War on The Rich: Dumbest Idea in History of Man

When it was higher, the oil companies, having the monopoly that they have, simply raised the retail price of gasoline to maintain the profit margin that resulted in record profits at the same time there were near record prices at the wholesale level.

BINGO! It did not effect profit margins.
When it was higher, the oil companies, having the monopoly that they have, simply raised the retail price of gasoline to maintain the profit margin that resulted in record profits at the same time there were near record prices at the wholesale level.

BINGO! It did not effect profit margins.
You've ignored the fact that, as Zeke has clearly mentioned, the oil companies are an aggregate monopoly. WalMart is not.

WalMart's success is based on one primary consideration, low prices. If WalMart raises its prices it will be driven out of business within six months by price-cutting competitors.

And your convoluted assertion that WalMart's profits have nothing to do with the Walton family's obscene fortune is semantic masturbation. It appears you are able to delude yourself with such nonsense, which is why it comes naturally to you in this forum.
When it was higher, the oil companies, having the monopoly that they have, simply raised the retail price of gasoline to maintain the profit margin that resulted in record profits at the same time there were near record prices at the wholesale level.

BINGO! It did not effect profit margins.
You've ignored the fact that, as Zeke has clearly mentioned, the oil companies are an aggregate monopoly. WalMart is not.

WalMart's success is based on one primary consideration, low prices. If WalMart raises its prices it will be driven out of business within six months by price-cutting competitors.

And your convoluted assertion that WalMart's profits have nothing to do with the Walton family's obscene fortune is semantic masturbation. It appears you are able to delude yourself with such nonsense, which is why it comes naturally to you in this forum.

Price cutting competitors who also have to pay the same increased rate for labor? Nonsense. Now you are just being fatuous. OR are you suggesting we merely force a single business to raise their pay and let everyone else continue as they are?

I said nothing remotely close to "Walmart's profits have nothing to do with the Walton family fortune" ...don't know where you got such a stupid thing. It's yet another example of your inability to reason. No wonder you people are such pathetic losers in life.

And no, the oil companies are NOT a monopoly. There is no such thing as an "aggregate" monopoly, it's a stupid oxymoronic phrase that doesn't mean anything. It's like saying the auto makers are "an aggregate monopoly" or hardware stores are "an aggregage monopoly." Just dumb times four! It's a wonder you fuckwits don't short your keyboards out with drool.
And no, the oil companies are NOT a monopoly.

OMG boss. Wtf? Four different brands of gas stations sitting on a corner. All are selling the exact same product for the exact same price.

If that ain't monopolizing a market place, that you don't know what the fuck a monopoly is.
Below is Websters definition. So we don't quibble.

: complete control of the entire supply of goods or of a service in a certain area or market

: a large company that has a monopoly

: complete ownership or control of something

Wait wait, don't tell me. I should go out and get my OWN oil well and just compete in the gasoline market.. Right? That's where you're gonna go. Right? LMAO. Wealth is infinite. Own an oil well.
I lack any kind of empathy for most wealthy people, the majority of whom are rich simply because they were born into it. And for those few that were born of humble roots, they understand the situation full well. How the rich get better legal/political representation, better health care, better education and have all around more gravitas than the "poor". In America , that is unacceptable.
Tell him, Mary!

Mary is more of an incompetent idiot than you! The rich always get the best of everything in ANY society... you cannot name one in the history of man where the rich didn't have the best of everything. What you are doing is fantasizing about a universe that does not exist, where poor people have the best of everything and rich people sacrifice for their sake. This fantasy world only exists between the ears of mush-brain idiots such as yourself.

yes and to them the rich have stolen it from the poor. Its 100% stupid but class warfare worked for Marx and modern liberals who are just as stupid.
. And I really liked that part about the capitalist sharing his wealth with his customers. Funny shit.
dear its Econ 101 class one day one. If you don't share all of your wealth a competitor will and thus drive you into bankruiptcy. Now you can understand the beauty of capitalism.

Welcome to your first lesson in Economics!! Sorry to rock your illiterate liberal Marxist world.
I didn't say it wouldn't effect a companies profit, I said it didn't come out of the profits and it doesn't. What it effects is the cost that has to be charged for the product, which may in turn effect profits overall. Because of that, it also has an effect on other tangibles. Like number of employees, number of hours worked, or even the feasibility of operations in certain areas. It might effect profits, it never effects profit margin.

See boss dude, the bull shit you like to run with is where you take what was said and then you pretend something else was said and respond to that. Kinda funny really.

What I said before was that , ALL other things being equal (except labor) in the marketplace. that an increase in the cost of labor would negatively effect profits.

You said that it wouldn't. That's bullshit.
. And I really liked that part about the capitalist sharing his wealth with his customers. Funny shit.
dear its Econ 101 class one day one. If you don't share all of your wealth a competitor will and thus drive you into bankruiptcy. Now you can understand the beauty of capitalism.

Welcome to your first lesson in Economics!! Sorry to rock your illiterate liberal Marxist world.

OK professor, instead of being a smug dick, why don't you give the class an example of exactly how not sharing all your wealth a competitor will and drive you into bankruptcy.
. And I really liked that part about the capitalist sharing his wealth with his customers. Funny shit.
dear its Econ 101 class one day one. If you don't share all of your wealth a competitor will and thus drive you into bankruiptcy. Now you can understand the beauty of capitalism.

Welcome to your first lesson in Economics!! Sorry to rock your illiterate liberal Marxist world.

Man, what the fuck are you talking about? You think the CEO making 10 mill a year is "sharing his wealth" with YOU.

YOU as fucking crazy as boss.
OK professor, instead of being a smug dick, why don't you give the class an example of exactly how not sharing all your wealth a competitor will and drive you into bankruptcy.

very very simple. If you elect to take 2 billion in profits a competitor can elect to take only 1 billion and use the other billion to lower prices and thus drive you into bankruptcy.
Now perhaps even you can see the pure beauty in capitalism?
. And I really liked that part about the capitalist sharing his wealth with his customers. Funny shit.
dear its Econ 101 class one day one. If you don't share all of your wealth a competitor will and thus drive you into bankruiptcy. Now you can understand the beauty of capitalism.

Welcome to your first lesson in Economics!! Sorry to rock your illiterate liberal Marxist world.

Man, what the fuck are you talking about? You think the CEO making 10 mill a year is "sharing his wealth" with YOU.

YOU as fucking crazy as boss.

please see post 1950 for explanation. No one is better at explaining capitalism to liberal children than I am.
please see post 1950 for explanation. No one is better at explaining capitalism to liberal children than I am.
You're too late, as usual.

Price cutting competitors who also have to pay the same increased rate for labor?


WalMart's competitors pay their employees a relatively fair wage, thus they take less profit than the Waltons -- who have managed to hoard ninety billion dollars and who advise their underpaid employees to apply for food stamps and other government (taxpayer funded) subsidies.

If the Walton's paid their employees a decent hourly wage they need not raise prices to do so. But there would be fewer billions in their hoard -- and fewer WalMart employees receiving food stamps along with other subsidies.

It doesn't call for a Ph.D in Economics to realize the pivotal factor in this equation is the pathology of greed.
Waltons -- who have managed to hoard ninety billion dollars.

dear, you must put your thinking cap on. $90 billion over many decades
would give each employee $200 a year. The pure beauty of capitalism is that it keeps profits tiny!

See why we are positive that liberalism is based in pure ignorance?
dear, if there is still something you cant grasp about capitalism please ask a question or admit as a libcommie you lack the IQ even for that.
What did Marx and Engles know about the last days of capitalism that you don't?
"“Every new crisis must be more serious and more universal than the last. Every fresh slump must ruin more small capitalists and increase the workers who live only by their labour.

"This will increase the number of the unemployed and this is the main problem that worries economists.

"In the end commercial crises will lead to a social revolution far beyond the comprehension of the economists with their scholastic wisdom.” (Outlines of a Critique of Political Economy, 1844.)"
Marx and Engels and the Collapse of Capitalism The Socialist Party of Great Britain
And no, the oil companies are NOT a monopoly.

OMG boss. Wtf? Four different brands of gas stations sitting on a corner. All are selling the exact same product for the exact same price.

If that ain't monopolizing a market place, that you don't know what the fuck a monopoly is.
Below is Websters definition. So we don't quibble.

: complete control of the entire supply of goods or of a service in a certain area or market

: a large company that has a monopoly

: complete ownership or control of something

Wait wait, don't tell me. I should go out and get my OWN oil well and just compete in the gasoline market.. Right? That's where you're gonna go. Right? LMAO. Wealth is infinite. Own an oil well.

Hey moron, you just posted a definition of "monopoly" which comlpletely contradicts your argument. Don't know if your stupid ass realized that or not.
What I said before was that , ALL other things being equal (except labor) in the marketplace. that an increase in the cost of labor would negatively effect profits.

You said that it wouldn't. That's bullshit.

It doesn't and here is why. Profit is not realized before wages are paid. Capitalists do not sell things then pay you to make them from the profit. You make the things then the capitalist sells them and makes a profit. His formula for what to sell things will consider whatever wage he is paying you. So his profit margin remains constant regardless of your pay. Now the factors which can change are price, number of employees, number of paid hours of labor, amount of production, and productivity. Never does your wage increase come from the profit margin.
Price cutting competitors who also have to pay the same increased rate for labor?

WalMart's competitors pay their employees a relatively fair wage, thus they take less profit than the Waltons -- who have managed to hoard ninety billion dollars and who advise their underpaid employees to apply for food stamps and other government (taxpayer funded) subsidies.

If the Walton's paid their employees a decent hourly wage they need not raise prices to do so. But there would be fewer billions in their hoard -- and fewer WalMart employees receiving food stamps along with other subsidies.

It doesn't call for a Ph.D in Economics to realize the pivotal factor in this equation is the pathology of greed.

WalMart's competitors pay their employees a relatively fair wage...

No they don't. Walmart's average employee is paid slightly above the industry standard. Plus, they are given an attractive stock option purchase plan which their competitors simply don't match. Plus.. Walmart associate's children are eligible for scholarships from their foundation.

who have managed to hoard ninety billion dollars

They aren't "hoarding" anything any more than you are "hoarding" your property. This is hyperbolic rhetoric, plain and simple. They are not obligated to do anything with their wealth, it belongs to them to do with as they please. That said, Walmart gives millions of dollars to charity causes every single year, and have done so as long as I've known of them. In every community, they are actively involved in Partners With Education, building playgrounds for kids, funding library projects, all sorts of things. It is store policy for them to allow almost any non-profit organization to fundraise at their door. They routinely host community events in their parking lots at no cost to the community. They have donated billions in disaster aid.

What you people are trying to do to Walmart is a disgrace. You are simply ginning up emotions and outright jealousy regarding the wealth holdings of the Walton family. You've been on this shit for 10 years now, and you just keep on with it.

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