Was this all just a game to you?

Ha-ha. Choosing the society of life, you MUST follow rules of this society.

Or what? The sky will fall?

Yes. The skies would fall for this society, or for you personally... Looking, how nervious you're considering Trump, I see, you're feel close to second case :)

In other case you're just a parasite - is it really your ideal? :)


The parasites are the rulers. Not those that refuse to listen to their arbitrary whim.

Parasites could be anything. What about your personally? :) Hillary also killed a lot of people, but it don't give me moral rights to kill anyone :)))

So provide life without rulers for yourself!

My happiness is an extension of others.

I cannot move unless you do.

Save yourself first - and you'll find thousands of saved around you. (c) Serafim Sarovsky

Again - That is not freedom That is escapism.

You so clearly understand nothing.

What is freedom for you? An ability to use all benefits from society with simultaneous destruction of this society? :)

Have you read this - Heinlein, Robert A - Coventry | Heinlein Robert A | скачать книгу ? :)
Yes. The skies would fall for this society, or for you personally...

We both know it was a rhetorical question, so your rhetorical answer is unnecessary.

Parasites could be anything.

Only through conjecture. Not through substance.

What about your personally? :) Hillary also killed a lot of people, but it don't give me moral rights to kill anyone :)))

What does Hillary Clinton have to do with anything? Talk about strawman.

You have every right to kill a man in self defense. Not sure how that is relevant.

Save yourself first - and you'll find thousands of saved around you. (c) Serafim Sarovsky

Were you not paying attention?

My salvation is tied to the salvation of others.


What is freedom for you? An ability to use all benefits from society with simultaneous destruction of this society? :)


The majority of Americans made a different choice than you. This is why we have elections. Some people had to grow up and accept it when obama was elected, and now you have to grow up.

The majority of Americans (who are you talking about?) do not have the moral right to choose my rulers, whether they are in the majority or not.

This is what keeps America great.

I also love to revel in the imaginary glory of an imaginary community.

That is how the election process works in America. You lose. Why don't you think about how stupid your ideas are?
Where do you get a water?

From a fresh water source.

Which food you would consume?

The food that I want.

You, city habitants, really think, water is always exist in water tap, and food grow right in big refrigerators in supermarkets... :)))) Do you want really to be free? Just buy small house anywhere in backwoods and first try your receipts of life there... Trust me, you could learn a lot of different things about this life :)))))

Because he would die.
Yes. The skies would fall for this society, or for you personally...

We both know it was a rhetorical question, so your rhetorical answer is unnecessary.

Parasites could be anything.

Only through conjecture. Not through substance.

What about your personally? :) Hillary also killed a lot of people, but it don't give me moral rights to kill anyone :)))

What does Hillary Clinton have to do with anything? Talk about strawman.

You have every right to kill a man in self defense. Not sure how that is relevant.

Save yourself first - and you'll find thousands of saved around you. (c) Serafim Sarovsky

Were you not paying attention?

My salvation is tied to the salvation of others.


What is freedom for you? An ability to use all benefits from society with simultaneous destruction of this society? :)


Yes. The skies would fall for this society, or for you personally...

We both know it was a rhetorical question, so your rhetorical answer is unnecessary.

Parasites could be anything.

Only through conjecture. Not through substance.

What about your personally? :) Hillary also killed a lot of people, but it don't give me moral rights to kill anyone :)))

What does Hillary Clinton have to do with anything? Talk about strawman.

You have every right to kill a man in self defense. Not sure how that is relevant.

Save yourself first - and you'll find thousands of saved around you. (c) Serafim Sarovsky

Were you not paying attention?

My salvation is tied to the salvation of others.


What is freedom for you? An ability to use all benefits from society with simultaneous destruction of this society? :)



Oh, are you a follower of Bakunin? Perfect. "Communism without dictatorship of predominant class" - awesome idea, which never works in our world. Good words, cloaking very interesting things. Bakunin, in fact, hid his anti-Russian activity (he took part in Polish rebellion) and his relations with Herzen, who was a resident of Britain intelligence in Russia, providing anti-Russian politics too. Which your activity do you want to hide under a Bakunin's ideas? :)
Where do you get a water?

From a fresh water source.

Which food you would consume?

The food that I want.

You, city habitants, really think, water is always exist in water tap, and food grow right in big refrigerators in supermarkets... :)))) Do you want really to be free? Just buy small house anywhere in backwoods and first try your receipts of life there... Trust me, you could learn a lot of different things about this life :)))))

Because he would die.

I think, he would change his ideas :)

History usually gives us a lots of examples, "how it can be in reality". Communism is a very popular idea, but in reality, as a system, it existed in USSR _ONLY_ in 1918-1921 years of Civil War, as a "War Communism" formation. As I know, there are NO any practical experience of using communism as working system in any country in the world...
Where do you get a water?

From a fresh water source.

Which food you would consume?

The food that I want.

You, city habitants, really think, water is always exist in water tap, and food grow right in big refrigerators in supermarkets... :)))) Do you want really to be free? Just buy small house anywhere in backwoods and first try your receipts of life there... Trust me, you could learn a lot of different things about this life :)))))

Because he would die.

I think, he would change his ideas :)

History usually gives us a lots of examples, "how it can be in reality". Communism is a very popular idea, but in reality, as a system, it existed in USSR _ONLY_ in 1918-1921 years of Civil War, as a "War Communism" formation. As I know, there are NO any practical experience of using communism as working system in any country in the world...

The poster is an anarchist though. That's even MORE stupid, IMO.
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.

It will be okay man. Now just relax and laugh.

Where do you get a water?

From a fresh water source.

Which food you would consume?

The food that I want.

You, city habitants, really think, water is always exist in water tap, and food grow right in big refrigerators in supermarkets... :)))) Do you want really to be free? Just buy small house anywhere in backwoods and first try your receipts of life there... Trust me, you could learn a lot of different things about this life :)))))

Because he would die.

I think, he would change his ideas :)

History usually gives us a lots of examples, "how it can be in reality". Communism is a very popular idea, but in reality, as a system, it existed in USSR _ONLY_ in 1918-1921 years of Civil War, as a "War Communism" formation. As I know, there are NO any practical experience of using communism as working system in any country in the world...

The poster is an anarchist though. That's even MORE stupid, IMO.

Anarchy is more distributed in history - as a phenomenon of behaviour, when any formation is suddenly falling, and people consuming a lot of legacy resources, still don't seriously crossing interests... When the deficiency of resources coming, anarchy in one moment transforms to banditism or dictatorship, or fall to neighbour, who bring new strong organization system to this society...
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.
I was not surprised by Obama's failure to address the needs of working Americans .... disappointed but not surprised, because he was a liberal elitist who never had a job. The sad thing was that the people (like Trump) who played the race card were by and large not those working class people.

I think their embrace of Trump is beyond desperate.

Trump's single chance for success (for those people) is his uncanny ability to market himself to a room of people. Does he have the willingness to market himself as a actual benefit to those folks and get Mitch McConnell to actually find balls to push the gop to do that which it hasn't done in at least 35 years? That is entertaining, imo.
Anarchy is more distributed in history - as a phenomenon of behaviour, when any formation is suddenly falling, and people consuming a lot of legacy resources, still don't seriously crossing interests... When the deficiency of resources coming, anarchy in one moment transforms to banditism or dictatorship, or fall to neighbour, who bring new strong organization system to this society...

Did you believe anarchy was a society without organization?

Sure sounds like it. You should really educate yourself, because just about everything you say is factually wrong or intellectually dishonest.
Anarchy is more distributed in history - as a phenomenon of behaviour, when any formation is suddenly falling, and people consuming a lot of legacy resources, still don't seriously crossing interests... When the deficiency of resources coming, anarchy in one moment transforms to banditism or dictatorship, or fall to neighbour, who bring new strong organization system to this society...

Did you believe anarchy was a society without organization?

Sure sounds like it. You should really educate yourself, because just about everything you say is factually wrong or intellectually dishonest.

It's better for you to educate yourself :) Do you know, what would will be next? :) Look...

First, you would say me about Makhno and his army - it's a logically, because you citated them in signature. Ok, he is a leader. He organized army.
What was with organization in other parts of society - did you thought about it? :) I think, no.

Than you'll say - "it were not so terrible - peasants loved Makhno and singing sons about them". Ok, I agree, anarchy is not a catastrophe for the rural territory. So, remember - I adviced toi you go to backwoods and try to live there, to verify your ideas. Trust me, It's a most kindly environment for your anarchy :)

Ok - you'll say, why all the world could not live in "rural fairy tale", with no rulers in common happiness??? Like peasants in Ukraine with Makhno?

Because Holodomor. Thanks to Stalin, it was LAST famine there. With Makhno it could be periodically, every 10 years.
Because Faschism. Because without strong organization, forced industrialization, tanks and planes USSR could not turn of the neck of the united European Army, came under Hitler's flag to kill people...

If you think, "people need more freedom", it means only you personally need more freedom. Because adult people usually able to provide for theyselves any freedom they want :)

You can now to distrubute ideas of anarchy through Internet to all whole world - but could you able to do it (or, at least, to read them from Bakunin) without of thousand generations of "tyranny" and "oppression" in world history?
First, you would say me about Makhno and his army - it's a logically, because you citated them in signature. Ok, he is a leader. He organized army.
What was with organization in other parts of society - did you thought about it? :) I think, no.

I can't even understand you?

An anarchy is not a society without organization. Apparently you thought it was, but that's just another thing you know shit about.
  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem,tumult, turmoil
    "conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.
  1. a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.
    "he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy"
    synonyms: lawlessness, nihilism, mobocracy, revolution, insurrection, disorder, chaos, mayhem,tumult, turmoil
    "conditions are dangerously ripe for anarchy"
    • absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political ideal.

False definitions. Have you read one book on anarchy, because there are literally hundreds?

Hardly any political theorists, much less anarchists, recognize those definitions. The original definition used by the Greek and Romans, and the one most commonly used, is a society without rulers.
The gloating and the taunting. The endless self obsession with winning that came before our next royal fuckup was declared presidential successor.

I probably sound like a broken record by now, but you fools do not understand the powers in which you meddle. Even though you tools will likely spin some emotional rhetoric claiming otherwise, I highly doubt that most of you took politics seriously to begin with.

Was this all just a game to you? I want to know, because my life is not a game.

I think for many who support Trump it is. I heard a story on the news about kids in Pennsylvania carrying a Trump campaign sign shouting "white power". Video catches students shouting ‘white power’ while marching with Trump sign at Pennsylvania school

What do you think is going to happen when they have a minority principal or teacher that tries to discipline or flunk them?

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