Warren is heartless to those who save for college

Sport has been an important part of education since the ancient Greeks. Scholar athletes tend to outperform their nonsport counterparts.
Actually, they only outperform them on the playing field

In the classroom, they don’t.

A lot of athletically inclined students do very well in the classroom.

The New York Times reported that Donald Trump graduated 1st in his class at Penn, and later Trump went on to star at the Showcase of the Immortals in Wrestlemania 23.

Donald Trump is barely remembered for his time at Penn
Corporations Must Recruit and Pay Students or Grads Aren't Worth Anything

So what? Trump, a boy genius in real estate, had no more need to go to college than LeBron James did. Why would he believe that sheltered anal-retentive professors with little real-life experience could teach him anything he hadn't learned from his father?
My $8,000 total 4 year tuition from 1971-1975 at 3.5% compounded interest, almost 50 years later, would be quite a tidy sum. With that I might be able to help a young person get their landscaping company started rather than a 4 years African Studies time waster that they will be seeking an $80,000 reimbursement from me.
So because you were overcharged for education......everyone else must be

yeah and gee... you think maybe tuition raised a million times faster than inflation had anything to do with the government?


Not in private universities


Then Harvard must have some of the lowest cost tuitions in the country.

Harvard could charge nothing for tuition today and never run out of money. They have over $37 BILLION in endowments.
High IQs Must Get Everything the Jocks Get, or Use Their Brains to Sabotage the Teams

How could they have that much when they make practically nothing off sports, which all the jocksniffers here tell us is a major source of college revenue?
My $8,000 total 4 year tuition from 1971-1975 at 3.5% compounded interest, almost 50 years later, would be quite a tidy sum. With that I might be able to help a young person get their landscaping company started rather than a 4 years African Studies time waster that they will be seeking an $80,000 reimbursement from me.
Tipping Over the Bell Curve

Bingo! Even if I felt sorry for slavish mediocrities who believe in unpaid education, I'd oppose this because, as usual, the Democrats will only pay off the student loans for minorities. Why are even Republicans afraid to say that?
pull a Munson
Not close. My next guess was gonna be tennis. I take it you didn't pull a Munson?

I was nine when we moved from Chicago to a, then rural part of South Miami, Cutler Ridge. We were seventeen miles from the closest grocery store. When I was about 14, they built a strip shopping center a short distance from our home with a bowling alley, Cutler Ridge Lanes. They had junior leagues and I joined. The manager of the facility worked with us kids and would take extra time with those expressing interest.

By the time I was 17 I had an average in the 180s and a former pro had started coaching me. I was on two of his teams and he took me from the 180s to above 200. Men's leagues all had pot games during the league and then after the league. Those interested chipped in $5.00 or $10.00 (a lot then the '60s) the high game, for each of the three games won 1/3 of the total pot. Rules were different then and I was deemed ineligible for amateur (high school) sports as I was a paid "professional".

The other team members paid for my bowling and I had an equal share in the winnings at the end of each league. All the leagues I bowled in were scratch leagues, including the prestigious Falstaff All-Star Traveling league. That was a scratch league where each house (bowling alley) put up a team (24) and the league met at a different house each Saturday afternoon. The weekly fee was high, the stakes were high and the winnings were high. After the league wound up each Saturday, the pot games would start. In addition, there were always tournaments around town. Life was grand! :D
Bernie will lose in the primaries, just like before

Who does that leave to take on Trump? Biden and Warren? The American Voter is not interested in splitting hairs to remove Trump from office when the economy is kicking ass just because he “abused his power” and “obstructed Congress”. If you can name any President who hasn’t done either or both then you are delusional.
70 percent think Trump acted inappropriately
Not much sympathy for Crooked Donnie

70 percent of who what where and how were they selected? Your side thinks Donald Trump acted inappropriately when he disrupted Hilary’s coronation to carry on Obama’s policies. That is the ultimate level of inappropriateness in your minds.
<sob> but ...but.....what about Hillary?

Hillary is not president, Trump is
He is not above the law

Trump is President..... and don’t you forget it. He prevented Hillary from being President. Yes, you people constantly remind us that Trump is not above the law yet you have no problem with millions of illegals being above the law. Trump is the only one you people want to hold accountable to any law.

The crock is that people are taking out too much debt for college. Responsible people are taking loans that are manageable.

We ain't talking about a trip to Europe or even buying a car.

There isn't a lot of alternative to college in this economy, and almost no one can afford to go to college without loans. Loans that go into the hundreds of thousands of dollars

HeirHeads Get in the Way of National Progress

The hereditary ruling class wants us to hate our fathers for not getting rich enough to pay tuition, and far more important for those who want to grow up, financing an adult lifestyle in college.

Only a Diploma Dumbo can fail to see the significance of "saving money so my kids can go to college," which has to be about living expenses because the kids can get tuition loans if they qualify for college at all. In a free country, this would sound as stupid and corrupt as "saving money to get my son on a college football team."
pull a Munson
Not close. My next guess was gonna be tennis. I take it you didn't pull a Munson?

I was nine when we moved from Chicago to a, then rural part of South Miami, Cutler Ridge. We were seventeen miles from the closest grocery store. When I was about 14, they built a strip shopping center a short distance from our home with a bowling alley, Cutler Ridge Lanes. They had junior leagues and I joined. The manager of the facility worked with us kids and would take extra time with those expressing interest.

By the time I was 17 I had an average in the 180s and a former pro had started coaching me. I was on two of his teams and he took me from the 180s to above 200. Men's leagues all had pot games during the league and then after the league. Those interested chipped in $5.00 or $10.00 (a lot then the '60s) the high game, for each of the three games won 1/3 of the total pot. Rules were different then and I was deemed ineligible for amateur (high school) sports as I was a paid "professional".

The other team members paid for my bowling and I had an equal share in the winnings at the end of each league. All the leagues I bowled in were scratch leagues, including the prestigious Falstaff All-Star Traveling league. That was a scratch league where each house (bowling alley) put up a team (24) and the league met at a different house each Saturday afternoon. The weekly fee was high, the stakes were high and the winnings were high. After the league wound up each Saturday, the pot games would start. In addition, there were always tournaments around town. Life was grand! :D

The crock is that people are taking out too much debt for college. Responsible people are taking loans that are manageable.

We ain't talking about a trip to Europe or even buying a car.

There isn't a lot of alternative to college in this economy, and almost no one can afford to go to college without loans. Loans that go into the hundreds of thousands of dollars

I am a parent getting ready for my first child to go to college in 2021. I’ve done the math and it makes no sense to assume astronomical debt from a four year private college that takes a plane to get to back and forth when two years at a community college plus two years at a 4 year state school can yield the same outcome at a fraction of the cost and more manageable debt levels.
A Retarded Nation Treats Jocks and Preppies the Way Only High IQs Should Be Treated

That's as stupid as a superior athlete saying, "I wanted to play at Alabama, but I couldn't afford the tuition, so I played at a junior college instead."
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...and Republicans are heartless for EVERYONE.

clear choices for voters!

Is helping people to be personally responsible for their actions heartless or is teaching someone that their bad behavior will be rewarded and making them dependent on government is heartless?
pull a Munson
Not close. My next guess was gonna be tennis. I take it you didn't pull a Munson?

I was nine when we moved from Chicago to a, then rural part of South Miami, Cutler Ridge. We were seventeen miles from the closest grocery store. When I was about 14, they built a strip shopping center a short distance from our home with a bowling alley, Cutler Ridge Lanes. They had junior leagues and I joined. The manager of the facility worked with us kids and would take extra time with those expressing interest.

By the time I was 17 I had an average in the 180s and a former pro had started coaching me. I was on two of his teams and he took me from the 180s to above 200. Men's leagues all had pot games during the league and then after the league. Those interested chipped in $5.00 or $10.00 (a lot then the '60s) the high game, for each of the three games won 1/3 of the total pot. Rules were different then and I was deemed ineligible for amateur (high school) sports as I was a paid "professional".

The other team members paid for my bowling and I had an equal share in the winnings at the end of each league. All the leagues I bowled in were scratch leagues, including the prestigious Falstaff All-Star Traveling league. That was a scratch league where each house (bowling alley) put up a team (24) and the league met at a different house each Saturday afternoon. The weekly fee was high, the stakes were high and the winnings were high. After the league wound up each Saturday, the pot games would start. In addition, there were always tournaments around town. Life was grand! :D

View attachment 303462

I resemble that cartoon!

The Ivy schools all have massive amounts of money at their disposal.

Why don't they just make the loans themselves instead of have the government involved at all?

What is their motivation to make the loans themselves? None, the government happily makes the loans and then collections are the responsibility of the government, not themselves.
Those who have saved for college will be better off under Warren

Instead of using the money for college, they can keep the money
I am a parent getting ready for my first child to go to college in 2021. I’ve done the math and it makes no sense to assume astronomical debt from a four year private college that takes a plane to get to back and forth when two years at a community college plus two years at a 4 year state school can yield the same outcome at a fraction of the cost and more manageable debt levels.

That's what I did 100 years ago.
Those who have saved for college will be better off under Warren

Instead of using the money for college, they can keep the money

Once again, why is it good public policy to reward bad behavior?
So because you were overcharged for education......everyone else must be

yeah and gee... you think maybe tuition raised a million times faster than inflation had anything to do with the government?


Not in private universities


Then Harvard must have some of the lowest cost tuitions in the country.

Harvard could charge nothing for tuition today and never run out of money. They have over $37 BILLION in endowments.
High IQs Must Get Everything the Jocks Get, or Use Their Brains to Sabotage the Teams

How could they have that much when they make practically nothing off sports, which all the jocksniffers here tell us is a major source of college revenue?

What an unhealthy bundle of insecurities. Physically superior skilled athletes, the more educated, those with greater wealth; the bitter envy and raging inferiority complex on display here are clearly self-destructive.
High IQs Must Get Everything the Jocks Get, or Use Their Brains to Sabotage the Teams

How could they have that much when they make practically nothing off sports, which all the jocksniffers here tell us is a major source of college revenue?

Why do you feel it necessary to denigrate someone just because they enjoy sports? Why are you that jealous of someone who has interests different than your own?

What makes you think that great students do not get scholarships and other aid?
I am a parent getting ready for my first child to go to college in 2021. I’ve done the math and it makes no sense to assume astronomical debt from a four year private college that takes a plane to get to back and forth when two years at a community college plus two years at a 4 year state school can yield the same outcome at a fraction of the cost and more manageable debt levels.

That's what I did 100 years ago.
My son did the same and all his credits were accepted
I am a parent getting ready for my first child to go to college in 2021. I’ve done the math and it makes no sense to assume astronomical debt from a four year private college that takes a plane to get to back and forth when two years at a community college plus two years at a 4 year state school can yield the same outcome at a fraction of the cost and more manageable debt levels.

That's what I did 100 years ago.

This is the way it should always be done. Students assume way too much debt not knowing if their salaries will be sufficient to pay it back. I agree with Sen. Warren that people should not be saddled with too much or any debt when it comes to student loans. That said, their needs to be some personal accountability on the student taking on the debt. No one is putting a gun to their head to take out enormous debt. Cut it down and go to a school you can afford.

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