Watch Chris Hayes Freeze up and Panic Under Fire. "Guuuuuuhhh"

Watch Chris Hayes Freeze up and Panic Under Fire

Generally, when one believes his life is in danger there are one of three of the following acts preformed.

1. Fight
2. Flight
3. Indecisively freeze up and crap yourself.

Chris Hayes chose number 3. See the video below "Guuuuuuuuuhhhhh, that's gunfire"

don't see the slightest bit of panic there. Nor do I see him "crapping" himself. Hyperbole much?
Two time Marine Corps Infantry Combat Veteran here. Will do my friend.

Come to think of it, I guess that's why there are so few liberals in the Marine Corps Infantry. Could you image a combat force made up of a bunch of Chrissy Hayeses?
Semp Fi
I think it's Semper Fi.
I answer to Garry Owen.
that's Garryowen

Garryowen, also known as Garyowen, Garry Owen and Gary Owens, is an Irish tune for a quickstep dance. It was selected as a marching tune for British, ...
Fuck that, Custer always played that when he was chasing Redskins
Indeed, but its what they do when they're shot at that defines their character. I thought this was the funniest video of the evening. Nothing like watching the quintessential white liberal beta male hipster crapping himself on national TV. His reactions were priceless. For the rest of the evening he made sure that he had his "black friend" no more than two feet away for protection. Chris Hayes is the embodiment of the modern American liberal male.

Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.

Yeah, cuz stupidity would "define his character".

Its really easy to be brave sitting behind a computer keyboard but quite different if you're on the scene.

This is an idiotic thread.

Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

Bahahahaa...... Where's you mic?
I can pull shit off YouTube and post it here, too.
I love arguments such as these.

Claim: "The tree has leaves on its branches"

Your Response: "does not" followed by no argument.
you just keep thinking that.

Time to gets you some edumacation.

Monty python used out of context....typical.

LOL, the claim without and argument you made above makes the video all the more relevant.
I made no claim just stated fact.
you on the other hand, made a biased false comparison as if were fact. not just your opinion..

Oh, you're still posting?
Two time Marine Corps Infantry Combat Veteran here. Will do my friend.

Come to think of it, I guess that's why there are so few liberals in the Marine Corps Infantry. Could you image a combat force made up of a bunch of Chrissy Hayeses?
Semp Fi
I think it's Semper Fi.
I answer to Garry Owen.
that's Garryowen

Garryowen, also known as Garyowen, Garry Owen and Gary Owens, is an Irish tune for a quickstep dance. It was selected as a marching tune for British, ...
Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.

Yeah, cuz stupidity would "define his character".

Its really easy to be brave sitting behind a computer keyboard but quite different if you're on the scene.

This is an idiotic thread.

Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

Bahahahaa...... Where's you mic?
I can pull shit off YouTube and post it here, too.

No thanks, I'll keep my anonymity. But if I were to search for anything on YouTube simply to post it, why would I have posted this video off all the ones available? It is certainly not the first video that pops up when you type in "Iraq War." Then again, your reply is the strongest argument you have to my rebuttal. Indeed, I am not willing to blow my anonymity and you know it. It is therefore the only argument you have left. Nevertheless, and with all that said, my answer remains. Once or twice. Thanks for playing.
Indeed, but its what they do when they're shot at that defines their character. I thought this was the funniest video of the evening. Nothing like watching the quintessential white liberal beta male hipster crapping himself on national TV. His reactions were priceless. For the rest of the evening he made sure that he had his "black friend" no more than two feet away for protection. Chris Hayes is the embodiment of the modern American liberal male.

Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.

Yeah, cuz stupidity would "define his character".

Its really easy to be brave sitting behind a computer keyboard but quite different if you're on the scene.

This is an idiotic thread.

Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.
Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.

Yeah, cuz stupidity would "define his character".

Its really easy to be brave sitting behind a computer keyboard but quite different if you're on the scene.

This is an idiotic thread.

Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
I think it's Semper Fi.
I answer to Garry Owen.
that's Garryowen

Garryowen, also known as Garyowen, Garry Owen and Gary Owens, is an Irish tune for a quickstep dance. It was selected as a marching tune for British, ...
Fuck that, Custer always played that when he was chasing Redskins
rams and 49ers too!
you just keep thinking that.

Time to gets you some edumacation.

Monty python used out of context....typical.

LOL, the claim without and argument you made above makes the video all the more relevant.
I made no claim just stated fact.
you on the other hand, made a biased false comparison as if were fact. not just your opinion..

Oh, you're still posting?
yes, the question is why are you?
Yeah, cuz stupidity would "define his character".

Its really easy to be brave sitting behind a computer keyboard but quite different if you're on the scene.

This is an idiotic thread.

Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.
Yeah, cuz stupidity would "define his character".

Its really easy to be brave sitting behind a computer keyboard but quite different if you're on the scene.

This is an idiotic thread.

Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.

There is no such thing as anonymity and veracity coexisting for a poster on an internet message board.
Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

I had a hunting rifle accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. I'm sure there are people on this board who wish the shooter had actually fired. Their lives on here would be so much simpler.
Yeah, cuz stupidity would "define his character".

Its really easy to be brave sitting behind a computer keyboard but quite different if you're on the scene.

This is an idiotic thread.

Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.

The funny thing is, nobody was shooting at them. Usually it sounds like caps going off if it hits anything solid. You hear the report after the bullet hits near you. Sometimes you never hear gunshots. That's why people tend to look around instead of ducking when they get shot at for the first time.
How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

I had a hunting rifle accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. I'm sure there are people on this board who wish the shooter had actually fired. Their lives on here would be so much simpler.
having one intentional pointed at you is far more terrifying.
Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

If you were following the conversation you would understand that the challenge presented was "how many times have I been shot at on camera." I answered sarcastically "once or twice." Indeed, I am not goint to point out at which time I appeared in the video. Why? Because the next thing you are going to ask for is positive ID of my face so as to ensure that I match up. That's too close for home for an internet forum full of douchebags. I will let the fact that of all of the videos I could have chosen this one is not particularly a great example of combat operations. Indeed, a true liar would have picked a better video. However, you cant always choose and pick a camera guy to stand next to you now can you? I guess I have to settle for the camera guy that followed us that day.
How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

If you were following the conversation you would understand that the challenge presented was "how many times have I been shot at on camera." I answered sarcastically "once or twice." Indeed, I am not goint to point out at which time I appeared in the video. Why? Because the next thing you are going to ask for is positive ID of my face so as to ensure that I match up. That's too close for home for an internet forum full of douchebags. I will let the fact that of all of the videos I could have chosen this one is not particularly a great example of combat operations. Indeed, a true liar would have picked a better video. However, you cant always choose and pick a camera guy to stand next to you now can you? I guess I have to settle for the camera guy that followed us that day.
rationalize much?

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