Was Jesus Black, Mixed, or White?

It's too bad you don't have enough self respect to learn how to communicate in proper English. Maybe if you had stayed awake in school instead of dreaming about hitting your teachers, you might have learned something.

How come you didn't point out my error in the word "errar"?

Why didn't you correct it before posting? Why don't you have enough self respect to take the slightest care in how you present yourself?

Because I'm not anal and I am on a message board. i'm not writing a term paper as I have told you before. BTW are you a teacher by chance?
It does to me. When i look out my study I can see the sky. The window is clear and has no color I can see.

Your window... is clear... colorless glass.

Just as it could be clear red glass or clear blue glass.

"clear" does not mean.... colorless.

I've never before seen clear glass that had color in it. Color filters light. The very fact that it has color in it means that it is not completely clear. Clear has no color or impurities to cloud vision. Colorless has no color but can still be clouding hence limiting my vision. You can disagree but lets stop with this line of thought.

i see you never took chemistry.... cuz that would get you a great big F at the end of it.

If something colorless...is clouded... then it is not clear is it?

jello is clear..... you can see though it. :tongue:
How come you didn't point out my error in the word "errar"?

Why didn't you correct it before posting? Why don't you have enough self respect to take the slightest care in how you present yourself?

Because I'm not anal and I am on a message board. i'm not writing a term paper as I have told you before. BTW are you a teacher by chance?

In other words, you have no self respect. That's a shame. And yes, teaching is one of the things I do.

Your window... is clear... colorless glass.

Just as it could be clear red glass or clear blue glass.

"clear" does not mean.... colorless.

I've never before seen clear glass that had color in it. Color filters light. The very fact that it has color in it means that it is not completely clear. Clear has no color or impurities to cloud vision. Colorless has no color but can still be clouding hence limiting my vision. You can disagree but lets stop with this line of thought.

i see you never took chemistry.... cuz that would get you a great big F at the end of it.

If something colorless...is clouded... then it is not clear is it?

jello is clear..... you can see though it. :tongue:

I think you are confusing yourself. Thats exactly why I specifically said clear and not colorless.
I think you are confusing yourself. Thats exactly why I specifically said clear and not colorless.
That image you just got when you read my bolded words is important. Its how people relate to the world and their place in it. If God turns out to be clear then I wont be disappointed at all. I think Jesus was just a very enlightened man but thats another discussion. I doubt he will be there when i die.

LOL.... i guess you dont get it then..... he can be clear....AND black.....

clear....does not mean..... colorless.
Jesus looked like Denzel Washington

In my mind, I have an image more like Robert Powell ....more like this...

How did that image get in your mind? Did you just assume he looked like that?

I don't know how that image got in my mind ....may be movies or drawings? but that is the image that for me fits the person best....give or take some features.... it's a personal thing of course. :)

I think you are confusing yourself. Thats exactly why I specifically said clear and not colorless.
That image you just got when you read my bolded words is important. Its how people relate to the world and their place in it. If God turns out to be clear then I wont be disappointed at all. I think Jesus was just a very enlightened man but thats another discussion. I doubt he will be there when i die.

LOL.... i guess you dont get it then..... he can be clear....AND black.....

clear....does not mean..... colorless.

But he wouldn't be clear then. He would be tinted. I'm looking up the definition so we can end this. If you have something please post it.
I think you are confusing yourself. Thats exactly why I specifically said clear and not colorless.
That image you just got when you read my bolded words is important. Its how people relate to the world and their place in it. If God turns out to be clear then I wont be disappointed at all. I think Jesus was just a very enlightened man but thats another discussion. I doubt he will be there when i die.

LOL.... i guess you dont get it then..... he can be clear....AND black.....

clear....does not mean..... colorless.

But he wouldn't be clear then. He would be tinted. I'm looking up the definition so we can end this. If you have something please post it.

all three of these are clear. They are not..... colorless.

In my mind, I have an image more like Robert Powell ....more like this...

How did that image get in your mind? Did you just assume he looked like that?

I don't know how that image got in my mind ....may be movies or drawings? but that is the image that for me fits the person best....give or take some features.... it's a personal thing of course. :)

What do you think would happen if you grew up in say Jamacia and you always saw Jesus portrayed as a Rastafarian? Do you think you would have the same image you currently do?
I think you are confusing yourself. Thats exactly why I specifically said clear and not colorless.
That image you just got when you read my bolded words is important. Its how people relate to the world and their place in it. If God turns out to be clear then I wont be disappointed at all. I think Jesus was just a very enlightened man but thats another discussion. I doubt he will be there when i die.

LOL.... i guess you dont get it then..... he can be clear....AND black.....

clear....does not mean..... colorless.

Don't waste your time. He has demonstrated a conspicuous inability to learn.
How did that image get in your mind? Did you just assume he looked like that?

I don't know how that image got in my mind ....may be movies or drawings? but that is the image that for me fits the person best....give or take some features.... it's a personal thing of course. :)

What do you think would happen if you grew up in say Jamacia and you always saw Jesus portrayed as a Rastafarian? Do you think you would have the same image you currently do?

Sorry but I am not going to speculate. ...we could be here till kingdom come (no pun intended):D. I am what I am and I imagine what I imagine.... and that's all there is to it.:)

LOL.... i guess you dont get it then..... he can be clear....AND black.....

clear....does not mean..... colorless.

But he wouldn't be clear then. He would be tinted. I'm looking up the definition so we can end this. If you have something please post it.

all three of these are clear. They are not..... colorless.


No they are not clear. The light reflected back to my eye is filtered by the color thus obstructing the image of whatever is behind it.
But he wouldn't be clear then. He would be tinted. I'm looking up the definition so we can end this. If you have something please post it.

all three of these are clear. They are not..... colorless.


No they are not clear. The light reflected back to my eye is filtered by the color thus obstructing the image of whatever is behind it.

lol.... yes, they are classified as clear.

they are not...... colorless.
If you are bothered by the question I suggest you stop reading now. A comment was made in another thread concerning the appearance of God when he returns on judgement day and it got me to thinking about what people imagine God to look like. I further got to thinking about what Jesus looks as a sidebar.


Everyone knows that the mind thinks in images. I am starting this thread so I can document what I find and post it for others to use and also assist in finding the truth. I am using the King James version of the Bible to do my research. I will post images when possible to assist in visualization. I especially welcome any comments that point out flaws as I am looking for the truth. I am attempting to document the lineage of Jesus and Black people. If you make a clueless, ignorant comment on this thread I will put you on the ignore list which I believe will also put you on ignore for the whole site as well.

The only physical description of Jesus that does exist is from a copy of a letter from the Roman consul Lentulus to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. This document was discovered in a Monastery with copies of other ancient documents. According to the copy of the letter, the original letter from the consul was dated to the 12 year of the reign of the Emperor Tiberius. Scholars have historical verification that a certain Roman consul named Lentulus was in Judea at the time of Jesus' trial and crucifixion. His influential family is mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus in his book Antiquities of the Jews. Scholars are divided, however, as to the authenticity of the letter. Lentulus' letter is presented an official report to the Emperor Tiberius. In his letter Lentulus describes the condemned man named Jesus of Nazareth as having: a noble and lively face, with fair and slightly wavy hair; black and strongly curving eyebrows, intense penetrating blue eyes and an expression of wondrous grace. His nose is rather long. His beard is almost blonde, although not very long. His hair is quite long, and has never seen a pair of scissors.....His neck is slightly inclined, so that he never appears to be bitter or arrogant. His tanned face is the color of ripe corn and well proportioned. It gives the impression of gravity and wisdom, sweetness and good, and is completely lacking in any sign of anger.


There is no physical description of Christ in any of the Gospels or New Testament letters.
I don't know how that image got in my mind ....may be movies or drawings? but that is the image that for me fits the person best....give or take some features.... it's a personal thing of course. :)

What do you think would happen if you grew up in say Jamacia and you always saw Jesus portrayed as a Rastafarian? Do you think you would have the same image you currently do?

Sorry but I am not going to speculate. ...we could be here till kingdom come (no pun intended):D. I am what I am and I imagine what I imagine.... and that's all there is to it.:)

That was productive. Thanks.

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