War on Trump is Spreading

Trump didn't blow his "roaring economy" all to hell.

Trump shut it down He told you he shut it down,

Dying on Airplanes

Remarks by President Trump, Vice President Pence, and Members of the Coronavirus Task Force in Press Briefing
Issued on: April 1, 2020

THE PRESIDENT: It says 100- to 200,000. Anything — it’s a lot of people, right? It’s a lot of people.

Well, you didn’t ask the other question. What would have happened — because this is the question that I’ve been asking Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx for a long time, and they’ve been working on this for a long time.

DJT200401-Coronavirus Task Force Press Briefing “The question is: What would have happened if we did nothing? Because there was a group that said, “Let’s just ride it out. Let’s ride it out.” What would have happened? And that number comes in at 1.5 to 1.6 million people, up to 2.2 and even beyond. So that’s 2.2 million people would have died if we did nothing, if we just carried on our life.”

Now, I don’t think that would have been possible because you would have had people dying all over the place. This would not have been a normal life. How many people have even seen anybody die? You would have seen people dying on airplanes. You would have been seeing people dying in hotel lobbies. You would’ve seen death all over.

So I think, from a practical standpoint, that couldn’t have been carried out too far. But — but if you — if you did nothing, on the higher side, the number would be 2.2 and maybe even more, and on the lower side, 1.6 million people.

They have been creeping up over the decades whether R or D appeared to dominate society, economy, government.
Factors outside of direct political control have been in play.
That's part of my message; both major political parties have been involved.
And the minor political parties...do they have a plan to reduce the costs of candy bars that they are just keeping to themselves.

There is a reason the minor political parties are not popular; their solutions are most often impractical and unworkable.
Democrats investigated Kushner and didn't find anything, that's all I know.

Jarad is not a politician, he never ran for office. He is a businessman.
Can I get a link to the Democrats letting kushner off the hook?
Maybe Rump should not have summoned, incited and aimed and Insurrectionist Mob against the Congress of the United States on January 6?

Actions have consequences.

These are theirs.


I'll bring the popcorn.
Do they have popcorn in China 🇨🇳?
Loser Marxist tool. ^^^
Marxism is a dictatorship and you're a moron lol
They lied their ass off about covid for a year. They lied their ass off about Russian collusion for years. CNN has no credibility whatsoever unless it's for gullible people like you. LOL
BS, brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool lol arghh....
That's why the USA - desperately needs illegal and legal immigrants. Since people like you are even to damn lazy to enter a "given" search (copy/paste) into google.

Thanks for your outstanding example and great contribution toward the topic; illegal immigrants.
You can’t provide even one link. People like you are sheep or outright liars.
The hell we don’t. Low skill jobs aren’t going away and if anything we are going to need more of them. Who do you think is going to wipe your ass for you when you’re physically incapable of doing it yourself?
A highly skilled asswipe such as yourself.
The hell we don’t. Low skill jobs aren’t going away and if anything we are going to need more of them. Who do you think is going to wipe your ass for you when you’re physically incapable of doing it yourself?
If you pack the country with millions of illiterate ditch diggers you may need to legalize sweat shops for them to have jobs
Yup the dnc is all powerful and runs all news around the world, conspiracy nut job ignoramus seditionist Russian tool
Not really but, the DNC has been infiltrated by radical, 'green' 'DEI' organizations funded by world entities that wish to overthrow America. What amazes me is how people like you can swallow this leftist, political shit show.
It's probably number one because CNN is absolutely crap and so are the people that watch it
Ha ha
Maybe…but it Doesn't matter. There are more MSM outlets. then devoted so called conservative news shows to choose from.
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Not really but, the DNC has been infiltrated by radical, 'green' 'DEI' organizations funded by world entities that wish to overthrow America. What amazes me is how people like you can swallow this leftist, political shit show.
Really…give proposals by the DNC radicals that is not favored my the majority of voters. You’re delusional and uninformed. The So called far left is really mainstream.
The gop is apartheid leaning rule by white minority.
Because the country needs labor and we don’t have enough kids.

Yes, we have people waiting in line to enter and most of them will never succeed.

What is the unemployment rate? I don’t think we have plenty of Americans to work.
Exactly…we go through this every few decades when the economy grows and labor demands cant be met. We welcome immigrants. Everyone except the American indiian are decedents from immigrants.

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