Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

Yep pathetic, your typical republican.
Very fitting for a Bush III administration.
I'm very dubious about Chuck Hagel. He was possibly the most anti-Israel Senator during his tenure and that's pretty much the center of most of what he'll be dealing with over the next few years. That's not at all what I want from the highest ranking civilian official in the military.

Obama is giving a lot of ammo to his critics lately.
I respect him for not crawling into the sandbox with baby McCain and Graham. I hope he is confirmed. Hagel is not a warmonger.
Both sides were less than impressed at his performance.

Democratic, GOP Senators in 'Disbelief' at Hagel's Poor Performance in Confirmation Hearing
4:38 PM, Jan 31, 2013 • By MICHAEL WARREN

It's been a rough Thursday for former Republican senator Chuck Hagel, and lawmakers from both parties seem to recognize it.

Members of the Senate's armed services committee say they are "shocked at how ill-prepared" Hagel was for his hearing to be confirmed as defense secretary. Dana Bash from CNN reports:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFgurW4jsAc&feature=player_embedded]CNN's Dana Bash: Senators In Disbelief Over Hagel's Poor Performance - YouTube[/ame]

ETA: http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs...f-hagels-poor-hearing-performance_699098.html
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From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

i was less impressed with mccain who used to say he thought hagel should be his sec'y of state.

but why would facts matter when we're trying to satisfy mccain's bitterness.
I'm very dubious about Chuck Hagel. He was possibly the most anti-Israel Senator during his tenure and that's pretty much the center of most of what he'll be dealing with over the next few years. That's not at all what I want from the highest ranking civilian official in the military.

Obama is giving a lot of ammo to his critics lately.

He's giving ammo to critics, for sure, but it's the real ammo, tanks and fighter jets he gave to our sworn enemies that concern me.

Hagel is the worst choice for Defense Secretary. I fear he will side with the Muslim Brotherhood in their quest to annihilate Israel.

Obama already equipped them and Hagel won't stand in their way.
From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

i was less impressed with mccain who used to say he thought hagel should be his sec'y of state.

but why would facts matter when we're trying to satisfy mccain's bitterness.

McCain was pretty surprising.

It was like Hagel was on trial. Man, McCain is one bitter old dude.
Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

Like there is an answer to the question which....never mind...
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Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

Super PAC noise machine gave the GOP Romney over other GOP contenders attacks Hagel

From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

Yes reasonable and rational Americans of all political stripes were impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance.

Why you are falling in line behind the Super PAC noise machine that gave the GOP Romney over all other GOP contenders?


You use the terms 'Republican' and 'Liberals' as opposing factions. Very interesting. Why? Because smaht people know Conservative and GOP have become one, whereas Democrats and Liberals are two distinct groups
Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

Super PAC noise machine gave the GOP Romney over other GOP contenders attacks Hagel

From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

Yes reasonable and rational Americans of all political stripes were impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance.

Why you are falling in line behind the Super PAC noise machine that gave the GOP Romney over all other GOP contenders?


You use the terms 'Republican' and 'Liberals' as opposing factions. Very interesting. Why? Because smaht people know Conservative and GOP have become one, whereas Democrats and Liberals are two distinct groups

Maybe Hagel is just trying to get laid.

LOL....you are a stupid shit, Hagel fucked it up.

Even a low information voter like you could see that.

Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

Super PAC noise machine gave the GOP Romney over other GOP contenders attacks Hagel

From what I saw he was pathetic, if he were nominated by a Republican, he'd have been destroyed long ago, but since he's an Obama nominee, liberals defend him blindly. Do they principals?

Yes reasonable and rational Americans of all political stripes were impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance.

Why you are falling in line behind the Super PAC noise machine that gave the GOP Romney over all other GOP contenders?


You use the terms 'Republican' and 'Liberals' as opposing factions. Very interesting. Why? Because smaht people know Conservative and GOP have become one, whereas Democrats and Liberals are two distinct groups
There was discomfiture in the Senate Armed Service Committee room -- on the part of Hagel, that is. Here's why:

Sen. James Inhofe:

“As I told Senator Hagel in my office some time ago . . . that after a long and careful review of his record and the things that he has said and the things that I have personally experienced with him, that we’re too philosophically opposed on the pressing issues facing our country, and for me to support his nomination,” Inhofe said in his opening statement. "Too often, it seems, he’s willing to subscribe to a world-wide view that is predicated on appeasing our adversaries while shunning our friends.”

. . . “Retreating from America’s unique global leadership role and shrinking the military will not make America safer. On the contrary, it will embolden our enemies, endanger our allies, and provide opportunity for nations that do not share our interest to fill a global leadership vacuum we leave behind. It is for these reasons that I believe that he’s the wrong person to lead the Pentagon at this perilous and consequential time.”

When Sen. John McCain asked Hagel whether he was correct on the Iraq surge, which Hagel had called “the most dangerous foreign policy blunder in this country since Vietnam,” Hagel demurred, saying, "Well I'm not going to give you a yes or no answer."

McCain pounced on Hagel response: “I think history has already made a judgment about the surge, sir, and you’re on the wrong side of it. And your refusal to answer whether you were right or wrong about it is going to have an impact on my judgment as to whether to vote for your confirmation or not . . . I hope you will reconsider the fact that you refused to answer a fundamental question about an issue that took the lives of thousands of young Americans.”

Sen. Roger Wicker asked Hagel about his “Jewish lobby” in America comment. “So when you talked about the Jewish lobby, were you talking about AIPAC? Were you talking about NORPAC? Were you talking about Christians United for Israel?”

“I’ve already said I regret referencing the Jewish lobby. I should have said ‘pro-Israel lobby.’ I think it’s the only time on the record that I’ve ever said that,” Hagel responded. "On the use of intimidation, I should have used ‘influence,’ I think would have been more appropriate."

Sen. Lindsey Graham was next to quiz Hagel: “You said the Jewish lobby intimidates a lot of people up here . . . name one person in your opinion who’s intimidated by the Israeli lobby in [the] United States Senate.”

“I do not know,” Hagel said.

“Well, why would you say it?”

“I didn’t have in mind a specific person,” Hagel admitted.

“But you said, back then, it makes us do dumb things,” Graham said. “You can’t name one senator intimidated, now give me one example of the dumb things that we’re pressured to do up here.”

“We were talking in that interview about the Middle East, about positions, about Israel…”

“So give me an example of where we have been intimidated by the Israeli-Jewish lobby to do something dumb regarding the Middle East, Israel, or anywhere else.”

“I cannot give you an example,” Hagel said.

Then Graham proceeded with the time Hagel refused to append his name to a letter asking the European Union to designate Hezbollah a terrorist organization; refusing to label the Iranian Revolutionary Guard a terrorist entity; not signing a letter against PLO leader Yasser Arafat during the last intifada (which according to Arafat's wife, was instigated at the behest of the late PLO chief.)

With regard to the latter, "the lack of signature by you runs chills up my spine because I can’t imagine not signing a letter like that at a time when it really mattered,” Graham said. “And we will continue this conversation.”


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