Warren is heartless to those who save for college

And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"

Hey, I don't blame the players for taking advantage of the way the system is set up for them. I'm just noting that the schools obviously don't feel it important to actually TEACH these guys. They are only there for the sports, to give the schools a good name and to make money for the schools.
The Reason Jocks Are Privileged Is to Insult Those Who Deserve Those Privileges Instead

First, the jocks have no more right to be in the classroom than National Merit scholars should automatically be given a place on the football team. Second, if they want to make money off something that has nothing to do with education, why not give "scholarships" to topless dancers who will work for free at college-owned tittie bars? Third, if the colleges make so much money off sports, why have the costs for tuition and textbooks soared far beyond inflation? Let the slick liars in their Economics Department try to explain all that.

I guess that is just the way it is. Do colleges own "tittie bars?" :lol:
And millions more end up living with their parents and working at Starbucks

even the kids with a marketable skill know little about the real world outside their cubicle
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"

Hey, I don't blame the players for taking advantage of the way the system is set up for them. I'm just noting that the schools obviously don't feel it important to actually TEACH these guys. They are only there for the sports, to give the schools a good name and to make money for the schools.
I thought it was just about drinking and getting laid?

Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"

Hey, I don't blame the players for taking advantage of the way the system is set up for them. I'm just noting that the schools obviously don't feel it important to actually TEACH these guys. They are only there for the sports, to give the schools a good name and to make money for the schools.
The Reason Jocks Are Privileged Is to Insult Those Who Deserve Those Privileges Instead

First, the jocks have no more right to be in the classroom than National Merit scholars should automatically be given a place on the football team. Second, if they want to make money off something that has nothing to do with education, why not give "scholarships" to topless dancers who will work for free at college-owned tittie bars? Third, if the colleges make so much money off sports, why have the costs for tuition and textbooks soared far beyond inflation? Let the slick liars in their Economics Department try to explain all that.

I guess that is just the way it is. Do colleges own "tittie bars?" :lol:
Yes, they are called Frat Parties
Those who have saved for college will be better off under Warren

Instead of using the money for college, they can keep the money
School Subjects Are for Childish Escapist Geeks With No Self-Respect

Anyone with STEM talent can instead apply that to running a business. After high school, he can get a full-time job and a part-time job. If he had the stomach to live like a future-flunkie college student, he can live off the part-time job and put all his pay from the full-time job in the bank. After four years, he will have saved enough to get a loan to start his own business, probably in one of the businesses he worked at. On the job, instead of being a bored student just trying to get the misery over with, he'd be an untypical employee and learn about everything having to do with that business, which would also make him an untypical franchise owner with a decisive competitive advantage.
So because you were overcharged for education......everyone else must be

yeah and gee... you think maybe tuition raised a million times faster than inflation had anything to do with the government?


Not in private universities


Then Harvard must have some of the lowest cost tuitions in the country.

Harvard could charge nothing for tuition today and never run out of money. They have over $37 BILLION in endowments.
High IQs Must Get Everything the Jocks Get, or Use Their Brains to Sabotage the Teams

How could they have that much when they make practically nothing off sports, which all the jocksniffers here tell us is a major source of college revenue?

What an unhealthy bundle of insecurities. Physically superior skilled athletes, the more educated, those with greater wealth; the bitter envy and raging inferiority complex on display here are clearly self-destructive.
Sheepskinboy Slowly Slipping Into a Silly Soliloquy

Keep on mumbling to your conscience and common sense, maybe that way you can silence them forever.
High IQs Must Get Everything the Jocks Get, or Use Their Brains to Sabotage the Teams

How could they have that much when they make practically nothing off sports, which all the jocksniffers here tell us is a major source of college revenue?

Why do you feel it necessary to denigrate someone just because they enjoy sports? Why are you that jealous of someone who has interests different than your own?

What makes you think that great students do not get scholarships and other aid?

Preparation Is the Most Important Part of Production

Typically shallow thinking from being mind-raped in a classroom. Saying that High IQs should get everything jocks get from childhood on does not imply that jocks should be treated like freaks, losers, and social rejects.

A tuition scholarship is an insult to intelligence. In order to get the most talented students and get them to study, they must also be given a higher salary than they can expect from working anywhere else at that age.
Quasimodos of the Bell Curve

They also know little about their skill; their grade-school level grammar proves that they had no more right to be in college than to be on the college football team, which takes talent, not brown-nosing sacrifice.

Speaking of college and football teams, I always get a kick out of the NFL players announcing where they went to college, and some of them can barely speak English. Obviously, being great at sports is another way to get around doing well in school.
By Believing in the Insult of Having to Pay Tuition, America Deserves the Pain of a Brain Drain

That is related to the mandated ignorance of only talking about tuition. It is undeniable that if college only offered free tuition to athletes, and they otherwise would have to live like teenagers afraid to grow up, few high-school stars would play in college.

And another truth, since no one else dares bring this up. What would the students who are football fans say to a student who they found out was a HIgh School All-American but didn't feel like playing in college? Would they dismiss him like they do the High IQs who refuse to go, saying, "That's his problem. If he's so foolish as not to acquire the benefits of playing in college, why should we care?"

Hey, I don't blame the players for taking advantage of the way the system is set up for them. I'm just noting that the schools obviously don't feel it important to actually TEACH these guys. They are only there for the sports, to give the schools a good name and to make money for the schools.
The Reason Jocks Are Privileged Is to Insult Those Who Deserve Those Privileges Instead

First, the jocks have no more right to be in the classroom than National Merit scholars should automatically be given a place on the football team. Second, if they want to make money off something that has nothing to do with education, why not give "scholarships" to topless dancers who will work for free at college-owned tittie bars? Third, if the colleges make so much money off sports, why have the costs for tuition and textbooks soared far beyond inflation? Let the slick liars in their Economics Department try to explain all that.

I guess that is just the way it is. Do colleges own "tittie bars?" :lol:

Getting an MBA Through T&A

Why shouldn't they? Exploiting horny alumni pays off and is no more unrelated to education than college sports are. And just like the jocks, the unpaid student strippers can pick up a little illegal cash under the table. Eye-candy from these co-eds will motivate more students to stop skipping classes. The hollow-chested pencil-necked dorky professors will also have conceited fantasies, which is what college education is all about anyway.
yeah and gee... you think maybe tuition raised a million times faster than inflation had anything to do with the government?


Not in private universities


Then Harvard must have some of the lowest cost tuitions in the country.

Harvard could charge nothing for tuition today and never run out of money. They have over $37 BILLION in endowments.
High IQs Must Get Everything the Jocks Get, or Use Their Brains to Sabotage the Teams

How could they have that much when they make practically nothing off sports, which all the jocksniffers here tell us is a major source of college revenue?

What an unhealthy bundle of insecurities. Physically superior skilled athletes, the more educated, those with greater wealth; the bitter envy and raging inferiority complex on display here are clearly self-destructive.
Sheepskinboy Slowly Slipping Into a Silly Soliloquy

Keep on mumbling to your conscience and common sense, maybe that way you can silence them forever.

If you have any idea what you’re talking about feel free to share, because no one else does.
Those who have saved for college will be better off under Warren

Instead of using the money for college, they can keep the money
School Subjects Are for Childish Escapist Geeks With No Self-Respect

Anyone with STEM talent can instead apply that to running a business. After high school, he can get a full-time job and a part-time job. If he had the stomach to live like a future-flunkie college student, he can live off the part-time job and put all his pay from the full-time job in the bank. After four years, he will have saved enough to get a loan to start his own business, probably in one of the businesses he worked at. On the job, instead of being a bored student just trying to get the misery over with, he'd be an untypical employee and learn about everything having to do with that business, which would also make him an untypical franchise owner with a decisive competitive advantage.
Has nothing to do with what I posted
On the bright side. .. . if the government paid for school. . . most of you idiots would have never, ever qualified to go to University in the first place. :auiqs.jpg:
At a time when politics has become increasingly nasty and divisive — when Trump has been blamed for ended friendships and a deterioration of civility — Warren has laid down a potent counterargument: compassion.

Warren says she’s intent on running a positive campaign, one focused not on the acerbic Trump but on soothing hot anger with a promise of something different.

I feel better already
At a time when politics has become increasingly nasty and divisive — when Trump has been blamed for ended friendships and a deterioration of civility — Warren has laid down a potent counterargument: compassion.

Warren says she’s intent on running a positive campaign, one focused not on the acerbic Trump but on soothing hot anger with a promise of something different.

I feel better already
Warren is a confirmed liar of major proportions.

She lies as bad as, or worse than Trump.

Psychologists say, if someone uses foul language? They have a tenancy to be more honest. You should listen to Trump. He exaggerates and boasts sure, but he is probably more honest than Warren.

Warren is a snake. You should research her.

High IQs Must Get Everything the Jocks Get, or Use Their Brains to Sabotage the Teams

How could they have that much when they make practically nothing off sports, which all the jocksniffers here tell us is a major source of college revenue?

Why do you feel it necessary to denigrate someone just because they enjoy sports? Why are you that jealous of someone who has interests different than your own?

What makes you think that great students do not get scholarships and other aid?

Preparation Is the Most Important Part of Production

Typically shallow thinking from being mind-raped in a classroom. Saying that High IQs should get everything jocks get from childhood on does not imply that jocks should be treated like freaks, losers, and social rejects.

A tuition scholarship is an insult to intelligence. In order to get the most talented students and get them to study, they must also be given a higher salary than they can expect from working anywhere else at that age.

So because you were overcharged for education......everyone else must be

yeah and gee... you think maybe tuition raised a million times faster than inflation had anything to do with the government?


Not in private universities


Then Harvard must have some of the lowest cost tuitions in the country.

Harvard could charge nothing for tuition today and never run out of money. They have over $37 BILLION in endowments.
High IQs Must Get Everything the Jocks Get, or Use Their Brains to Sabotage the Teams

How could they have that much when they make practically nothing off sports, which all the jocksniffers here tell us is a major source of college revenue?

What an unhealthy bundle of insecurities. Physically superior skilled athletes, the more educated, those with greater wealth; the bitter envy and raging inferiority complex on display here are clearly self-destructive.

SOrry Cha
At a time when politics has become increasingly nasty and divisive — when Trump has been blamed for ended friendships and a deterioration of civility — Warren has laid down a potent counterargument: compassion.

Warren says she’s intent on running a positive campaign, one focused not on the acerbic Trump but on soothing hot anger with a promise of something different.

I feel better already
Warren is a confirmed liar of major proportions.

She lies as bad as, or worse than Trump.

Psychologists say, if someone uses foul language? They have a tenancy to be more honest. You should listen to Trump. He exaggerates and boasts sure, but he is probably more honest than Warren.

Warren is a snake. You should research her.

Sorry Charlie...Trump supporters don't get to whine about supposed lies
SOrry Cha
At a time when politics has become increasingly nasty and divisive — when Trump has been blamed for ended friendships and a deterioration of civility — Warren has laid down a potent counterargument: compassion.

Warren says she’s intent on running a positive campaign, one focused not on the acerbic Trump but on soothing hot anger with a promise of something different.

I feel better already
Warren is a confirmed liar of major proportions.

She lies as bad as, or worse than Trump.

Psychologists say, if someone uses foul language? They have a tenancy to be more honest. You should listen to Trump. He exaggerates and boasts sure, but he is probably more honest than Warren.

Warren is a snake. You should research her.

Sorry Charlie...Trump supporters don't get to whine about supposed lies

A) Not a Trump supporter.

B) Just pointing out facts bub. She is just is a lying Piece of shit. Hell, she even switched parties. She doesn't really care.

AND she tells folks that flipping Real estate is bad, after she herself did it. There is a reason she was chosen as the one to do the banking reform. She's a HYPOCRITE.

You obviously do not know a thing about her past, stop being so dense and brainwashed. RESEARCH THESE CROOKS AND LIARS BEFORE YOU COMMENT ON THEM!
At a time when politics has become increasingly nasty and divisive — when Trump has been blamed for ended friendships and a deterioration of civility — Warren has laid down a potent counterargument: compassion.

Warren says she’s intent on running a positive campaign, one focused not on the acerbic Trump but on soothing hot anger with a promise of something different.

I feel better already
Warren is a confirmed liar of major proportions.

She lies as bad as, or worse than Trump.

Psychologists say, if someone uses foul language? They have a tenancy to be more honest. You should listen to Trump. He exaggerates and boasts sure, but he is probably more honest than Warren.

Warren is a snake. You should research her.

Nobody approaches the proclivity of Trump to lie

Not even close
We have one poster who seems to think that “no college” is the most cutting insult imaginable, and another on this thread who is so intimidated by scholars and/or athletes that he has had a full-blown mental breakdown over it. Are there any normal people here at all?

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