Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?

Of course you don't remember it, b/c your a partisan dumb shit.

There's a difference between "Democrats" and "the Democrat nominee for President."

It's appalling that people would mock Palin's child. But it would be beyond belief if the Democrat nominee for President would do it.

True, but there is also a huge difference between some dumb ass reporter who's slinging shit back at the guy, and a child as well.

Not if you're running for President, there's not.

The President or a nominee shouldn't be mocking a handicap under any circumstance.

If he addressed the reporter in a substantive manner, I'd have had no problem with that. But what Trump did was vulgar and disgusting.

And yet far superior to the way the Media is treating Trump or any Republican candidate.
You should try watching Fox News once in awhile. You'd feel much better.

The exception that proves the rule. And they played the game themselves this time around with Trump.
Mocking someones physical afflictions are ok there is only one requirement to do so.

If you can find a reason NOT to like the person then its all good.

If you cant find a reason to not like them then its bad.
Yep, this election will be a battle of the shit stains. Too bad so any assholes believe that their shit stain isn't a shit stain simply because of the letter behind their name.

But at least Trump is a shit stain who hasn't spent 30 years in government service doing nothing but bettering himself, even at the expense of breaking the law.

I would side for Clinton just because she acts like an adult.

You misspelled criminal son.
Yep, this election will be a battle of the shit stains. Too bad so any assholes believe that their shit stain isn't a shit stain simply because of the letter behind their name.

But at least Trump is a shit stain who hasn't spent 30 years in government service doing nothing but bettering himself, even at the expense of breaking the law.

I would side for Clinton just because she acts like an adult.



I know Republicans thought it was hilarious and still do, but what about the rest of America?

Not only that, this played all over the world. This crude man is how the rest of the world will see America. I'm surprised that Republicans are fine with that. Republicans have said Obama has no class. If this is the GOP's definition of class, what is their definition of crude?
You get mocked a lot, so I guess it is.
As do you, regularly, little buddy. :(
I mock you too as does everyone. Don't feel slighted. What happened ti you is no one's fault. Nature is not always kind, but that's life.
Ah, you learned. Good.

The far right's thinking and comments mean absolutely nothing to me, meathead.

You all have nothing of worth to offer the country.

You don't like me or my positions? OK.
There are two possibilities here which are as old as the field of psychiatry itself. Are people born to be what they are or does life make them so?

Either way you've been dealt a terrible hand Jake.
You are trying, so that is good.

I have had a great life, you, not so much there in Central Europe.


I know Republicans thought it was hilarious and still do, but what about the rest of America?

Not only that, this played all over the world. This crude man is how the rest of the world will see America. I'm surprised that Republicans are fine with that. Republicans have said Obama has no class. If this is the GOP's definition of class, what is their definition of crude?

He wasn't mocking THE disabled.

He was mocking an individual, who happens to be a reporter.

Reporters deserve to be mocked.

He wasnt mocking his reporting tho.

It is common in mocking someone to mock them for issues that aren't the real issue.

Lefties mock Trump for having a comb over. Yet, that doesn't mean they are mocking people with comb overs. They are using Trump's come over to mock him.

Everyone knows this.

But you dishonest lefties are trying to gin this up into something it is not.

And the dishonest media will support you in this lie.

Which is why they deserve to be mocked and worse. As do all lefties.
That is no excuse for Trump to mock the disabled in the way he did.

You seem to think otherwise, or you wouldn't be lying about it.
That is no excuse, none whatsoever. Not only are you a racist, you are an enemy of the disabled. Trump was wrong, period.
I note that you didn't answer the question.

In the same way that a wife-beater will apologize AFTER the abuse, a habitual scum bucket like Trump will never offer a legitimate apology......I really don't care whether you can understand the difference between someone genuinely apologizing for a mistake or a misspeak, and someone apologizing because his handlers told him to do it to get a few more votes.
Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?

This post bears re-stating!!!!
Nope, he was identifying with the less fortunate. Trump, and you by supporting him, are making fun of the disabled. The campaign ads will hurt Trump badly.
Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?

This post bears re-stating!!!!
Nope, he was identifying with the less fortunate. Trump, and you by supporting him, are making fun of the disabled. The campaign ads will hurt Trump badly.

(B. Kidd puts his hands in front of him like a T-Rex and shakes them to an' fro back an' forth, and says...........:gives:......).
Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?
For which, he promptly apologized. Trump? He asked his supporters to beat up on protesters.
Only Republicans would vote for someone who ran on bravado and personal attacks and nothing else.
There's a difference between "Democrats" and "the Democrat nominee for President."

It's appalling that people would mock Palin's child. But it would be beyond belief if the Democrat nominee for President would do it.

True, but there is also a huge difference between some dumb ass reporter who's slinging shit back at the guy, and a child as well.

Not if you're running for President, there's not.

The President or a nominee shouldn't be mocking a handicap under any circumstance.

If he addressed the reporter in a substantive manner, I'd have had no problem with that. But what Trump did was vulgar and disgusting.

And yet far superior to the way the Media is treating Trump or any Republican candidate.
You should try watching Fox News once in awhile. You'd feel much better.

The exception that proves the rule. And they played the game themselves this time around with Trump.
Fox is being quite supportive now. The media has only one responsibility--not to liberals or to conservatives, but to ratings/sponsors. A news outlet may have someone vociferously damning Trump, but they will usually counterbalance that with one of his supporters, and they ALL want to interview him as many times as he will appear. Yes, at first, all the media were snickering at him, and to be fair, who could blame them? He's .... well, who could blame them?
Of course I see the bias in the media. It is not, however, as bad as the conservatives are making it out to be.

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