Warren OUT

Then there were two

Doesn’t look good for Bernie
"Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, who was going nowhere except into Mini Mike’s head, just dropped out of the Dem Primary...3 DAYS TOO LATE. She cost Crazy Bernie, at least, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Texas. Probably cost him the nomination!" - President Trump
I mean I understand why you do that, since you can't take responsibility for lying on your own, so blame the image maker.
You say you understand why I mock Warren...then you prove you don't.

Are you a Native American?
- No?

I am.... You can no more truly understand the impact of 'Black Face' unless you are actually black than you can understand the anger over some lying, white, rich, political elitist claiming to be a Native American stealing a scholarship from a REAL Native American by claiming to be one and continuing to do so for years for personal gain.....

It goes further than that - she lied about many things. She lied about her father. She angered her own family so much by doing so that her own family member came out publicly to call her on her own lie....
- When your own brother / family member steps out and calls you a disgraceful liar who is willing to disrespect her own father for personal political gain you're pretty damn pathetic.

...yet, despite all the demonstrations of a lack of ethics and credibility she still made it THIS far in the 2020 DNC Presidential Primaries through the support of duped or equally unethical snowflakes....

...and liars like YOU, who make false accusations about me after I called her out on her documented lies.
One of the worst candidates in history. A true Fraud. And a certified Loon.

Now, will abandon all her positions---which basically agreed The Bern---and will take the Bloomberg money and Go With Senile Joe.

Good riddance.
No doubt she will shit on Bernie, just as she is told to do by the establishment and D voters won’t see the hypocrisy.

And I don't want to hear any of this bullshit about "American won't elect a woman."

Just run one who is credible.
Looks like Pocahontas is packing up her Tee Pee and heading down the Trail of Tears.

That makes Trump the youngest running for President.

Most of her bat shit crazy idiot voters will probably now support Commie Bernie.

Damn, the Queers, Neggras, Hos, Chinks, Indian Squaws, and Billionaires have all fell out of the Moon Bat Presidential race.

All we have left is a creepy old confused asshole with dementia and a Communist.

Is Princess Moonbeam still running?
I’m going to miss her Indian chant songs
“Land of the silver birch....home of the beaver, there still the mighty moose wander at will” is Very Evocative
Does it really matter?

All of the candidates are Socialist-Communist
All support Infanticide
All are Anti-God
All are Anti-Israel
All are Anti-Christian
All Oppose Free Speech
All Promote Homosexuality and Pedophilia
All are Gun Grabbers
All want to plunge America in to $200 Trillion in Deficit Spending from which we will never Recover in order to create some Godless, Globalist, Socialist Dystopia.

Yes, people, a vote for a Democrat is a vote for Re-Education Camps, for Gulags, and for Guillotines.

A vote for a Democrat is a Vote Against America.

Now -- why do you refer to her as "Pocahontas"?

Do you refer to O'bama as "Sambo"? Or "Macaca"?

Do you refer to Sanders as "Pole-ock"?

Do you refer to Andrew Yang as "Chink boy"?

Do you refer to Nikki Haley as "rag head"?

Do you in fact have the vaguest clue about who Pocahontas was or what she went through?

Because she's a lying sack of poo who stole a position from a real native American.

She is scum.

No wonder you like her.

Now -- why do you refer to her as "Pocahontas"?

Do you refer to O'bama as "Sambo"? Or "Macaca"?

Do you refer to Sanders as "Pole-ock"?

Do you refer to Andrew Yang as "Chink boy"?

Do you refer to Nikki Haley as "rag head"?

Do you in fact have the vaguest clue about who Pocahontas was or what she went through?

Because she's a lying sack of poo who stole a position from a real native American.

She is scum.

No wonder you like her.
You white dust mops are a hoot....now you're championing Indians???, last it was Israel Jews and Uncle Tom ******* ...who will you embrace next, Lice Eggs?

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