Was the 2020 election stolen? What do the stats say?

And suddenly, right before the mid term primaries, blue states dropping mask mandates, claiming they are 'now' following the science. Looks more like they're following the polling.
Not hardly! When you have a third of the country who are Trump cultists worrying about their freedoms as opposed to human life, it doesn't make sense to continue promoting masks. It comes down to natural selection. And as long as the cultists of the world are around, natural selection is the only remedy.

But here's the thing, if you aren't going to wear the masks, get vaccinated, and get the boosters, don't clog up the hospitals when you get sick with Covid. No one wants to see your pussy asses show up there. To hell with you mfs.
It's been explained about 5000 times by me alone. If you haven't picked up on it by now, you never will.
You have explained nothing.
If you think you have explained your anger then you are either stupid beyond repair or need a psychiatrist.
Not hardly! When you have a third of the country who are Trump cultists worrying about their freedoms as opposed to human life, it doesn't make sense to continue promoting masks. It comes down to natural selection. And as long as the cultists of the world are around, natural selection is the only remedy.

But here's the thing, if you aren't going to wear the masks, get vaccinated, and get the boosters, don't clog up the hospitals when you get sick with Covid. No one wants to see your pussy asses show up there. To hell with you mfs.
Dem internal polling showing ALL voters tired of their crap.

Wake up. They just love people like you.

The Democratic Party's political warriors are evidently soiling their armor over their most recent round of internal polls. Not only are they abruptly repealing the very mask mandates they recently reimposed on their voters (mandates they insisted until just five minutes ago were scientifically necessary to prevent mankind from perishing), but now they are doing something that would normally cause Democrats to break out in hives: They are offering a massive tax break that benefits the fossil fuel industry.

Sens. Mark Kelly of Arizona and Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire (both of whom face reelection and have job disapproval ratings higher than their approval ratings) are now floating the idea of a gas tax holiday. It would begin now and last until they are safely reelected — sorry, until Jan. 1, 2023.

This has to be just about the most transparently desperate gimmick in recent political history. It demonstrates not only that Democrats don't really believe all that global warming claptrap, but also that they have no principles on the issue of taxation and will do anything to avoid losing their powerful positions.

Democrats' gas-tax gimmick shows they're really scared about November
I accept the fact that Blacks should be angry at their good for nothing parents that sold them to White Dutch Slave Traders.
While the white slave holders kept them in bondage for centuries, only to go and live like Jim Crow later.
Can you imagine how they will love their hospital stays, along with some of them dying, because they were too stupid to wear masks and get vaccinated? Natural Selection loves it. Carry on.
Suddenly, with mid term primaries looming.....science matters?

Real science on masking says it doesn't do much good.

Looks like vax isn't panning out either.

Read today, 762 US deaths for the Rona'.


62,883 FEB 12 2022
99,627 FEB 12 2021

762 FEB 12 2022
2,522 FEB 12 2021

You and your boys are losing their controlling reasons.
While the white slave holders kept them in bondage for centuries, only to go and live like Jim Crow later.
They had no skill set and went up North to New York to get welfare checks in return for turning NYS Democrat.
They had no skill set and went up North to New York to get welfare checks in return for turning NYS Democrat.
They had no privileges. What were you expecting them to do? Get admitted into Duke University? Blacks were shunned from society in the south. And those who stayed were share croppers who couldn't use white man's facilities. You know, you could at least try and make your arguments interesting with something besides stupid responses.

It's the same with the American Indians. We put them on reservations where a Cockroach couldn't live. And?
I see, we are to believe a local television station after all the lies that have been told about Covid? No cigar Blowhole.
No one cares what you believe. And neither does natural selection. It loves the dumb asses.
They had no privileges. What were you expecting them to do? Get admitted into Duke University? Blacks were shunned from society in the south. And those who stayed were share croppers who couldn't use white man's facilities. You know, you could at least try and make your arguments interesting with something besides stupid responses.

It's the same with the American Indians. We put them on reservations where a Cockroach couldn't live. And?
50 years of welfare and they decided not to take advantage of public education.

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