War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

Isn't it amusing to watch how they stumble around trying to explain the dismal failures of their socialist policies in the war against the rich? Oh, it's so terrible and awful, those mean old rich people just keep outsmarting them at every turn... woe is me!

Liberals are the saddest clowns in the dum-dum circus.

Almost as funny as watching so called conservatives search for a compelling catch phrase......like "war against the rich". I wonder what kind of dim witted morons find superficial rhetoric like that to be persuasive?
Democrats? They seem to line up behind "The War on Women" and "We are the 99%"

Well then I guess that makes you just about as smart as a Democrat......doesn't it.
Your reasoning skills are beyond compare.

Rich folks sure are lucky to have ordinary citizens like yourself to look out for their interests, because they don't have nearly enough money, power, and influence already.
Lots of craziness on this thread.

So you thought you'd weigh in and balance it our with a huge dose of stupidity, Statist? :thup:

Well, I'm not a Statist, Herr Dumbfuck.

But you are an outstanding little troll. Hey, how's that Palin Brawl thingy working out for you these days?


Now, back to the OP, since you obviously lack the ability to concentrate on anymore more more than 2 milliseconds:

War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

Did the OP include any data to back up it's claim?

The assclown accuses others of being a troll after his monumental troll thread fail.
Still waiting Rabbi...

If the War on the Rich is such a "Dumb" idea


What would happen if the 1% were to lose 2 tenths of a percent of their wealth and the 40% were to gain 2 tenths of a percent in wealth (double their wealth)

Would the world come to an end?
Actually everyone would lose 20% of their wealth.
Because you just don't get how this works, do you?

Still waiting Rabbi...

Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
I can't find a cartoon that might explain it. Beause that's the only way you're going to understand this. I already posted a question that youv'e dodged: do you think people will not change their behavior if you tell some you're taking their money and others you're giving them money?
Isn't it amusing to watch how they stumble around trying to explain the dismal failures of their socialist policies in the war against the rich? Oh, it's so terrible and awful, those mean old rich people just keep outsmarting them at every turn... woe is me!

Liberals are the saddest clowns in the dum-dum circus.

Almost as funny as watching so called conservatives search for a compelling catch phrase......like "war against the rich". I wonder what kind of dim witted morons find superficial rhetoric like that to be persuasive?
Democrats? They seem to line up behind "The War on Women" and "We are the 99%"

Well then I guess that makes you just about as smart as a Democrat......doesn't it.
Your reasoning skills are beyond compare.

Rich folks sure are lucky to have ordinary citizens like yourself to look out for their interests, because they don't have nearly enough money, power, and influence already.
See, that's the fallacy right there. You think by attacking rich people, you hurt rich people. You don't understand this at all.
Almost as funny as watching so called conservatives search for a compelling catch phrase......like "war against the rich". I wonder what kind of dim witted morons find superficial rhetoric like that to be persuasive?
Democrats? They seem to line up behind "The War on Women" and "We are the 99%"

Well then I guess that makes you just about as smart as a Democrat......doesn't it.
Your reasoning skills are beyond compare.

Rich folks sure are lucky to have ordinary citizens like yourself to look out for their interests, because they don't have nearly enough money, power, and influence already.
See, that's the fallacy right there. You think by attacking rich people, you hurt rich people. You don't understand this at all.

There is no attack on rich people, that's just something rich people say so people like you won't question anything they feel like doing.
Still waiting Rabbi...

If the War on the Rich is such a "Dumb" idea


What would happen if the 1% were to lose 2 tenths of a percent of their wealth and the 40% were to gain 2 tenths of a percent in wealth (double their wealth)

Would the world come to an end?
Actually everyone would lose 20% of their wealth.
Because you just don't get how this works, do you?

Still waiting Rabbi...

Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
I can't find a cartoon that might explain it. Beause that's the only way you're going to understand this. I already posted a question that youv'e dodged: do you think people will not change their behavior if you tell some you're taking their money and others you're giving them money?

Still waiting Rabbi...
Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
Democrats? They seem to line up behind "The War on Women" and "We are the 99%"

Well then I guess that makes you just about as smart as a Democrat......doesn't it.
Your reasoning skills are beyond compare.

Rich folks sure are lucky to have ordinary citizens like yourself to look out for their interests, because they don't have nearly enough money, power, and influence already.
See, that's the fallacy right there. You think by attacking rich people, you hurt rich people. You don't understand this at all.

There is no attack on rich people, that's just something rich people say so people like you won't question anything they feel like doing.
You havent been paying much attention even in this thread, much less current events.
Still waiting Rabbi...

If the War on the Rich is such a "Dumb" idea


What would happen if the 1% were to lose 2 tenths of a percent of their wealth and the 40% were to gain 2 tenths of a percent in wealth (double their wealth)

Would the world come to an end?
Actually everyone would lose 20% of their wealth.
Because you just don't get how this works, do you?

Still waiting Rabbi...

Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
I can't find a cartoon that might explain it. Beause that's the only way you're going to understand this. I already posted a question that youv'e dodged: do you think people will not change their behavior if you tell some you're taking their money and others you're giving them money?

Still waiting Rabbi...
Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
You are utterly humiliated here because you cannot answer a simple question. Why not? Can't find an appropriate cartoon to reference?
"Large profits mean large payrolls.'' -- Calvin Coolidge, the 20th Century's greatest President
Still waiting Rabbi...

Actually everyone would lose 20% of their wealth.
Because you just don't get how this works, do you?

Still waiting Rabbi...

Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
I can't find a cartoon that might explain it. Beause that's the only way you're going to understand this. I already posted a question that youv'e dodged: do you think people will not change their behavior if you tell some you're taking their money and others you're giving them money?

Still waiting Rabbi...
Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
You are utterly humiliated here because you cannot answer a simple question. Why not? Can't find an appropriate cartoon to reference?
Come on Rabbi...

Show us those Math skills that you are famous for
Still waiting Rabbi...

Still waiting Rabbi...

Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
I can't find a cartoon that might explain it. Beause that's the only way you're going to understand this. I already posted a question that youv'e dodged: do you think people will not change their behavior if you tell some you're taking their money and others you're giving them money?

Still waiting Rabbi...
Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
You are utterly humiliated here because you cannot answer a simple question. Why not? Can't find an appropriate cartoon to reference?
Come on Rabbi...

Show us those Math skills that you are famous for
I simply cannot explain to someone as ignorant, stupid, and dishonest as you what the issue here is. You refuse to answer simple questions. You deflect. You obfuscate. You move goalposts. That isnt a debate.
Why wont you answer my simple question? It's even yes or no.
You conveniently avoid the question

Our government has instituted policies to encourage the growth of wealth for the 1%. Those policies were supposed to result in a rising economic tide and more jobs.

It didn't happen...So why should we continue those failed policies?

The policies didn't fail or those wealthy people wouldn't be wealthy. The economy boomed, more jobs and wealth were created. In fact, totally new wealth and jobs are being created now by wealth that didn't even exist back then.

Let me give you an analogy maybe you can comprehend... Our government built an interstate highway to California, lots of people used it to get to California.... Should we now bulldoze it? California obviously has more people than they can afford... Let's get all jealous and worked up because of how unfair it is that some get to live in paradise while others have to live in little shithole towns. Let's destroy the interstate and all roads leading to California! Let's make a cool graphic that shows Californians surfing or enjoying a beautiful sunset over Malibu, and juxtapose that with images of slums in Detroit or Chicago, and pretend that destroying the road to California will change all that! We can calculate cool percentages to show how only 1% of the people ever get to enjoy the magnificent beauty of California, and how unfair that is to the remaining 99%... and we can pretend destroying the road to California will make that different! In fact.... rather than destroying the road, why not just NUKE the place? That way, no one could ever get to enjoy California again and all would be fair in the world! YES... we need to NUKE California!

That's YOUR argument.

Dumbest idea in the history of man.
You conveniently avoid the question

Our government has instituted policies to encourage the growth of wealth for the 1%. Those policies were supposed to result in a rising economic tide and more jobs.

It didn't happen...So why should we continue those failed policies?

The policies didn't fail or those wealthy people wouldn't be wealthy. The economy boomed, more jobs and wealth were created. In fact, totally new wealth and jobs are being created now by wealth that didn't even exist back then.

Let me give you an analogy maybe you can comprehend....
Sorry, Boss but your post failed right there. There is no analogy Nutjobber can comprehend.
Still waiting Rabbi...
I can't find a cartoon that might explain it. Beause that's the only way you're going to understand this. I already posted a question that youv'e dodged: do you think people will not change their behavior if you tell some you're taking their money and others you're giving them money?

Still waiting Rabbi...
Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
You are utterly humiliated here because you cannot answer a simple question. Why not? Can't find an appropriate cartoon to reference?
Come on Rabbi...

Show us those Math skills that you are famous for
I simply cannot explain to someone as ignorant, stupid, and dishonest as you what the issue here is. You refuse to answer simple questions. You deflect. You obfuscate. You move goalposts. That isnt a debate.
Why wont you answer my simple question? It's even yes or no.

Come on Rabbi...show everyone how smart you are

Rabbi Math

One percent of the population has 34.6% of the wealth
Take away 2 tenths of a percent of that wealth
And the remaining 99% of the population loses 20% of their wealth
You conveniently avoid the question

You postulated a falsehood. You of the Khmer Rouge think that is really clever. I don't - so as I stated in my reply, such fallacies are discarded and ignored.

Our government has instituted policies to encourage the growth of wealth for the 1%. Those policies were supposed to result in a rising economic tide and more jobs.

A bold statement presented as fact, which is in fact not fact.

By "policies to encourage the growth of wealth for the 1%" you mean "lowered tax rates from what they once were." Your objection is that the government does not take as much wealth by force as you would like them to. I suppose that allowing a person to keep what they earned does encourage growth, but this is hardly limited to the top 1%.

Policies that would concern me more would those which mandate a person buy a product from a well connected vendor or face a visit from the IRS.

Funny, you SUPPORT the open cronyism of that scheme - not that I expect reason or consistency from you.

It didn't happen...So why should we continue those failed policies?

So, our economy is in the same shape as it was in 2009? :eek:

Keep mindlessly flinging that shit - you're winning hearts and minds. :thup:

Isn't it amusing to watch how they stumble around trying to explain the dismal failures of their socialist policies in the war against the rich? Oh, it's so terrible and awful, those mean old rich people just keep outsmarting them at every turn... woe is me!

Liberals are the saddest clowns in the dum-dum circus.

Almost as funny as watching so called conservatives search for a compelling catch phrase......like "war against the rich". I wonder what kind of dim witted morons find superficial rhetoric like that to be persuasive?
Democrats? They seem to line up behind "The War on Women" and "We are the 99%"

Well then I guess that makes you just about as smart as a Democrat......doesn't it.
Your reasoning skills are beyond compare.

Rich folks sure are lucky to have ordinary citizens like yourself to look out for their interests, because they don't have nearly enough money, power, and influence already.

I call it the usmb billionaire ass licker group. They won't tolerate criticism of the very wealthy because they've been told by fox news, rush, and hannity, that if they work harder and smarter, they too can be billionaires someday.
You conveniently avoid the question

Our government has instituted policies to encourage the growth of wealth for the 1%. Those policies were supposed to result in a rising economic tide and more jobs.

It didn't happen...So why should we continue those failed policies?

The policies didn't fail or those wealthy people wouldn't be wealthy. The economy boomed, more jobs and wealth were created. In fact, totally new wealth and jobs are being created now by wealth that didn't even exist back then.

Let me give you an analogy maybe you can comprehend... Our government built an interstate highway to California, lots of people used it to get to California.... Should we now bulldoze it? California obviously has more people than they can afford... Let's get all jealous and worked up because of how unfair it is that some get to live in paradise while others have to live in little shithole towns. Let's destroy the interstate and all roads leading to California! Let's make a cool graphic that shows Californians surfing or enjoying a beautiful sunset over Malibu, and juxtapose that with images of slums in Detroit or Chicago, and pretend that destroying the road to California will change all that! We can calculate cool percentages to show how only 1% of the people ever get to enjoy the magnificent beauty of California, and how unfair that is to the remaining 99%... and we can pretend destroying the road to California will make that different! In fact.... rather than destroying the road, why not just NUKE the place? That way, no one could ever get to enjoy California again and all would be fair in the world! YES... we need to NUKE California!

That's YOUR argument.

Dumbest idea in the history of man.
Good god

Are you somehow claiming that our 1% is some "highway to wealth" that we must preserve for all time?

We have invested in that particular highway for 30 years. We were promised wealth and prosperity for all. That highway shipped wealth to China instead. Why are we continuing to invest in that highway?
Still waiting Rabbi...

If the War on the Rich is such a "Dumb" idea


What would happen if the 1% were to lose 2 tenths of a percent of their wealth and the 40% were to gain 2 tenths of a percent in wealth (double their wealth)

Would the world come to an end?
Actually everyone would lose 20% of their wealth.
Because you just don't get how this works, do you?

Still waiting Rabbi...

Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
I can't find a cartoon that might explain it. Beause that's the only way you're going to understand this. I already posted a question that youv'e dodged: do you think people will not change their behavior if you tell some you're taking their money and others you're giving them money?

Still waiting Rabbi...
Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?

Sheltering hundreds of billions in offshore accounts instead of reinvesting in the US economy is apparently an important component of the profit motive for share holders these days. I guess having corporate lobbyists to write laws the way you want is just one of the many advantages of living in a free society.
Still waiting Rabbi...

Actually everyone would lose 20% of their wealth.
Because you just don't get how this works, do you?

Still waiting Rabbi...

Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
I can't find a cartoon that might explain it. Beause that's the only way you're going to understand this. I already posted a question that youv'e dodged: do you think people will not change their behavior if you tell some you're taking their money and others you're giving them money?

Still waiting Rabbi...
Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?

Sheltering hundreds of billions in offshore accounts instead of reinvesting in the US economy is apparently an important component of the profit motive for share holders these days. I guess having corporate lobbyists to write laws the way you want is just one of the many advantages of living in a free society.

Well yeah, patriotism is for suckers.
Still waiting Rabbi...

Still waiting Rabbi...

Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?
I can't find a cartoon that might explain it. Beause that's the only way you're going to understand this. I already posted a question that youv'e dodged: do you think people will not change their behavior if you tell some you're taking their money and others you're giving them money?

Still waiting Rabbi...
Why don't you embarass yourself in front of all these nice people and explain how a loss of 2 tenths of a percent in wealth for the 1% results in a 20% loss of wealth for everyone?

Sheltering hundreds of billions in offshore accounts instead of reinvesting in the US economy is apparently an important component of the profit motive for share holders these days. I guess having corporate lobbyists to write laws the way you want is just one of the many advantages of living in a free society.

Well yeah, patriotism is for suckers.

Evidently so, otherwise the other half of eligible voters might bother.
Good god

Are you somehow claiming that our 1% is some "highway to wealth" that we must preserve for all time?

We have invested in that particular highway for 30 years. We were promised wealth and prosperity for all. That highway shipped wealth to China instead. Why are we continuing to invest in that highway?

I'm sorry but you were never promised "wealth and prosperity for all." You were only promised the opportunity to prosper. The Utopian universe where everyone has wealth and prosperity, does not exist.

You've not invested anything. It doesn't cost you one dime to have lower top marginal income tax rates. Wealth wasn't shipped to China, wealth is being borrowed from China at an alarming rate in order to support your bloated entitlement programs you refuse to give up. Jobs that have gone to China were the result of your socialist policies which priced labor out of the capitalist market.

The road to California doesn't represent the 1% in my analogy, it represents the policies which helped people become part of the 1%. That's where you seem to be having a problem with your comprehension in this debate. You somehow think removing policies (tax codes) which help people obtain wealth, is somehow going to help people obtain more wealth. Dumbest idea in the history of man.

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