Warren OUT

Wow, the powers that be finally threatened her enough.

That was quick. 4 people dropped out in 4 days?

You gotta love el Mano occulto.

The Dimm Illuminati have spoken.
Its expensive to run for POTUS. She's probably broke. She didn't stand a chance anyway.

Good riddance.
This means the DNC thinks they have BERNARD on the political ropes.

Do they?

We shall see!
Will she smokum peace pipe with Bolshevik Bernie and endorse him?
One of the worst candidates in history. A true Fraud. And a certified Loon.

Now, will abandon all her positions---which basically agreed The Bern---and will take the Bloomberg money and Go With Senile Joe.

Good riddance.
Elizabeth Warren To End Bid For 2020 Democratic Presidential Nomination: Reports

After getting scalped in her own state, Elizabeth Warren has left the race, and is backing Bernie.

Good! That now leaves just 2 1/2 Men.

The person smart democrats ought to pick but won't.

The person the voters are actually voting for.

And the person the Democrats will maneuver into the candidacy as their puppet.

2020 Dem Hopefuls Main.jpg
So I woman cannot be elected president in 2020! If Bernie actually said that, then he was correct.

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