Warning. Disgusting vid of man beating senior.

... But, the Founding Fathers gave the Press...the Media...special protections just so Americans, in forming their free opinions...could be well informed ...

Strictly speaking ... every American enjoys the right to Free Press ... as demonstrated by James Woods above, hire a couple of actors and you too can publish hateful and disgusting videos ...

Do we need bigger government to keep watch on old folks homes? ... sure ... God forbid the family takes care of their own elderly ...

You miss the larger issue...probably on purpose.

We are as divided as we have been since late 1859--early 1860. I ask you to imagine the Media coverage if this was a white guy doing this to an elderly black nursing-home patient.

It is a tough request, I know---to be objective---because the hallmarks of Liberal philosophy are licentious hypocrisy and an ill-conceived, but deeply rooted sense of moral and intellectual superiority over Heartlanders.

Can you imagine that? Putting yourself in the other guys shoes. Like mine.....who watches this loathsome depravity with revulsion....instead of like you---who acts like a DNC Shill, except likely unpaid and from your mother's basement.

Most Democrats cannot think in these alternative terms---and just see Depravity, and condemn it...because a hallmark of Liberal philosophy is licentious hypocrisy and also, an ill-conceived notion of moral and intellectual superiority.

I'm tired of typing---in short, Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I don't think this is or should be a partisan political issue. I think we all agree this is horrendous.

Why make it political?

Because Hypocrites like you would be the very first to make it political---if it was the other way around.

Recent egregious example: Christine Blasey Ford (Believe all women, put Kavanaugh in Jail) and Tara Reade (who is this lying bitch, I believe Sniffin JOE.)

You may be the worst Hypocrite on this board...but the competition is intense, so don't make me commit just yet.

This person is a monster. Seeing and hearing stories like this makes me question my prohibition on the death penalty. I’ll never place my kin in one of those
And what the fuck did that old woman holding up her arms as if pleading mercy...what did she do to garner this assholes beating her? Did he not see old woman? Or did he see old WHITE woman? JaydonFreak already stated on his social media outlets that he HATES white people.
We have a couple of Jaydon types here. If one turns up missing we know who he really is.
Terrible. Almost as bad as the Lt. Gov of Texas, Dan Patrick, saying we should just let the elderly die of COVID-19 to protect the economy for our grandchildren. Have you seen the elderly with COVID-19? Laying in bed, connected to tubes, suffering, alone, infectious.

I watched the lieutenant governor of Texas in that interview, and you have mischaracterized it so completely that I am comfortable in calling you a Damn Liar.

The man said he was in his seventies, and so was at risk, but the evidence indicated that young people were not affected particularly, any more than the flu---and he has since been shown to be correct.

He said he didn't not want to die, but he did not want to destroy his children and grandchildren's way of life....on behalf of people like him.

I am in the exact same shape as him, older, and with complicating conditions. So, I stay home, but my kids should be at work, on the beach...living their life.

Not only was what the Lt. Gov. said---very admirable....he was also right. A truly honorable, selfless man.

You, on the other hand---are a lying piece of shit.
... But, the Founding Fathers gave the Press...the Media...special protections just so Americans, in forming their free opinions...could be well informed ...

Strictly speaking ... every American enjoys the right to Free Press ... as demonstrated by James Woods above, hire a couple of actors and you too can publish hateful and disgusting videos ...

Do we need bigger government to keep watch on old folks homes? ... sure ... God forbid the family takes care of their own elderly ...

You miss the larger issue...probably on purpose.

We are as divided as we have been since late 1859--early 1860. I ask you to imagine the Media coverage if this was a white guy doing this to an elderly black nursing-home patient.

It is a tough request, I know---to be objective---because the hallmarks of Liberal philosophy are licentious hypocrisy and an ill-conceived, but deeply rooted sense of moral and intellectual superiority over Heartlanders.

Can you imagine that? Putting yourself in the other guys shoes. Like mine.....who watches this loathsome depravity with revulsion....instead of like you---who acts like a DNC Shill, except likely unpaid and from your mother's basement.

Most Democrats cannot think in these alternative terms---and just see Depravity, and condemn it...because a hallmark of Liberal philosophy is licentious hypocrisy and also, an ill-conceived notion of moral and intellectual superiority.

I'm tired of typing---in short, Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I don't think this is or should be a partisan political issue. I think we all agree this is horrendous.

Why make it political?

Because Hypocrites like you would be the very first to make it political---if it was the other way around.

Recent egregious example: Christine Blasey Ford (Believe all women, put Kavanaugh in Jail) and Tara Reade (who is this lying bitch, I believe Sniffin JOE.)

You may be the worst Hypocrite on this board...but the competition is intense, so don't make me commit just yet.


The competition likely is...you.

Blasey Ford - lying bitch
Tara Reade - credible

But...more to the point, I'm not sure you have ever actually read what I posted on either one.
... But, the Founding Fathers gave the Press...the Media...special protections just so Americans, in forming their free opinions...could be well informed ...

Strictly speaking ... every American enjoys the right to Free Press ... as demonstrated by James Woods above, hire a couple of actors and you too can publish hateful and disgusting videos ...

Do we need bigger government to keep watch on old folks homes? ... sure ... God forbid the family takes care of their own elderly ...

You miss the larger issue...probably on purpose.

We are as divided as we have been since late 1859--early 1860. I ask you to imagine the Media coverage if this was a white guy doing this to an elderly black nursing-home patient.

It is a tough request, I know---to be objective---because the hallmarks of Liberal philosophy are licentious hypocrisy and an ill-conceived, but deeply rooted sense of moral and intellectual superiority over Heartlanders.

Can you imagine that? Putting yourself in the other guys shoes. Like mine.....who watches this loathsome depravity with revulsion....instead of like you---who acts like a DNC Shill, except likely unpaid and from your mother's basement.

Most Democrats cannot think in these alternative terms---and just see Depravity, and condemn it...because a hallmark of Liberal philosophy is licentious hypocrisy and also, an ill-conceived notion of moral and intellectual superiority.

I'm tired of typing---in short, Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I don't think this is or should be a partisan political issue. I think we all agree this is horrendous.

Why make it political?

Because Hypocrites like you would be the very first to make it political---if it was the other way around.

Recent egregious example: Christine Blasey Ford (Believe all women, put Kavanaugh in Jail) and Tara Reade (who is this lying bitch, I believe Sniffin JOE.)

You may be the worst Hypocrite on this board...but the competition is intense, so don't make me commit just yet.


The competition likely is...you.

Blasey Ford - lying bitch
Tara Reade - credible

But...more to the point, I'm not sure you have ever actually read what I posted on either one.

Well, you put in the word "likely" because you have not a clue what I thought about the Ford/Reade absurdities. ( I have 3 daughters---that should give you some idea, but I also believe 27 year old accusations (Reade) and 37 year old accusations (Blasey-Ford)----should be highly suspect.

But, I suppose you think this worked as a deflection away from the Black ANIMAL beating a poor white nursing home patient to death---yes he died a few days later.

The real issue you are so diligently dodging is that if it was a White person administering this brutal depravity to a Black---it would be National News--you know it, I know it, the whole world knows it---and therein lies your rank Hypocrisy.
... But, the Founding Fathers gave the Press...the Media...special protections just so Americans, in forming their free opinions...could be well informed ...

Strictly speaking ... every American enjoys the right to Free Press ... as demonstrated by James Woods above, hire a couple of actors and you too can publish hateful and disgusting videos ...

Do we need bigger government to keep watch on old folks homes? ... sure ... God forbid the family takes care of their own elderly ...

You miss the larger issue...probably on purpose.

We are as divided as we have been since late 1859--early 1860. I ask you to imagine the Media coverage if this was a white guy doing this to an elderly black nursing-home patient.

It is a tough request, I know---to be objective---because the hallmarks of Liberal philosophy are licentious hypocrisy and an ill-conceived, but deeply rooted sense of moral and intellectual superiority over Heartlanders.

Can you imagine that? Putting yourself in the other guys shoes. Like mine.....who watches this loathsome depravity with revulsion....instead of like you---who acts like a DNC Shill, except likely unpaid and from your mother's basement.

Most Democrats cannot think in these alternative terms---and just see Depravity, and condemn it...because a hallmark of Liberal philosophy is licentious hypocrisy and also, an ill-conceived notion of moral and intellectual superiority.

I'm tired of typing---in short, Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I don't think this is or should be a partisan political issue. I think we all agree this is horrendous.

Why make it political?

Because Hypocrites like you would be the very first to make it political---if it was the other way around.

Recent egregious example: Christine Blasey Ford (Believe all women, put Kavanaugh in Jail) and Tara Reade (who is this lying bitch, I believe Sniffin JOE.)

You may be the worst Hypocrite on this board...but the competition is intense, so don't make me commit just yet.


The competition likely is...you.

Blasey Ford - lying bitch
Tara Reade - credible

But...more to the point, I'm not sure you have ever actually read what I posted on either one.

Well, you put in the word "likely" because you have not a clue what I thought about the Ford/Reade absurdities. ( I have 3 daughters---that should give you some idea, but I also believe 27 year old accusations (Reade) and 37 year old accusations (Blasey-Ford)----should be highly suspect.

But, I suppose you think this worked as a deflection away from the Black ANIMAL beating a poor white nursing home patient to death---yes he died a few days later.

The real issue you are so diligently dodging is that if it was a White person administering this brutal depravity to a Black---it would be National News--you know it, I know it, the whole world knows it---and therein lies your rank Hypocrisy.

This: because you have not a clue what I thought about the Ford/Reade absurdities...

Yes. You have no clue as to what I thought.
... But, the Founding Fathers gave the Press...the Media...special protections just so Americans, in forming their free opinions...could be well informed ...

Strictly speaking ... every American enjoys the right to Free Press ... as demonstrated by James Woods above, hire a couple of actors and you too can publish hateful and disgusting videos ...

Do we need bigger government to keep watch on old folks homes? ... sure ... God forbid the family takes care of their own elderly ...

You miss the larger issue...probably on purpose.

We are as divided as we have been since late 1859--early 1860. I ask you to imagine the Media coverage if this was a white guy doing this to an elderly black nursing-home patient.

It is a tough request, I know---to be objective---because the hallmarks of Liberal philosophy are licentious hypocrisy and an ill-conceived, but deeply rooted sense of moral and intellectual superiority over Heartlanders.

Can you imagine that? Putting yourself in the other guys shoes. Like mine.....who watches this loathsome depravity with revulsion....instead of like you---who acts like a DNC Shill, except likely unpaid and from your mother's basement.

Most Democrats cannot think in these alternative terms---and just see Depravity, and condemn it...because a hallmark of Liberal philosophy is licentious hypocrisy and also, an ill-conceived notion of moral and intellectual superiority.

I'm tired of typing---in short, Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

I don't think this is or should be a partisan political issue. I think we all agree this is horrendous.

Why make it political?

Because Hypocrites like you would be the very first to make it political---if it was the other way around.

Recent egregious example: Christine Blasey Ford (Believe all women, put Kavanaugh in Jail) and Tara Reade (who is this lying bitch, I believe Sniffin JOE.)

You may be the worst Hypocrite on this board...but the competition is intense, so don't make me commit just yet.


The competition likely is...you.

Blasey Ford - lying bitch
Tara Reade - credible

But...more to the point, I'm not sure you have ever actually read what I posted on either one.

Well, you put in the word "likely" because you have not a clue what I thought about the Ford/Reade absurdities. ( I have 3 daughters---that should give you some idea, but I also believe 27 year old accusations (Reade) and 37 year old accusations (Blasey-Ford)----should be highly suspect.

But, I suppose you think this worked as a deflection away from the Black ANIMAL beating a poor white nursing home patient to death---yes he died a few days later.

The real issue you are so diligently dodging is that if it was a White person administering this brutal depravity to a Black---it would be National News--you know it, I know it, the whole world knows it---and therein lies your rank Hypocrisy.

This: because you have not a clue what I thought about the Ford/Reade absurdities...

Yes. You have no clue as to what I thought.

I read your post on the issue.

Why can't you bring yourself to address the issue of hypocrisy by Liberals in the Media.

I say--You know, I know, everybody knows--that this Satanic beating would be NATIONAL NEWS---if it was a White man doing it to an old Black man.

Admistit, or admit you are a hypocrite---but for God's sake quit dodging---quit running--from THE FUCKING ISSUE..
I read from Code Of Vets over on twitter that the old man was a veteran. Imagine fighting a war, surviving it, only to come home, wind up in a nursing home due to no immediate family or any that would take him in, and being beaten like he's nothing. Myself, I can't imagine it and am still horrified at seeing it to begin with. Haunted me all damn night.

Yes to that Elder creep poster...yes.....I gave that advice because even though we are all here at USMB, eventually many of us will wind up in a nursing home. Asshole.
I think its time to blame liberal race hustlers from obama on down for infecting the minds of young black men with so much hate for white people
No. I blame Oprah and mindsets like hers. Didn't she say OLD WHITE PEOPLE NEED TO DIE before racism would stop? Why yes. She did. Stacy Abrams...didn't she say she wants OLD WHITE MEN out of any kind of power? Why yes, she did. Maybe not in those exact words, but close enough. Maxine Waters, is another one. These people, and the parents of beings like Jaydon..THAT is where all this comes from. Raised with no soul, no empathy, no kindness, no common sense, no anything SOULLESS. This young man is warped and I wonder just how he got from a cute little toddler to punching old people...white or otherwise. Its sick, and he probably tortured animals too. Practiced his punching on dogs, cats, anything that couldn't fight back. Then he turned to helpless people in nursing homes.

He needs to be dead. Sooner the better before he passes his sickness on to another empty headed asshole to follow in his footsteps.
And what the fuck did that old woman holding up her arms as if pleading mercy...what did she do to garner this assholes beating her? Did he not see old woman? Or did he see old WHITE woman? JaydonFreak already stated on his social media outlets that he HATES white people.

It's the same mindset that preys upon elderly people, or handicapped people.

Interestingly though - let me thow this out as food for thought.

We are all disgusted by this, rightfully so. It's blatantly brutal. BUT...is it any different than the crimes committed by the Bernie Madoff's of this world - who conned vulnerable elderly people into giving up their entire life savings and left them with nothing?
What???? Those people were not helpless, weak, ill, sick, hurt, tired, dependent on someone else to wipe their butts, give them meds, feed them, etc. To compare the two is just...well, it just gobsmacks me. YES ITS DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!
And what the fuck did that old woman holding up her arms as if pleading mercy...what did she do to garner this assholes beating her? Did he not see old woman? Or did he see old WHITE woman? JaydonFreak already stated on his social media outlets that he HATES white people.

It's the same mindset that preys upon elderly people, or handicapped people.

Interestingly though - let me thow this out as food for thought.

We are all disgusted by this, rightfully so. It's blatantly brutal. BUT...is it any different than the crimes committed by the Bernie Madoff's of this world - who conned vulnerable elderly people into giving up their entire life savings and left them with nothing?
What???? Those people were not helpless, weak, ill, sick, hurt, tired, dependent on someone else to wipe their butts, give them meds, feed them, etc. To compare the two is just...well, it just gobsmacks me. YES ITS DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!

They were helpless in a different way. Older people are far more vulnerable to scammers. Scammers know this.
The enemy fighting so hard to find some justification for this henious crime is so disgusting it defies any kind of understanding at all. The monster needs to be executed. No trial is even necessary. He filmed his own evidence. A slow and very public death. Beaten to death perhaps.
And what the fuck did that old woman holding up her arms as if pleading mercy...what did she do to garner this assholes beating her? Did he not see old woman? Or did he see old WHITE woman? JaydonFreak already stated on his social media outlets that he HATES white people.

It's the same mindset that preys upon elderly people, or handicapped people.

Interestingly though - let me thow this out as food for thought.

We are all disgusted by this, rightfully so. It's blatantly brutal. BUT...is it any different than the crimes committed by the Bernie Madoff's of this world - who conned vulnerable elderly people into giving up their entire life savings and left them with nothing?
What???? Those people were not helpless, weak, ill, sick, hurt, tired, dependent on someone else to wipe their butts, give them meds, feed them, etc. To compare the two is just...well, it just gobsmacks me. YES ITS DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!

They were helpless in a different way. Older people are far more vulnerable to scammers. Scammers know this.
I love you Coyote. I really do. You have such a HUGE heart and a kind soul and you try so very hard to see from all aspects. But in some instances, those aspects are just flat out evil that you try so very hard to defend. I'd rather be vulernable to scammers, fire, flood, lies, deceit, etc than be beaten helpless and not able to defend myself. I have no middle ground when it comes to molesters, bullies, physical abuse, than to try to find a silver lining in there somewhere. And that is what you do, which makes so many angry at you that refuse to see the REAL you...who is so kind and tenderhearted, you just can't see it yourself, which in turn irritates me sometimes but deep down...I still see your heart, although I don't agree with it now and then.

Just saying.
And what the fuck did that old woman holding up her arms as if pleading mercy...what did she do to garner this assholes beating her? Did he not see old woman? Or did he see old WHITE woman? JaydonFreak already stated on his social media outlets that he HATES white people.

It's the same mindset that preys upon elderly people, or handicapped people.

Interestingly though - let me thow this out as food for thought.

We are all disgusted by this, rightfully so. It's blatantly brutal. BUT...is it any different than the crimes committed by the Bernie Madoff's of this world - who conned vulnerable elderly people into giving up their entire life savings and left them with nothing?
What???? Those people were not helpless, weak, ill, sick, hurt, tired, dependent on someone else to wipe their butts, give them meds, feed them, etc. To compare the two is just...well, it just gobsmacks me. YES ITS DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!

They were helpless in a different way. Older people are far more vulnerable to scammers. Scammers know this.

Can you imagine the pain that man went through. The confusion. Why was he being beaten? His orbital ridge shatters. His nose is pulverized. He is choking on his own blood as his killer's laughter rings in his ears. The next blow dislocates his jaw. The next one shatters that jaw. A fist to the neck splinters his trachea. Blood starts filling his lungs. He chokes. He can't breathe. The beating has blinded him. Now he dies. The killer is delirious with joy.
At least he wasn't scammed
That would really be bad.
I didn't know the old man died soon after being treated. How fucking sad is that? I mean, really. HOW SAD to be beaten to death by someone that was supposed to care for him.

I have no family. If MrG dies...and I am too old to take care of myself...I will wind up in a state run nursing home. Um. No I won't. I have it all planned out. I have the way and the means to take myself off this earth before I ever see the front door of a nursing home. I'll do it too. IF my parents were still alive...they would never wind up in one either. I'm glad they both died before it came to that. I want the same for me.
And what the fuck did that old woman holding up her arms as if pleading mercy...what did she do to garner this assholes beating her? Did he not see old woman? Or did he see old WHITE woman? JaydonFreak already stated on his social media outlets that he HATES white people.

It's the same mindset that preys upon elderly people, or handicapped people.

Interestingly though - let me thow this out as food for thought.

We are all disgusted by this, rightfully so. It's blatantly brutal. BUT...is it any different than the crimes committed by the Bernie Madoff's of this world - who conned vulnerable elderly people into giving up their entire life savings and left them with nothing?
What???? Those people were not helpless, weak, ill, sick, hurt, tired, dependent on someone else to wipe their butts, give them meds, feed them, etc. To compare the two is just...well, it just gobsmacks me. YES ITS DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!

They were helpless in a different way. Older people are far more vulnerable to scammers. Scammers know this.

Can you imagine the pain that man went through. The confusion. Why was he being beaten? His orbital ridge shatters. His nose is pulverized. He is choking on his own blood as his killer's laughter rings in his ears. The next blow dislocates his jaw. The next one shatters that jaw. A fist to the neck splinters his trachea. Blood starts filling his lungs. He chokes. He can't breathe. The beating has blinded him. Now he dies. The killer is delirious with joy.
At least he wasn't scammed
That would really be bad.
I had no idea of the extent. I SAW it, but didn't KNOW the details. I feel so very very bad for this man. So fucking sad. I'm gonna need a xanax tonight I think.
And what the fuck did that old woman holding up her arms as if pleading mercy...what did she do to garner this assholes beating her? Did he not see old woman? Or did he see old WHITE woman? JaydonFreak already stated on his social media outlets that he HATES white people.

It's the same mindset that preys upon elderly people, or handicapped people.

Interestingly though - let me thow this out as food for thought.

We are all disgusted by this, rightfully so. It's blatantly brutal. BUT...is it any different than the crimes committed by the Bernie Madoff's of this world - who conned vulnerable elderly people into giving up their entire life savings and left them with nothing?
What???? Those people were not helpless, weak, ill, sick, hurt, tired, dependent on someone else to wipe their butts, give them meds, feed them, etc. To compare the two is just...well, it just gobsmacks me. YES ITS DIFFERENT!!!!!!!!!!

They were helpless in a different way. Older people are far more vulnerable to scammers. Scammers know this.

Can you imagine the pain that man went through. The confusion. Why was he being beaten? His orbital ridge shatters. His nose is pulverized. He is choking on his own blood as his killer's laughter rings in his ears. The next blow dislocates his jaw. The next one shatters that jaw. A fist to the neck splinters his trachea. Blood starts filling his lungs. He chokes. He can't breathe. The beating has blinded him. Now he dies. The killer is delirious with joy.
At least he wasn't scammed
That would really be bad.
I had no idea of the extent. I SAW it, but didn't KNOW the details. I feel so very very bad for this man. So fucking sad. I'm gonna need a xanax tonight I think.
If you saw the video you know what happened. I've gone over many many autopsy records of victims that were beaten to death and understand just what was going on. This was not this bastard's first killing. He had others that he posted on you tube. They have been taken down. This guy will not be the only murder charge for this serial killer
I just read over at twitter that Jaydon was a patient at that nursing home because...drumroll...he had covid. And he stayed there AFTER the old man was beaten....carrying on his usual way.
His daddy said Jaydon is no vicious but has mental problems and shouldn't have been put in that "environment to begin with". Already, the excuses.

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