War on men continues. College Baseball player booted from team for calling Mo'ne Davis a "slut"

Mo'ne Davis was the best pitcher on her team and on the short list of best pitchers in the entire LLWS.

Perhaps the misogynista here should ask her teammates if they feel cheated because she was "allowed" to play.
Maybe people shouldn't get scholarships because they are good at sports, but instead based upon their academic achievements?

I went to college on a full academic scholarship.

I assure you, they do exist. :thup:

Oh I know that. I'm saying that maybe people should not be able to get scholarships to college based on their athletic abilities?
If it creates more opportunity then it should be. There are grants and scholarships available for way more reasons than sports and academics.

I disagree. I think some athletes might get scholarships based upon their athleticism alone. To me, that is not what college is about. Of course, all of you college sports fans are going to disagree. Lol.
It's none of your fucking business, especially since it's not relevant.

And since you're incapable of any manner of sound logic and reasoning, making light of your mental handicap with insults is the only thing keeping this thread worth bothering with.

Now tell me again how Mo'ne Davis playing little league baseball fills you with such uncontrollable rage. :lol:
You're the one who sounds outraged with your insults. How about you stick to the topic and respond to the logic?
If you haven't coached any girls high school sports then you don't have the level of perspective on this topic that I do.
Explain how a girl can compete in a boys sport but boys can't compete in girls sports.

I would say it's because boys are most often going to be stronger and more athletic than most girls. Therefore, having a boy on a girls' team would give that team an unfair advantage over a team that is ALL girls. If a girl is participating on a boys' team, that is not a concern. It is a biological fact that boys are stronger than girls.
A girl participating on a boys team is not an issue so long as she doesn't force anyone from participating by taking a spot that is limited by roster numbers. If the number is unlimited then it's moot. But if there is a roster limit then a boy is getting shorted and that is way wrong. Especially if a girls alternative is available.

There is no girls Little League baseball. There is no girls HS baseball. There is is no girls collegiate baseball. If a girl wants to play baseball, she needs to join a boys league.

I'd like you to point out some examples of girls taking roster spots from boys who ARE BETTER AT PLAYING BASEBALL.
Girls have softball at those levels. Boys don't have softball. So should boys try out for the girls softball teams or should they create their own softball teams? The same way girls can create their own baseball teams just as they have created girls opportunities for virtually every other sport.

Baseball and softball are different sports. If a boy wanted to play HS softball, I have no problem with him trying out for the team. If he's good enough, he should be put on the team.

You are one butthurt loser. Mo'ne Davis was selected to play on the "All Star" team from her league. That means she was better than just about every kid who played in the league. She wasn't given anyone's spot. She earned it.
Oh I know that. I'm saying that maybe people should not be able to get scholarships to college based on their athletic abilities?

I say that's a terrible idea. No offense.

Why? College is supposed to be about education, not sports.

If that's your reasoning, then why not eliminate sports at every level?

I mean, isn't grade school, middle school and high school supposed to be about education too?
You ever coach any girls high school sports?
This is purely a left/non-left issue. This is feminist double standard politics fucking with children. Resorting to insults suggests that you're stymied by the logic.

It's none of your fucking business, especially since it's not relevant.

And since you're incapable of any manner of sound logic and reasoning, making light of your mental handicap with insults is the only thing keeping this thread worth bothering with.

Now tell me again how Mo'ne Davis playing little league baseball fills you with such uncontrollable rage. :lol:
You're the one who sounds outraged with your insults. How about you stick to the topic and respond to the logic?
If you haven't coached any girls high school sports then you don't have the level of perspective on this topic that I do.
Explain how a girl can compete in a boys sport but boys can't compete in girls sports.

I would say it's because boys are most often going to be stronger and more athletic than most girls. Therefore, having a boy on a girls' team would give that team an unfair advantage over a team that is ALL girls. If a girl is participating on a boys' team, that is not a concern. It is a biological fact that boys are stronger than girls.
A girl participating on a boys team is not an issue so long as she doesn't force anyone from participating by taking a spot that is limited by roster numbers. If the number is unlimited then it's moot. But if there is a roster limit then a boy is getting shorted and that is way wrong. Especially if a girls alternative is available.
Wrong. We had a state baseball championship, and we never would have let you associate with your team. Your type is not the kind to be around impressionable youth, girls or boys.
Oh I know that. I'm saying that maybe people should not be able to get scholarships to college based on their athletic abilities?

I say that's a terrible idea. No offense.

Why? College is supposed to be about education, not sports.

If that's your reasoning, then why not eliminate sports at every level?

I mean, isn't grade school, middle school and high school supposed to be about education too?

Because sports are fun and good exercise. They are extracurricular activities. I'm not against sports.
The draft(s) is unconstitutional.

"Deprive no man of life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness."

Ye the draft is unconstitutional but the best argument for that is amendment 13 - "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. "

Which also means jury duty is unconstitutional.
You ever coach any girls high school sports?
This is purely a left/non-left issue. This is feminist double standard politics fucking with children. Resorting to insults suggests that you're stymied by the logic.

It's none of your fucking business, especially since it's not relevant.

And since you're incapable of any manner of sound logic and reasoning, making light of your mental handicap with insults is the only thing keeping this thread worth bothering with.

Now tell me again how Mo'ne Davis playing little league baseball fills you with such uncontrollable rage. :lol:
You're the one who sounds outraged with your insults. How about you stick to the topic and respond to the logic?
If you haven't coached any girls high school sports then you don't have the level of perspective on this topic that I do.
Explain how a girl can compete in a boys sport but boys can't compete in girls sports.

I would say it's because boys are most often going to be stronger and more athletic than most girls. Therefore, having a boy on a girls' team would give that team an unfair advantage over a team that is ALL girls. If a girl is participating on a boys' team, that is not a concern. It is a biological fact that boys are stronger than girls.
A girl participating on a boys team is not an issue so long as she doesn't force anyone from participating by taking a spot that is limited by roster numbers. If the number is unlimited then it's moot. But if there is a roster limit then a boy is getting shorted and that is way wrong. Especially if a girls alternative is available.
Wrong. We had a state baseball championship, and we never would have let you associate with your team. Your type is not the kind to be around impressionable youth, girls or boys.

As much as he'd love to leave an impression. :lol:
White guys complain that blacks take their jobs and now they are complaining that a girl took "their" job too. How fucking pathetic....maybe you're just lacking
It's none of your fucking business, especially since it's not relevant.

And since you're incapable of any manner of sound logic and reasoning, making light of your mental handicap with insults is the only thing keeping this thread worth bothering with.

Now tell me again how Mo'ne Davis playing little league baseball fills you with such uncontrollable rage. :lol:
You're the one who sounds outraged with your insults. How about you stick to the topic and respond to the logic?
If you haven't coached any girls high school sports then you don't have the level of perspective on this topic that I do.
Explain how a girl can compete in a boys sport but boys can't compete in girls sports.

They let you around HS students? What sport?
More left wing disparagement. Just deal with the topic, OK, democrat?
Track and field, outdoor and indoor.

Dude....you are disparaging yourself here. Your take on this demonstrates below average intelligence. I wonder how you are permitted to work with young people.

I'm not a Democrat.

Track and field? Cool. Did you ever have an issue with a girl wanting to compete on the boys team?
It's none of your fucking business, especially since it's not relevant.

And since you're incapable of any manner of sound logic and reasoning, making light of your mental handicap with insults is the only thing keeping this thread worth bothering with.

Now tell me again how Mo'ne Davis playing little league baseball fills you with such uncontrollable rage. :lol:
You're the one who sounds outraged with your insults. How about you stick to the topic and respond to the logic?
If you haven't coached any girls high school sports then you don't have the level of perspective on this topic that I do.
Explain how a girl can compete in a boys sport but boys can't compete in girls sports.

They let you around HS students? What sport?
More left wing disparagement. Just deal with the topic, OK, democrat?
Track and field, outdoor and indoor.

Dude....you are disparaging yourself here. Your take on this demonstrates below average intelligence. I wonder how you are permitted to work with young people.

I'm not a Democrat.

Track and field? Cool. Did you ever have an issue with a girl wanting to compete on the boys team?
You reason like a democrat.
No need for a girl to compete on the boys team because there is already a girls team.
I have used the boys distance team to help prepare the girls for sprint competition.

If you had a girl who was faster than one of the boys on your 4 x 100 relay team.....and she wanted to run for the boys team instead of the girls team...you wouldn't allow her to? Because it would hurt the feelings of a slower boy? What if her speed meant the difference in your team winning states?
Maybe people shouldn't get scholarships because they are good at sports, but instead based upon their academic achievements?

I went to college on a full academic scholarship.

I assure you, they do exist. :thup:

Oh I know that. I'm saying that maybe people should not be able to get scholarships to college based on their athletic abilities?
If it creates more opportunity then it should be. There are grants and scholarships available for way more reasons than sports and academics.

I disagree. I think some athletes might get scholarships based upon their athleticism alone. To me, that is not what college is about. Of course, all of you college sports fans are going to disagree. Lol.
That is an entirely different argument and you won't get any disagreement from me on that. Anything is vulnerable to corruption.
She stole a spot. Boys are not allowed to play on girls teams. Girls teams were designed to better allow girls a chance to play sports.

Yup and we have the same thing in pro sports. Women are allowed to play in the NBA and the PGA but men can't play in the WNBA or LPGA.
Oh I know that. I'm saying that maybe people should not be able to get scholarships to college based on their athletic abilities?

I say that's a terrible idea. No offense.

Why? College is supposed to be about education, not sports.
Right. But if sports is a means to that education end how is that a problem?

Point I am trying to make is that getting a scholarship into a college should probably be based on academic achievement and not athleticism. Then, this wouldn't even be an issue. The only reason why colleges offer athletic scholarships is because sports bring in the money.
You're the one who sounds outraged with your insults. How about you stick to the topic and respond to the logic?
If you haven't coached any girls high school sports then you don't have the level of perspective on this topic that I do.
Explain how a girl can compete in a boys sport but boys can't compete in girls sports.

I would say it's because boys are most often going to be stronger and more athletic than most girls. Therefore, having a boy on a girls' team would give that team an unfair advantage over a team that is ALL girls. If a girl is participating on a boys' team, that is not a concern. It is a biological fact that boys are stronger than girls.
A girl participating on a boys team is not an issue so long as she doesn't force anyone from participating by taking a spot that is limited by roster numbers. If the number is unlimited then it's moot. But if there is a roster limit then a boy is getting shorted and that is way wrong. Especially if a girls alternative is available.

There is no girls Little League baseball. There is no girls HS baseball. There is is no girls collegiate baseball. If a girl wants to play baseball, she needs to join a boys league.

I'd like you to point out some examples of girls taking roster spots from boys who ARE BETTER AT PLAYING BASEBALL.
Girls have softball at those levels. Boys don't have softball. So should boys try out for the girls softball teams or should they create their own softball teams? The same way girls can create their own baseball teams just as they have created girls opportunities for virtually every other sport.

Baseball and softball are different sports. If a boy wanted to play HS softball, I have no problem with him trying out for the team. If he's good enough, he should be put on the team.

You are one butthurt loser. Mo'ne Davis was selected to play on the "All Star" team from her league. That means she was better than just about every kid who played in the league. She wasn't given anyone's spot. She earned it.
She took a boy's spot an a boys team and the boy was not compensated by being allowed to take a girls spot on a girls team. Feminists want it both ways.
She stole a spot. Boys are not allowed to play on girls teams. Girls teams were designed to better allow girls a chance to play sports.

Yup and we have the same thing in pro sports. Women are allowed to play in the NBA and the PGA but men can't play in the WNBA or LPGA.

Because men are naturally stronger than women. It makes for an unequal playing field.
You ever coach any girls high school sports?
This is purely a left/non-left issue. This is feminist double standard politics fucking with children. Resorting to insults suggests that you're stymied by the logic.

It's none of your fucking business, especially since it's not relevant.

And since you're incapable of any manner of sound logic and reasoning, making light of your mental handicap with insults is the only thing keeping this thread worth bothering with.

Now tell me again how Mo'ne Davis playing little league baseball fills you with such uncontrollable rage. :lol:
You're the one who sounds outraged with your insults. How about you stick to the topic and respond to the logic?
If you haven't coached any girls high school sports then you don't have the level of perspective on this topic that I do.
Explain how a girl can compete in a boys sport but boys can't compete in girls sports.

I would say it's because boys are most often going to be stronger and more athletic than most girls. Therefore, having a boy on a girls' team would give that team an unfair advantage over a team that is ALL girls. If a girl is participating on a boys' team, that is not a concern. It is a biological fact that boys are stronger than girls.
A girl participating on a boys team is not an issue so long as she doesn't force anyone from participating by taking a spot that is limited by roster numbers. If the number is unlimited then it's moot. But if there is a roster limit then a boy is getting shorted and that is way wrong. Especially if a girls alternative is available.
Wrong. We had a state baseball championship, and we never would have let you associate with your team. Your type is not the kind to be around impressionable youth, girls or boys.
Do you have a response to my post that you quoted?
I already addressed the name calling. You apparently conveniently ignored that.
If it's a boys team it's a boys team. If they have a girls alternative then girls should play for that and not be permitted to try for a boys team just as boys can't go out for a girls team. If you open one you must open the other and then no girls would qualify and you shoot the whole thing down.

Shame on you. You're not allowed to say that.

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