Warren OUT

So I woman cannot be elected president in 2020! If Bernie actually said that, then he was correct.
She shoulda stayed in the teepee where she belongs.

Racist and sexist.

Living up to all my expectations.

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So I woman cannot be elected president in 2020! If Bernie actually said that, then he was correct.
She shoulda stayed in the teepee where she belongs.

Racist and sexist.

Living up to all my expectations.

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View attachment 310503

Posting stupid pictures.

How intelligent.

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It's all he can do brother. He's a dumb ass.
So I woman cannot be elected president in 2020! If Bernie actually said that, then he was correct.
She shoulda stayed in the teepee where she belongs.

Racist and sexist.

Living up to all my expectations.

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View attachment 310503

Posting stupid pictures.

How intelligent.

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It's all he can do brother. He's a dumb ass.

Sho'nuff Homey
Now it's on. And who ever wins will beat trump.
She shoulda stayed in the teepee where she belongs.

Racist and sexist.

Living up to all my expectations.

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View attachment 310503

Posting stupid pictures.

How intelligent.

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It's all he can do brother. He's a dumb ass.

Sho'nuff Homey

Another dumb ass shows up.

As expected.
Well, there you have it
... the sith lords running the Distinguished NAZIs Cabal finally have the primary showdown they wanted; two ancient, clueless white dudes in a duel to the death, one a loyal apparatchik of the corporatist forces and the other an ideological refugee from the former Soviet Union.

Should be a highly entertaining circus from here until Milwaukee.:)
I’m going to miss her Indian chant songs
“Land of the silver birch....home of the beaver, there still the mighty moose wander at will” is Very Evocative
/----/ Now if Pocahantas looked more like this real NA woman, things might have been different.


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Warren declined to say whether she believed sexism was a factor contributing to the failure of her presidential campaign, calling it a “trap” question.

Now -- why do you refer to her as "Pocahontas"?

Do you refer to O'bama as "Sambo"? Or "Macaca"?

Do you refer to Sanders as "Pole-ock"?

Do you refer to Andrew Yang as "Chink boy"?

Do you refer to Nikki Haley as "rag head"?

Do you in fact have the vaguest clue about who Pocahontas was or what she went through?

Because she's a lying sack of poo who stole a position from a real native American.

She is scum.

No wonder you like her.
You white dust mops are a hoot....now you're championing Indians???, last it was Israel Jews and Uncle Tom ******* ...who will you embrace next, Lice Eggs?

You have some in that nappy head?
She declined to endorse which is a smart move. She came in 3rd in her home state. If she endorses Bernie and he doesn't win the nomination,she loses twice. I'm sure the Bros are pissed...but oh well.
Racist and sexist.

Living up to all my expectations.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
View attachment 310503

Posting stupid pictures.

How intelligent.

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It's all he can do brother. He's a dumb ass.

Sho'nuff Homey

Another dumb ass shows up.

As expected.

Yawz is cray cray
Anymore conspiracy theories as to why your boy Sanders is getting a raw deal, Golfing Gator ?

Not my boy, but had she dropped when the other two did Bernie likely wins at least two more states this past Tuesday

the other 2 dropping out had virtually no impact. Warren and Bloomberg were hoping no do well on Super Tuesday. They didn’t, so they dropped out. You Bernie bros are sore losers

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