Watch "Al Sharpton Bashing Young Black Conservatives for meeting with President Trump"

Saying I’m a nationalist is like saying I belong to the Klux klan.

The white and the Klu are understood.

Do you believe in the USA and our Constitution?

Good luck on getting that answer Peach... I'll be the first to admit, Trump is not the most eloquent President we've had but to see the left side twist his words as being anti-semitic or a call towards the supremacists is not only ignorant but also disingenuous. The man's done more for minorities than any president I can think of.
Ok I'll bite.... what is the difference between that and paying homage to racist black leaders?
Or is it worse to have one of the worst race baiters in the country as a Presidential advisor?
Deflections. Trump not only lied, his lie enabled the worst element of his party.

What other people do or did is irrelevant. And I think there is plenty wrong with the other side, as I point out regularly.

Not holding him accountable for this also enables this kind of thing.

I just don't care. It doesn't matter.
He said, immediately after learning Duke said he endorsed him, that he disavows the endorsement. That is pretty clear to me.
I don't care that at some point he was less obvious in his disdain for him than this.
Trump can't win. If he speaks against something, it is fake, if he doesn't then he is complacent and therefore agrees with them.
But all in all I care far more about Presidential actions that words.
I realize it doesn't matter to you. The problem with his supporters is the same as with Obama's or anyone else's supporters: It only matters if the other team says it.

As long as we refuse to hold our own sides accountable for their words, we'll just keep lowering standards. And then we wonder why things are the way they are.

Me not hold "my side" accountable?
That is pretty funny.
I care about actions. Not much about words.
Obama made Sharpton a Presidential advisor.... in my book, that is a whole helluva lot worse than at one point, regardless of clear dislike for Duke and company repeatedly many other times, he is less clear.
Making one of the worst racist in America an advisor is more to worry about.
I know, no matter what my side does, I don't care, the other side is always worse.

That's how the game is played. And we're seeing the results.

That you are disregarding what Trump has said about racism/white supremacist/David Duke other times and only focusing on one comment?
Yes, indeed that shows one sided favoritism.
As far as me, I am mister corporatism. The Plutocratic Corporatocracy we now live in is equally polluted and corrupt on both sides. And has been fucking us over to enrich a precious few for 40 years now.
And THAT, is a helluva lot more important than what Trump said in one comment.
Deflections. Trump not only lied, his lie enabled the worst element of his party.

What other people do or did is irrelevant. And I think there is plenty wrong with the other side, as I point out regularly.

Not holding him accountable for this also enables this kind of thing.

I just don't care. It doesn't matter.
He said, immediately after learning Duke said he endorsed him, that he disavows the endorsement. That is pretty clear to me.
I don't care that at some point he was less obvious in his disdain for him than this.
Trump can't win. If he speaks against something, it is fake, if he doesn't then he is complacent and therefore agrees with them.
But all in all I care far more about Presidential actions that words.
I realize it doesn't matter to you. The problem with his supporters is the same as with Obama's or anyone else's supporters: It only matters if the other team says it.

As long as we refuse to hold our own sides accountable for their words, we'll just keep lowering standards. And then we wonder why things are the way they are.

Me not hold "my side" accountable?
That is pretty funny.
I care about actions. Not much about words.
Obama made Sharpton a Presidential advisor.... in my book, that is a whole helluva lot worse than at one point, regardless of clear dislike for Duke and company repeatedly many other times, he is less clear.
Making one of the worst racist in America an advisor is more to worry about.
I know, no matter what my side does, I don't care, the other side is always worse.

That's how the game is played. And we're seeing the results.

That you are disregarding what Trump has said about racism/white supremacist/David Duke other times and only focusing on one comment?
Yes, indeed that shows one sided favoritism.
As far as me, I am mister corporatism. The Plutocratic Corporatocracy we now live in is equally polluted and corrupt on both sides. And has been fucking us over to enrich a precious few for 40 years now.
And THAT, is a helluva lot more important than what Trump said in one comment.
I mentioned one comment, that doesn't mean I'm focusing on it.

I already know that nothing I can say, or no number of examples I could provide, would make a dent.
I just don't care. It doesn't matter.
He said, immediately after learning Duke said he endorsed him, that he disavows the endorsement. That is pretty clear to me.
I don't care that at some point he was less obvious in his disdain for him than this.
Trump can't win. If he speaks against something, it is fake, if he doesn't then he is complacent and therefore agrees with them.
But all in all I care far more about Presidential actions that words.
I realize it doesn't matter to you. The problem with his supporters is the same as with Obama's or anyone else's supporters: It only matters if the other team says it.

As long as we refuse to hold our own sides accountable for their words, we'll just keep lowering standards. And then we wonder why things are the way they are.

Me not hold "my side" accountable?
That is pretty funny.
I care about actions. Not much about words.
Obama made Sharpton a Presidential advisor.... in my book, that is a whole helluva lot worse than at one point, regardless of clear dislike for Duke and company repeatedly many other times, he is less clear.
Making one of the worst racist in America an advisor is more to worry about.
I know, no matter what my side does, I don't care, the other side is always worse.

That's how the game is played. And we're seeing the results.

That you are disregarding what Trump has said about racism/white supremacist/David Duke other times and only focusing on one comment?
Yes, indeed that shows one sided favoritism.
As far as me, I am mister corporatism. The Plutocratic Corporatocracy we now live in is equally polluted and corrupt on both sides. And has been fucking us over to enrich a precious few for 40 years now.
And THAT, is a helluva lot more important than what Trump said in one comment.
I mentioned one comment, that doesn't mean I'm focusing on it.

I already know that nothing I can say, or no number of examples I could provide, would make a dent.

You are being disingenuous mac. You know that the media was playing up the Trump is a nazi theme they had going. He denounced skin heads many, many times, and the media ignored it and kept pushing their theme. Are you saying that you buy the whole Trump is a nazi thing? If not, you must admit it was just part of yet another attack on Trump. What will make a dent on your support for the racial smearing your party specializes in? You claim to be impartial, so let's hear you denounce the racial attacks on Republicans for the last twenty years.
I realize it doesn't matter to you. The problem with his supporters is the same as with Obama's or anyone else's supporters: It only matters if the other team says it.

As long as we refuse to hold our own sides accountable for their words, we'll just keep lowering standards. And then we wonder why things are the way they are.

Me not hold "my side" accountable?
That is pretty funny.
I care about actions. Not much about words.
Obama made Sharpton a Presidential advisor.... in my book, that is a whole helluva lot worse than at one point, regardless of clear dislike for Duke and company repeatedly many other times, he is less clear.
Making one of the worst racist in America an advisor is more to worry about.
I know, no matter what my side does, I don't care, the other side is always worse.

That's how the game is played. And we're seeing the results.

That you are disregarding what Trump has said about racism/white supremacist/David Duke other times and only focusing on one comment?
Yes, indeed that shows one sided favoritism.
As far as me, I am mister corporatism. The Plutocratic Corporatocracy we now live in is equally polluted and corrupt on both sides. And has been fucking us over to enrich a precious few for 40 years now.
And THAT, is a helluva lot more important than what Trump said in one comment.
I mentioned one comment, that doesn't mean I'm focusing on it.

I already know that nothing I can say, or no number of examples I could provide, would make a dent.

You are being disingenuous mac. You know that the media was playing up the Trump is a nazi theme they had going. He denounced skin heads many, many times, and the media ignored it and kept pushing their theme. Are you saying that you buy the whole Trump is a nazi thing? If not, you must admit it was just part of yet another attack on Trump. What will make a dent on your support for the racial smearing your party specializes in? You claim to be impartial, so let's hear you denounce the racial attacks on Republicans for the last twenty years.
First of all, I have NEVER claimed to be impartial or centrist or middle of the road or anything else. EVER. The second line of my sig addresses that. If you're going to make accusations, perhaps you should read that. And by the way, in the link at the end of that line, I'm ripping up a Regressive Leftist.

Second, I happily take daily nasty incoming from the Regressive Left because I point out their bullshit on race and PC and Identity Politics.

I'm just an independent who leans Left. I don't obediently fall in line with the crap from either tribe, because I'd prefer to think for myself.

As a result, I get to be honest at all times. If you think I'm a liar, great, point it out. But making assumptions based on stuff I don't say will probably prove to be wrong.
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Hell. If blacks actually LOOKED at what Trump has done. Not only for them, but the entire country, Sharpton and the rest of the black RACE BAITERS wouldn't have a business of HATE to run back to and EXTORT MONEY from companies they say are racist! Leo Dunson has it right!

Al has never done anything for the Blackman,except for himself. Owes taxes in the hundred of thousands, if he ever leave office the IRs will want a piece of his axx.
Me not hold "my side" accountable?
That is pretty funny.
I care about actions. Not much about words.
Obama made Sharpton a Presidential advisor.... in my book, that is a whole helluva lot worse than at one point, regardless of clear dislike for Duke and company repeatedly many other times, he is less clear.
Making one of the worst racist in America an advisor is more to worry about.
I know, no matter what my side does, I don't care, the other side is always worse.

That's how the game is played. And we're seeing the results.

That you are disregarding what Trump has said about racism/white supremacist/David Duke other times and only focusing on one comment?
Yes, indeed that shows one sided favoritism.
As far as me, I am mister corporatism. The Plutocratic Corporatocracy we now live in is equally polluted and corrupt on both sides. And has been fucking us over to enrich a precious few for 40 years now.
And THAT, is a helluva lot more important than what Trump said in one comment.
I mentioned one comment, that doesn't mean I'm focusing on it.

I already know that nothing I can say, or no number of examples I could provide, would make a dent.

You are being disingenuous mac. You know that the media was playing up the Trump is a nazi theme they had going. He denounced skin heads many, many times, and the media ignored it and kept pushing their theme. Are you saying that you buy the whole Trump is a nazi thing? If not, you must admit it was just part of yet another attack on Trump. What will make a dent on your support for the racial smearing your party specializes in? You claim to be impartial, so let's hear you denounce the racial attacks on Republicans for the last twenty years.
First of all, I have NEVER claimed to be impartial or centrist or middle of the road or anything else. EVER. The second line of my sig addresses that. If you're going to make accusations, perhaps you should read that. And by the way, in the link at the end of that line, I'm ripping up a Regressive Leftist.

Second, I happily take daily nasty incoming from the Regressive Left because I point out their bullshit on race and PC and Identity Politics.

I'm just an independent who leans Left. I don't obediently fall in line with the crap from either tribe, because I'd prefer to think for myself.

As a result, I get to be honest at all times. If you think I'm a liar, great, point it out. But making assumptions based on stuff I don't say will probably prove to be wrong.

Maybe you better lay off the liberals about the race attacks, because you have indicated that you agree with the Trump is a skinhead attacks. You have also created multiple threads trolling Republicans about being unpopular with minorities. I don't think you are lying, but I do not believe you are being honest with yourself. You mirror much of the racial garbage that has been slung for a long time. For someone who doesn't belong to a tribe, you seem pretty comfortable with the left. Again, I'm not saying you are lying, but from the posts I have seen, you support large national programs, and you imply republicans are racist. Please tell me how that makes you independent?
I know, no matter what my side does, I don't care, the other side is always worse.

That's how the game is played. And we're seeing the results.

That you are disregarding what Trump has said about racism/white supremacist/David Duke other times and only focusing on one comment?
Yes, indeed that shows one sided favoritism.
As far as me, I am mister corporatism. The Plutocratic Corporatocracy we now live in is equally polluted and corrupt on both sides. And has been fucking us over to enrich a precious few for 40 years now.
And THAT, is a helluva lot more important than what Trump said in one comment.
I mentioned one comment, that doesn't mean I'm focusing on it.

I already know that nothing I can say, or no number of examples I could provide, would make a dent.

You are being disingenuous mac. You know that the media was playing up the Trump is a nazi theme they had going. He denounced skin heads many, many times, and the media ignored it and kept pushing their theme. Are you saying that you buy the whole Trump is a nazi thing? If not, you must admit it was just part of yet another attack on Trump. What will make a dent on your support for the racial smearing your party specializes in? You claim to be impartial, so let's hear you denounce the racial attacks on Republicans for the last twenty years.
First of all, I have NEVER claimed to be impartial or centrist or middle of the road or anything else. EVER. The second line of my sig addresses that. If you're going to make accusations, perhaps you should read that. And by the way, in the link at the end of that line, I'm ripping up a Regressive Leftist.

Second, I happily take daily nasty incoming from the Regressive Left because I point out their bullshit on race and PC and Identity Politics.

I'm just an independent who leans Left. I don't obediently fall in line with the crap from either tribe, because I'd prefer to think for myself.

As a result, I get to be honest at all times. If you think I'm a liar, great, point it out. But making assumptions based on stuff I don't say will probably prove to be wrong.

Maybe you better lay off the liberals about the race attacks, because you have indicated that you agree with the Trump is a skinhead attacks. You have also created multiple threads trolling Republicans about being unpopular with minorities. I don't think you are lying, but I do not believe you are being honest with yourself. You mirror much of the racial garbage that has been slung for a long time. For someone who doesn't belong to a tribe, you seem pretty comfortable with the left. Again, I'm not saying you are lying, but from the posts I have seen, you support large national programs, and you imply republicans are racist. Please tell me how that makes you independent?
You just keep making stuff up. This is why I don't burn a lot of time on wingers here. I've never said Trump is a skinhead. You folks have trapped yourselves in this binary world in which, if a person isn't 100% with you, they can only be 100% against you. I'm sure that kind of thinking makes things simple, but it's not reality.

Think I'm a left winger? Check out post 452 here, another righty thought the same thing: POLL: Will Trump tone it down now?

What cracks me up more than anything else here is how fundies on both ends constantly accuse me of secretly being on the other end. Every. Single. Day.

I don't obediently follow the dogma from either end, and that turns wingers on both ends into drama queens. THAT'S what makes me an Independent.
I read through many of the links you gave. You don't put up with a lot of progressive bs, especially the wacky gender stuff. What I don't understand is why you keep bringing up David Duke and why you started the troll threads on race. What are you trying to accomplish? It seems like you are doing the same thing you criticize the left for. I'm not trying to make stuff up, it is just how things look to me.
Ok I'll bite.... what is the difference between that and paying homage to racist black leaders?
Or is it worse to have one of the worst race baiters in the country as a Presidential advisor?
Deflections. Trump not only lied, his lie enabled the worst element of his party.

What other people do or did is irrelevant. And I think there is plenty wrong with the other side, as I point out regularly.

Not holding him accountable for this also enables this kind of thing.

I just don't care. It doesn't matter.
He said, immediately after learning Duke said he endorsed him, that he disavows the endorsement. That is pretty clear to me.
I don't care that at some point he was less obvious in his disdain for him than this.
Trump can't win. If he speaks against something, it is fake, if he doesn't then he is complacent and therefore agrees with them.
But all in all I care far more about Presidential actions that words.
I realize it doesn't matter to you. The problem with his supporters is the same as with Obama's or anyone else's supporters: It only matters if the other team says it.

As long as we refuse to hold our own sides accountable for their words, we'll just keep lowering standards. And then we wonder why things are the way they are.

Me not hold "my side" accountable?
That is pretty funny.
I care about actions. Not much about words.
Obama made Sharpton a Presidential advisor.... in my book, that is a whole helluva lot worse than at one point, regardless of clear dislike for Duke and company repeatedly many other times, he is less clear.
Making one of the worst racist in America an advisor is more to worry about.
I know, no matter what my side does, I don't care, the other side is always worse.

That's how the game is played. And we're seeing the results.

David Duke is every bit as despicable as Al Sharpton.

Al Sharpton is every bit as despicable as David Duke.

But no Republican president ever hired David Duke as presidential advisor.

So, YES, the other side is definitely worse.

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