Was Trump mocking the disabled "cool"?

You must live under a fucking rock....or are just a dishonest hack

Liberal Website Mercilessly Mocks Down Syndrome-Suffering Trig Palin On His Birthday

Moron....I stated "NO ONE" that I know mocked, Palin's baby.......Are you willing to defend any and ALL racist remarks by your ilk on your side of the aisle?

Hey man, they need something to hold onto. Grampa just got finished equating one Soldiers death in the ME as proof there is no difference between our current war and the fucking quagmire we were in.

SAME THING - he yelled
LOL talk about moving the bar. You went from "no one mocked Palin's kids" to " no one I know mocked Palin's kids" Why can't you just be honest and say "yes there were liberal douchebags who made fun of Trigg Palin?" Oh I know why.

NO, dimwit........I had NEVER heard of any blogger or other person who mocked Palin's child.

It is up to right wingers (like you) to keep up with all the stupidity posted that fits your agenda.
Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?
Who exactly made fun of Palin's kid?

A blog. And a blog is just like the Republican Presidential Candidate because....welp, you gotta try any excuse you can bro
Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?
I don't remember people making fun of Sarah Palin's child. Did they do what Trump did?

But why do Republicans always say "See? They did it first" as if that makes it OK?

Of course you don't remember it, b/c your a partisan dumb shit.

There's a difference between "Democrats" and "the Democrat nominee for President."

It's appalling that people would mock Palin's child. But it would be beyond belief if the Democrat nominee for President would do it.
I don't remember people making fun of Sarah Palin's child. Did they do what Trump did?

But why do Republicans always say "See? They did it first" as if that makes it OK?
Your so full of shit! What you people said about that child was is reprehensible,and you were right there with the rest of the pathetic hypocrites.

Your accusations wont work. Either post those reprehensible statements or stop with the McCarthyism
Your just as dishonest as Dean.

I know, I know everyone is lying. So either show how bad he is or stop with the McCarthy act
McCarty act,WTF pointing out hypocrisy is hardly McCarthyism, the left went on and one about that child,you know it to be true,iam not wasting my time screwing with old posts.just as dishonest as the next hack ,have a great day

You claimed he said REPREHENSIBLE things about Palins child. Either pony up the proof or cut out you McCarthy impression. Its not a good one anyway
Soooooo, of these 3......a blogger, Maher and Trump....exactly who of these 3 is running for the highest post on the planet?
Its really simple....Ask right wingers on this thread if they interpret what Maher or a blogger states, to what is openly stated by someone who is running for PRESIDENT?

Of course they equate. People are dumb asses. Do you really think you're going to get a Presidential candidate who doesn't say or do dumb assed things on a regular basis? Hell fire, given how often they have a camera stuck in their grilles I'm actually surprised it doesn't happen MORE often.

And in fact, the truth of it is that is exactly why Trump is so popular, Politicians like Hillary are polished at hiding their faults somewhat and only get caught when they say shit when they think a mic isn't on or anything. Trump, on the other hand, he just doesn't care. And that leads people to think "well we know what we're getting with Trump, but these other guys, they only ever let their true feelings be heard behind closed doors" or whatever.

Who amongst us wouldn't rather be made fun of to our face than behind our backs?
There was this guy who said something about Palins kid. And that guy is as much as a public figure as Donald because....well, he was in public so
Barry Hussein said his bowling was like the "special olympics". Is that offensive. Democrats constantly made fun of Sarah Palin's Down's Syndrome child. Do democrats have a problem with special ed. kids?
I don't remember people making fun of Sarah Palin's child. Did they do what Trump did?

But why do Republicans always say "See? They did it first" as if that makes it OK?

Of course you don't remember it, b/c your a partisan dumb shit.

There's a difference between "Democrats" and "the Democrat nominee for President."

It's appalling that people would mock Palin's child. But it would be beyond belief if the Democrat nominee for President would do it.

True, but there is also a huge difference between some dumb ass reporter who's slinging shit back at the guy, and a child as well.


I know Republicans thought it was hilarious and still do, but what about the rest of America?

Not only that, this played all over the world. This crude man is how the rest of the world will see America. I'm surprised that Republicans are fine with that. Republicans have said Obama has no class. If this is the GOP's definition of class, what is their definition of crude?

He wasn't mocking THE disabled.

He was mocking an individual, who happens to be a reporter.

Reporters deserve to be mocked.
Not for a disability, he doesn't. For stupid questions, sure. Trump was way out of line on this one.

Trump wasn't mocking him FOR his disability. He was mocking him FOR being a reporter.

The American Media has been out of line for decades.

They deserve far, far worse.
That is a complete, utter load of bullshit. I do hear what you're saying--Trump is angry at the reporter for a disagreement about an article re: Muslims celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center on 9/11, and that is what brought on Trump's response. But in true Trump fashion, he uses below the belt, personal insults to bean his adversaries. In this case, the reporter's cerebral palsy. Trump is responsible for that and shouldn't have flatly denied it like a 4 year old with his hand in the cookie jar looking straight at you and saying "I'm not taking a cookie!" YOU should not be somehow arguing that because the MSM is out of line that Trump is justified. There is no justification for mocking a guy's disability. No, it's not the end of the world or even the worse thing Trump has said or done, but it is a totally indefensible position. Any moron knows what Trump was doing.
New York Slimes reporters deserve to be mocked; more anti-American traitors living on a diet of muslim semen. I thought it was hilarious.
God almighty, it's like teaching kindergarten around here, some days.
So, what have we "learned" from this thread???

The blogger who mocked Palin's child is an IDIOT
Bill Maher who mocked Plain's child is an IDIOT
Trump, who is running for president, mocked a reported with cerebral palsy is an__________________???
So, what have we "learned" from this thread???

The blogger who mocked Palin's child is an IDIOT
Bill Maher who mocked Plain's child is an IDIOT
Trump, who is running for president, mocked a reported with cerebral palsy is an__________________???

Keep digging that hole, moron.

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