Warren is heartless to those who save for college

Very true as well. They are not preparing the kids for real life when they give them "safe spaces" and such things. That should be illegal. Lol. That is probably one reason why so many of these younger people want socialism. They are ill informed of the dangers of such governance, and they want to be taken care of by a mommy or a daddy (government), who will take care of all of their grievances, and this is completely irrational, not to mention really STUPID.
Most students want a fair shake when they graduate. They want a good job waiting that will pay their bills and allow them to get started in life. That is what I got when I graduated.

Instead, recent grads face a job market with entry salaries that haven’t increased in decades, jobs with minimal benefits.
Instead of looking to buy a car or save for a new home, they start life with massive student debt and end up moving back with their parents

I'm quite sure that salaries offered now are a lot more than they were when you graduated. Getting a good paying job with good benefits is a crap shoot because there are SO MANY other people applying for the same jobs. Also, you don't get the benefit to make a first impression on an employer, since most of the time, job applications are done online nowadays. You are strictly relying on your resume basically. There's a lot of competition out there. There are a lot of other factors involved too, which complicates the issue. It's not simple for employers to just pay their employees as much money as they think they are worth.
Salaries are much higher than when I graduated 40 years ago. But I look at salaries I was offering graduate engineers in the late 90s and compare to the salaries being paid today and they are not much higher

Unemployment is at 3.5 percent. Salaries should be going through the roof to get top candidates. Yet, they are not.

College graduates today are getting screwed from both ends today. Massive student debt and stagnant salaries

Yet all we hear from conservatives is that students are lazy and have meaningless degrees
Free trade and foreign competition from low wage countries is an anchor on wages in America

something that the left is generally in favor of
Yet corporations are showing record profits and executive pay has skyrocketed.

That money is not trickling down to the workforce and college students are taking the worst.

There is a lot more competition for those good paying jobs than there was when you were a college grad.
Just having that college diploma is not enough. You have to prove that you are a good and reliable employee. Nobody wants to hire someone who wants to take time off to attend a women's march dressed like a vagina. :D

How much history is required for any degree? Zero. Even history majors don’t have to take American history.

There are other histories other than America
You didn’t read the link.

They told those majoring in AMERICAN HISTORY they do not need to study AMERICAN HISTORY
Sorry but that sounds just stupid
I don’t believe it for a minute
Here are liberal arts colleges, according to the survey, that do not require history majors to take U.S. history:

  • Williams
  • Amherst
  • Swarthmore
  • Bowdoin
  • Pomona
  • Wellesley
  • Carleton
  • Davidson
  • Haverford
  • Vassar
  • Harvey Mudd
  • Smith
  • Washington and Lee
  • Wesleyan
  • Colby
  • Grinnell
  • Macalester
  • Oberlin
  • Bates
  • Bryn Mawr
  • Kenyon
Here are national universities, according to the survey, that do not require history majors to take U.S. history:

  • Harvard
  • Yale
  • Stanford
  • University of Chicago
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Duke
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • California Institute of Technology
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Dartmouth
  • Northwestern
  • Brown
  • Cornell
  • Vanderbilt
  • Washington University in St. Louis
  • Rice
  • Notre Dame
  • Emory
  • Georgetown
  • Carnegie Mellon
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Michigan
  • University of North Carolina
  • University of California-Santa Barbara
  • UC-Irvine
  • UC-San Diego
  • UC-Davis
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Ohio State
  • University of Washington
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Minnesota

  • No U.S. History? How College History Departments Leave the United States out of the Major | Bachelor Of Arts | Curriculum

Again, there are other histories other than the US. It’s a wide, wide world
How many US History majors do we need?
Sure, history of Aborigines is very important to get a job with a history major who doesn’t know who the first President of the US was.
Ummm...JFK cut the top tax rate down to 70 percent

As a true Democrat, I’m willing to accept JFKs tax rate
Are you?

Yes, with these provisions.

I have done this before but I’ll do it again for your edification, from (1963). It will do for our purposes. Anyone (a single person) earning $4,000 per year or less paid income tax at the rate of 20%. Adjusted for inflation, that would be $31,800.00 per year. That translates to everyone earning LESS THAN $31,800 PER YEAR TODAY WOULD PAY 20% INCOME TAX. Gosh, that sure would eliminate that 48% that pay no income tax today! Way to go!

As for the top rate of your beloved 91% in 1963, that was paid by those earning over $400,000.00 Adjusted for inflation, that would be $3,186,770.00 today. Do you want to tell us that 1% of the nation earns of 3.2 MILLION PER YEAR?


In the same year, employees paid 3.625% for Social Security and the employer paid nothing. Not quite the 15.2% of today.

Now, do you really want to go back to those rates? Are you aware of the long, long list of deductions in 1963? All interest on everything and the list goes on.

Federal Income Tax Brackets for Tax Year 1962 (Filed April 1963)

FICA & SECA Tax Rates

The Inflation Calculator
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Making loans more difficult to qualify for and lowering the loan amounts, reduces the demand for bullshit classes. I fixed that for you

There will be no fewer students, because student not required to take bullshit classes as fillers that are practically just job security for un-needed professors, will take classes that are will help them in their life. There will be fewer, but professors that are not needed anymore to suck out from student's college tuition.Classes that students wont attend would be cancelled, based on supply and demand.

Not the various outliers like requiring gender studies or whatever, specifically what do you consider "Bulls***" courses.
Today’s students are not getting a fair shake. I did when I graduated. I graduated with no debt and was paid enough to get an apartment and a new car. I was also able to save up enough to get married and buy a home in a few years

Today’s students get paltry offers with no benefits. They end up moving back with their parents so they can pay their loans.

They are getting screwed
Liz Warren knows it and wants to do something about it.


Look what you said few posts earlier.

Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life

Which one is it? Prepared or not prepared?
What does one have to do with the other?

On one hand, students have college degrees which they paid a fortune for
On the other, the marketplace does not provide the pay or benefits to start out in life on your own
Making loans more difficult to qualify for and lowering the loan amounts, reduces the demand for bullshit classes. I fixed that for you

There will be no fewer students, because student not required to take bullshit classes as fillers that are practically just job security for un-needed professors, will take classes that are will help them in their life. There will be fewer, but professors that are not needed anymore to suck out from student's college tuition.Classes that students wont attend would be cancelled, based on supply and demand.

Not the various outliers like requiring gender studies or whatever, specifically what do you consider "Bulls***" courses.
How many universities require gender studies?

Not many
There are other histories other than America
You didn’t read the link.

They told those majoring in AMERICAN HISTORY they do not need to study AMERICAN HISTORY
Sorry but that sounds just stupid
I don’t believe it for a minute
Here are liberal arts colleges, according to the survey, that do not require history majors to take U.S. history:

  • Williams
  • Amherst
  • Swarthmore
  • Bowdoin
  • Pomona
  • Wellesley
  • Carleton
  • Davidson
  • Haverford
  • Vassar
  • Harvey Mudd
  • Smith
  • Washington and Lee
  • Wesleyan
  • Colby
  • Grinnell
  • Macalester
  • Oberlin
  • Bates
  • Bryn Mawr
  • Kenyon
Here are national universities, according to the survey, that do not require history majors to take U.S. history:

  • Harvard
  • Yale
  • Stanford
  • University of Chicago
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Duke
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • California Institute of Technology
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Dartmouth
  • Northwestern
  • Brown
  • Cornell
  • Vanderbilt
  • Washington University in St. Louis
  • Rice
  • Notre Dame
  • Emory
  • Georgetown
  • Carnegie Mellon
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Michigan
  • University of North Carolina
  • University of California-Santa Barbara
  • UC-Irvine
  • UC-San Diego
  • UC-Davis
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Ohio State
  • University of Washington
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Minnesota

  • No U.S. History? How College History Departments Leave the United States out of the Major | Bachelor Of Arts | Curriculum

Again, there are other histories other than the US. It’s a wide, wide world
How many US History majors do we need?
Sure, history of Aborigines is very important to get a job with a history major who doesn’t know who the first President of the US was.
Suppose you hear there are a lot of openings in the Ukraine State Department and you want to get a job in the foreign service.
You want to study the history of Ukraine, Russia, Baltic States, Eastern Europe.

Being an expert on the War of 1812 does not help you
So making less money available to students who suffer financially will somehow help them?

If any student has the ability, desire, and motivation, there are a huge number of scholarships and grants available.

Yes, denying students huge loans for majors which will pay little down the road, is helping them.
Making loans more difficult to qualify for and lowering the loan amounts, reduces the demand for bullshit classes. I fixed that for you

There will be no fewer students, because student not required to take bullshit classes as fillers that are practically just job security for un-needed professors, will take classes that are will help them in their life. There will be fewer, but professors that are not needed anymore to suck out from student's college tuition.Classes that students wont attend would be cancelled, based on supply and demand.

Not the various outliers like requiring gender studies or whatever, specifically what do you consider "Bulls***" courses.
How many universities require gender studies?

Not many

My statement was "NOT the various outliers like requiring gender studies".
Well, no matter how many colleges actually do it, those that do offer "safe spaces" and "crying closets" and that sort of thing, need to cut that shit out! That is certainly NOT preparing anyone for the real world. That is coddling and babying and it needs to stop.
You didn’t read the link.

They told those majoring in AMERICAN HISTORY they do not need to study AMERICAN HISTORY
Sorry but that sounds just stupid
I don’t believe it for a minute
Here are liberal arts colleges, according to the survey, that do not require history majors to take U.S. history:

  • Williams
  • Amherst
  • Swarthmore
  • Bowdoin
  • Pomona
  • Wellesley
  • Carleton
  • Davidson
  • Haverford
  • Vassar
  • Harvey Mudd
  • Smith
  • Washington and Lee
  • Wesleyan
  • Colby
  • Grinnell
  • Macalester
  • Oberlin
  • Bates
  • Bryn Mawr
  • Kenyon
Here are national universities, according to the survey, that do not require history majors to take U.S. history:

  • Harvard
  • Yale
  • Stanford
  • University of Chicago
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Duke
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • California Institute of Technology
  • Johns Hopkins
  • Dartmouth
  • Northwestern
  • Brown
  • Cornell
  • Vanderbilt
  • Washington University in St. Louis
  • Rice
  • Notre Dame
  • Emory
  • Georgetown
  • Carnegie Mellon
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Michigan
  • University of North Carolina
  • University of California-Santa Barbara
  • UC-Irvine
  • UC-San Diego
  • UC-Davis
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Ohio State
  • University of Washington
  • University of Maryland
  • University of Minnesota

  • No U.S. History? How College History Departments Leave the United States out of the Major | Bachelor Of Arts | Curriculum

Again, there are other histories other than the US. It’s a wide, wide world
How many US History majors do we need?
Sure, history of Aborigines is very important to get a job with a history major who doesn’t know who the first President of the US was.
Suppose you hear there are a lot of openings in the Ukraine State Department and you want to get a job in the foreign service.
You want to study the history of Ukraine, Russia, Baltic States, Eastern Europe.

Being an expert on the War of 1812 does not help you
Being ignorant of history is not a detriment to a history major? You Leftards are stuck on stupid.

Knowing why and how the Romans made war with the Germans is beneficial for anyone in such a position. History repeats only because of ignorance of people like you.
Most students want a fair shake when they graduate. They want a good job waiting that will pay their bills and allow them to get started in life. That is what I got when I graduated.

Instead, recent grads face a job market with entry salaries that haven’t increased in decades, jobs with minimal benefits.

Instead of looking to buy a car or save for a new home, they start life with massive student debt and end up moving back with their parents

All quite true but entry salaries have increased, jobs have benefits, and anyone starting a course of study for whatever profession knows on the day they sign up for the first class what the potential income is when they graduate.
So making less money available to students who suffer financially will somehow help them?

If any student has the ability, desire, and motivation, there are a huge number of scholarships and grants available.

Yes, denying students huge loans for majors which will pay little down the road, is helping them.

If there were, they would be taking them
Student loans are the norm now

Taking majors with good job prospects is also the norm
People who previously paid off their loans will get something in return for supporting this idea. It might not be a lot, but, I could see a 5-10K tax credit as a payoff to those voters.

So you think that handing out a pittance is going to satiate those who did the right thing and made sacrifices while watching those who made bad decisions and made no sacrifices are rewarded? How is that good public policy?

A Web Full of Wannabe Preppies

What sacrifices do the richkids make? Excluding them from much harsher criticism indicates a worship of unAmerican Birth Class Supremacy. If we have to do it on our own, so must they. Or we should make sure they never graduate, since their Daddies are the ones who make college hard on the rest of us.
Yet corporations are showing record profits and executive pay has skyrocketed.

That money is not trickling down to the workforce and college students are taking the worst.

You really need to read something besides CNN, MSNBC, and Facebook for you news.

Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy
Steve Moore: Middle-class Incomes Surge More Than $5,000 Under Trump Economy | FreedomWorks


Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages
Oct. 17, 2019, 8:59 AM

A tightening labor market with U.S. unemployment rate at a 50-year low is starting to result in higher wages for full-time workers, including younger people and minorities whose pay has lagged.

Median weekly earnings for Americans in the third quarter rose 3.6% to $919, outpacing inflation, the U.S. Labor Department reported Wednesday. Earnings for those aged 25 to 54, in their prime working years, rose by 5%, the fastest rate of growth in recent years.

Younger and Minority Workers Lead Wage Gains as Expansion Ages


The November hiring surge pushed incomes for Americans higher last month.

Incomes rose by half a percentage point in November, above economists’ forecasts and much better than the soft readings in September and October. This was the strongest gain since July, according to data from the Commerce Department on Friday.

Consumer spending rose at a 0.4 percent annual rate last month, led by a jump in spending on big-ticket durable goods like autos and appliances.

The higher spending is not due to rising prices. Inflation, as measured by the Federal Reserve’s preferred price indicator, is still running well below the Fed’s 2 percent target. It came in at just 1.5 percent for November compared with a year ago.

And despite the rise in consumer spending, Americans are saving more. The saving rate edged up to 7.9 percent of after-tax income in November.

Christmas Cheer: Incomes Jumps Higher, Consumer Spending Soars
Exactly why I am pushing my kids to leave America behind and move to Europe for college...MUCH MUCH cheaper and in many cases free. Along with Universal education comes universal healthcare and paid maternity leave and an overall happier population! Hope at least a few of my kids do so. We have no money for college so they would be on their own...government can shit in one hand and wish in the other when it comes to my wife and I repaying bullshit loans to simply get educated to survive in this WONDERFUL country they have made almost unlivable without a college degree.
But they don’t have to pay for the most powerful military on earth

We have our priorities, they have theirs
We Have the Best Historians the Ruling Class Can Buy

Our military can pay for itself. The real reason Nixon got pushed out of office without a reaction from the people who had elected him in a landslide was that he caused the recession by not seized the OPEC oilfields. An embargo is an act of war, which was the real reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

The real (unauthorized and unofficial, therefore logical) reason Nixon backed down (occupying the oilfields was his first reaction) was that our Big Oil Occupied Government wanted to piggyback off OPECker price-gouging.
You Goofy
In College, You Live Like a Child. That's Why Grads on the Internet Have the Mind of a Child.

No, I'm Pluto. I'm worth my wait in plutonium, but I'm not going to share it with a society that wants me to live like a little Mama's Boy in college and never grow up.

I'm sure your Mommies are proud that you brown-noses got "a good job," but today's college graduates don't do a good job. White-collar frauds are nothing but ambitious imbeciles, cretins with credentials. They should be called yellow-collar, slurping the boots of the economic bullies who hypocritically make sure that their own guillotine-fodder brats get an adult allowance and paid-up tuition.
Your posts still make no sense and are irrelevant to the thread
Bipartisan Mind Control Gives Us Nothing But False Alternatives

If you say so. But you're too shallow and pompous to be worth paying attention to.
So making less money available to students who suffer financially will somehow help them?

If any student has the ability, desire, and motivation, there are a huge number of scholarships and grants available.

Yes, denying students huge loans for majors which will pay little down the road, is helping them.

If there were, they would be taking them
Student loans are the norm now

Taking majors with good job prospects is also the norm
I would never hire a recent college grad. Who wants snowflakes around you?
In countries with more advanced education systems those necessities are covered in K-12

imagine future lib snowflakes arriving at college without anything in their skulls except for acceptance of sexual deviates and a mortal fear of global warming
You failed to answer the question

Why would you object to those courses as college electives?
I object to a bad system that miseducates children and later young people

the rage and intolerance for opinions we see on college campuses today is an outgrowth of our liberal but vacuous society led by liberal academia

Now all the left can do is promise to make free what is practically worthless to begin with
Yes, as in take their money and leave them ill prepared to meet the challenges of life

Very true as well. They are not preparing the kids for real life when they give them "safe spaces" and such things. and they want to be taken care of by a mommy or a daddy who will take care of all of their grievances, and this is completely irrational, not to mention really STUPID.
Twist Every Preppy's Smirking Lips Until They Bleed

You've unintentionally proved what none of you conformists will ever dare admit: College is designed only for richkids mooching off Daddy's Money; all others have to take their attitude. They hate their own Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them by giving them a high allowance and paid-up tuition.

Diploma Dumbos are incapable of logical thinking; they come to conclusions based only on the power of whoever tells them what to think. That's why this thread is all about paying tuition, never about the fact that college is nothing more than work without pay. The plutocrats who mandate this slavery know that truth perfectly well; I challenge those arrogant hypocrites to pay their brats' tuition but give them nothing to live on. Or else they better quit telling real Americans to do that. They, and their obedient Internet servants, have no right to call themselves Americans.
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