Watch Chris Hayes Freeze up and Panic Under Fire. "Guuuuuuhhh"

Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.

The funny thing is, nobody was shooting at them. Usually it sounds like caps going off if it hits anything solid. You hear the report after the bullet hits near you. Sometimes you never hear gunshots. That's why people tend to look around instead of ducking when they get shot at for the first time.

Indeed, no one was shooting at Chris Hayes. Gun fire that comes close to you makes a distinct hollow popping sound. That sound is the oxygen closing the gap of the vacuum created by the bullet which has broken the sound barrier. We did not see this in the Hayes video.
Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

If you were following the conversation you would understand that the challenge presented was "how many times have I been shot at on camera." I answered sarcastically "once or twice." Indeed, I am not goint to point out at which time I appeared in the video. Why? Because the next thing you are going to ask for is positive ID of my face so as to ensure that I match up. That's too close for home for an internet forum full of douchebags. I will let the fact that of all of the videos I could have chosen this one is not particularly a great example of combat operations. Indeed, a true liar would have picked a better video. However, you cant always choose and pick a camera guy to stand next to you now can you? I guess I have to settle for the camera guy that followed us that day.
rationalize much?

Intelligent people always do.
Are you saying you would not have ducked or taken cover or been startled by the sound of gunshots?

Normal people are afraid of being shot.

Abnormal people would stand there and get shot.

I don't think he's saying that at all. I think he is commenting on the cowardice of the left.
How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

I had a hunting rifle accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. I'm sure there are people on this board who wish the shooter had actually fired. Their lives on here would be so much simpler.

I've been held up a couple of times. The first time I just stepped back and kept my mouth shut. They took the whole damned tray out of the register, spilling change all over the sidewalk.

And yes, it was a couple of black guys.
Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

I had a hunting rifle accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. I'm sure there are people on this board who wish the shooter had actually fired. Their lives on here would be so much simpler.
having one intentional pointed at you is far more terrifying.

One what?
Normal people are afraid of being shot.

Indeed, but its what they do when they're shot at that defines their character. I thought this was the funniest video of the evening. Nothing like watching the quintessential white liberal beta male hipster crapping himself on national TV. His reactions were priceless. For the rest of the evening he made sure that he had his "black friend" no more than two feet away for protection. Chris Hayes is the embodiment of the modern American liberal male.

Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.

That's what police are trained to do. Oh but those people are abnormal using your logic.
Indeed, it is obvious that his brain function shut down, he lost his presence of mind, and he had no clue what to do. 1) Fight is off of the table. He is unarmed and guns aren't allowed with the journalists. 2) Flight is certainly on the table, but he was too discombobulated to understand that. 3) He lost his presence of mind and craped himself on national tv. He is the perfect example of the majestic American liberal beta male. If you want to see how to properly handle the situation in a journalist setting see how the Fox News anchor handled it in the video I posted above.

How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.

There is no such thing as anonymity and veracity coexisting for a poster on an internet message board.

rational thinkers who can comprehend an argument wouldn't have missed the point as you did.
Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

I had a hunting rifle accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. I'm sure there are people on this board who wish the shooter had actually fired. Their lives on here would be so much simpler.

I've been held up a couple of times. The first time I just stepped back and kept my mouth shut. They took the whole damned tray out of the register, spilling change all over the sidewalk.

And yes, it was a couple of black guys.

Growing up, I went to an all black school. I know well the deviance of black culture. Nothing is ever their fault. Every violent interaction was deserved because "you be disrespectin." Try to do well in school and speak properly? "You actin white." Most of the boys I grew up with are either in prison or have been to prison. And may I add, it's not whiteys fault.
please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

I had a hunting rifle accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. I'm sure there are people on this board who wish the shooter had actually fired. Their lives on here would be so much simpler.

I've been held up a couple of times. The first time I just stepped back and kept my mouth shut. They took the whole damned tray out of the register, spilling change all over the sidewalk.

And yes, it was a couple of black guys.

Growing up, I went to an all black school. I know well the deviance of black culture. Nothing is ever their fault. Every violent interaction was deserved because "you be disrespectin." Try to do well in school and speak properly? "You actin white."

My football team was 90% black.

The bros started acting scared when we visited a traditionally red neck school. It was pretty funny. They were expecting the KKK and burning crosses.
Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

I had a hunting rifle accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. I'm sure there are people on this board who wish the shooter had actually fired. Their lives on here would be so much simpler.

I've been held up a couple of times. The first time I just stepped back and kept my mouth shut. They took the whole damned tray out of the register, spilling change all over the sidewalk.

And yes, it was a couple of black guys.

Growing up, I went to an all black school. I know well the deviance of black culture. Nothing is ever their fault. Every violent interaction was deserved because "you be disrespectin." Try to do well in school and speak properly? "You actin white."

My football team was 90% black.

The bros started acting scared when we visited a traditionally red neck school. It was pretty funny. They were expecting the KKK and burning crosses.

That's a part of the junk they're taught by their parents who have enslaved themselves in a perpetual hypersensitivity on racial issues until they cannot function without expecting racism around every corner. Have a bad day? Blame racism! Got passed over for a job by someone higher qualified? Blame racism. You child is failing in school because you haven't helped teach him to read? More racism. See how this goes?
please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

If you were following the conversation you would understand that the challenge presented was "how many times have I been shot at on camera." I answered sarcastically "once or twice." Indeed, I am not goint to point out at which time I appeared in the video. Why? Because the next thing you are going to ask for is positive ID of my face so as to ensure that I match up. That's too close for home for an internet forum full of douchebags. I will let the fact that of all of the videos I could have chosen this one is not particularly a great example of combat operations. Indeed, a true liar would have picked a better video. However, you cant always choose and pick a camera guy to stand next to you now can you? I guess I have to settle for the camera guy that followed us that day.
rationalize much?

Intelligent people always do.
false! intelligent people never need too.
please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

I had a hunting rifle accidentally pointed in my face when I was a teenager. I'm sure there are people on this board who wish the shooter had actually fired. Their lives on here would be so much simpler.
having one intentional pointed at you is far more terrifying.

One what?
pistol 32.
Normal people are afraid of being shot.

Indeed, but its what they do when they're shot at that defines their character. I thought this was the funniest video of the evening. Nothing like watching the quintessential white liberal beta male hipster crapping himself on national TV. His reactions were priceless. For the rest of the evening he made sure that he had his "black friend" no more than two feet away for protection. Chris Hayes is the embodiment of the modern American liberal male.

Next time you hear gun shots please make sure to run towards them as fast as possible.

That's what police are trained to do. Oh but those people are abnormal using your logic.
they are, the training is to overcome the built in natural response .
How many times have you gone on live television with people shooting guns around you? Please, STFU.

Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.

There is no such thing as anonymity and veracity coexisting for a poster on an internet message board.

rational thinkers who can comprehend an argument wouldn't have missed the point as you did.
there's a huge difference between rational thinking and rationalizing.
you doing a shit load of the latter.
your so called argument is in fact a dick stretching contest to prove to yourself you're more manly than you think he is.
Once or twice

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.

There is no such thing as anonymity and veracity coexisting for a poster on an internet message board.

rational thinkers who can comprehend an argument wouldn't have missed the point as you did.
there's a huge difference between rational thinking and rationalizing.
you doing a shit load of the latter.
your so called argument is in fact a dick stretching contest to prove to yourself you're more manly than you think he is.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.
Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

If you were following the conversation you would understand that the challenge presented was "how many times have I been shot at on camera." I answered sarcastically "once or twice." Indeed, I am not goint to point out at which time I appeared in the video. Why? Because the next thing you are going to ask for is positive ID of my face so as to ensure that I match up. That's too close for home for an internet forum full of douchebags. I will let the fact that of all of the videos I could have chosen this one is not particularly a great example of combat operations. Indeed, a true liar would have picked a better video. However, you cant always choose and pick a camera guy to stand next to you now can you? I guess I have to settle for the camera guy that followed us that day.
rationalize much?

Intelligent people always do.
false! intelligent people never need too.

You still don't understand that an argument is not simply stating the opposite of someone else? Back to the video.

please point out, if you can where you personally appear in that clip.
example: at 2 :20 mns into the clip.

Certainly there are better videos, if I was a liar, to demonstrate someone getting shot at. That alone attests to the veracity of my claim. A liar would have chosen a much better combat scenario.

There is no such thing as anonymity and veracity coexisting for a poster on an internet message board.

rational thinkers who can comprehend an argument wouldn't have missed the point as you did.
there's a huge difference between rational thinking and rationalizing.
you doing a shit load of the latter.
your so called argument is in fact a dick stretching contest to prove to yourself you're more manly than you think he is.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.
it's you who needs help...
bullshit there is no evidence that you are in that clip..
as to being shot at I don't doubt you have.
hell I've been shot at.
buying smokes and beer at 711.

If you were following the conversation you would understand that the challenge presented was "how many times have I been shot at on camera." I answered sarcastically "once or twice." Indeed, I am not goint to point out at which time I appeared in the video. Why? Because the next thing you are going to ask for is positive ID of my face so as to ensure that I match up. That's too close for home for an internet forum full of douchebags. I will let the fact that of all of the videos I could have chosen this one is not particularly a great example of combat operations. Indeed, a true liar would have picked a better video. However, you cant always choose and pick a camera guy to stand next to you now can you? I guess I have to settle for the camera guy that followed us that day.
rationalize much?

Intelligent people always do.
false! intelligent people never need too.

You still don't understand that an argument is not simply stating the opposite of someone else? Back to the video.

right! since you have presented no actual argument my response is correct .
beside the clip is about a mistake if memory serves Michael Palin is in the wrong office.
fine analogy of the position you're in.
If you were following the conversation you would understand that the challenge presented was "how many times have I been shot at on camera." I answered sarcastically "once or twice." Indeed, I am not goint to point out at which time I appeared in the video. Why? Because the next thing you are going to ask for is positive ID of my face so as to ensure that I match up. That's too close for home for an internet forum full of douchebags. I will let the fact that of all of the videos I could have chosen this one is not particularly a great example of combat operations. Indeed, a true liar would have picked a better video. However, you cant always choose and pick a camera guy to stand next to you now can you? I guess I have to settle for the camera guy that followed us that day.
rationalize much?

Intelligent people always do.
false! intelligent people never need too.

You still don't understand that an argument is not simply stating the opposite of someone else? Back to the video.

right! since you have presented no actual argument my response is correct .
beside the clip is about a mistake if memory serves Michael Palin is in the wrong office.
fine analogy of the position you're in.

Hmmm, do I take the time to go back to our original argument and recount how you deflected or do I simply ignore you with the knowledge that you refuse to make an argument? I choose the latter.
rationalize much?

Intelligent people always do.
false! intelligent people never need too.

You still don't understand that an argument is not simply stating the opposite of someone else? Back to the video.

right! since you have presented no actual argument my response is correct .
beside the clip is about a mistake if memory serves Michael Palin is in the wrong office.
fine analogy of the position you're in.

Hmmm, do I take the time to go back to our original argument and recount how you deflected or do I simply ignore you with the knowledge that you refuse to make an argument? I choose the latter.
there's no argument to make the whole point of you starting this thread was to bag on Chris Hayes..end of story.

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