Warren OUT

Bye Elizabeth!

She should just disappear silently into the sunset ....like the rest of them Rats.

She already lied plenty.

Bernie should come and say: "i dont need Pocahontas and her endorsement. she is a LOSER!"
No, toiletbreath, I said I understood why you use fake facts from Googly Images. But don't despair, I also understand why you're running away from that.
I don't run from anything, lil' snowflake, least of all false accusations and triggered butt-hurt from snowflakes.
Elizabeth Warren Ran as a Woman

Sounds reasonable. Rump ran as a whiny little bitch and somehow it worked.

You think Warren just wasn't whiny-little-bitch enough?
you have to ask yourself: what is animating this hatred on the left as we see from Pogo. i think its the fact that the left is LOSING and conservatives are WINNING!
Elizabeth Warren Ran as a Woman

Sounds reasonable. Rump ran as a whiny little bitch and somehow it worked.

You think Warren just wasn't whiny-little-bitch enough?
you have to ask yourself: what is animating this hatred on the left as we see from Pogo. i think its the fact that the left is LOSING and conservatives are WINNING!

Your ignorant ass saw Donald Trump as a whiny little bitch
What the fuck do you see when you look in the mirror then?

"Nia Byas, 20, a student at Benedict College, said she liked Sen. Warren but ultimately voted for Biden because "he didn't come to South Carolina using black figures to get black votes." She said she saw the former vice president himself working for the vote.⁠

"Not like Tom Steyer who brought Juvenile, Yolanda Adams and DJ Jazzy Jeff to a historically black college," she said.⁠

On Super Tuesday, black voters overwhelmingly chose Joe Biden."
Elizabeth Warren Ran as a Woman

Sounds reasonable. Rump ran as a whiny little bitch and somehow it worked.

You think Warren just wasn't whiny-little-bitch enough?
you have to ask yourself: what is animating this hatred on the left as we see from Pogo. i think its the fact that the left is LOSING and conservatives are WINNING!

Again, Dumbo, "whiny little bitchiness" has **ZERO** to do with "left" or "right". It has everything to do with personal character.

Besides which, YOUR OWN POST tried to postulate, and I quote, "Warren ran as a Woman" ----- which ALSO has zero to do with "left" or "right", so bite my ass.
‘Bailey’ vs. ‘blood and teeth’: The inside story of Elizabeth Warren’s collapse
from link:
“They chose ... Bailey over ‘blood and teeth,’” said one staffer, referring to Warren’s golden retriever that the campaign made into an omnipresent prop to soften her image. “Unforgivable.”

“Blood and teeth” refers to a famous Warren quote from the legislative fight over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which transformed Warren from a respected Harvard academic into a national progressive star. “My first choice is a strong consumer agency,” Warren said then. “My second choice is no agency at all and plenty of blood and teeth left on the floor.”
Elizabeth Warren Ran as a Woman

Sounds reasonable. Rump ran as a whiny little bitch and somehow it worked.

You think Warren just wasn't whiny-little-bitch enough?
you have to ask yourself: what is animating this hatred on the left as we see from Pogo. i think its the fact that the left is LOSING and conservatives are WINNING!

Your ignorant ass saw Donald Trump as a whiny little bitch
What the fuck do you see when you look in the mirror then?

The President of Asia. Bow before me, worm.
Elizabeth Warren Ran as a Woman

Sounds reasonable. Rump ran as a whiny little bitch and somehow it worked.

You think Warren just wasn't whiny-little-bitch enough?
you have to ask yourself: what is animating this hatred on the left as we see from Pogo. i think its the fact that the left is LOSING and conservatives are WINNING!

Your ignorant ass saw Donald Trump as a whiny little bitch
What the fuck do you see when you look in the mirror then?

The President of Asia. Bow before me, worm.

Well then.
Watch out for Corona - dude.
Using a statistic that I have not been able to corroborate, Ann Coulter states that nearly 60% of Democrat primary voters thus far have been WOMEN.

If true, what does this say about her claims of sexism? Particularly considering Madam Pelosi's recent rambling that she (and most women) will vote for the woman on the ballot unless there is a good reason not to. It says that most of the Democrat voters were predisposed to vote for Warren, but nevertheless declined to do so.


Not hardly.

Just an unattractive candidate, all things considered.

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