War On Women Big Fail

Medicaid will pay for abortions in the case of rape incest or harm to the mother.

And Obama had a chance to change it with affordable healthcare act but did not.

I see you guys still want to ride real close to the truth as if to imply a few things. Planned Parenthood cannot, by law, use federal money for abortions. Period. So, you have nothing.
How are women doing in the economic recovery? My guess is your answer is there.
Liberals want women as their sex toys, keep them birth controlled up and if that fails they will get an abortion. Either way they get what they want, just ask TED Kennedy or Bill Clinton.
This is one of the most retarded things I've ever seen on this board . And that says something since we have Stephanie posting on here.
You supported Clinton and Kennedy, both harassed and one still sexually harass women.
harassing women is not a leftist only trait, you lazy bottom feeder.
No, but we didn't elect one president twice, and all the clinton supporters knew that before you voted him in. He even ruined the women's lives after he was done with them. John Kennedy was another one democrats loved, and just think you want to elect Clinton's wife as president, Mrs bimbo control.
Medicaid will pay for abortions in the case of rape incest or harm to the mother.

And Obama had a chance to change it with affordable healthcare act but did not.

I see you guys still want to ride real close to the truth as if to imply a few things. Planned Parenthood cannot, by law, use federal money for abortions. Period. So, you have nothing.
In 15 states through the state money.

So, we went from denial that it's an issue to now it's an issue.
How do you get pregnant? Why do you need birth control? Sex.

It's not that ridiculus. It all comes down to having lots of sex.

How are women doing in the economic recovery? My guess is your answer is there.
Liberals want women as their sex toys, keep them birth controlled up and if that fails they will get an abortion. Either way they get what they want, just ask TED Kennedy or Bill Clinton.
This is one of the most retarded things I've ever seen on this board . And that says something since we have Stephanie posting on here.
its fucking stupid and nothing more.
wow you dont need Birth control for sex you dipshit. And you are a woman?
How do you get pregnant? Why do you need birth control? Sex.

It's not that ridiculus. It all comes down to having lots of sex.

Liberals want women as their sex toys, keep them birth controlled up and if that fails they will get an abortion. Either way they get what they want, just ask TED Kennedy or Bill Clinton.
This is one of the most retarded things I've ever seen on this board . And that says something since we have Stephanie posting on here.
its fucking stupid and nothing more.
wow you dont need Birth control for sex you dipshit. And you are a woman?
Then why should I have to pay for it, dumbass?
How do you get pregnant? Why do you need birth control? Sex.

It's not that ridiculus. It all comes down to having lots of sex.

This is one of the most retarded things I've ever seen on this board . And that says something since we have Stephanie posting on here.
its fucking stupid and nothing more.
wow you dont need Birth control for sex you dipshit. And you are a woman?
Then why should I have to pay for it, dumbass?
long as you have insurance you will
I see you guys still want to ride real close to the truth as if to imply a few things. Planned Parenthood cannot, by law, use federal money for abortions. Period. So, you have nothing.

Naturally, when you consume one billion dollars each year performing abortions, and administering reproductive care for men, then the money has to come from somewhere. Planned Parenthood could not survive on its own seeing as how a lot of men and women who go there couldn't afford abortions or vasectomies (or what have you) in the first place. If they relied solely on the payments of men and women wanting abortions or vasectomies, they would go out of business. So, who pays for the free reproductive needs of those men and women? The US government.
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I see you guys still want to ride real close to the truth as if to imply a few things. Planned Parenthood cannot, by law, use federal money for abortions. Period. So, you have nothing.

Naturally, when you consume one billion dollars each year performing abortions, then the money has to come from somewhere. Planned Parenthood could not survive on its own seeing as how a lot of women who go there couldn't afford abortion in the first place. If they relied solely on the payments of women wanting one, they would go out of business. So, who pays for the free abortions they give? The US government.
hey TK is assuming again! YAY!
What is the war on women in America?

The War on Women predates Obama. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not. Further, Obama is not up for reelection and the Republicans still don't have a plan and since they are the ones that are a part of the problem then it doesn't look good for them either.

Abortion. first, last and only.


But for women, reproductive rights is a gateway issue since it speaks to the primal essence of humanity; the female bears the child in biology.
I see you guys still want to ride real close to the truth as if to imply a few things. Planned Parenthood cannot, by law, use federal money for abortions. Period. So, you have nothing.

Naturally, when you consume one billion dollars each year performing abortions, and administering reproductive care for men, then the money has to come from somewhere. Planned Parenthood could not survive on its own seeing as how a lot of men and women who go there couldn't afford abortions or vasectomies (or what have you) in the first place. If they relied solely on the payments of men and women wanting abortions or vasectomies, they would go out of business. So, who pays for the free reproductive needs of those men and women? The US government.

PP gets around 200 million dollars a year from private donations. That's more than enough to cover every single abortion performed by PP in a year.
I see you guys still want to ride real close to the truth as if to imply a few things. Planned Parenthood cannot, by law, use federal money for abortions. Period. So, you have nothing.

Naturally, when you consume one billion dollars each year performing abortions, and administering reproductive care for men, then the money has to come from somewhere. Planned Parenthood could not survive on its own seeing as how a lot of men and women who go there couldn't afford abortions or vasectomies (or what have you) in the first place. If they relied solely on the payments of men and women wanting abortions or vasectomies, they would go out of business. So, who pays for the free reproductive needs of those men and women? The US government.

PP gets around 200 million dollars a year from private donations. That's more than enough to cover every single abortion performed by PP in a year.

I'm sorry, so where does the other $800 million come from? It can't all be from out of pocket payments or co-pays, can it?
I see you guys still want to ride real close to the truth as if to imply a few things. Planned Parenthood cannot, by law, use federal money for abortions. Period. So, you have nothing.

Naturally, when you consume one billion dollars each year performing abortions, and administering reproductive care for men, then the money has to come from somewhere. Planned Parenthood could not survive on its own seeing as how a lot of men and women who go there couldn't afford abortions or vasectomies (or what have you) in the first place. If they relied solely on the payments of men and women wanting abortions or vasectomies, they would go out of business. So, who pays for the free reproductive needs of those men and women? The US government.

PP gets around 200 million dollars a year from private donations. That's more than enough to cover every single abortion performed by PP in a year.

I'm sorry, so where does the other $800 million come from? It can't all be from out of pocket payments or co-pays, can it?


PP gets about half of its funding from US government reimbursements. None of that money goes to abortion services. It's not hard to understand. There is plenty of money from non-government sources to fully pay for every abortion PP performs.
I see you guys still want to ride real close to the truth as if to imply a few things. Planned Parenthood cannot, by law, use federal money for abortions. Period. So, you have nothing.

Naturally, when you consume one billion dollars each year performing abortions, and administering reproductive care for men, then the money has to come from somewhere. Planned Parenthood could not survive on its own seeing as how a lot of men and women who go there couldn't afford abortions or vasectomies (or what have you) in the first place. If they relied solely on the payments of men and women wanting abortions or vasectomies, they would go out of business. So, who pays for the free reproductive needs of those men and women? The US government.

PP gets around 200 million dollars a year from private donations. That's more than enough to cover every single abortion performed by PP in a year.

I'm sorry, so where does the other $800 million come from? It can't all be from out of pocket payments or co-pays, can it?


PP gets about half of its funding from US government reimbursements. None of that money goes to abortion services. It's not hard to understand. There is plenty of money from non-government sources to fully pay for every abortion PP performs.

A more critical assessment proves you wrong. Logically speaking, any money coming from non government sources are more than likely matched by that of government sources such as Medicaid. Therefore, the presence of Medicaid payments for abortions constitutes the use of taxpayer money for all services including but not limited to abortions

In 2008-09, abortions and reproductive care only accounted for $164 million of the $1 billion it makes annually or 15%. Given that they made $1.3 billion in their most previous fiscal year, it should be even a smaller proportion of it's revenue for the 2013 and 2014 fiscal year. Therefore, we need only to look through the report to find that $540 million comes from government grants, Medicaid payments or reimbursements, as footnote c on page 20 says:

The report groups revenue by source (either government or non-
government) rather than the manner of disbursement
(income versus
grants and contracts). Payments from Medicaid managed care plans are
listed as “Government Health Services Grants and Reimbursements” to
reflect the ultimate source of the funds.

As a side note to your earlier response, a gross of $315 million, and a net of $278 million comes from private donors (after eliminations for loans, equipment and etc., totaling $36.8 million that is. ibid.)
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And when you speak of government reimbursements, that means the government is compensating Planned Parenthood for the cost of a service, i.e. an abortion. Meaning the government is in fact using taxpayer money to help fund everything from tube litgation to abortions. That is generally what Medicaid is for, hence the reimbursements.
And when you speak of government reimbursements, that means the government is compensating Planned Parenthood for the cost of a service, i.e. an abortion. Meaning the government is in fact using taxpayer money to help fund everything from tube litigation to abortions.

Abortions are only a tiny fraction of the services PP provides, and I'm not aware of any government programs that "reimburse" abortion costs.
And when you speak of government reimbursements, that means the government is compensating Planned Parenthood for the cost of a service, i.e. an abortion. Meaning the government is in fact using taxpayer money to help fund everything from tube litigation to abortions.

Abortions are only a tiny fraction of the services PP provides, and I'm not aware of any government programs that "reimburse" abortion costs.

It doesn't matter what proportion of the services abortions count for. The existence of Medicaid only risks the likelihood that Medicaid is paying for abortions. So you can't really assume that it isn't paying for them.
And when you speak of government reimbursements, that means the government is compensating Planned Parenthood for the cost of a service, i.e. an abortion. Meaning the government is in fact using taxpayer money to help fund everything from tube litigation to abortions.

Abortions are only a tiny fraction of the services PP provides, and I'm not aware of any government programs that "reimburse" abortion costs.

They don't. He's lying.
What I don't understand is people who believe we subsidize WalMart's payroll because some WalMart employees receive government assistance while WalMart gets tax breaks, but we don't subsidize abortions by PP, just their other procedures. The WM argument is the "one big pot" theory. Why is "one big pot" not applicable to PP.

This is only referencing those who believe we subsidize WalMart so they don't have to pay a fair wage but don't believe we subsidize PP so they can perform free or reduced cost abortions.

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