Washington D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb said the following about crime: "We cannot prosecute and arrest our way out of it"

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
Personally, I disagree with him.

However, I do not live in that city.

Since this is what the voters of that city have chosen, I have to respect their choice.

He is correct. Crime is a social and cultural problem. People talk about the low crime in China and suggest it is the "strong policing". They are fools. Asian communities have strong family structures and crime is frowned upon as a mark on their family name.

S Korea and Japan also have low crime and they are very liberally run justice systems.

You obviously must enforce the law, charge accordingly, but don't become like a caste system as Canada is and use kids of cops and covert cops to CREATE crime. That is when you know your system is corrupt, unaccountable and evil.
Problem solved, problem staying solved. ;)



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He is correct. Crime is a social and cultural problem. People talk about the low crime in China and suggest it is the "strong policing". They are fools. Asian communities have strong family structures and crime is frowned upon as a mark on their family name.

S Korea and Japan also have low crime and they are very liberally run justice systems.

You obviously must enforce the law, charge accordingly, but don't become like a caste system as Canada is and use kids of cops and covert cops to CREATE crime. That is when you know your system is corrupt, unaccountable and evil.
Leftist Sociology dribble from Canada. What you conveniently AVOID is that the countries you mentioned ARE CIVILIZED and have been advanced cultures for thousands of years. Our crime problem is mostly from a certain racial group of proto-people that are not quite evolved in their thinking; they lack abstract thought and an ability to REASON or ARGUE , when CONFRONTED, they resort immediately to VIOLENCE with no Argument stage. Sure, some of them have bred with advanced races and can act civil BUT, many are not crossbred and there in lies the problem.

The Global Elite are exploiting this groups negative tendencies along with female weakness in order to install these people into power so they can advance the World Government Agenda.

LBJ and the Democrat party destroyed these peoples culture in 1967 when they offered free living in exchange for Democrat votes; you were not allowed to have a husband in the home to get the freebies.
I saw this starting in the 80s. People, mostly blacks, started believing they had a right to commit crimes. This has grown and been reinforced by black politicians who finds all kinds of excuses for criminal acts. Yes, arresting and prosecuting will certainly help. Ultimately, though, the perception of having a right to engage in criminal acts will have to change.
I saw this starting in the 80s. People, mostly blacks, started believing they had a right to commit crimes. This has grown and been reinforced by black politicians who finds all kinds of excuses for criminal acts. Yes, arresting and prosecuting will certainly help. Ultimately, though, the perception of having a right to engage in criminal acts will have to change.
Here in our Dem blue state you can walk into a store and steal whatever you want without consequences while Dems in government look the other way. The police have given up because the let them out and they are stealing again an hour later.
Personally, I disagree with him.

However, I do not live in that city.

Since this is what the voters of that city have chosen, I have to respect their choice.

As with all commies, they think money will solve anything, and when it doesn't, they'll just claim they didn't spend enough and want more. Pure insanity!!!!!!!!!!

I join other members (and guests) in expressing the greatest sympathy to the victims of violent crime in our nation's capital.

Since it is politically out of the question to prosecute and incarcerate all the perpetrators, there is no "solution" to this problem.

A nation is only as good as its residents.

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