Warning: Your 1st Amendment Rights are at Risk.


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
I can't stop laughing at the fact that Trump didn't attend the annual press meeting held at the white house. I can just see the left and their biased media supporters congregated sitting on the edge of their seats in anticipation hoping to to skewer him publicly. This while sending their dogs at Fox News trying to silence that network and disallowing Ann Coulter to give a speech at UC Berkeley. It's truly mind boggling that these federally funded universities are brain washing OUR kids with their one sided liberal ideology and getting away with it.

But all comedy aside, make no mistake this is far from a laughing matter because Americans are at serious risk of losing their first amendment rights altogether and when that happens like in communist countries, the only news the populace will get will be the fake crap liberals spew. Thank God for forums such as this one which allows people to still get the word out.

At any rate all democrats need to do next is get back in office and flood the country with enough illegals or change immigration policies to fit their agendas which will allow them to remain in power forever. So for all intents and purposes the U.S. will become a one party dictatorship system. Anyone not clear what this means only needs to look at what's happening in Venezuela these days. That country was like the U.S. not that long ago and now it's been taken over by a dictator named Chavez who has released thugs from prisons to enforce his rule upon the society there. Anyone trying to oppose or run against him in elections is either murdered or has to do it from some undisclosed hidden cave. In other words, it'll probably be impossible at this point to make that change. Some former Venezuelan's currently living in the U.S. report what's happening in America now is exactly how it all started in Venezuela.
I can't stop laughing at the fact that Trump didn't attend the annual press meeting held at the white house. I can just see the left and their biased media supporters congregated sitting on the edge of their seats in anticipation hoping to to skewer him publicly. This while sending their dogs at Fox News trying to silence that network and disallowing Ann Coulter to give a speech at UC Berkeley. It's truly mind boggling that these federally funded universities are brain washing OUR kids with their one sided liberal ideology and getting away with it.

But all comedy aside, make no mistake this is far from a laughing matter because Americans are at serious risk of losing their first amendment rights altogether and when that happens like in communist countries, the only news the populace will get will be the fake crap liberals spew. Thank God for forums such as this one which allows people to still get the word out.

At any rate all democrats need to do next is get back in office and flood the country with enough illegals or change immigration policies to fit their agendas which will allow them to remain in power forever. So for all intents and purposes the U.S. will become a one party dictatorship system. Anyone not clear what this means only needs to look at what's happening in Venezuela these days. That country was like the U.S. not that long ago and now it's been taken over by a dictator named Chavez who has released thugs from prisons to enforce his rule upon the society there. Anyone trying to oppose or run against him in elections is either murdered or has to do it from some undisclosed hidden cave. In other words, it'll probably be impossible at this point to make that change. Some former Venezuelan's currently living in the U.S. report what's happening in America now is exactly how it all started in Venezuela.
When reason fails, only force remains.

Americans need to wake up to the intentions of the Left, before that is the only alternative.

Not a threat. Merely an observation.
I can't stop laughing at the fact that Trump didn't attend the annual press meeting held at the white house. I can just see the left and their biased media supporters congregated sitting on the edge of their seats in anticipation hoping to to skewer him publicly. This while sending their dogs at Fox News trying to silence that network and disallowing Ann Coulter to give a speech at UC Berkeley. It's truly mind boggling that these federally funded universities are brain washing OUR kids with their one sided liberal ideology and getting away with it.

But all comedy aside, make no mistake this is far from a laughing matter because Americans are at serious risk of losing their first amendment rights altogether and when that happens like in communist countries, the only news the populace will get will be the fake crap liberals spew. Thank God for forums such as this one which allows people to still get the word out.

At any rate all democrats need to do next is get back in office and flood the country with enough illegals or change immigration policies to fit their agendas which will allow them to remain in power forever. So for all intents and purposes the U.S. will become a one party dictatorship system. Anyone not clear what this means only needs to look at what's happening in Venezuela these days. That country was like the U.S. not that long ago and now it's been taken over by a dictator named Chavez who has released thugs from prisons to enforce his rule upon the society there. Anyone trying to oppose or run against him in elections is either murdered or has to do it from some undisclosed hidden cave. In other words, it'll probably be impossible at this point to make that change. Some former Venezuelan's currently living in the U.S. report what's happening in America now is exactly how it all started in Venezuela.

As you've notice most fake liberals are to stupid to see it all slipping away. they think having it their way makes for free speech for everyone they are this retarded.
As I keep pointing out, it's Fascism 101 to pretend that your opponents are violent to justify your own side's violence.

The Trump thugs are following the fascist playbook. Antifa is a handful of anarchists, not related to liberals at all, who are no threat to anybody. The conservatives are using antifa as a bogeyman to justify their own violence against all liberals. Heck, it's quite possible conservatives are funding antifa, being how useful they are to the conservative cause.
As I keep pointing out, it's Fascism 101 to pretend that your opponents are violent to justify your own side's violence.

The Trump thugs are following the fascist playbook. Antifa is a handful of anarchists, not related to liberals at all, who are no threat to anybody. The conservatives are using antifa as a bogeyman to justify their own violence against all liberals. Heck, it's quite possible conservatives are funding antifa, being how useful they are to the conservative cause.
I think they just want Trump as emperor and a free hand at disinfecting America's woes...
As I keep pointing out, it's Fascism 101 to pretend that your opponents are violent to justify your own side's violence.

The Trump thugs are following the fascist playbook. Antifa is a handful of anarchists, not related to liberals at all, who are no threat to anybody. The conservatives are using antifa as a bogeyman to justify their own violence against all liberals. Heck, it's quite possible conservatives are funding antifa, being how useful they are to the conservative cause.

We not only have antifa on video proving they are the aggressors who use violent SA shout down tactics to violate the civil rights of those they disagree with, we also have DNC operatives on tape admitting to using payed agent provocateurs to instigate violence at Trump rallies.
I can't stop laughing at the fact that Trump didn't attend the annual press meeting held at the white house. I can just see the left and their biased media supporters congregated sitting on the edge of their seats in anticipation hoping to to skewer him publicly. This while sending their dogs at Fox News trying to silence that network and disallowing Ann Coulter to give a speech at UC Berkeley. It's truly mind boggling that these federally funded universities are brain washing OUR kids with their one sided liberal ideology and getting away with it.

But all comedy aside, make no mistake this is far from a laughing matter because Americans are at serious risk of losing their first amendment rights altogether and when that happens like in communist countries, the only news the populace will get will be the fake crap liberals spew. Thank God for forums such as this one which allows people to still get the word out.

At any rate all democrats need to do next is get back in office and flood the country with enough illegals or change immigration policies to fit their agendas which will allow them to remain in power forever. So for all intents and purposes the U.S. will become a one party dictatorship system. Anyone not clear what this means only needs to look at what's happening in Venezuela these days. That country was like the U.S. not that long ago and now it's been taken over by a dictator named Chavez who has released thugs from prisons to enforce his rule upon the society there. Anyone trying to oppose or run against him in elections is either murdered or has to do it from some undisclosed hidden cave. In other words, it'll probably be impossible at this point to make that change. Some former Venezuelan's currently living in the U.S. report what's happening in America now is exactly how it all started in Venezuela.
So which first amendment right is at risk?
We not only have antifa on video proving they are the aggressors who use violent SA shout down tactics to violate the civil rights of those they disagree with, we also have DNC operatives on tape admitting to using payed agent provocateurs to instigate violence at Trump rallies.

And we see yet another example of the right using propaganda to justify violence against all liberals.

You don't see any liberals calling for violence. You see every conservative calling for violence.
This really isn't a First Amendment issue, as much as it is the exposing of a group of people on the Left who loathe this country's history, traditions and values.

They know that shutting down speech is wrong, they know that intimidation is wrong, they know that violence is wrong, but they don't care
As I keep pointing out, it's Fascism 101 to pretend that your opponents are violent to justify your own side's violence.

The Trump thugs are following the fascist playbook. Antifa is a handful of anarchists, not related to liberals at all, who are no threat to anybody. The conservatives are using antifa as a bogeyman to justify their own violence against all liberals. Heck, it's quite possible conservatives are funding antifa, being how useful they are to the conservative cause.

We not only have antifa on video proving they are the aggressors who use violent SA shout down tactics to violate the civil rights of those they disagree with, we also have DNC operatives on tape admitting to using payed agent provocateurs to instigate violence at Trump rallies.
Is Based Stick Man Not So Based?

Stickman AKA Kyle Chapman, google him along with Nathan Damigo, Richard Spencer, and Idenity Evropa.

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This really isn't a First Amendment issue, as much as it is the exposing of a group of people on the Left who loathe this country's history, traditions and values.

They know that shutting down speech is wrong, they know that intimidation is wrong, they know that violence is wrong, but they don't care
And what of the right trying to shut down the media that disagrees with the orange clown? And I have seen no liberals on these boards talking about shooting 'Conservatives', but post after post of 'Conservatives' longing for a free hand in killing fellow Americans who are liberal.

Yes, the Antifa needs to be shut down, as do the violent people on the right.
This really isn't a First Amendment issue, as much as it is the exposing of a group of people on the Left who loathe this country's history, traditions and values.

Just like how the Jews stabbed Germany in the back. Ah, history repeats itself.
This really isn't a First Amendment issue, as much as it is the exposing of a group of people on the Left who loathe this country's history, traditions and values.
Just like how the Jews stabbed Germany in the back. Ah, history repeats itself.
And what of the right trying to shut down the media that disagrees with the orange clown?
The Jews? The orange clown? Dueling deflections.

Antifa is just a symptom. I believe in freedom of expression. That means no interference with Coulter's silly talks in any way. That means everyone who wants to hear her, can hear every word loud and clear. And if some KKK fool wants to be next, great, sign him up and give him a mic.

Those who don't really believe in freedom of expression, don't.

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