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Warren and the Divine Right of Capital: Accountable Capitalism Act

So, to prove how evil capitalism is, you post a graphic showing deaths caused by tyrannical government.

That didn't work out so great for you, did it?
So, to prove how evil capitalism is, you post a graphic showing deaths caused by tyrannical government.
Tyrannical capitalist government, you mean?

"Put on the U2 and The Cranberries and let’s down some green brew folks, it’s that time of year again.

"But while St. Patrick’s Day is cause to celebrate everything Irish-American, it’s also a good time to ponder just why more than a million Irish were forced to leave Ireland while another million were dying of starvation in such a short period of time in the first place.

"The answer, which also explains why millions of children are currently going without enough food in the U.S., has much more to do with market systems than Mother Nature."

EarthRx: The Irish Potato Famine Was Caused by Capitalism, Not a Fungus
Your first item: "Hurricane Katrina (deliberate faulty construction): 1,836"

It's handy when your first item is bullshit. Makes it easier to dismiss the rest as worthless, too.
Your first item: "Hurricane Katrina (deliberate faulty construction): 1,836"

It's handy when your first item is bullshit. Makes it easier to dismiss the rest as worthless, too.
What makes you"think" it's bullshit?
Something Trump told you.
No. Reality.

You blame capitalism for the deaths caused when NOLA flooded.

But reality is that it was a failure of government to adequately engineer and construct the flood protection system.

Government killed those people, not capitalism.
No. Reality.

You blame capitalism for the deaths caused when NOLA flooded.

But reality is that it was a failure of government to adequately engineer and construct the flood protection system.

Government killed those people, not capitalism.
Government owned by crony capitalists killed those people.
Your link:

Katrina Report Blames Levees

"Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineer and Corps critic, called Strock's comments and the report signs of 'a leadership in growth.'

"'They're catching up with the 1,000 years of progress of the Dutch,' Bea said, referring to the Netherlands' long, and mostly successful, history of battling the North Sea."

The reason politicians don't direct funds toward maintaining crumbling infrastructure isn't because robber barons bribe them not to do so. It's because those maintenance jobs don't provide a high return on investment, politically speaking. Nobody notices when you fix old shit, they only notice when you do new shit. The pressure, in this regard, comes as much from the voters as it does from the donor class.

But the pressure is only to blame if you ignore that the politicians have agency. They are human beings able to act of their own accord, and if these corrupt elected pricks are more worried about keeping their job than doing their job, that's on them. This isn't a bug in capitalism, it's a bug in any system with a democratic process.
Lastly, only idiot would look at a socialized system, run by a government, as being a Capitalist caused problem.

then what would you call the wall st. bailouts?

Only an idiot would describe an obviously capitalist-socialist economy as "run by a government" (Duh!) and treat the capitalist part as though magically isolated and free of criticism.
The reason politicians don't direct funds toward maintaining crumbling infrastructure isn't because robber barons bribe them not to do so. It's because those maintenance jobs don't provide a high return on investment, politically speaking. Nobody notices when you fix old shit, they only notice when you do new shit. The pressure, in this regard, comes as much from the voters as it does from the donor class.
Perhaps, just perhaps mind you,.. there's more than one reason. Whether one blames some upon "robber barons" or "the donor class." Distinction without difference? And ROI is quite literally economically speaking as well.
But the pressure is only to blame if you ignore that the politicians have agency. They are human beings able to act of their own accord, and if these corrupt elected pricks are more worried about keeping their job than doing their job, that's on them. This isn't a bug in capitalism, it's a bug in any system with a democratic process.
  1. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
    "an era of free-market capitalism"
Notice how, unlike these "private owners," "the state" is not presumed "for profit"? Oh noes, could that mean its socialist? Hmm, let's see..
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Okay, so pretty sure
"advocates that" blah, blah "should be" blah is wishful thinking compared to "are controlled by".
A "theory of social organization" vs a "system in which".
We're forced to operate largely on faith. Voting the bastards out every so often ain't never got the job done. Our "Republic if we can keep it" requires constant vigilance and public engagement. Far as "Not2BSubjugated"? Sorry, too late.

Is there such a thing as having too much?
Tyrannical capitalist government, you mean?

"Put on the U2 and The Cranberries and let’s down some green brew folks, it’s that time of year again.

"But while St. Patrick’s Day is cause to celebrate everything Irish-American, it’s also a good time to ponder just why more than a million Irish were forced to leave Ireland while another million were dying of starvation in such a short period of time in the first place.

"The answer, which also explains why millions of children are currently going without enough food in the U.S., has much more to do with market systems than Mother Nature."

EarthRx: The Irish Potato Famine Was Caused by Capitalism, Not a Fungus
Your first item: "Hurricane Katrina (deliberate faulty construction): 1,836"

It's handy when your first item is bullshit. Makes it easier to dismiss the rest as worthless, too.
Your first item: "Hurricane Katrina (deliberate faulty construction): 1,836"

It's handy when your first item is bullshit. Makes it easier to dismiss the rest as worthless, too.
What makes you"think" it's bullshit?
Something Trump told you.
No. Reality.

You blame capitalism for the deaths caused when NOLA flooded.

But reality is that it was a failure of government to adequately engineer and construct the flood protection system.

Government killed those people, not capitalism.
No. Reality.

You blame capitalism for the deaths caused when NOLA flooded.

But reality is that it was a failure of government to adequately engineer and construct the flood protection system.

Government killed those people, not capitalism.
Government owned by crony capitalists killed those people.
Your link:

Katrina Report Blames Levees

"Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineer and Corps critic, called Strock's comments and the report signs of 'a leadership in growth.'

"'They're catching up with the 1,000 years of progress of the Dutch,' Bea said, referring to the Netherlands' long, and mostly successful, history of battling the North Sea."
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
Katrina was the match and capitalism is the fuel that destroyed New Orleans; blaming "government" makes as much sense as blaming WMDs for the capitalist looting of Iraq.

"Profits Over People

"Clearly, in the minds of the billionaires who rule this country, war and profits come before relief for ordinary people faced with the most difficult of situations.

"Partially due to the huge amount of resources devoted to the Iraq war, state and local governments have implemented vicious budget cuts that have caused, amongst other things, less money to be devoted to dealing with natural disasters.

"Recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of hurricanes and other major natural disasters, some of which the probably the result of climate change.

"Of course, it would have been impossible to prevent all the damage done by Katrina, but much of it was preventable.

"New Orleans has a record of flooding during hurricanes. The city is built below sea level, and it is kept from constant flooding by a system of levees and pumps.

"The levees are set up to withstand some level three hurricanes, but Katrina was a level four hurricane. There is plenty of technology to create levees that withstand even level five hurricanes."

Hurricane Katrina: A Disaster Worsened by Capitalism | Socialist Alternative
Government owned by crony capitalists killed those people.
Your link:

Katrina Report Blames Levees

"Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineer and Corps critic, called Strock's comments and the report signs of 'a leadership in growth.'

"'They're catching up with the 1,000 years of progress of the Dutch,' Bea said, referring to the Netherlands' long, and mostly successful, history of battling the North Sea."

New Orleans is widely known as one of the most corrupt cities in our country.

They are made up of numerous different, competing, levy boards. Each levy board would be allocated Federal funds to improve and maintain their levies. Much of the money was spent on self-aggrandizing projects for their particular area.

Ray Nagin, former mayor of New Orlean during Hurricane Katrina is currently serving time in prison for corruption and has been ordered to pay restitution of something over half a million dollars. He has claimed that he is destitute.

Ray Nagin is the mayor who promised that New Orleans would be rebuilt as a "CHOCOLATE CITY".
New Orleans is widely known as one of the most corrupt cities in our country.

They are made up of numerous different, competing, levy boards. Each levy board would be allocated Federal funds to improve and maintain their levies. Much of the money was spent on self-aggrandizing projects for their particular area.
Who funds the corruption in New Orleans?
Hint: the same crony capitalist interests that destroyed its wetlands.


Gov. John Bel Edwards: State will sue oil and gas companies directly if parishes don't

"Gov. John Bel Edwards plans to step up the fight to win damages from oil and gas companies for their role in damaging Louisiana's wetlands over many decades, saying Wednesday that he wants all coastal parishes to join in litigation against the energy industry.

"If the parishes don't sue, the state will, Edwards said."
Georgephillip, and you other far left Socialists, between Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos they have acquired roughly a quarter of a TRILLION DOLLARS in my lifetime. Specifically how much has their earnings taken from your income and net worth?
Not a penny more than I lost in this crime ...
[propaganda_omitted] ...

Accumulating wealth isn't a crime. I understand that you want to make it a crime, but it isn't in a free society.
Accumulating wealth isn't a crime. I understand that you want to make it a crime, but it isn't in a free society.
There's nothing "free" about a parasitic class acquiring wealth as a return on money amassed through a nexus between corrupt business elites and their equally corrupt political whores.

The unmitigated corruption of capitalist politics

"A note on capitalist elections is in order here in case any readers might still believe that we are discussing any semblance of democratic process in the periodic charade that is presented to the world wherein two billionaires and their corporate sponsors and media vie for the nation’s top office.

"Democracy in capitalist America is for the rich only, whether it be in the electoral arena or in the rarified one percent world of big capital, in which the Obama administration bailed out the nation’s leading and virtually bankrupt banks and related institutions to the tune of $32 trillion."

the Obama administration bailed out the nation’s leading and virtually bankrupt banks and related institutions to the tune of $32 trillion."

Waahhh…..the Fed lent money overnight and the banks paid it back.

The banking system was saved......waahhh.
Waahhh…..the Fed lent money overnight and the banks paid it back.

The banking system was saved......waahhh.
Praise Mammon

MR Online | Another look at the Federal Reserve’s panic in September 2019 and solutions to the crisis

"The religion of markets

"Almost all political leaders, whether of the traditional Left or the Right, from North or South, worship the markets, especially the financial markets. Or perhaps one should say, they have fabricated a religion of markets.

"Every day, in every home with a television set or an internet connection, a service is held to honour the Market Gods when the Stock exchange listings and finance market expectations are reported.

"The Market Gods send signals through the voice of the economic journalist or finance reporter.

"This is not only true for industrialized countries, but for most places on earth. Whether you are in Shanghai or Dakar, Rio de Janeiro or Johannesburg, Brussels or Athens, you will receive the ‘signals sent from the markets’.

"To emphasize the power of the Market Gods in the minds of believers, commentators occasionally announce that signals have been sent to governments to indicate their satisfaction or displeasure."
Government owned by crony capitalists killed those people.
Your link:

Katrina Report Blames Levees

"Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineer and Corps critic, called Strock's comments and the report signs of 'a leadership in growth.'

"'They're catching up with the 1,000 years of progress of the Dutch,' Bea said, referring to the Netherlands' long, and mostly successful, history of battling the North Sea."

New Orleans is widely known as one of the most corrupt cities in our country.

They are made up of numerous different, competing, levy boards. Each levy board would be allocated Federal funds to improve and maintain their levies. Much of the money was spent on self-aggrandizing projects for their particular area.

Ray Nagin, former mayor of New Orlean during Hurricane Katrina is currently serving time in prison for corruption and has been ordered to pay restitution of something over half a million dollars. He has claimed that he is destitute.

Ray Nagin is the mayor who promised that New Orleans would be rebuilt as a "CHOCOLATE CITY".
New Orleans is widely known as one of the most corrupt cities in our country.

They are made up of numerous different, competing, levy boards. Each levy board would be allocated Federal funds to improve and maintain their levies. Much of the money was spent on self-aggrandizing projects for their particular area.
Who funds the corruption in New Orleans?
Hint: the same crony capitalist interests that destroyed its wetlands.


Gov. John Bel Edwards: State will sue oil and gas companies directly if parishes don't

"Gov. John Bel Edwards plans to step up the fight to win damages from oil and gas companies for their role in damaging Louisiana's wetlands over many decades, saying Wednesday that he wants all coastal parishes to join in litigation against the energy industry.

"If the parishes don't sue, the state will, Edwards said."

Edwards, shaking down the oil companies. What a shock!!!
I had not considered the ambiguity of the sentence "it's not about you" when I wrote my response to Andy's latest anecdote about his time at McDonald's. I wanted to convey my belief that millions of other workers who may have found it difficult to find a "better job" toiled as wage slaves in an organization that paid its CEO 2124 times as much as the vast majority of its labor force.

Obviously, Andy's decision to leave McDonald's was all about him...:boohoo:

How to parse "It's not about you"

"As far as I could understand, this phrase somehow means 'You're acting selfishly and you don't have the right to do this'. But I am having a hard time putting that into the words 'it's not about you'.

"On the surface the words are gibberish.

"Of course a decision I make for myself is 'about me'. Does the phrase mean "a personal decision that affects you should not concern you'? That also makes little sense."

I wanted to convey my belief that millions of other workers who may have found it difficult to find a "better job"

I get that. You, or them, are both wrong.

You are wrong sir. Because I know these people, I've worked with them most of my life, and the moment they lose their job.... it's amazing how they are able to find another, after saying for years that they can't.

They are wrong. You are wrong too.

The current CEO of Walmart, started off as a crew member. Hourly wage, unloading trucks for Walmart. You can move up the corporate chain. You can choose to enroll in management training.

Or you can whine and cry, and post on a forum, that you can't get a better job.

Whiners stay where they are, typically because no one promotes a whiner. If you are store manager, and you have a whiner crying that they evil CEO makes too much, and they can't find a better job, and they are a wage slave.... would you promote them, so you have to work with that whiner more? No. I know this myself, because when I had to choose people to work with, I specifically did not pick whiny people to be promoted with me.

No one does.

Again, where you are in life, is 90% your choice, and only 10% your circumstance.
The current CEO of Walmart, started off as a crew member. Hourly wage, unloading trucks for Walmart. You can move up the corporate chain. You can choose to enroll in management training.
Why would you think succeeding at Walmart is a good thing, because YOU save money?

One SIMPLE thing you can do to avoid supporting sweatshops — Craig Greenfield

"According to this week's Phnom Penh Post, Cambodians working in factories supplying Walmart have been subjected to horrific workplace abuse ranging from forced labor to sexual harassment.

"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

"And according to this report, "'almart’s commitment to labor rights in Cambodian factories is next to zero.'

"Disgusting. Walmart you make me sick."

"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
Cambodians aren't forcing Walmart to exploit labor.
Which side gets rich?

Walmart’s black mark | Phnom Penh Post

"'Walmart is part of the International Labour Organization Better Factories Cambodia program, which covers all apparel and footwear factories in Cambodia,' the brand said. 'In addition, we actively engage with other brands, NGOs and the Cambodian government to support better transparency and dialogue among stakeholders.'"

"However, the study argues that Walmart is in fact 'notorious for being the most difficult large brand to communicate with'.

"'Whereas other large brands, even those who have received negative attention in recent years, have representatives on the ground in Asian countries, Walmart remains one of the few large brands that do not provide local representation for compliance issues,' it says."

Then don't work there. Are you suggesting that those people have no choice but to work for Walmart? Like, are they marched in under guard like it was Stalin Russia all over again?

No. So just don't work there.

Now what I usually get from you people is.... they can't find another job.

Ok, but if you guys have your way, then Walmart would close down. They won't have job under your solution either.

So if both solutions result in them not having a job.... why not give them a choice? You know.... a free-market capitalist based choice.

If they really don't like working at Walmart, they can work elsewhere.

If they do like it, then they can keep working there.

If it was really that terrible, then no one would work there.

Why do you people always think you need to impose yourselves on everyone? Why do you feel the need to shove your nose, up everyone's butt?

Again, didn't you have parents that taught you to mind your own business?
No. So just don't work there.

Now what I usually get from you people is.... they can't find another job.

Ok, but if you guys have your way, then Walmart would close down. They won't have job under your solution either.

So if both solutions result in them not having a job.... why not give them a choice? You know.... a free-market capitalist based choice.

If they really don't like working at Walmart, they can work elsewhere.
Or Walmart could require its suppliers to meet basic human rights standards, of course that might reduce its Almighty Profit margin?

Walmart’s black mark | Phnom Penh Post

"Forced labour also extends to weekends, national holidays and even to times when workers fall ill, which is 'particularly problematic' in the March to November hot season, as it overlaps with the industry’s 10-month peak-production period.

"At this time, 'mass fainting episodes regularly occur as a direct result of overexertion without proper nutrition', it says.

"Twenty-nine-year-old Kim Sokheng, a worker at Ghim Li (Cambodia), which the report identifies as a supplier of women’s apparel to the retail giant, said in an interview this week that she was often unable to take sick leave.

"'They [the factory] need us to take sick leave in advance, but how can we know which day we are sick?' she asked. 'The company should stop cutting wages when the workers are ill.'"
Georgephillip, and you other far left Socialists, between Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos they have acquired roughly a quarter of a TRILLION DOLLARS in my lifetime. Specifically how much has their earnings taken from your income and net worth?
Not a penny more than I lost in this crime ...
[propaganda_omitted] ...

Accumulating wealth isn't a crime. I understand that you want to make it a crime, but it isn't in a free society.
Accumulating wealth isn't a crime. I understand that you want to make it a crime, but it isn't in a free society.
There's nothing "free" about a parasitic class acquiring wealth as a return on money amassed through a nexus between corrupt business elites and their equally corrupt political whores.

The unmitigated corruption of capitalist politics

"A note on capitalist elections is in order here in case any readers might still believe that we are discussing any semblance of democratic process in the periodic charade that is presented to the world wherein two billionaires and their corporate sponsors and media vie for the nation’s top office.

"Democracy in capitalist America is for the rich only, whether it be in the electoral arena or in the rarified one percent world of big capital, in which the Obama administration bailed out the nation’s leading and virtually bankrupt banks and related institutions to the tune of $32 trillion."

the Obama administration bailed out the nation’s leading and virtually bankrupt banks and related institutions to the tune of $32 trillion."

Waahhh…..the Fed lent money overnight and the banks paid it back.

The banking system was saved......waahhh.
Waahhh…..the Fed lent money overnight and the banks paid it back.

The banking system was saved......waahhh.
Praise Mammon

MR Online | Another look at the Federal Reserve’s panic in September 2019 and solutions to the crisis

"The religion of markets

"Almost all political leaders, whether of the traditional Left or the Right, from North or South, worship the markets, especially the financial markets. Or perhaps one should say, they have fabricated a religion of markets.

"Every day, in every home with a television set or an internet connection, a service is held to honour the Market Gods when the Stock exchange listings and finance market expectations are reported.

"The Market Gods send signals through the voice of the economic journalist or finance reporter.

"This is not only true for industrialized countries, but for most places on earth. Whether you are in Shanghai or Dakar, Rio de Janeiro or Johannesburg, Brussels or Athens, you will receive the ‘signals sent from the markets’.

"To emphasize the power of the Market Gods in the minds of believers, commentators occasionally announce that signals have been sent to governments to indicate their satisfaction or displeasure."

Cool story, bro......

Hey, don't bogart that joint......
Lastly, only idiot would look at a socialized system, run by a government, as being a Capitalist caused problem.

then what would you call the wall st. bailouts?

Only an idiot would describe an obviously capitalist-socialist economy as "run by a government" (Duh!) and treat the capitalist part as though magically isolated and free of criticism.
The reason politicians don't direct funds toward maintaining crumbling infrastructure isn't because robber barons bribe them not to do so. It's because those maintenance jobs don't provide a high return on investment, politically speaking. Nobody notices when you fix old shit, they only notice when you do new shit. The pressure, in this regard, comes as much from the voters as it does from the donor class.
Perhaps, just perhaps mind you,.. there's more than one reason. Whether one blames some upon "robber barons" or "the donor class." Distinction without difference? And ROI is quite literally economically speaking as well.
But the pressure is only to blame if you ignore that the politicians have agency. They are human beings able to act of their own accord, and if these corrupt elected pricks are more worried about keeping their job than doing their job, that's on them. This isn't a bug in capitalism, it's a bug in any system with a democratic process.
  1. an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
    "an era of free-market capitalism"
Notice how, unlike these "private owners," "the state" is not presumed "for profit"? Oh noes, could that mean its socialist? Hmm, let's see..
  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Okay, so pretty sure
"advocates that" blah, blah "should be" blah is wishful thinking compared to "are controlled by".
A "theory of social organization" vs a "system in which".
We're forced to operate largely on faith. Voting the bastards out every so often ain't never got the job done. Our "Republic if we can keep it" requires constant vigilance and public engagement. Far as "Not2BSubjugated"? Sorry, too late.

Is there such a thing as having too much?

Fair enough, I'm not going to say any problem as large as crumbling infrastructure exists on only one axis. I would like to know, however, what the scenario is whereby the donors are pressuring politicians to let the levy's collapse in New Orleans. Seems like a silly theory whether or not the room exists for more causal factors than the fact that fixing old shit isn't politically lucrative.
Dunno, but I've been listening as Harry Shearer's spent years (decades?) coveraging this issue. Others here and there as well. The incompetence of the Army Corps of Engineers, in this area at least, has been laughable for those not forced to cry. Their motto "Let Us Try" speaks volumes.
The Big Uneasy marks the beginning of the end of ignorance about what happened to one of our nation’s most treasured cities—and serves as a stark reminder that the same agency that failed to protect New Orleans still employs the same flawed science in many other cities across America. Without improvements to engineering and accountability in oversight, the film cautions, we will be very sorry to see history repeat itself elsewhere. Nothing less than public safety is at stake.
It happens insidiously , the roads , the electrical grid, water and waste systems all 'slip' , especially in the heavily populated metropolis'

that the weather is 'broken' simply accelerates it all

that we're so heavily in debt stymies any remedy

objectively, there's not much sustainability about us ,given an exponential growth of us and our needs

but you all want to thing we're 'winning'

and here i thought the Obama hope/change koolaid was potent...

Government owned by crony capitalists killed those pe
Edwards, shaking down the oil companies. What a shock!!!

Your link:

Katrina Report Blames Levees

"Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineer and Corps critic, called Strock's comments and the report signs of 'a leadership in growth.'

"'They're catching up with the 1,000 years of progress of the Dutch,' Bea said, referring to the Netherlands' long, and mostly successful, history of battling the North Sea."

New Orleans is widely known as one of the most corrupt cities in our country.

They are made up of numerous different, competing, levy boards. Each levy board would be allocated Federal funds to improve and maintain their levies. Much of the money was spent on self-aggrandizing projects for their particular area.

Ray Nagin, former mayor of New Orlean during Hurricane Katrina is currently serving time in prison for corruption and has been ordered to pay restitution of something over half a million dollars. He has claimed that he is destitute.

Ray Nagin is the mayor who promised that New Orleans would be rebuilt as a "CHOCOLATE CITY".
New Orleans is widely known as one of the most corrupt cities in our country.

They are made up of numerous different, competing, levy boards. Each levy board would be allocated Federal funds to improve and maintain their levies. Much of the money was spent on self-aggrandizing projects for their particular area.
Who funds the corruption in New Orleans?
Hint: the same crony capitalist interests that destroyed its wetlands.


Gov. John Bel Edwards: State will sue oil and gas companies directly if parishes don't

"Gov. John Bel Edwards plans to step up the fight to win damages from oil and gas companies for their role in damaging Louisiana's wetlands over many decades, saying Wednesday that he wants all coastal parishes to join in litigation against the energy industry.

"If the parishes don't sue, the state will, Edwards said."

Edwards, shaking down the oil companies. What a shock!!!
Are you disappointed you didn't get a cut?
Not a penny more than I lost in this crime ...
[propaganda_omitted] ...

Accumulating wealth isn't a crime. I understand that you want to make it a crime, but it isn't in a free society.
Accumulating wealth isn't a crime. I understand that you want to make it a crime, but it isn't in a free society.
There's nothing "free" about a parasitic class acquiring wealth as a return on money amassed through a nexus between corrupt business elites and their equally corrupt political whores.

The unmitigated corruption of capitalist politics

"A note on capitalist elections is in order here in case any readers might still believe that we are discussing any semblance of democratic process in the periodic charade that is presented to the world wherein two billionaires and their corporate sponsors and media vie for the nation’s top office.

"Democracy in capitalist America is for the rich only, whether it be in the electoral arena or in the rarified one percent world of big capital, in which the Obama administration bailed out the nation’s leading and virtually bankrupt banks and related institutions to the tune of $32 trillion."

the Obama administration bailed out the nation’s leading and virtually bankrupt banks and related institutions to the tune of $32 trillion."

Waahhh…..the Fed lent money overnight and the banks paid it back.

The banking system was saved......waahhh.
Waahhh…..the Fed lent money overnight and the banks paid it back.

The banking system was saved......waahhh.
Praise Mammon

MR Online | Another look at the Federal Reserve’s panic in September 2019 and solutions to the crisis

"The religion of markets

"Almost all political leaders, whether of the traditional Left or the Right, from North or South, worship the markets, especially the financial markets. Or perhaps one should say, they have fabricated a religion of markets.

"Every day, in every home with a television set or an internet connection, a service is held to honour the Market Gods when the Stock exchange listings and finance market expectations are reported.

"The Market Gods send signals through the voice of the economic journalist or finance reporter.

"This is not only true for industrialized countries, but for most places on earth. Whether you are in Shanghai or Dakar, Rio de Janeiro or Johannesburg, Brussels or Athens, you will receive the ‘signals sent from the markets’.

"To emphasize the power of the Market Gods in the minds of believers, commentators occasionally announce that signals have been sent to governments to indicate their satisfaction or displeasure."

Cool story, bro......

Hey, don't bogart that joint......
Cool story, bro......

Hey, don't bogart that joint......
Are you disappointed you didn't get a cut?

Oh, i could be bought George..... I'm a small time contractor (i have to sit on my code book to to drive) But your query is more than renumerative ends, it's about our allegiance to our system, and by proxy our identity as a citizen of it.


"45000 Cambodians work in factories supplying Walmart alone.

Walmart isn't forcing them to work in Cambodian factories.
No one forced Walmart into Cambodia either, but Walmart sure moved its fat ass in there to exploit their cheap labor and loose environmental regulations. Did you know Walmart was a big "Buy American!" screamer until suddenly... they weren't anymore :(

You should stop shopping at WalMart until they make all their goods in the US...….
You should stop shopping at WalMart until they make all their goods in the US...….

You people never learn do you?

The whole reason Apple invested so heavily into Ireland, was because of the lower tax rate.

Increase taxes on corporations will only result in corporations investing more and more outside the US.
When will you people ever learn? How many times do you have to keep trying the same failed policies, before you figure out they don't work?
You people never learn do you?

The whole reason Apple invested so heavily into Ireland, was because of the lower tax rate.
You people are too dense to understand when rich corporations dodge their taxes, you pay the difference.

Sales at Apple’s Irish holding company rise 13.1% to $155.8bn

"In 2016, the European Commission found that Apple had benefited from illegal state aid in the Republic, and ordered it to pay €13 billion in taxes and penalties it said were owed. That money was paid into an escrow account pending the conclusion of pending appeals of the decision by the company and the State, who both claim the commission erred in its judgment."
Your first item: "Hurricane Katrina (deliberate faulty construction): 1,836"

It's handy when your first item is bullshit. Makes it easier to dismiss the rest as worthless, too.
Your first item: "Hurricane Katrina (deliberate faulty construction): 1,836"

It's handy when your first item is bullshit. Makes it easier to dismiss the rest as worthless, too.
What makes you"think" it's bullshit?
Something Trump told you.
No. Reality.

You blame capitalism for the deaths caused when NOLA flooded.

But reality is that it was a failure of government to adequately engineer and construct the flood protection system.

Government killed those people, not capitalism.
No. Reality.

You blame capitalism for the deaths caused when NOLA flooded.

But reality is that it was a failure of government to adequately engineer and construct the flood protection system.

Government killed those people, not capitalism.
Government owned by crony capitalists killed those people.
Your link:

Katrina Report Blames Levees

"Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineer and Corps critic, called Strock's comments and the report signs of 'a leadership in growth.'

"'They're catching up with the 1,000 years of progress of the Dutch,' Bea said, referring to the Netherlands' long, and mostly successful, history of battling the North Sea."
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
Katrina was the match and capitalism is the fuel that destroyed New Orleans; blaming "government" makes as much sense as blaming WMDs for the capitalist looting of Iraq.

"Profits Over People

"Clearly, in the minds of the billionaires who rule this country, war and profits come before relief for ordinary people faced with the most difficult of situations.

"Partially due to the huge amount of resources devoted to the Iraq war, state and local governments have implemented vicious budget cuts that have caused, amongst other things, less money to be devoted to dealing with natural disasters.

"Recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of hurricanes and other major natural disasters, some of which the probably the result of climate change.

"Of course, it would have been impossible to prevent all the damage done by Katrina, but much of it was preventable.

"New Orleans has a record of flooding during hurricanes. The city is built below sea level, and it is kept from constant flooding by a system of levees and pumps.

"The levees are set up to withstand some level three hurricanes, but Katrina was a level four hurricane. There is plenty of technology to create levees that withstand even level five hurricanes."

Hurricane Katrina: A Disaster Worsened by Capitalism | Socialist Alternative
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.

So, if your job here is selling people (Ha! See what I did there?) on the joys of all-powerful government, Imma be real with you, Chief -- it ain't workin'.
What makes you"think" it's bullshit?
Something Trump told you.
No. Reality.

You blame capitalism for the deaths caused when NOLA flooded.

But reality is that it was a failure of government to adequately engineer and construct the flood protection system.

Government killed those people, not capitalism.
No. Reality.

You blame capitalism for the deaths caused when NOLA flooded.

But reality is that it was a failure of government to adequately engineer and construct the flood protection system.

Government killed those people, not capitalism.
Government owned by crony capitalists killed those people.
Your link:

Katrina Report Blames Levees

"Robert Bea, a University of California at Berkeley engineer and Corps critic, called Strock's comments and the report signs of 'a leadership in growth.'

"'They're catching up with the 1,000 years of progress of the Dutch,' Bea said, referring to the Netherlands' long, and mostly successful, history of battling the North Sea."
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
That doesn't support your claim.

Hey, George, quick question here:

Have you talked anyone into supporting your political philosophy?
Katrina was the match and capitalism is the fuel that destroyed New Orleans; blaming "government" makes as much sense as blaming WMDs for the capitalist looting of Iraq.

"Profits Over People

"Clearly, in the minds of the billionaires who rule this country, war and profits come before relief for ordinary people faced with the most difficult of situations.

"Partially due to the huge amount of resources devoted to the Iraq war, state and local governments have implemented vicious budget cuts that have caused, amongst other things, less money to be devoted to dealing with natural disasters.

"Recent years have seen a marked increase in the number of hurricanes and other major natural disasters, some of which the probably the result of climate change.

"Of course, it would have been impossible to prevent all the damage done by Katrina, but much of it was preventable.

"New Orleans has a record of flooding during hurricanes. The city is built below sea level, and it is kept from constant flooding by a system of levees and pumps.

"The levees are set up to withstand some level three hurricanes, but Katrina was a level four hurricane. There is plenty of technology to create levees that withstand even level five hurricanes."

Hurricane Katrina: A Disaster Worsened by Capitalism | Socialist Alternative
So...you prove capitalism is evil by posting a picture of police state tactics.

Yeah, not seeing a real selling point for increased government control here.

So, if your job here is selling people (Ha! See what I did there?) on the joys of all-powerful government, Imma be real with you, Chief -- it ain't workin'.

Capitalism can be a grand system

You see you're approach is only black/ white

Capitalism needs a leash , otherwise it eats itself

said leash is bureaucratic oversight, da gub'mit

Free markets are anarchy w/out this

Are you disappointed you didn't get a cut?

Oh, i could be bought George..... I'm a small time contractor (i have to sit on my code book to to drive) But your query is more than renumerative ends, it's about our allegiance to our system, and by proxy our identity as a citizen of it.

Oh, i could be bought George..... I'm a small time contractor (i have to sit on my code book to to drive) But your query is more than renumerative ends, it's about our allegiance to our system, and by proxy our identity as a citizen of it.
TP was whining about the Governor of Louisiana shaking down poor, little oil companies, and I found it hard to believe such crony capitalism would offend him in the first place.

Small business owners, in many ways have the worst of two worlds; they are buried under mountains of regulations written by corporate lobbyists, yet they don't have the money to buy any sympathetic politicians. I spent my working years in a few different blue collar jobs, but at least when the work day ended, I didn't have any homework. I think this system is fundamentally corrupt; perhaps Trump's rare combination of ignorance, arrogance, and indifference will reveal the inequities to both sides of the aisle when all is said and done?

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