Was this a Good day for Trump or for Comey?

Bottom line by the sound of it is that Trump hurt Comey's feelings. Didn't realize it. Sent NO flowers whatsoever. No card. Nothing.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless ...


no, mr comey is primarily seen by the vast majority of observers as rational, forthright, and credible...

after trump's oval office intimidation attempt, mr comey proceeded just as he should have, by leaving sessions out of the loop. after all, he watched mr sessions leave the room, effectively permitting POTUS to intimidate the FBI director. ;)

3 senior FBI officials can vouch for Comey’s story about Trump
I totally disagree. Sessions was asked to leave, Trumps meeting with him and the others was over. If there was intimidation felt by Comey, he should have gone to see Comey the very next morning.
Democrats really came away with. Nothing. They counted on his testimony to be the smoking gun and it was not even a slingshot. You got Democrats saying well it was okay but maybe if! So they are showing they are just deluded enough to think maybe if's replace facts. So the Democrat is no more educated today on the subject then he was a week ago.

Nothing ?

1- he called trump a liar . Painted him as shady when compared to prior prez including obama .

2- this whole "the Russians did nothing " righty Mantra is dead .

The only good is that Trump himself doesn't seem to be in any Russian loop. His peeps on the other hand .....
Democrats really came away with. Nothing. They counted on his testimony to be the smoking gun and it was not even a slingshot. You got Democrats saying well it was okay but maybe if! So they are showing they are just deluded enough to think maybe if's replace facts. So the Democrat is no more educated today on the subject then he was a week ago.

Nothing ?

1- he called trump a liar . Painted him as shady when compared to prior prez including obama .

2- this whole "the Russians did nothing " righty Mantra is dead .

The only good is that Trump himself doesn't seem to be in any Russian loop. His peeps on the other hand .....
His peeps what? They were behind revealing dnc corruption? You guys said they were nothing burgers at the time. But quote the specific words where he called Trump a liar.
The question remains are the citizens going to listen to this and say, Trump was intimidating? In reality, the President is always intimidating. But one of the last comments made about the Russian investigation was that he was looking forward to the results because he wanted to know if any of his associates were involved. That demonstrates he was not looking forward to Comey stopping the investigation.

But how will the media spin this?
I don't care really about dems or gopers winning, but the funny thing about that hearing was Trump was LOT better off with Comey running that investigation than Mueller. LOL
Could be. But who in the hell cares. Russians hack us and we hack them. Even steven. Get back to working for the people!
This is a story for the media to play with. We have to tell our representatives to get back to work for this country! Too much politics here.

Yeah man, Who cares? Lets just call it a wash and move on because this troubles Trump too much and when it comes to protecting our nation or protecting Trump, you know who I choose! :banana:
The Dems may be working overtime on this so it takes Trump away from his agenda. I'm beginning to think that this is really what it is all about. Why can't we work all together to help Americans prosper and be safe. But that is just me.

Sure it's the dems fault...no matter they don't run any branch of got that doesn't matter. It's the dems fault.

You must go home, see dirty dishes and blame the dems for trying to undermine your reputation.
Hey moron!
Who called for these hearings and brought nothing? Oh yeah dermocrats!
Ho just wasted time and money of citizens? Oh yeah Democrats!
What party now looks like a group of fools and liars? Oh yeah Democrats!
What party looks like they are obstructing legal commence and the oval office? Oh yeah Democrats!
What party came off looking like a live action circle jerk on TV? Oh yeah Democrats!

Your damn lucky the 2018 election is not tomorrow! You would be damn lucky to raise gas money never mind votes.
McCain loses . He looked like a senile old coot.

Trump was outed as a mob boss type liar . And we know that Russia really did fuck wh our election .

Er..Trump wasn't outed as a mob boss liar.

Your democrat misinformation sources were, however.
Was this a Good day for Trump or for Comey?

What I've seen transpire in the Senate and news today doesn't militate for my considering it as a day meriting, with regard to either man, overly simplistic qualitative assessments on the order of "good" and "bad." Comey said answered questions he was asked and shared, to the extent he could, discussed the nature of his interactions and thinking about various matters pertaining to the FBI, the "Russia"/Flynn investigation, the POTUS and assorted members of his staff.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

I'd have been shocked were anything that legally damaging disclosed in the public Senate briefing. Were that to have happened, it'd have required that Comey in open Congressional testimony "leak" information about an ongoing investigation.

You'll surely have noted that Comey did tell Trump that Trump was not the subject of an investigation. If you listened carefully and are somewhat aware of how the law works, you'll also have noted that Comey did not attest to whether, as a consequence of his actions to squelch or end the Flynn and "Russia" investigation, he may, as part of the special counsel's examination, now be the subject of an or a part of an investigation. He clearly cannot comment on that because he is unemployed.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

Are you referring to Comey's notes? The notes are government property -- he wrote them pursuant to government-business interactions he, as FBI Director, had with the POTUS -- but not exclusively so. Moreover, they almost certainly (given that Comey provided them to a law school professor) don't contain classified information. To the extent the notes do not contain classified information, they surely sooner or later will be released via a FOIA request. Thus, as Comey authored them, he certainly has the right to share descriptive information about them as he sees fit.

That was a SHITLOAD of blithering nonsense lol.

Bad, bad day to be a dem or anybody who has been hysterically attacking the mainstream voters of this country, or the president.
That was a SHITLOAD of blithering nonsense lol.

After having watched Comey.....

Bad, bad day to be a dem or anybody who has been hysterically attacking the mainstream voters of this country, or the president.

An aspect of titularly given context for this thread are Trump and Comey; thus the following is with regard to them only.

I'm not aware of Comey attacking mainstream American voters.
  • What in your mind defines "mainstream voter" in the U.S?
  • What exactly has Comey said or done that legitimately and unequivocally constitutes an attack on them? (please include linked quotes and/or other probative content to support your answer)
Bottom line by the sound of it is that Trump hurt Comey's feelings. Didn't realize it. Sent NO flowers whatsoever. No card. Nothing.

Yeah, Trump fucked Comey, and then didn't call him the next day.
it's a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for every trumpswab traitor who colluded with the russians. :thup:

James Comey: Russian interference in the 2016 election 'as unfake as you can possibly get'

"if any Americans were part of helping the Russians do that to us, that is a very big deal”
Is today a good day for President Trump or James Comey?

Politically, Trump may be damaged by innuendo from Comey's interrogation.

Legally, Trump should not be legally damaged.

Politically, Comey may be damaged because if he felt threatened by losing his job from anything Trump said, he should have gone to a higher up in the Justice Department that was in place at the time. Comey may have a vandetta against Trump because of his firing, but that doesn't end the fact that he didn't report that Trump told him to stop any interrogation if this is indeed what Trump wanted.

Legally, comey should be fine. Even the "leak" is not, by definition a "leak" because it was not a government document that was released by his friend.

In the eyes of the public, Comey is depicted as a timid, cowardly FBI Director because if he felt "queasy" about the discussion with Trump, it was his place to tell him that the President 's comments were not appropriate. If he was intimidated, which clearly he was demonstrated by making precise notes on his conversations with the president, he should have reported that to Jeff Sessions regardless if Sessions was going to recuse himself from a different investigation weeks later. The sea gull defense is silly. BTW, how did he know that Sessions was going to recuse himself on the Russian question weeks later?

Once you're a private citizen--like Comey was after he was fired--you can talk all you want too. I think G.W. Bush had about 7 books written about him after department heads left office under his administration.

Comey did tell Trump the importance of the independence of the Justice Department and his job as FBI director--and Trump didn't get the message obviously, because he phoned him directly 6 different times--discussing the "russian cloud."

Was this a bad day for TRUMP--Oh Hell yeah. It's what he or anyone else is refusing to answer in a public hearing is what you have to be concerned about.

B'loney. Former Government Employees do not have carte blanche to leak privileged information.

Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


When you are asked to a private meeting with your boss, with only the 2 of you present......confidentiality of the conversation would be the norm.

Most people already know not to blab their mouth off, especially to others of the same or lower level of seniority. IF Comey thought the conversation was of 'national security' importance or a crime, then he could/should have went to the authority that would handle that aspect. Sessions?? But not to his peeps &/or the media
Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


too hard to answer ?

then STFU
Any communication with the president in the capacity of being the FBI director is automatically controlled and sensitive.its not like someone has to stamp your notes.
Honestly, that isn't what the news, (Fox said). If it was controlled or privileged, it had to be a government document and subject to being considered a "leak."
When you take a job having private meeting with the president you don't share the meeting notes. Ever. He may get off technically by not being absolutely illegal but it sure justifies canning his sorry ass.
I didn't see any of it from what I have been reading Trump might have been helped a little but overall there was nothing that was going to change people's views in dramatic way one way or the other.

For Trump supporters it doesn't matter whatever he does. Even if he shoot someone or grab your girlfriend butt. It doesn't mater people like your still love him.
Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


too hard to answer ?

then STFU
Any communication with the president in the capacity of being the FBI director is automatically controlled and sensitive.its not like someone has to stamp your notes.
Honestly, that isn't what the news, (Fox said). If it was controlled or privileged, it had to be a government document and subject to being considered a "leak."
When you take a job having private meeting with the president you don't share the meeting notes. Ever. He may get off technically by not being absolutely illegal but it sure justifies canning his sorry ass.
It does smack of "I'll get revenge"...doesn't it? Go home Comey and lick your wounds comes to my mind.
I didn't see any of it from what I have been reading Trump might have been helped a little but overall there was nothing that was going to change people's views in dramatic way one way or the other.

For Trump supporters it doesn't matter whatever he does. Even if he shoot someone or grab your girlfriend butt. It doesn't mater people like your still love him.

All he did was tell the truth.

Only progtards would think that's something to bemoan.
Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


too hard to answer ?

then STFU
Any communication with the president in the capacity of being the FBI director is automatically controlled and sensitive.its not like someone has to stamp your notes.
Honestly, that isn't what the news, (Fox said). If it was controlled or privileged, it had to be a government document and subject to being considered a "leak."
When you take a job having private meeting with the president you don't share the meeting notes. Ever. He may get off technically by not being absolutely illegal but it sure justifies canning his sorry ass.

As with any boss, in any job........ President is even bigger.

Comey didn't help Trump any today......but I think he screwed himself even more.
I didn't see any of it from what I have been reading Trump might have been helped a little but overall there was nothing that was going to change people's views in dramatic way one way or the other.

For Trump supporters it doesn't matter whatever he does. Even if he shoot someone or grab your girlfriend butt. It doesn't mater people like your still love him.
I have been a Trump supporter and now just a supporter of Americans. But this is turning out to be a high school fight. He said and then he said attempt of making points. Where's the beef?
The left thought they had an ICBM ready to launch at Trump today. It exploded on the launch pad destroying a years worth of investment in the Russian's theme. In the aftermath the explosion took out Comey, Clinton, Lynch and by proxy burned the shit out of Obie. Was this a bad day for Trump? Hell he had little to nothing to do with today other than proving him right. The rest of the time was dems fanning the flames in their own camp.

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