Was Anyone Impressed with Chuck Hagel's Performance?

It was rather revealing that McCain went on and on trying to get Hagel to admit he was wrong on the so called "surge". Meanwhile McCain didn't even talk about how wrong he himself had been about the war to begin with.
WRONG about WMD, WRONG about Iraqi links to Al Queda, WRONG about how long and how much it would cost in blood and treasure. Oh but he was RIGHT about the glorious surge.
If Grampy McCain had won in 08 we'd still be in Iraq, course you righties probably think that would be great.
The GOP continuing down the road to irrelevancy.
Hagel is an enlisted Vietnam Veteran. Hagel is not a neocon. This is the real reason for the vehement opposition to his confirmation.

Its not a matter of how poorly Hagel responded to the inquiries, for millions of Vietnam Vets, the real repercussions are what McCain did to a friend, and a Vietnam Vet brother.

McCain has ruined whatever good will he had with the Veterans. Many of us backed, and voted for McCain. I, for one, wish I that vote back.

There is a mantra, quietly held in the Vietnam Vets do's, and Don'ts... no more unnecessary insurgent wars. This is true among the vast majority of those who fought in VietNam.

Obviously... McCain is not one of those, and the writing of his own life, will reflect this. He turned his back on, not only the Powell Doctrine, but a close friend and brother at arms, as well.

Semper, Fi war hawk.


Hagel supported Obama over McCain in 08. Being Vietnam vet is not a requirement to be defense secretary and neither is the rush to cut our military. Ok you’re a Vietnam vet, thank you for your service, but so was John Kerry. Weakening the United States leads to war it doesn't prevent it and Hagel is not competent to be Secretary of defense and that incompetence showed during the hearings.

Hagel is more than qualified to be SOD. The man was a Senator, and knows who is in charge of Ubekibekistanstan. There is no, and will not be a, rush to cut the military. There will be a Rumsfeld strategy of making the military more mobile. There will be a concentrated move to increase Special Operations niche of warriors, with the ability to move in and out quickly.
The flags you fly are indicative of your split loyalty. Make a choice, because you can't serve two masters at the same time.
You don't know shit about Hagel kid.

You live in Nebraska do ya?
Followed his whole career did ya?
LOL, you use the term "neo-con" like you understand the term, I am betting you haven't clue kid...you just think it sounds cool.

I do live in Nebraska.
I did follow his whole career.
We would have voted him out but he tucked tail and ran before it could happen.
Just like Ben Nelson did.

He fucked up his entire hearing, its just the way it s.

Hagel is an enlisted Vietnam Veteran. Hagel is not a neocon. This is the real reason for the vehement opposition to his confirmation.

Its not a matter of how poorly Hagel responded to the inquiries, for millions of Vietnam Vets, the real repercussions are what McCain did to a friend, and a Vietnam Vet brother.

McCain has ruined whatever good will he had with the Veterans. Many of us backed, and voted for McCain. I, for one, wish I that vote back.

There is a mantra, quietly held in the Vietnam Vets do's, and Don'ts... no more unnecessary insurgent wars. This is true among the vast majority of those who fought in VietNam.

Obviously... McCain is not one of those, and the writing of his own life, will reflect this. He turned his back on, not only the Powell Doctrine, but a close friend and brother at arms, as well.

Semper, Fi war hawk.


Hagel supported Obama over McCain in 08. Being Vietnam vet is not a requirement to be defense secretary and neither is the rush to cut our military. Ok you’re a Vietnam vet, thank you for your service, but so was John Kerry. Weakening the United States leads to war it doesn't prevent it and Hagel is not competent to be Secretary of defense and that incompetence showed during the hearings.

Hagel is more than qualified to be SOD. The man was a Senator, and knows who is in charge of Ubekibekistanstan. There is no, and will not be a, rush to cut the military. There will be a Rumsfeld strategy of making the military more mobile. There will be a concentrated move to increase Special Operations niche of warriors, with the ability to move in and out quickly.
The flags you fly are indicative of your split loyalty. Make a choice, because you can't serve two masters at the same time.
Hagel is an enlisted Vietnam Veteran. Hagel is not a neocon. This is the real reason for the vehement opposition to his confirmation.

Its not a matter of how poorly Hagel responded to the inquiries, for millions of Vietnam Vets, the real repercussions are what McCain did to a friend, and a Vietnam Vet brother.

McCain has ruined whatever good will he had with the Veterans. Many of us backed, and voted for McCain. I, for one, wish I that vote back.

There is a mantra, quietly held in the Vietnam Vets do's, and Don'ts... no more unnecessary insurgent wars. This is true among the vast majority of those who fought in VietNam.

Obviously... McCain is not one of those, and the writing of his own life, will reflect this. He turned his back on, not only the Powell Doctrine, but a close friend and brother at arms, as well.

Semper, Fi war hawk.


Hagel supported Obama over McCain in 08. Being Vietnam vet is not a requirement to be defense secretary and neither is the rush to cut our military. Ok you’re a Vietnam vet, thank you for your service, but so was John Kerry. Weakening the United States leads to war it doesn't prevent it and Hagel is not competent to be Secretary of defense and that incompetence showed during the hearings.

Hagel is more than qualified to be SOD. The man was a Senator, and knows who is in charge of Ubekibekistanstan. There is no, and will not be a, rush to cut the military. There will be a Rumsfeld strategy of making the military more mobile. There will be a concentrated move to increase Special Operations niche of warriors, with the ability to move in and out quickly.
The flags you fly are indicative of your split loyalty. Make a choice, because you can't serve two masters at the same time.

I don't have "masters" either way, but it has been noted that you were so outraged by McCain "betraying" his good buddy Hagel, but when I pointed out that Hagel betrayed McCain by supporting Obama...he openly campaigned for him, you ignore it. Firkin hypocrite get lost fraud, Hagel’s incompetent and should never even have been considered for the secretary of Defense position period
McConnell not ruling out Hagel filibuster, says opposition to nominee ‘intensifying’

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) refused to rule out a GOP filibuster of former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) in an interview with a local Kentucky TV station this weekend.

McConnell said it was “not clear yet” whether Hagel’s confirmation to become President Obama’s next Defense secretary would be filibustered, and he said opposition to Hagel was “intensifying.”

McConnell not ruling out Hagel filibuster, says opposition to nominee ?intensifying? - The Hill's DEFCON Hill
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJSdQ0oMbfA&feature]McConnell on Hagel - YouTube[/ame]
It was rather revealing that McCain went on and on trying to get Hagel to admit he was wrong on the so called "surge". Meanwhile McCain didn't even talk about how wrong he himself had been about the war to begin with.
WRONG about WMD, WRONG about Iraqi links to Al Queda, WRONG about how long and how much it would cost in blood and treasure. Oh but he was RIGHT about the glorious surge.
If Grampy McCain had won in 08 we'd still be in Iraq, course you righties probably think that would be great.
The GOP continuing down the road to irrelevancy.

If you did some research, you would understand it was quite plausible that Sadam's WMDs ended up in Syria.

Hagel is a very poor choice. His does not have a clue about this job. His statements from the past speak volumes of his inability to perform this vital job.
Let's get it straight about bronze stars. A Bronze Star without a Combat V attached to it, is just a meritorious service medal unrelated to combat.
Some common truths. No Iraqi WMDs made it to Syria. McConnell is not going to block Hagel's nomination. usmcstinger is going to very disappointed.
Some common truths. No Iraqi WMDs made it to Syria. McConnell is not going to block Hagel's nomination. usmcstinger is going to very disappointed.

Yeah sure.... two years of screwing around with a corrupt U.N. was plenty of time to move those weapons anyway Hagel voted for the Iraq war, then voted against the surge. He's incompetent and clueless. All he had to do was preform respectively at the hearing to have no problem, and he couldn't even...what a joke
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What worked in Iraq was the CIA paying insurgents not to fight...an other militias decided to just wait, including the biggest one. STUPIDEST war EVER. Big winner: IRAN.

OP- Yup, played it cool, didn't rip any idiot scoundrel Pub heads off...
What worked in Iraq was the CIA paying insurgents not to fight...an other militias decided to just wait, including the biggest one. STUPIDEST war EVER. Big winner: IRAN.

OP- Yup, played it cool, didn't rip any idiot scoundrel Pub heads off...

“Cool”?.. Hagel was clueless. He didn't even know Obama's policies:eusa_eh:
Voting against Iraq was suicide in that BS jingoist ugly 'Merican tide of USA USA idiocy/hate. France and I were right lol. STUPID brainwashed idiots, right into the dustbin of history for YOU.
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Hagel has also been criticized by the American Jewish Committee for an incident in 1999 where he was the only senator not to sign an open letter to Russian President Boris Yeltsin threatening to cut aid to Russia if it did not take action against rising anti-Semitism in the country.

However, Hagel's refusal to sign the letter was consistent with his policy of never signing letters to foreign heads of state. Hagel, instead, wrote to Bill Clinton on this issue, saying "Anti-Semitism or any form of religious persecution should never be tolerated." -- (Hagel's actions and words together in a full context prove much)

Chuck Hagel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Commentators at The American Conservative and Pat Buchanan endorsed Hagel. Hagel's nomination received support from the libertarian think tank Cato Institute; Justin Logan expressed the hope that Hagel's confirmation might "loosen the neoconservative stranglehold on the GOP."

Chuck Hagel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

some things need repeating...

:eusa_shhh: :eusa_shhh:
Roo merely babbles to himself on these matters instead of offering factual material. He challenges others but offers absolutely nothing but his babbling in own behalf. When that does not work, he attacks others. He is here for only grins and chuckles. If he offers any facts for discussion with evidence, I will be glad to discuss it with him. I offered time and again but without any luck.

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