Was this all just a game to you?

I think for many who support Trump it is. I heard a story on the news about kids in Pennsylvania carrying a Trump campaign sign shouting "white power". Video catches students shouting ‘white power’ while marching with Trump sign at Pennsylvania school

What do you think is going to happen when they have a minority principal or teacher that tries to discipline or flunk them?

There have been hundreds of personal accounts (maybe thousands now) of emboldened bigots since Trump got elected. I fear it is going to be open season without elitist liberals shaming and ganging up on them for being pricks.
I think for many who support Trump it is. I heard a story on the news about kids in Pennsylvania carrying a Trump campaign sign shouting "white power". Video catches students shouting ‘white power’ while marching with Trump sign at Pennsylvania school

What do you think is going to happen when they have a minority principal or teacher that tries to discipline or flunk them?

There have been hundreds of personal accounts (maybe thousands now) of emboldened bigots since Trump got elected. I fear it is going to be open season without elitist liberals shaming and ganging up on them for being pricks.

And we will come out stronger on the other end. We always do. Great Progress is rarely a straight arrow on a graph to the upper right hand corner. There are pitfalls along the way and corrections to make. What really sucks is the opportunity costs involved in spending 4 or 8 years suffering at the hands of people who think the earth is 6,000 years old and reject global warming as a hoax. Politics are two sides of the same coin. When you look at fossils that are millions of years old and reject science...it's just sad. The crime in all of this is that there are some Republicans who actually accept science who are going to be muted for as long as this guy is in office.
And we will come out stronger on the other end. We always do.

America has become a progressively greater shithole since it was first founded. If you do not see that, then you are fucked.
First, you would say me about Makhno and his army - it's a logically, because you citated them in signature. Ok, he is a leader. He organized army.
What was with organization in other parts of society - did you thought about it? :) I think, no.

I can't even understand you?

An anarchy is not a society without organization. Apparently you thought it was, but that's just another thing you know shit about.

Did the Makhno has an anarchy in his army?
  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem,tumult, turmoil
    "conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

False definitions. Have you read one book on anarchy, because there are literally hundreds?

Hardly any political theorists, much less anarchists, recognize those definitions. The original definition used by the Greek and Romans, and the one most commonly used, is a society without rulers.

Why we have to read a fantasies of anarchists, when we have a material example, what happens with societies without authority? As for me - I've read about anarchism, trotskism and other ism-s in school at the history lessons. You could produce any ideology you want, how it could work in reality - that is the question.

Read about anarchy and other non-authority societies. It's a way of rural life, not for industrialization or civilization progress...
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.

I think for many who support Trump it is. I heard a story on the news about kids in Pennsylvania carrying a Trump campaign sign shouting "white power". Video catches students shouting ‘white power’ while marching with Trump sign at Pennsylvania school

What do you think is going to happen when they have a minority principal or teacher that tries to discipline or flunk them?

O, my... Tramps supporters may talking about anything, including racism and "white power"....

But while they only discussing it, Hillary's supporters silently performing next crime:

Donald Trump -- Man Viciously Beaten, Car Stolen for Allegedly Voting Trump (VIDEO)
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.
Well unless you are a sociopath you must have some kind of feelings for your fellow citizens.

If you are not a US citizen then it would all depend on your world view and your philosophy of international brotherhood.

I don't know which of these two that you are, for openers.

In the USA for this most recent 2016 national election the voter turnout was 58.1%.

This was down slightly from 2012 when it was 58.6%.

Back in 2008 it was 62.2%. More people were therefore excited about voting for BHO or Romney back then than this year for Trump or Hillary.

The difference between now and 2008 was 9.3% change. So a lot of people were disenchanted and stayed home. The commentary and theory is that these were Negro voters. So to those who dropped out it was probably just a game to them back in 2008 and they packed busses to be bussed to vote for their brother black man.

For the 41% who did not register and vote this time, they obviously do not care. These people must not have had the benefit of a good civics education in their schools while they were growing up. They have no patriotism. They feel no civic duty. They are just parasites occupying space within a precious democracy (democratic republic for anyone who wants to nit pick).

The rest of us who do care and are civic minded voted.

Is it a game?

It took a long time with lots of online research to read through and fill out my ballot. There were slews of candidates for President, Senator, Congressmen (House Of Reps, for those who want to nit pick), Governors, Mayors, County Seats, school boards, judges, sheriffs, and various propositions.

Do you think that is a game?

I did not vote for Trump nor for Hillary. But I am very glad that Hillary lost. She reminds me too much of Nixon. I voted for Nixon and fell for his lies, and now 44 years later I still regret it and feel like a fool for having been fooled by Nixon.

I did not want to feel like a fool by voting for Hillary. As badly as she mucked up Benghazi and then refused to come clean about what she knew and when she knew it is what got her mucked up within her own email controversy, which probably cost her the election. Thank you Director Comey for reminding us twice about that.

Of course I could not vote for Trump either because of his choice of words. Not that I care that a 60 year old man (10 years ago) was grabbing girlie coochie still (this is a college frat boy stunt). Not that I care that he wants to more carefully vet Muslims -- I like that idea. I don't want to be killed by a terrorist like they did in San Bernardino Calif. I do think a Great Wall Of Mexico is actually a good idea and a great infrastructure project. I also believe there are too many Mexican criminals in the USA shooting people like in San Francisco the "sanctuary city." I would like to see the USAF bomb the sh!t out of ISIS no matter what the collateral damage will be. I would like to see a high tariff on Chinese and German imports into the USA -- their balance of trade is lopsided and they are thus destroying the US economy.

Trump has some good ideas. I just could not vote for him. But I am glad he beat Hillary. He has some good ideas.

So this will be interesting for the next 2, then 4, then maybe 8 years.

BHO got re-elected very easily so it should not be hard for Trump to get re-elected either.

People will believe anything for about 8 years. They did with BHO. They are likely also to do so with Trump.

You did not give us enough info to help us figure out why "your life" is so troubled now.

But it is not a game. Everyone who voted did their best to pick the lesser of two weevils.

The strongest weevil won.

Hillary was and is incompetent. Hopefully you got that part. The 51% of female voters who voted for her just because they all including Hillary have a coochie is foolishness. My sisters are 2 of the 49% who voted for Trump however. They also hated Hillary.
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The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.

I think for many who support Trump it is. I heard a story on the news about kids in Pennsylvania carrying a Trump campaign sign shouting "white power". Video catches students shouting ‘white power’ while marching with Trump sign at Pennsylvania school

What do you think is going to happen when they have a minority principal or teacher that tries to discipline or flunk them?

O, my... Tramps supporters may talking about anything, including racism and "white power"....

But while they only discussing it, Hillary's supporters silently performing next crime:

Donald Trump -- Man Viciously Beaten, Car Stolen for Allegedly Voting Trump (VIDEO)
We do have a lot of Jews, actually. For the most part they are very bright and funny people.

Seth Meyers is my favorite. He tears up late night comedy.
We want the border closed (why is that bad?).

Because you have no moral right to deny others that which you do not own.

We want more people working (why is that bad?).

There are going to be less people working if you follow through on Donald Trump's uneducated anti trade policies.

We want less Govt, less waste, lower taxes. on and on and on and on.

Then why did you elect a left wing populist?

We don't want 1000 muslims per day dumped on welfare from God knows where.

What's the plan for that?

Donald Trump backed out early on his promise to control immigration based on religion.

Yeah.......it is serious.

Then prove it by not handing power over to authoritarian socialist dipshits.
Something has to be done to stop China and Germany from their abusive international trade exploitation.

This has to stop.

Either slap tariffs on them or bomb the sh!t out of them.
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.
Well unless you are a sociopath you must have some kind of feelings for your fellow citizens.

If you are not a US citizen then it would all depend on your world view and your philosophy of international brotherhood.

I don't know which of these two that you are, for openers.

In the USA for this most recent 2016 national election the voter turnout was 58.1%.

This was down slightly from 2012 when it was 58.6%.

Back in 2008 it was 62.2%. More people were therefore excited about voting for BHO or Romney back then than this year for Trump or Hillary.

The difference between now and 2008 was 9.3% change. So a lot of people were disenchanted and stayed home. The commentary and theory is that these were Negro voters. So to those who dropped out it was probably just a game to them back in 2008 and they packed busses to be bussed to vote for their brother black man.

For the 41% who did not register and vote this time, they obviously do not care. These people must not have had the benefit of a good civics education in their schools while they were growing up. They have no patriotism. They feel no civic duty. They are just parasites occupying space within a precious democracy (democratic republic for anyone who wants to nit pick).

The rest of us who do care and are civic minded voted.

Is it a game?

It took a long time with lots of online research to read through and fill out my ballot. There were slews of candidates for President, Senator, Congressmen (House Of Reps, for those who want to nit pick), Governors, Mayors, County Seats, school boards, judges, sheriffs, and various propositions.

Do you think that is a game?

I did not vote for Trump nor for Hillary. But I am very glad that Hillary lost. She reminds me too much of Nixon. I voted for Nixon and fell for his lies, and now 44 years later I still regret it and feel like a fool for having been fooled by Nixon.

I did not want to feel like a fool by voting for Hillary. As badly as she mucked up Benghazi and then refused to come clean about what she knew and when she knew it is what got her mucked up within her own email controversy, which probably cost her the election. Thank you Director Comey for reminding us twice about that.

Of course I could not vote for Trump either because of his choice of words. Not that I care that a 60 year old man (10 years ago) was grabbing girlie coochie still (this is a college frat boy stunt). Not that I care that he wants to more carefully vet Muslims -- I like that idea. I don't want to be killed by a terrorist like they did in San Bernardino Calif. I do think a Great Wall Of Mexico is actually a good idea and a great infrastructure project. I also believe there are too many Mexican criminals in the USA shooting people like in San Francisco the "sanctuary city." I would like to see the USAF bomb the sh!t out of ISIS no matter what the collateral damage will be. I would like to see a high tariff on Chinese and German imports into the USA -- their balance of trade is lopsided and they are thus destroying the US economy.

Trump has some good ideas. I just could not vote for him. But I am glad he beat Hillary. He has some good ideas.

So this will be interesting for the next 2, then 4, then maybe 8 years.

BHO got re-elected very easily so it should not be hard for Trump to get re-elected either.

People will believe anything for about 8 years. They did with BHO. They are likely also to do so with Trump.

You did not give us enough info to help us figure out why "your life" is so troubled now.

But it is not a game. Everyone who voted did their best to pick the lesser of two weevils.

The strongest weevil won.

Hillary was and is incompetent. Hopefully you got that part. The 51% of female voters who voted for her just because they all including Hillary have a coochie is foolishness. My sisters are 2 of the 49% who voted for Trump however. They also hated Hillary.
For many me included, it was about voting against someone. Returning to the 90s with its lies and corruption was not of interest to me. Plus her penchant for warmongering and disregard of the Bill of Rights, disqualified her.

I hold out no hope for Trump, but he is the lesser evil.
  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem,tumult, turmoil
    "conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

False definitions. Have you read one book on anarchy, because there are literally hundreds?

Hardly any political theorists, much less anarchists, recognize those definitions. The original definition used by the Greek and Romans, and the one most commonly used, is a society without rulers.

I agree: After all, who wrote the definition Chris quoted? Someone who supports Statism, I'd wager.
Well unless you are a sociopath you must have some kind of feelings for your fellow citizens....

I hold out no hope for Trump, but he is the lesser evil.
That remains to be seen.

By the way, Trump is a sociopath.
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.

Pretty arrogant. People who didn't vote the way you think they should are fools in your eyes, and YOU call those people are self obsessed.
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.

No. And because it isn't a game, I could not, would not support Hillary. On paper Hillary was a poor candidate. In practice, she was even worse.

Let's be honest for a minute if we can. Trump gave the public something to vote for. An American President who put the values of the American working class first. Not the White working class. The working class which is why he got a higher percentage of minority votes than any Republican has in many elections.

Hillary gave you something to vote against. Trump. The drums had skins broken time and again as they drummed up disaster scenarios if Trump was elected. One of the reporters after the election had his finger on the real problem. Trump's opponents took him literally, but not seriously. Trump's supporters took him seriously, but not literally.

I was honestly more worried about Hillary getting us into World War III trying to be clever than I was about Trump bumbling us into it. The "Button" everyone is still in a panic over isn't really a button you push literally. It is actually a series of codes you read into a phone with clear orders given that you want to launch. Those orders are invalid if we are not under attack already unless one of those confirmed by congress give the order as well under the "two man rule".

So give it some time, relax, and I think you'll find it isn't nearly as bad as you are predicting. Just as the Obama Presidency wasn't nearly as bad as the naysayers were predicting eight years ago.
Well unless you are a sociopath you must have some kind of feelings for your fellow citizens....

I hold out no hope for Trump, but he is the lesser evil.
That remains to be seen.

By the way, Trump is a sociopath.
If Trump is a sociopath, what does that make Hillary?
She is a sociopath also.

The psychologists tell us that about four percent of the population are sociopaths.

A very large number of them are disproportionately represented as: politicians, business leaders, lawyers, judges, police, military officers, doctors, etc.

Ironically, most of these are what are called "professions." --- the supposedly "well-respected" elites of society.

Another reason to be suspicious of "professionals"?

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