slut I would personally kick her ass.
He was pretty stupid for calling a kid a name like that.
But someone needs to emphasize that this girl stole a spot from a deserving boy and that will never be corrected. It's not like the boy whose spot she took could go play on a girls team.
What's more, as the girl branded with the unfortunate ghetto name grows older, she will not be able to physically compete with males in her age group.
Flash-in-the-pan promo. At the expense of another kid's once in a lifetime opportunity.
She didn't steal any spot. She earned it
She stole a boys spot. The boy can't take the spot she vacated from a girls team.
[War on men is fair play. Women couldn't vote in this country until 1919. :)

Millions of american men have been drafted into military service and been killed or suffered horrible injuries as a result. No woman has ever been drafted. Now there is injustice. THINK

we've had a volunteer army for most of my life.

and a lot of women serve.

any more idiocy you wish to spout?

Do you realize how much money it costs to attend college nowadays? If you want to take the MOST expensive school, it costs nearly 60,000 a year for ONE student.

That would be Harvard, including tuition plus room and board fees.

So don't go to harvard, you idiot. Go to a state school. Tuition there is usually around $6,000 a year. THINK

What school costs only $6000 a year? Even URI (University of Rhode Island) costs double that! What century are you from?

state university of new york at binghamton university has tuition of about $6,500 a year. but that's without housing (which is about $14,000 a year) and fees of over $2,500. so while he's close to correct about tuition, tuition isn't the only cost of a college education. (he wouldn't know that though).

Binghamton University - Attendance Costs and Funding Your Education

the private institutions range between $50,000 and $60,000 per year on average.. up to the cost of NYU which is about $75,000 a year

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