Warren is heartless to those who save for college

You failed to answer the question

Why would you object to those courses as college electives?
I object to a bad system that miseducates children and later young people

the rage and intolerance for opinions we see on college campuses today is an outgrowth of our liberal but vacuous society led by liberal academia

Now all the left can do is promise to make free what is practically worthless to begin with
Yes, as in take their money and leave them ill prepared to meet the challenges of life
Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life
And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.
Yes, as in take their money and leave them ill prepared to meet the challenges of life
Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life

Total students that graduate every year is around 4.5 millions. So sure, couple of millions graduate prepared, couple of millions unprepared.
You have no evidence of that outside of RW propaganda

those are leaches that once they get their debt forgiven, will continue being leaches to society.
I'd Rather Be Called a "Grammar Nazi" by Diploma Dumbos Than Have a Fake Education

Typical of know-it-all nobodies who think college is about education, you don't know the difference between leech and leach.
Unpaid Education Puts Inferior People in Superior Positions

What a joke. The Diploma Dumbo who scribbled that starts out with typically ignorant grammar. His opinions are therefore worthless. He should have written,"One in four...feels unprepared." But all authority-worshiping linkers care about is that he got paid to write that, "so he must be smart."
I object to a bad system that miseducates children and later young people

the rage and intolerance for opinions we see on college campuses today is an outgrowth of our liberal but vacuous society led by liberal academia

Now all the left can do is promise to make free what is practically worthless to begin with
Yes, as in take their money and leave them ill prepared to meet the challenges of life
Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life
And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
Brothers and sisters: Senator Warren’s competence, respect for others and status as the nation’s first female president would be a fitting response to the ignorance, sexism and xenophobia of the Trump presidency.

She is a policy wonk and hard worker. She remembers her own family’s struggles to make ends meet and her own desperation as a working mother needing child care.

She cares about people, and she will use her endless energy and passion to fight for them.

At this moment, when there's so much at stake, Elizabeth Warren is the president this nation needs, my friends!
Brothers and sisters: Senator Warren’s competence, respect for others and status as the nation’s first female president would be a fitting response to the ignorance, sexism and xenophobia of the Trump presidency.

She is a policy wonk and hard worker. She remembers her own family’s struggles to make ends meet and her own desperation as a working mother needing child care.

She cares about people, and she will use her endless energy and passion to fight for them.

At this moment, when there's so much at stake, Elizabeth Warren is the president this nation needs, my friends!

She's an old geeky wench. Lol!
Brothers and sisters: Senator Warren’s competence, respect for others and status as the nation’s first female president would be a fitting response to the ignorance, sexism and xenophobia of the Trump presidency.

She is a policy wonk and hard worker. She remembers her own family’s struggles to make ends meet and her own desperation as a working mother needing child care.

She cares about people, and she will use her endless energy and passion to fight for them.

At this moment, when there's so much at stake, Elizabeth Warren is the president this nation needs, my friends!
She is a clueless “policy wonk” with wrong concludions
Yes, as in take their money and leave them ill prepared to meet the challenges of life
Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life
And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
Some of them don’t have the best words
Yes, as in take their money and leave them ill prepared to meet the challenges of life
Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life
And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"

Please translate into English for us with only a few languages in our arsenal.

I'm sure you had a point in mind when you started that post, I don't think it all made it to the page.
Yes, as in take their money and leave them ill prepared to meet the challenges of life
Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life
And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"
As a college football fan I dont begrudge the players getting scholarships

they return value for the tuition they get

But we probably dot give enough respect for the so-called nerds who also are important members of society if they are studying the hard sciences and engineering
Yes, as in take their money and leave them ill prepared to meet the challenges of life
Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life
And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"

Hey, I don't blame the players for taking advantage of the way the system is set up for them. I'm just noting that the schools obviously don't feel it important to actually TEACH these guys. They are only there for the sports, to give the schools a good name and to make money for the schools.
Exactly why I am pushing my kids to leave America behind and move to Europe for college...MUCH MUCH cheaper and in many cases free. Along with Universal education comes universal healthcare and paid maternity leave and an overall happier population! Hope at least a few of my kids do so. We have no money for college so they would be on their own...government can shit in one hand and wish in the other when it comes to my wife and I repaying bullshit loans to simply get educated to survive in this WONDERFUL country they have made almost unlivable without a college degree.
But they don’t have to pay for the most powerful military on earth

We have our priorities, they have theirs
We Have the Best Historians the Ruling Class Can Buy

Our military can pay for itself. The real reason Nixon got pushed out of office without a reaction from the people who had elected him in a landslide was that he caused the recession by not seized the OPEC oilfields. An embargo is an act of war, which was the real reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

The real (unauthorized and unofficial, therefore logical) reason Nixon backed down (occupying the oilfields was his first reaction) was that our Big Oil Occupied Government wanted to piggyback off OPECker price-gouging.
You Goofy
In College, You Live Like a Child. That's Why Grads on the Internet Have the Mind of a Child.

No, I'm Pluto. I'm worth my wait in plutonium, but I'm not going to share it with a society that wants me to live like a little Mama's Boy in college and never grow up.

I'm sure your Mommies are proud that you brown-noses got "a good job," but today's college graduates don't do a good job. White-collar frauds are nothing but ambitious imbeciles, cretins with credentials. They should be called yellow-collar, slurping the boots of the economic bullies who hypocritically make sure that their own guillotine-fodder brats get an adult allowance and paid-up tuition.

You really need to seek help with this obsession of yours. It’s not healthy.
More abdication of Personal Responsibility-THE liberal mantra.
The Entire Left and the Entire Right Are Mortal Enemies of Populism

The Cons treat their own Preppies permissively. They must be overthrown, and their brats stripped of all privileges, unless they start telling richkids what they preach to real Americans, "Work your way through college, son. Giving you an allowance would mean you abdicate your personal responsibility. If you can't stand living like that, on part-time menial jobs, join the Army and get the GI Bill to live off during college."
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"

Please translate into English for us with only a few languages in our arsenal.

I'm sure you had a point in mind when you started that post, I don't think it all made it to the page.
Click-Bait for the Educationalist Elitist Clique

Quit pretending you don't understand. Being a Diploma Dumbo doesn't extend to being that stupid. You just want to virtue-signal to others as dishonest as you.
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Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life
And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"

Hey, I don't blame the players for taking advantage of the way the system is set up for them. I'm just noting that the schools obviously don't feel it important to actually TEACH these guys. They are only there for the sports, to give the schools a good name and to make money for the schools.
The Reason Jocks Are Privileged Is to Insult Those Who Deserve Those Privileges Instead

First, the jocks have no more right to be in the classroom than National Merit scholars should automatically be given a place on the football team. Second, if they want to make money off something that has nothing to do with education, why not give "scholarships" to topless dancers who will work for free at college-owned tittie bars? Third, if the colleges make so much money off sports, why have the costs for tuition and textbooks soared far beyond inflation? Let the slick liars in their Economics Department try to explain all that.
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But they don’t have to pay for the most powerful military on earth

We have our priorities, they have theirs
We Have the Best Historians the Ruling Class Can Buy

Our military can pay for itself. The real reason Nixon got pushed out of office without a reaction from the people who had elected him in a landslide was that he caused the recession by not seized the OPEC oilfields. An embargo is an act of war, which was the real reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

The real (unauthorized and unofficial, therefore logical) reason Nixon backed down (occupying the oilfields was his first reaction) was that our Big Oil Occupied Government wanted to piggyback off OPECker price-gouging.
You Goofy
In College, You Live Like a Child. That's Why Grads on the Internet Have the Mind of a Child.

No, I'm Pluto. I'm worth my wait in plutonium, but I'm not going to share it with a society that wants me to live like a little Mama's Boy in college and never grow up.

I'm sure your Mommies are proud that you brown-noses got "a good job," but today's college graduates don't do a good job. White-collar frauds are nothing but ambitious imbeciles, cretins with credentials. They should be called yellow-collar, slurping the boots of the economic bullies who hypocritically make sure that their own guillotine-fodder brats get an adult allowance and paid-up tuition.

You really need to seek help

How many times would you estimate that you have posted the exact same bitter, obsessive nonsense about education? Are you afraid there might be someone who hasn’t seen your SPAM yet? What exactly do you hope to accomplish with such endlessly repetitive blather?
Millions of students graduate each year prepared to meet the challenges of life
And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"

Hey, I don't blame the players for taking advantage of the way the system is set up for them. I'm just noting that the schools obviously don't feel it important to actually TEACH these guys. They are only there for the sports, to give the schools a good name and to make money for the schools.
I thought it was just about drinking and getting laid?

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