Was “systemic racism” discovered after Obama’s Presidency? How many statues were removed during his reign?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Does anybody else find it strange that he didn’t tackle the vast “systemic racism” that plagues our nation?
Did he address “Americas Greatest Threat”.....white supremacy?
How many statues did he order to be removed?
How many were toppled by misfits while he held office?
They start taking down the statue later today.

It will go into storage until the city can decide who gets it. There have been requests for the statue some out of the state and some in the state.

Thank goodness that statue and the one of stonewall jackson are coming down.

It is long overdue. The statues never should have been erected in the first place.

It blows my mind that people are suddenly so concerned with statues...that suddenly they hurt the feelings of dark people....I can’t help but wonder why they didn’t hurt their feelings under Americas first black president. So weird huh?
Your revisionism is border line psychotic...you're just not dealing with reality.

THINK, YT, THINK....I wrote that these things happen "EACH YEAR". Look it up yourself if you have the intellectual courage & honesty, as it's a simple google of the words "red lining cases", "job market discrimination" and "voter suppression" (I hate doing homework for the willfully ignorant). These are matter of facts, matter of history.

It's evident from your response that you are ignorant about a few things. Let me educate you:

Systemic: relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.

What does the word systemic mean in politics?
relating to or noting a policy, practice, or set of beliefs that has been established as normative or customary throughout a political, social, or economic system: systemic inequality;systemic racism.

Moronic bigots and racists think that so long as full blown slavery doesn't exist, then neither does systemic racism. The courts would beg to differ, but jokers like YT will just bleat "fake news" then offer their own version of reality as proof to their accusation. Small wonder Cheeto Jeezus can depend on such folk to dance when he commands. And the band played on.
This systemically racist nation elected a Kenyan POTUS twice.....Why didn't the Kenyan solve "systemic racism"....did he ever even say those words?
This systemically racist nation elected a Kenyan POTUS twice.....Why didn't the Kenyan solve "systemic racism"....did he ever even say those words?

I'm not sure why you keep bringing up the "kenyan" so much. Obama was American. His father was Kenyan.

Obama: Racism is no excuse for not excelling​

"Excuses are the tools of the incompetent. Used to build bridges to nowhere."

By not dividing himself from whites because he was black, allowed whites to support him. Most whites (at least the ones I know) aren't racist. But be damned if they're going to pushed into a corner with real racist.
I didn't support Obama with my vote because he was too pro war for me. Those two elections, I supported a candidate that was actually anti war and wanted to cut the wars out of our foreign policy. Obama promised to win the war on terror. To me, that meant 4 more years of war.
Does anybody else find it strange that he didn’t tackle the vast “systemic racism” that plagues our nation?
Did he address “Americas Greatest Threat”.....white supremacy?
How many statues did he order to be removed?
How many were toppled by misfits while he held office?

This is just more proof that this whole "systemic racism" is just the boogey man the progressives and race hustlers are pushing.
I'm not sure why you keep bringing up the "kenyan" so much. Obama was American. His father was Kenyan.

Obama: Racism is no excuse for not excelling​

"Excuses are the tools of the incompetent. Used to build bridges to nowhere."

By not dividing himself from whites because he was black, allowed whites to support him. Most whites (at least the ones I know) aren't racist. But be damned if they're going to pushed into a corner with real racist.
I didn't support Obama with my vote because he was too pro war for me. Those two elections, I supported a candidate that was actually anti war and wanted to cut the wars out of our foreign policy. Obama promised to win the war on terror. To me, that meant 4 more years of war.

Get with it bud....Don't be scared

Get with it bud....Don't be scared


Ok, so you believe a couple of documents that you didn't see created, with your own eyes. And others will believe a document (his Hawaiian birth certificate) that the themselves didn't see created with their own eyes. No one here, was there when Obama was born. All of this came from Hillary making an issue out of Obama's US citizenship. So if you wanna focus on it, when even Trump admitted was a witch hunt, then knock yourself out.
But it still doesn't change anything. Obama was still the president of the USA. He still didn't divide himself from the whites, because he was black. Only racist do that sort of thing.
The real problem is during Obama's presidency is when the parents of our current generation were still raising soft, weak willied, pussified little bitches that only care about feelings and non realistic social problems. Now that generation has gotten older.

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