Washington Post: Stop expecting stores to have food and medicine, lower your expectations!

I don't think my state, Florida, is taking them either. No State should take them. Bus them back to the border or to DC.

Oh and the stores in my area have product but the cost is going up. Hell try buying a steak. I paid 18 bucks for one steak last week. If you wanted to buy a package of three you needed 40 to 60 bucks. Good thing I have steak frozen in the freezer. Good Lord. Bidung is a walking disaster.

Ohmigod, did you see the quote from the CEO of Danish Crown that was printed in the NY Post? “Beef is not going to be super climate friendly. It will be a bit like champagne, namely a luxury product. The beef cattle will be a luxury product that we eat when we need to pamper ourselves.”
No I didn't but I have seen the prices at Wal-Mart and Publix. Holy shit through the roof. The best prices are at the Thrifty Mart in town. I think it owned by Mexico and they get their beef from that country. Prices are a lot better.
I don't think my state, Florida, is taking them either. No State should take them. Bus them back to the border or to DC.

Oh and the stores in my area have product but the cost is going up. Hell try buying a steak. I paid 18 bucks for one steak last week. If you wanted to buy a package of three you needed 40 to 60 bucks. Good thing I have steak frozen in the freezer. Good Lord. Bidung is a walking disaster.
Yes!! Here in Maryland they wanted $42 for two porterhouse steaks!! And that was it, all they had ---- all the rest of the meat shelves were EMPTY that week. No big cuts of whole tenderloins or racks of ribs or rounds of beef like they had forever before.

Thanks for your post because when I saw that price on those steaks I almost screamed and ran out of the store; I've been wondering ever since whether it's this crazy elsewhere or it's just this store. It's a membership store and they are trying desperately to keep their members by converting us all to never-ending re-ups with lies, lies, and more lies. We are of course not going to rejoin for 2022.
Beef was through the roof but Pork and Chicken were about the same as they always are. A rack of Smithfield pork ribs goes for around 11 bucks. Great on the grill.
The idiot mandates that keep people from working. The idiot subsidies that keep people from working. The idiot eviction freezes that keep a HUGE amount of money in people's wallets: why should they work? So they don't.

Our garbage collection company didn't pick up last Wednesday on our whole street and they will NOT answer their phone at all or call back or send out explanations of any kind ---- I'm afraid they are going out of business. Can't get the people to work the trucks.

We're planning to take the garbage to the county dump if they'll let us (it's sure to be overwhelmed) and then after that, if they do stop picking up, we'll have to get a garbage-burning can for here. Fortunately we live on a farm so we have some options; burying in a pit, for instance -- what are people going to do in the town houses nearby? Wait, I already know: somebody dumped a lot of garbage in bags along the roadside. Nice. :mad-61:
It has been Covid-19 that has kept many people from working. You know, the potentially fatal virus that the GOP has dedicated to spreading across the country. People don't want to take a huge risk with their safety and that of their families. Plus, people apparently have been rethinking whether the yield from their present or former jobs is worth the effort, a consideration that long predates the pandemic. Plus, the U.S. apparently lacks willing workers with the specific skills required. Unloading the cargo ships that arrive here requires skilled crane operators, for instance, and truck drivers must be licensed and certified. Running railroads also requires training. Many of the other problems I mentioned originate in other countries.

Sorry, I don't know what is going on with your trash pickup, but I know you're not alone. If seen pictures on the BBC of Brighton, Sussex, England. No trash pickup for weeks, ad the bags are piling up on the sidewalks. I think that they are settling a strike.
"Lower your expectations!"

This is the battle cry of the Joe "Empty Shelves" Biden regime.

You should know better. The NY Slimes is full of BS and so is the Washington Pest. Uncle Jojo says we can get more food from his boss in Beijing if we behave ourselves. If we need money, Hunter will get a Juice Loan from the Ukraine.
Leftists have always resented and been outraged by the standard of living that average Americans typically enjoy, believing that only the elites should have luxuries while the rest of us should live like the peasants they consider us. This is right in keeping with all their other policies and attitudes about how the majority of Americans should scale our lives back to mere subsistence instead of being "spoiled".

Well said. It's abundantly clear the "shortages" of everything are completely intentional.
Sorry, I don't know what is going on with your trash pickup, but I know you're not alone. If seen pictures on the BBC of Brighton, Sussex, England. No trash pickup for weeks, ad the bags are piling up on the sidewalks. I think that they are settling a strike.
I hope that's not it, a strike. I wonder. I've been assuming it's trouble with getting enough personnel. I have heard about the big new Covid surge in Britain, but not the trash problem! Yow.
Beef cattle are backed up for miles waiting to be shipped and processed. It's just another hoax. Why bother paying some illegal alien $4 an hour to cut up 4 ribeyes when you and the other two packing companies can just jack up the price of one to $24, and fire some more workers? Fuck the peasants, it's the stockholders that matter.

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