Warren Buffet Trying To Dodge Taxes!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
First, let's flash back to 2011, when Warren Buffett said this:

"Last year my federal tax bill — the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf — was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4 percent of my taxable income — and that’s actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. Their tax burdens ranged from 33 percent to 41 percent and averaged 36 percent."

Today, Warren Buffett is investing $3 billion in a venture by Burger King to take over a Canadian company, Tim Horton. Burger King is then planning to move its corporate headquarters to Canada for tax purposes.

You have to kind of shake your head when US corporate taxes are higher than Canada's.

Warren Buffet: Tax Dodger.

Burger King Warren Buffett under fire for Canadian inversion deal - LA Times

Geez what utter bullshit.
You'er comparing his personal tax situation with that of a company he is working with. They arent comparable at all. That said, Buffet is a big liberal. Like most big liberals he's a hypocrite.
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he's just doing good old u.s. business. they are all doing it. now we are begging businesses, that are destroying our lives, to come pay less taxes in our nation and so on. europe has finally agreed to stop the massive bank salaries and if they/we were smart we'd all follow suit. we'd also all demand the same corporate tax but we wanna be pimped out by those smart ceos. we all are fools I'll do that job for nothing o master. thank ya masser
All of Berkshires acquisition are structured as tax free stock exchanges and Warren moved all his personal wealth to a tax free trust.

Another "Do as I say, not what I do, Nannystate knows best" Liberal. Charlie Munger should smack some sense back into Warren
he's just doing good old u.s. business. they are all doing it. now we are begging businesses, that are destroying our lives, to come pay less taxes in our nation and so on. europe has finally agreed to stop the massive bank salaries and if they/we were smart we'd all follow suit. we'd also all demand the same corporate tax but we wanna be pimped out by those smart ceos. we all are fools I'll do that job for nothing o master. thank ya masser

What business is "Destroying your life" the computer company? The Electric company? Who?
the oil and fracking company. all the companies "hiring" slave labor in third world countries reducing us to third world wages so ceos and the chosen few can rake in more then they would or could ever spend on our stupidity. the car companies still making cars that get a whopping 20 miles to the gallon. idiots like us still relying on oil that is captured for an by the few, usually with weapons and by force through puppet regimes that will soon destroy this world fighting over the natural resource God gave us all. monsantos now cornering the market on food and genetically altering the food with no study on the effects to humans or the world in general. Then they own the seeds they poisoned. the lack of bees because of electronic interference and or pollution chemical pesticides. the ice caps melting and then the ocean regulator currents being stopped. the amount of fresh water in oceans is killing them not to mention nitrogen fertilzers. corral reefs and other much need ecosystems ie rain forest among others being destroyed by our stupidity in the name of "progress" really greed. Take off your rose shaded glasses and let me show you the hell to come.
I blame this whole world's shitty situation on it's winner ie leaders. they have led us to hell because our whorish generation was all to read and willing to sell it to them. Now we all shall reap what our ignorance, arrogance and apathy have let us sow.

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