Zone1 Was Jesus Woke?

Wrong once again. Jesus, who IS G-d Almighty Himself came for one purpose, and one purpose only. To die on the Cross as full payment for our sins. His message was not about "love and tolerance", but sin, judgement, and repentance. He came to warn mankind about the impending doom for those who refuse to repent and turn to Jesus.
Jesus was all about helping the least fortunate. He was also against garnering great wealth because that equates to the worship of wealth over God.
are you being rhetorical ... the king and queen wrote them.

the history during those times sought relief equally between the corrupt gov'ts and religious institutions, the corruption of the liar moses and their 10 commandments were no different used to persecute and victimize the innocent than laws used for enslavement of those same individuals.

commandments =/= laws ... one in the same.
If you don't lie, steal, murder, or commit adultery, you are not under those laws. The Christian us under a higher law, which is similar to but is the antithesis of the written law.
the history during those times sought relief equally between the corrupt gov'ts and religious institutions, the corruption of the liar moses and their 10 commandments were no different used to persecute and victimize the innocent than laws used for enslavement of those same individuals.
Actually the laws the ancient Jews established were heads and shoulders above that of their contemporaries and were responsible for their unparalleled success. How can anyone argue against successful behaviors naturally leading to success and failed behaviors naturally leading to failure? It's self evident.
Jesus was all about helping the least fortunate. He was also against garnering great wealth because that equates to the worship of wealth over God.
Nope. Christ never condemned people of great wealth UNLESS they made that their idol. Christians are not called to abject poverty. You forget that both Nicodemus and Joseph of Aramethea were men of great fortune in their day, yet trusted Christ.
If you don't lie, steal, murder, or commit adultery, you are not under those laws. The Christian us under a higher law, which is similar to but is the antithesis of the written law.

the christian uses their religion, higher law to persecute and victimize the innocent - as your post so illustrates, their fictitious meaning for christian beliefs.
Nope. Christ never condemned people of great wealth UNLESS they made that their idol. Christians are not called to abject poverty. You forget that both Nicodemus and Joseph of Aramethea were men of great fortune in their day, yet trusted Christ.
Attaining great wealth means that one has emphasized that over God.
Not always. G-d blesses people in the way He sees fit according to His will
And if it means some are given much wealth, then so be it. However, they also have a higher level of accountability as well.
I can agree to a point but I cannot believe God chooses those who get the wealth. Not a chance in heck.
Nope. G-d blesses people in varying degrees. A person with great wealth who is a believer uses his resources to reach people with the Gospel. Same holds true for the mission director that runs a ratty inner city ministry. Same message, different avenues.
And your outlook on the real Christians? The poor?
My job can't be replaced by AI or a machine. My hands-on skills will always be needed, and perhaps rewarded even better.
You're 80+ years old, according to what you've told me in the past. What skill do you have that can't be replaced by an intelligent robot or AI? I'm a CNC machinist and for the last two years, I've been training the AI that will replace me. When I started at the end of 2021 the AI could hardly code a simple project, needing me to write most of the code, today, the AI is coding practically everything and I'm just there as a supervisor. I'd say I have another year or two at the most before I'm no longer needed. I'm 51, so I'm not that old. If it wasn't for the side business I have with my wife I would be up the creek.

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