Warren is heartless to those who save for college

If Warren and the Liberals get their way and stick it to the US taxpayer to pay for all of this college debt, then I would like to see stringent controls to prevent people from biting off too much debt. If you have the grades to get into Ivy League but no money and the schools aren’t giving you scholarship, too bad.
If Warren and the Liberals get their way and stick it to the US taxpayer to pay for all of this college debt, then I would like to see stringent controls to prevent people from biting off too much debt. If you have the grades to get into Ivy League but no money and the schools aren’t giving you scholarship, too bad.

The Ivy schools all have massive amounts of money at their disposal.

Why don't they just make the loans themselves instead of have the government involved at all?
If Warren and the Liberals get their way and stick it to the US taxpayer to pay for all of this college debt, then I would like to see stringent controls to prevent people from biting off too much debt. If you have the grades to get into Ivy League but no money and the schools aren’t giving you scholarship, too bad.

The Ivy schools all have massive amounts of money at their disposal.

Why don't they just make the loans themselves instead of have the government involved at all?

Yes.... especially to the minorities and the poor. It is on the Ivy Leagues to make it equal across their student universe, not the US taxpayer.
What a crock. The per cent of people who paid cash for college is ridiculously low.

like under 10%.

Meanwhile the millions who are carrying crushing debt...you seem not at all worried about them or what freeing that money up would do for the economy

You must have been in a hurry to hit the "POST REPLY" button as you forgot to include your reliable source and working link.

I paid cash for mine, graduating from a well-known university. Granted, winning a tournament my last year speeded things up.


Bowling, Miami, the 60s.

Not close. My next guess was gonna be tennis. I take it you didn't pull a Munson?
The crock is that people are taking out too much debt for college. Responsible people are taking loans that are manageable.

We ain't talking about a trip to Europe or even buying a car.

There isn't a lot of alternative to college in this economy, and almost no one can afford to go to college without loans. Loans that go into the hundreds of thousands of dollars
The crock is that people are taking out too much debt for college. Responsible people are taking loans that are manageable.

We ain't talking about a trip to Europe or even buying a car.

There isn't a lot of alternative to college in this economy, and almost no one can afford to go to college without loans. Loans that go into the hundreds of thousands of dollars

I am a parent getting ready for my first child to go to college in 2021. I’ve done the math and it makes no sense to assume astronomical debt from a four year private college that takes a plane to get to back and forth when two years at a community college plus two years at a 4 year state school can yield the same outcome at a fraction of the cost and more manageable debt levels.

I know it's an old post but I have to say, Warren is a nonissue. Bernie has it sewn up until the convention where the DNC will push him out and install Biden.
Bernie will lose in the primaries, just like before

Who does that leave to take on Trump? Biden and Warren? The American Voter is not interested in splitting hairs to remove Trump from office when the economy is kicking ass just because he “abused his power” and “obstructed Congress”. If you can name any President who hasn’t done either or both then you are delusional.

I know it's an old post but I have to say, Warren is a nonissue. Bernie has it sewn up until the convention where the DNC will push him out and install Biden.
Bernie will lose in the primaries, just like before

Who does that leave to take on Trump? Biden and Warren? The American Voter is not interested in splitting hairs to remove Trump from office when the economy is kicking ass just because he “abused his power” and “obstructed Congress”. If you can name any President who hasn’t done either or both then you are delusional.
70 percent think Trump acted inappropriately
Not much sympathy for Crooked Donnie

I know it's an old post but I have to say, Warren is a nonissue. Bernie has it sewn up until the convention where the DNC will push him out and install Biden.
Bernie will lose in the primaries, just like before

Who does that leave to take on Trump? Biden and Warren? The American Voter is not interested in splitting hairs to remove Trump from office when the economy is kicking ass just because he “abused his power” and “obstructed Congress”. If you can name any President who hasn’t done either or both then you are delusional.
70 percent think Trump acted inappropriately
Not much sympathy for Crooked Donnie

70 percent of who what where and how were they selected? Your side thinks Donald Trump acted inappropriately when he disrupted Hilary’s coronation to carry on Obama’s policies. That is the ultimate level of inappropriateness in your minds.

I know it's an old post but I have to say, Warren is a nonissue. Bernie has it sewn up until the convention where the DNC will push him out and install Biden.
Bernie will lose in the primaries, just like before

Who does that leave to take on Trump? Biden and Warren? The American Voter is not interested in splitting hairs to remove Trump from office when the economy is kicking ass just because he “abused his power” and “obstructed Congress”. If you can name any President who hasn’t done either or both then you are delusional.
70 percent think Trump acted inappropriately
Not much sympathy for Crooked Donnie

70 percent of who what where and how were they selected? Your side thinks Donald Trump acted inappropriately when he disrupted Hilary’s coronation to carry on Obama’s policies. That is the ultimate level of inappropriateness in your minds.
<sob> but ...but.....what about Hillary?

Hillary is not president, Trump is
He is not above the law
I know it's an old post but I have to say, Warren is a nonissue. Bernie has it sewn up until the convention where the DNC will push him out and install Biden.
Bernie will lose in the primaries, just like before

Who does that leave to take on Trump? Biden and Warren? The American Voter is not interested in splitting hairs to remove Trump from office when the economy is kicking ass just because he “abused his power” and “obstructed Congress”. If you can name any President who hasn’t done either or both then you are delusional.
70 percent think Trump acted inappropriately
Not much sympathy for Crooked Donnie

70 percent of who what where and how were they selected? Your side thinks Donald Trump acted inappropriately when he disrupted Hilary’s coronation to carry on Obama’s policies. That is the ultimate level of inappropriateness in your minds.
<sob> but ...but.....what about Hillary?

Hillary is not president, Trump is
He is not above the law

Trump is President..... and don’t you forget it. He prevented Hillary from being President. Yes, you people constantly remind us that Trump is not above the law yet you have no problem with millions of illegals being above the law. Trump is the only one you people want to hold accountable to any law.
We Have the Best Historians the Ruling Class Can Buy

Our military can pay for itself. The real reason Nixon got pushed out of office without a reaction from the people who had elected him in a landslide was that he caused the recession by not seized the OPEC oilfields. An embargo is an act of war, which was the real reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

The real (unauthorized and unofficial, therefore logical) reason Nixon backed down (occupying the oilfields was his first reaction) was that our Big Oil Occupied Government wanted to piggyback off OPECker price-gouging.
You Goofy
In College, You Live Like a Child. That's Why Grads on the Internet Have the Mind of a Child.

No, I'm Pluto. I'm worth my wait in plutonium, but I'm not going to share it with a society that wants me to live like a little Mama's Boy in college and never grow up.

I'm sure your Mommies are proud that you brown-noses got "a good job," but today's college graduates don't do a good job. White-collar frauds are nothing but ambitious imbeciles, cretins with credentials. They should be called yellow-collar, slurping the boots of the economic bullies who hypocritically make sure that their own guillotine-fodder brats get an adult allowance and paid-up tuition.

You really need to seek help

What exactly do you hope to accomplish with such endlessly repetitive blather?
The Preppy Regime Endlessly Drums This Fake Opportunity Into Us and That Works for Them

What I've accomplished is to make Diploma Dumbo job thieves like yourself throw an infantile fit trying to deny that's what you people are. Class-climbing boytoys of the richboys go to college because they are afraid to grow up. After they graduate, they don't have to be afraid of that anymore, because they will never grow up. Their bosses will milk them like cash cows; their wives will boss them around and spend all their money; their sons will become Gayists because they have no masculine role model worth looking up to.
More abdication of Personal Responsibility-THE liberal mantra.
The Entire Left and the Entire Right Are Mortal Enemies of Populism

The Cons treat their own Preppies permissively. They must be overthrown, and their brats stripped of all privileges...

Have you started looking into real estate in Venezuela, comrade?

How many times, in how many contexts, cultures and places, must it be proven that envy and theft do not create prosperity before the bitter idiots of the world get the point?
Socialite Socialism

The university is the cradle of Communism; it appeals to Preppies, who feel they are Born to Rule. Only a fanatically illogical college grad with the mind of a child could accuse my democratic proposal of being "Communist."

If someone steals my wallet, does that make me jealous of him because then he has money and I don't? That's the kind of shallow, slippery, and self-serving logic college droids are taught. Only stupid people believe brown-noses who put themselves through college slavery deserve their jobs.

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