Watch Chris Hayes Freeze up and Panic Under Fire. "Guuuuuuhhh"

You're assigning the actions of a reporter and painting all liberal men by the actions of a single person. Board brushing whole groups of people because of the actions of one is folly.

I have posted many times on this phenomenon. There was once a day when the left was full of Alpha males. Union men who busted their ass for a living and didn't take crap from anyone. They have been replaced by whiney hipster beta males who are too inept to take care of themselves so they whine about taking money from those who can. They are too incompetent to defend themselves so they demand the disarmament of all. They demand the force of government to do for them what they cannot, rob the Alpha population in order to give them unearned free goodies. They attack masculinity and demand that the Alpha male be subjugated to feminism. Never do they demand feminists to rise to the status of the Alpha male. Now there are exceptions to the rule. Ed Shultz, for example, is no doubt an Alpha male on MSNBC. However, on the whole, liberals are widely made of liberal hipster pansy beta males. It is engrained in modern leftist culture.

For the left, this guy has been replaced by this guy. What a shame.

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Normal people are afraid of being shot.

Indeed, but its what they do when they're shot at that defines their character. I thought this was the funniest video of the evening. Nothing like watching the quintessential white liberal beta male hipster crapping himself on national TV. His reactions were priceless. For the rest of the evening he made sure that he had his "black friend" no more than two feet away for protection. Chris Hayes is the embodiment of the modern American liberal male.

Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.
In the Army Infantry, when you're fired upon, you're conditioned to "run to danger.'' I'm sure the Marines follow the same protocol.
I preferred flanking the SOB.
You're assigning the actions of a reporter and painting all liberal men by the actions of a single person. Board brushing whole groups of people because of the actions of one is folly.

I have posted many times on this phenomenon. There was once a day when the left was full of Alpha males. Union men who busted their ass for a living and didn't take crap from anyone. They have been replaces by whiney hipster beta males who are too inept to take care of themselves so they whine about taking money from those who can. They are too incompetent to defend themselves so they demand the disarmament of all. They demand the force of government to do for them what they cannot, rob the Alpha population in order to give them unearned free goodies. They attack masculinity and demand that the Alpha male be subjugated to feminism. Never do they demand feminists to rise to the status of the Alpha male. Now there are exceptions to the rule. Ed Shultz, for example, is no doubt an Alpha male on MSNBC. However, on the whole, liberals are widely made of liberal hipster pansy beta males. It is engrained in modern leftist culture.

The idea that most liberal men are pansy hipsters that demand free goodies and the disarmament of society is just silly. Your statements are overly generalized and blindly partisan.
Chris Hayes is the ultimate Liberal pajama boy.
At the start of the evenings events Chris seemed a bit shaky...
Might night be a bad idea to confine him to the studio the next time.

His cohort Rachel Maddow has more testoserone than "he" does.
You're assigning the actions of a reporter and painting all liberal men by the actions of a single person. Board brushing whole groups of people because of the actions of one is folly.

I have posted many times on this phenomenon. There was once a day when the left was full of Alpha males. Union men who busted their ass for a living and didn't take crap from anyone. They have been replaces by whiney hipster beta males who are too inept to take care of themselves so they whine about taking money from those who can. They are too incompetent to defend themselves so they demand the disarmament of all. They demand the force of government to do for them what they cannot, rob the Alpha population in order to give them unearned free goodies. They attack masculinity and demand that the Alpha male be subjugated to feminism. Never do they demand feminists to rise to the status of the Alpha male. Now there are exceptions to the rule. Ed Shultz, for example, is no doubt an Alpha male on MSNBC. However, on the whole, liberals are widely made of liberal hipster pansy beta males. It is engrained in modern leftist culture.

The idea that most liberal men are pansy hipsters that demand free goodies and the disarmament of society is just silly. Your statements are overly generalized and blindly partisan.

This captures what I'm talking about precisely. Liberalism promotes the beta male. The beta male is the target demographic for liberal votes. Their collectivist mentality stems from their inability to take care of their individual selves as an Alpha might.

Chris Hayes is the ultimate Liberal pajama boy.
At the start of the evenings events Chris seemed a bit shaky...
Might night be a bad idea to confine him to the studio the next time.

His cohort Rachel Maddow has more testoserone than "he" does.

Those radical liberal feminist butch type females are typically far more Alpha than their liberal beta male counterparts. "Straight Male privilege" (See HERE Male privilege - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia) is a common belief among liberals and liberal betas comply with this idea by emasculating themselves. Hence the Chris Hayes' of the world.
love it6 when armchair tough guys pontificate on situations they are not in.
my dad was a lifer in the corps so I'll tale his words over yours " if you're being shot at and have no weapon duck, run and git the hell outta there.
btw he had two purple heart and a silver star.
ww2 and Korea
love it6 when armchair tough guys pontificate on situations they are not in.
my dad was a lifer in the corps so I'll tale his words over yours " if you're being shot at and have no weapon duck, run and git the hell outta there.
btw he had two purple heart and a silver star.
ww2 and Korea

Two time infantry combat veteran here. No pontification at all. As to the rest of your post I have already alluded to the phenomenon you speak of here. >>> Watch Chris Hayes Freeze up and Panic Under Fire. Guuuuuuhhh Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Chrissy is the poster-boy for
You're assigning the actions of a reporter and painting all liberal men by the actions of a single person. Board brushing whole groups of people because of the actions of one is folly.

I have posted many times on this phenomenon. There was once a day when the left was full of Alpha males. Union men who busted their ass for a living and didn't take crap from anyone. They have been replaced by whiney hipster beta males who are too inept to take care of themselves so they whine about taking money from those who can. They are too incompetent to defend themselves so they demand the disarmament of all. They demand the force of government to do for them what they cannot, rob the Alpha population in order to give them unearned free goodies. They attack masculinity and demand that the Alpha male be subjugated to feminism. Never do they demand feminists to rise to the status of the Alpha male. Now there are exceptions to the rule. Ed Shultz, for example, is no doubt an Alpha male on MSNBC. However, on the whole, liberals are widely made of liberal hipster pansy beta males. It is engrained in modern leftist culture.

For the left, this guy has been replaced by this guy. What a shame.

Ed Schultz is a fucking union thug/bully. That makes him more of a coward than Chriisy IMO.
Both are beneath contempt.
love it6 when armchair tough guys pontificate on situations they are not in.
my dad was a lifer in the corps so I'll tale his words over yours " if you're being shot at and have no weapon duck, run and git the hell outta there.
btw he had two purple heart and a silver star.
ww2 and Korea

Two time infantry combat veteran here. No pontification at all. As to the rest of your post I have already alluded to the phenomenon you speak of here. >>> Watch Chris Hayes Freeze up and Panic Under Fire. Guuuuuuhhh Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
oh yeah that total misrepresentation.
Normal people are afraid of being shot.

Indeed, but its what they do when they're shot at that defines their character. I thought this was the funniest video of the evening. Nothing like watching the quintessential white liberal beta male hipster crapping himself on national TV. His reactions were priceless. For the rest of the evening he made sure that he had his "black friend" no more than two feet away for protection. Chris Hayes is the embodiment of the modern American liberal male.

Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.

Two time Marine Corps Infantry Combat Veteran here. Will do my friend.

Come to think of it, I guess that's why there are so few liberals in the Marine Corps Infantry. Could you image a combat force made up of a bunch of Chrissy Hayeses?
Semp Fi
love it6 when armchair tough guys pontificate on situations they are not in.
my dad was a lifer in the corps so I'll tale his words over yours " if you're being shot at and have no weapon duck, run and git the hell outta there.
btw he had two purple heart and a silver star.
ww2 and Korea

Sounds like a bullet-magnet.

I usually tried to stay away from guys who have more than one Purple Heart.
love it6 when armchair tough guys pontificate on situations they are not in.
my dad was a lifer in the corps so I'll tale his words over yours " if you're being shot at and have no weapon duck, run and git the hell outta there.
btw he had two purple heart and a silver star.
ww2 and Korea

Sounds like a bullet-magnet.

I usually tried to stay away from guys who have more than one Purple Heart.
they were both in the ass so he must have taken his own advice.
love it6 when armchair tough guys pontificate on situations they are not in.
my dad was a lifer in the corps so I'll tale his words over yours " if you're being shot at and have no weapon duck, run and git the hell outta there.
btw he had two purple heart and a silver star.
ww2 and Korea

Sounds like a bullet-magnet.

I usually tried to stay away from guys who have more than one Purple Heart.
they were both in the ass so he must have taken his own advice.

Should have kept his ass down
My last Battalion SGT Major had 3 Purple Hearts.

He was in country for 4 days in Somalia in 93' and got shot.

Nothing serious. Everyone around him was in grave danger though.
love it6 when armchair tough guys pontificate on situations they are not in.
my dad was a lifer in the corps so I'll tale his words over yours " if you're being shot at and have no weapon duck, run and git the hell outta there.
btw he had two purple heart and a silver star.
ww2 and Korea

Two time infantry combat veteran here. No pontification at all. As to the rest of your post I have already alluded to the phenomenon you speak of here. >>> Watch Chris Hayes Freeze up and Panic Under Fire. Guuuuuuhhh Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
oh yeah that total misrepresentation.
love it6 when armchair tough guys pontificate on situations they are not in.
my dad was a lifer in the corps so I'll tale his words over yours " if you're being shot at and have no weapon duck, run and git the hell outta there.
btw he had two purple heart and a silver star.
ww2 and Korea

Two time infantry combat veteran here. No pontification at all. As to the rest of your post I have already alluded to the phenomenon you speak of here. >>> Watch Chris Hayes Freeze up and Panic Under Fire. Guuuuuuhhh Page 3 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
oh yeah that total misrepresentation.

I love arguments such as these.

Claim: "The tree has leaves on its branches"

Your Response: "does not" followed by no argument.
Normal people are afraid of being shot.

Indeed, but its what they do when they're shot at that defines their character. I thought this was the funniest video of the evening. Nothing like watching the quintessential white liberal beta male hipster crapping himself on national TV. His reactions were priceless. For the rest of the evening he made sure that he had his "black friend" no more than two feet away for protection. Chris Hayes is the embodiment of the modern American liberal male.

Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.

Two time Marine Corps Infantry Combat Veteran here. Will do my friend.

Come to think of it, I guess that's why there are so few liberals in the Marine Corps Infantry. Could you image a combat force made up of a bunch of Chrissy Hayeses?
Semp Fi
I think it's Semper Fi.
Normal people are afraid of being shot.

Indeed, but its what they do when they're shot at that defines their character. I thought this was the funniest video of the evening. Nothing like watching the quintessential white liberal beta male hipster crapping himself on national TV. His reactions were priceless. For the rest of the evening he made sure that he had his "black friend" no more than two feet away for protection. Chris Hayes is the embodiment of the modern American liberal male.

Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.

Two time Marine Corps Infantry Combat Veteran here. Will do my friend.

Come to think of it, I guess that's why there are so few liberals in the Marine Corps Infantry. Could you image a combat force made up of a bunch of Chrissy Hayeses?
Semp Fi
I think it's Semper Fi.
Not if you have been in Devil Dog!

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