Was the Obama administration Spying On Trump / Potential Cabinet members / Aides?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times,
citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence.

A former intelligence official confirmed to Fox News that the Obama administration was determined to keep the Russian issue alive and data on Moscow's election interference was circulated broadly."

It SEEMS like the Obama administration / WH Aides / Obama Loyalists pushed the 'Russians hacked the Election' story during the election AND may have been 'spying' on Trump and his potential Cabinet Nominees / Aides - they sure 'collected a lot of information' on Trump and others (to include a fake dossier).

We already know Obama spied on reporters, the media, US citizens, and even Congress, so it is not hard to conceive that he spied on Hillary's threat to the WH before the election to have 'ammo' for his false narratives / attacks on Trump after the election. The continuous CIA and Obama-Loyalists' leaks against the Trump administration seems to support this as well. Combine this with Obama's refusal to leave Washington and insistence in injecting himself in the newly elected government's business, and we seem to have a seditious, traitorous EX-President and his loyalists trying to undermine the current government of the United States.

'Obama' seems to be at the center of every leak, every bit of information coming out:
- HIS Aides
- HIS loyalists
- HIS WH Staff
- HIS CIA loyalists
- Information collected on HIS watch being released

Trump needs to sweep the government clean of the stench and sedition of the last administration - FIRE every last one of the Obama-holdovers, or this continuous assault on his administration will continue his entire Presidency, distracting him from his duties and putting America's national security at risk.

Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates
CNN inadvertantly admitted Obama violating privacy laws and abusing his power claiming they did so that Trumps team won't destroy any possible evidence, which also means Obama recognizes the problem & crime in that, yet did not bring Clinton up on charges.
A Further problem with this act is the fact Obama did what he accuses Russia of doing in that Obama blatently interfered with Israeli elections snd is using the Russia excuse to commit crimes which allowed the Left to try to cheat the election by spying on Trumps team in the same way we know Clinton cheated with the debate questions.
CNN inadvertantly admitted Obama violating privacy laws and abusing his power claiming they did so that Trumps team won't destroy any possible evidence, which also means Obama recognizes the problem & crime in that, yet did not bring Clinton up on charges.


Obama repeatedly violated both the Constitution and law.
Hillary - the Sect of State - broke the law.
Holder - the US Atty Gen - Broke the law.
J. Castro broke the law.
Harry Reid Broke the law.
The CIA / FBI broke the law by spying on citizens/media/Congress.
Head of Obama's agencies broke the law using personal e-mails.
The IRS broke the law by targeting / punishing citizens.

...and no one was ever held accountable.... and the results of his crimes are still being felt.
No one admitted anything, "inadvertently" or otherwise.

Anyone cavorting with the Russkies should be investigated, yes.
It appears with Flynn and Sessions that Obama and his people baited the potentional Trump team.

What I mean is he was being aggressive with them with sanctions and talk. Then Flynn tried to smooth things over since I am sure he is work friends with them and Sessions being in the Armed Services Committee was trying to as well.

If there was really anything damaging it would have come out before they got that far.
Oh brother....If Trump did it, well then it should come out..

Are you ok with hiding things from the Americans Easy?

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