Warren On The Warpath

Didnt she say repeatedly she wouldn't run? Didnt all the libs here swear up and down she wasnt runniing?
Oh yeah, she's a liar. You can't truist anything that bitch says.

Oh, I do hope the GOP makes you it's PR man in 2016 and then you can go around calling women "bitch"es all you want. Yepp, I am sure that is going to help the GOP win the hearts and minds of female voters.

Go for it, fake Rabbi.
Hillary needs a real populist to run against, her fan club is a bunch of corporate scumbags.
I don't think she wants the vp job, but TR was pulled onto the ticket to basically keep him where the establishment (and Carnegie Rockefeller and Morgan) could keep an eye on him. McKinley was old and a lousy candidate, so TR did the campaigning. It worked out well in the end. (-:

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