WATCH: Joe Biden says over 120 million DEAD from coronavirus after greeted by excited Trump supporters outside his rally….

127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

They spent a Trillion on an AIDS vaccine....never happened. Hydroxy works....everybody but the Rats say so...and they do too privately. By August we'll have baseball stadiums packed with fans and this will be a distant memory....UNTIL you see something that says: "made in China" and spit on it.
Actually it is 127,640 now, but Republican don't give-a-damn because trump doesn't give-a-damn.

Right... so 610,000 people have died of the flu in the last 10 years. You don't have a damn do you?

Or maybe you don't shut down the planet, and destroy people's lives, over an illness that kills less people than the flu.

By the way, a huge number of those, were from idiots like Cuomo sending people he knew had Corvid-19, back to nursing homes where most of the highest risk people were. So Democrats don't give a damn, and proved it by their actions.
127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

Not really, when you consider it is a novel virus we have never seen before.

A 3% death rate was high. Predictions of millions of deaths. That's an issue.

Then we found that hospitals were labeling every death they could, to be a Covid-19 death, because they got a much larger reimbursement for a Covid death, than a Flu or other death.

Then we found out that the death rate was much lower than that.

Now we found that possibly the number of infected people is 10 times higher, which would mean that the death rate for this illness is even a fraction of the much lower rate.

What this means is that this is less deadly than the flu.

Which again, all conservatives not blinded by ideology knew this. The numbers of deaths never matched the predictions, because the predictions were based on the garbage assumed death rates.

But back to your point, that it seems like a lot of deaths for the time frame.

Not really. It's a novel virus. Meaning no one anywhere had any immunity to it. Flu has been around for thousands of years.

Logically the flu will have fewer deaths, not because it is less deadly, but rather because people have immunity to it.
Plus we have vaccines.

So one would expect that the initial onset of the virus is going to have a bunch of deaths.

Does that mean we shut down the entire economy? Why? For what purpose?

To stop the spread? The virus is more contagious than the flu, and that's with vast numbers in the nation having had it before and having some immunity to it, and with vaccines.

If the flu, which is less contagious, has been around for thousands of years, and we have vaccines for it.... if we can't control that, then why did you think lock downs would stop it?

This is why Sweden, Japan, Florida, which didn't have lock downs, didn't have significantly higher death rates than those places which did have lock downs.

Slowing down Corona we can do.... but at what cost? Ruining people's lives. Destroying the economy? High suicide rates?

This isn't a "life vs money" issue. This is a "life vs life" issue. People are dying right now, and the Democrats don't care. Suicide rates have been extremely high, and all they care about is getting rid of Trump.
Actually it is 127,640 now, but Republican don't give-a-damn because trump doesn't give-a-damn.

Right... so 610,000 people have died of the flu in the last 10 years. You don't have a damn do you?

Or maybe you don't shut down the planet, and destroy people's lives, over an illness that kills less people than the flu.

By the way, a huge number of those, were from idiots like Cuomo sending people he knew had Corvid-19, back to nursing homes where most of the highest risk people were. So Democrats don't give a damn, and proved it by their actions.
127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

Not really, when you consider it is a novel virus we have never seen before.

A 3% death rate was high. Predictions of millions of deaths. That's an issue.

Then we found that hospitals were labeling every death they could, to be a Covid-19 death, because they got a much larger reimbursement for a Covid death, than a Flu or other death.

Then we found out that the death rate was much lower than that.

Now we found that possibly the number of infected people is 10 times higher, which would mean that the death rate for this illness is even a fraction of the much lower rate.

What this means is that this is less deadly than the flu.

Which again, all conservatives not blinded by ideology knew this. The numbers of deaths never matched the predictions, because the predictions were based on the garbage assumed death rates.

But back to your point, that it seems like a lot of deaths for the time frame.

Not really. It's a novel virus. Meaning no one anywhere had any immunity to it. Flu has been around for thousands of years.

Logically the flu will have fewer deaths, not because it is less deadly, but rather because people have immunity to it.
Plus we have vaccines.

So one would expect that the initial onset of the virus is going to have a bunch of deaths.

Does that mean we shut down the entire economy? Why? For what purpose?

To stop the spread? The virus is more contagious than the flu, and that's with vast numbers in the nation having had it before and having some immunity to it, and with vaccines.

If the flu, which is less contagious, has been around for thousands of years, and we have vaccines for it.... if we can't control that, then why did you think lock downs would stop it?

This is why Sweden, Japan, Florida, which didn't have lock downs, didn't have significantly higher death rates than those places which did have lock downs.

Slowing down Corona we can do.... but at what cost? Ruining people's lives. Destroying the economy? High suicide rates?

This isn't a "life vs money" issue. This is a "life vs life" issue. People are dying right now, and the Democrats don't care. Suicide rates have been extremely high, and all they care about is getting rid of Trump.

I had something a year ago that was just as bad as CHI-NA flu.....took two months to get over...never been so sick. Maybe we did infect China..who knows? Most of their pigs are dead.....maybe that's us too. When you have shadow governments and intel agencies full of traitors you can expect bizarre events.
Actually it is 127,640 now, but Republican don't give-a-damn because trump doesn't give-a-damn.

Right... so 610,000 people have died of the flu in the last 10 years. You don't have a damn do you?

Or maybe you don't shut down the planet, and destroy people's lives, over an illness that kills less people than the flu.

By the way, a huge number of those, were from idiots like Cuomo sending people he knew had Corvid-19, back to nursing homes where most of the highest risk people were. So Democrats don't give a damn, and proved it by their actions.
127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

Not really, when you consider it is a novel virus we have never seen before.

A 3% death rate was high. Predictions of millions of deaths. That's an issue.

Then we found that hospitals were labeling every death they could, to be a Covid-19 death, because they got a much larger reimbursement for a Covid death, than a Flu or other death.

Then we found out that the death rate was much lower than that.

Now we found that possibly the number of infected people is 10 times higher, which would mean that the death rate for this illness is even a fraction of the much lower rate.

What this means is that this is less deadly than the flu.

Which again, all conservatives not blinded by ideology knew this. The numbers of deaths never matched the predictions, because the predictions were based on the garbage assumed death rates.

But back to your point, that it seems like a lot of deaths for the time frame.

Not really. It's a novel virus. Meaning no one anywhere had any immunity to it. Flu has been around for thousands of years.

Logically the flu will have fewer deaths, not because it is less deadly, but rather because people have immunity to it.
Plus we have vaccines.

So one would expect that the initial onset of the virus is going to have a bunch of deaths.

Does that mean we shut down the entire economy? Why? For what purpose?

To stop the spread? The virus is more contagious than the flu, and that's with vast numbers in the nation having had it before and having some immunity to it, and with vaccines.

If the flu, which is less contagious, has been around for thousands of years, and we have vaccines for it.... if we can't control that, then why did you think lock downs would stop it?

This is why Sweden, Japan, Florida, which didn't have lock downs, didn't have significantly higher death rates than those places which did have lock downs.

Slowing down Corona we can do.... but at what cost? Ruining people's lives. Destroying the economy? High suicide rates?

This isn't a "life vs money" issue. This is a "life vs life" issue. People are dying right now, and the Democrats don't care. Suicide rates have been extremely high, and all they care about is getting rid of Trump.
The issue is there is no cure and inconsistent treatment on the novel virus. If regular flue kills as many as it does, even with vaccines and known treatments, this one, without either is a bad one.
127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

They spent a Trillion on an AIDS vaccine....never happened. Hydroxy works....everybody but the Rats say so...and they do too privately. By August we'll have baseball stadiums packed with fans and this will be a distant memory....UNTIL you see something that says: "made in China" and spit on it.
Good luck with that. Trumpers have said this would all be over shortly starting with trump's two weeks and we will be clear prediction.
Actually it is 127,640 now, but Republican don't give-a-damn because trump doesn't give-a-damn.

Right... so 610,000 people have died of the flu in the last 10 years. You don't have a damn do you?

Or maybe you don't shut down the planet, and destroy people's lives, over an illness that kills less people than the flu.

By the way, a huge number of those, were from idiots like Cuomo sending people he knew had Corvid-19, back to nursing homes where most of the highest risk people were. So Democrats don't give a damn, and proved it by their actions.
127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

Not really, when you consider it is a novel virus we have never seen before.

A 3% death rate was high. Predictions of millions of deaths. That's an issue.

Then we found that hospitals were labeling every death they could, to be a Covid-19 death, because they got a much larger reimbursement for a Covid death, than a Flu or other death.

Then we found out that the death rate was much lower than that.

Now we found that possibly the number of infected people is 10 times higher, which would mean that the death rate for this illness is even a fraction of the much lower rate.

What this means is that this is less deadly than the flu.

Which again, all conservatives not blinded by ideology knew this. The numbers of deaths never matched the predictions, because the predictions were based on the garbage assumed death rates.

But back to your point, that it seems like a lot of deaths for the time frame.

Not really. It's a novel virus. Meaning no one anywhere had any immunity to it. Flu has been around for thousands of years.

Logically the flu will have fewer deaths, not because it is less deadly, but rather because people have immunity to it.
Plus we have vaccines.

So one would expect that the initial onset of the virus is going to have a bunch of deaths.

Does that mean we shut down the entire economy? Why? For what purpose?

To stop the spread? The virus is more contagious than the flu, and that's with vast numbers in the nation having had it before and having some immunity to it, and with vaccines.

If the flu, which is less contagious, has been around for thousands of years, and we have vaccines for it.... if we can't control that, then why did you think lock downs would stop it?

This is why Sweden, Japan, Florida, which didn't have lock downs, didn't have significantly higher death rates than those places which did have lock downs.

Slowing down Corona we can do.... but at what cost? Ruining people's lives. Destroying the economy? High suicide rates?

This isn't a "life vs money" issue. This is a "life vs life" issue. People are dying right now, and the Democrats don't care. Suicide rates have been extremely high, and all they care about is getting rid of Trump.

I had something a year ago that was just as bad as CHI-NA flu.....took two months to get over...never been so sick. Maybe we did infect China..who knows? Most of their pigs are dead.....maybe that's us too. When you have shadow governments and intel agencies full of traitors you can expect bizarre events.
Sounds like another unsupported conspiracy theory, to me. Get a bran muffin.
Now we found that possibly the number of infected people is 10 times higher, which would mean that the death rate for this illness is even a fraction of the much lower rate
If the number of cases is 10 times higher, as they now suspect, then the mortality rate suddenly becomes 1/10th what they previously thought

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe has a Brain Fart and you right-wing idiots cream your jeans over that negligible short-lived Political Pimple...

Get a life, eh?
Joe does not believe what he is promoting. He has won most of the stuff Progs have proposed over the years. They just make new stuff up as they go along.
120 million dead and he vividly remember being in 6th grade in 1962 even though he was born in 1942
Actually it is 127,640 now, but Republican don't give-a-damn because trump doesn't give-a-damn.

Right... so 610,000 people have died of the flu in the last 10 years. You don't have a damn do you?

Or maybe you don't shut down the planet, and destroy people's lives, over an illness that kills less people than the flu.

By the way, a huge number of those, were from idiots like Cuomo sending people he knew had Corvid-19, back to nursing homes where most of the highest risk people were. So Democrats don't give a damn, and proved it by their actions.
127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

Not really, when you consider it is a novel virus we have never seen before.

A 3% death rate was high. Predictions of millions of deaths. That's an issue.

Then we found that hospitals were labeling every death they could, to be a Covid-19 death, because they got a much larger reimbursement for a Covid death, than a Flu or other death.

Then we found out that the death rate was much lower than that.

Now we found that possibly the number of infected people is 10 times higher, which would mean that the death rate for this illness is even a fraction of the much lower rate.

What this means is that this is less deadly than the flu.

Which again, all conservatives not blinded by ideology knew this. The numbers of deaths never matched the predictions, because the predictions were based on the garbage assumed death rates.

But back to your point, that it seems like a lot of deaths for the time frame.

Not really. It's a novel virus. Meaning no one anywhere had any immunity to it. Flu has been around for thousands of years.

Logically the flu will have fewer deaths, not because it is less deadly, but rather because people have immunity to it.
Plus we have vaccines.

So one would expect that the initial onset of the virus is going to have a bunch of deaths.

Does that mean we shut down the entire economy? Why? For what purpose?

To stop the spread? The virus is more contagious than the flu, and that's with vast numbers in the nation having had it before and having some immunity to it, and with vaccines.

If the flu, which is less contagious, has been around for thousands of years, and we have vaccines for it.... if we can't control that, then why did you think lock downs would stop it?

This is why Sweden, Japan, Florida, which didn't have lock downs, didn't have significantly higher death rates than those places which did have lock downs.

Slowing down Corona we can do.... but at what cost? Ruining people's lives. Destroying the economy? High suicide rates?

This isn't a "life vs money" issue. This is a "life vs life" issue. People are dying right now, and the Democrats don't care. Suicide rates have been extremely high, and all they care about is getting rid of Trump.
The issue is there is no cure and inconsistent treatment on the novel virus. If regular flue kills as many as it does, even with vaccines and known treatments, this one, without either is a bad one.

Right, but still can't sacrifice the entire planet, over a virus. People are dying because of the lock down.

And the lock down didn't stop anything. So why are we doing this?
Actually it is 127,640 now, but Republican don't give-a-damn because trump doesn't give-a-damn.

Right... so 610,000 people have died of the flu in the last 10 years. You don't have a damn do you?

Or maybe you don't shut down the planet, and destroy people's lives, over an illness that kills less people than the flu.

By the way, a huge number of those, were from idiots like Cuomo sending people he knew had Corvid-19, back to nursing homes where most of the highest risk people were. So Democrats don't give a damn, and proved it by their actions.
127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

Not really, when you consider it is a novel virus we have never seen before.

A 3% death rate was high. Predictions of millions of deaths. That's an issue.

Then we found that hospitals were labeling every death they could, to be a Covid-19 death, because they got a much larger reimbursement for a Covid death, than a Flu or other death.

Then we found out that the death rate was much lower than that.

Now we found that possibly the number of infected people is 10 times higher, which would mean that the death rate for this illness is even a fraction of the much lower rate.

What this means is that this is less deadly than the flu.

Which again, all conservatives not blinded by ideology knew this. The numbers of deaths never matched the predictions, because the predictions were based on the garbage assumed death rates.

But back to your point, that it seems like a lot of deaths for the time frame.

Not really. It's a novel virus. Meaning no one anywhere had any immunity to it. Flu has been around for thousands of years.

Logically the flu will have fewer deaths, not because it is less deadly, but rather because people have immunity to it.
Plus we have vaccines.

So one would expect that the initial onset of the virus is going to have a bunch of deaths.

Does that mean we shut down the entire economy? Why? For what purpose?

To stop the spread? The virus is more contagious than the flu, and that's with vast numbers in the nation having had it before and having some immunity to it, and with vaccines.

If the flu, which is less contagious, has been around for thousands of years, and we have vaccines for it.... if we can't control that, then why did you think lock downs would stop it?

This is why Sweden, Japan, Florida, which didn't have lock downs, didn't have significantly higher death rates than those places which did have lock downs.

Slowing down Corona we can do.... but at what cost? Ruining people's lives. Destroying the economy? High suicide rates?

This isn't a "life vs money" issue. This is a "life vs life" issue. People are dying right now, and the Democrats don't care. Suicide rates have been extremely high, and all they care about is getting rid of Trump.
The issue is there is no cure and inconsistent treatment on the novel virus. If regular flue kills as many as it does, even with vaccines and known treatments, this one, without either is a bad one.

Right, but still can't sacrifice the entire planet, over a virus. People are dying because of the lock down.

And the lock down didn't stop anything. So why are we doing this?
Dying mostly because the lock down did not stop it all,being too little, too late plus other serious mistakes made and the open up was also handled poorly. Lost of countries have done better than us. I wish you luck with it, I really do.
Still the big make pretend that a few days difference is Trumps reaction Made All The Difference.
Absolutely lacking proof just like “the lockdown worked”
Both self fulling prophecies with no counterpoint for evaluation therefore inadmissible

Covid deaths are plummeting because CDC has stopped counting every death as Covid

One of the truest most hidden stats is that the number of deaths for people 55 years of age and younger who Did Not have multiple preexisting condition is not even 10,000,
It had wholly been an unsupportable overreaction fostered upon the USA in completely unprecedented fashion
Last edited:
Actually it is 127,640 now, but Republican don't give-a-damn because trump doesn't give-a-damn.

Right... so 610,000 people have died of the flu in the last 10 years. You don't have a damn do you?

Or maybe you don't shut down the planet, and destroy people's lives, over an illness that kills less people than the flu.

By the way, a huge number of those, were from idiots like Cuomo sending people he knew had Corvid-19, back to nursing homes where most of the highest risk people were. So Democrats don't give a damn, and proved it by their actions.
127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

Not really, when you consider it is a novel virus we have never seen before.

A 3% death rate was high. Predictions of millions of deaths. That's an issue.

Then we found that hospitals were labeling every death they could, to be a Covid-19 death, because they got a much larger reimbursement for a Covid death, than a Flu or other death.

Then we found out that the death rate was much lower than that.

Now we found that possibly the number of infected people is 10 times higher, which would mean that the death rate for this illness is even a fraction of the much lower rate.

What this means is that this is less deadly than the flu.

Which again, all conservatives not blinded by ideology knew this. The numbers of deaths never matched the predictions, because the predictions were based on the garbage assumed death rates.

But back to your point, that it seems like a lot of deaths for the time frame.

Not really. It's a novel virus. Meaning no one anywhere had any immunity to it. Flu has been around for thousands of years.

Logically the flu will have fewer deaths, not because it is less deadly, but rather because people have immunity to it.
Plus we have vaccines.

So one would expect that the initial onset of the virus is going to have a bunch of deaths.

Does that mean we shut down the entire economy? Why? For what purpose?

To stop the spread? The virus is more contagious than the flu, and that's with vast numbers in the nation having had it before and having some immunity to it, and with vaccines.

If the flu, which is less contagious, has been around for thousands of years, and we have vaccines for it.... if we can't control that, then why did you think lock downs would stop it?

This is why Sweden, Japan, Florida, which didn't have lock downs, didn't have significantly higher death rates than those places which did have lock downs.

Slowing down Corona we can do.... but at what cost? Ruining people's lives. Destroying the economy? High suicide rates?

This isn't a "life vs money" issue. This is a "life vs life" issue. People are dying right now, and the Democrats don't care. Suicide rates have been extremely high, and all they care about is getting rid of Trump.
The issue is there is no cure and inconsistent treatment on the novel virus. If regular flue kills as many as it does, even with vaccines and known treatments, this one, without either is a bad one.

Right, but still can't sacrifice the entire planet, over a virus. People are dying because of the lock down.

And the lock down didn't stop anything. So why are we doing this?
Dying mostly because the lock down did not stop it all,being too little, too late plus other serious mistakes made and the open up was also handled poorly. Lost of countries have done better than us. I wish you luck with it, I really do.

I'm talking about crime, because of the lock down.
Talking about suicide because of the lock down.
Talking about poverty because of the lock down.

Again, China, a country without concepts of personal liberty and freedom, the government clamped down extremely hard... and what do you know, massive second wave sweeping across the country.

You can't stop this illness. It's more contagious than the flu, and we have a vaccine for the flu, and we can't stop the flu.

Why would you think "if only government had done more!" would stop this illness, when we can't stop the flu, which many people, many people have built resistance too, we have a vaccine for, and is less contagious?

Based on what logic, would you suggest "if only government had done more" would we have stopped this illness, when we can't stop the flu? Explain. I'd love to hear your logic.
Did Trump correct himself about the airports? Yes or no.
The topic is biden not trump

joe biden thinks 120 million Americans have died from the chinese disease

you say he later had a lucid moment but have yet to present the video
Did Trump correct himself about the airports? Yes or no.
The topic is biden not trump

joe biden thinks 120 million Americans have died from the chinese disease

you say he later had a lucid moment but have yet to present the video

You're arguing that it's important for him to have corrected himself. Did Trump correct himself about the airports?

We both know why you won't answer that question. It will expose your obvious hypocrisy.

Dodge, duck, dip, dive, and doge. Still waiting.
Breaking: Biden claims nearly all life in the Milky Way galaxy wiped out by virus, because Trump.
Actually it is 127,640 now, but Republican don't give-a-damn because trump doesn't give-a-damn.

Right... so 610,000 people have died of the flu in the last 10 years. You don't have a damn do you?

Or maybe you don't shut down the planet, and destroy people's lives, over an illness that kills less people than the flu.

By the way, a huge number of those, were from idiots like Cuomo sending people he knew had Corvid-19, back to nursing homes where most of the highest risk people were. So Democrats don't give a damn, and proved it by their actions.
127,952 in 5 months seems like a significant figure to me. At the present rate, 10 years would come out to 1,535,424 and at the moment their is no vaccine or cure. What is you point?

Not really, when you consider it is a novel virus we have never seen before.

A 3% death rate was high. Predictions of millions of deaths. That's an issue.

Then we found that hospitals were labeling every death they could, to be a Covid-19 death, because they got a much larger reimbursement for a Covid death, than a Flu or other death.

Then we found out that the death rate was much lower than that.

Now we found that possibly the number of infected people is 10 times higher, which would mean that the death rate for this illness is even a fraction of the much lower rate.

What this means is that this is less deadly than the flu.

Which again, all conservatives not blinded by ideology knew this. The numbers of deaths never matched the predictions, because the predictions were based on the garbage assumed death rates.

But back to your point, that it seems like a lot of deaths for the time frame.

Not really. It's a novel virus. Meaning no one anywhere had any immunity to it. Flu has been around for thousands of years.

Logically the flu will have fewer deaths, not because it is less deadly, but rather because people have immunity to it.
Plus we have vaccines.

So one would expect that the initial onset of the virus is going to have a bunch of deaths.

Does that mean we shut down the entire economy? Why? For what purpose?

To stop the spread? The virus is more contagious than the flu, and that's with vast numbers in the nation having had it before and having some immunity to it, and with vaccines.

If the flu, which is less contagious, has been around for thousands of years, and we have vaccines for it.... if we can't control that, then why did you think lock downs would stop it?

This is why Sweden, Japan, Florida, which didn't have lock downs, didn't have significantly higher death rates than those places which did have lock downs.

Slowing down Corona we can do.... but at what cost? Ruining people's lives. Destroying the economy? High suicide rates?

This isn't a "life vs money" issue. This is a "life vs life" issue. People are dying right now, and the Democrats don't care. Suicide rates have been extremely high, and all they care about is getting rid of Trump.
The issue is there is no cure and inconsistent treatment on the novel virus. If regular flue kills as many as it does, even with vaccines and known treatments, this one, without either is a bad one.

Right, but still can't sacrifice the entire planet, over a virus. People are dying because of the lock down.

And the lock down didn't stop anything. So why are we doing this?
Dying mostly because the lock down did not stop it all,being too little, too late plus other serious mistakes made and the open up was also handled poorly. Lost of countries have done better than us. I wish you luck with it, I really do.

I'm talking about crime, because of the lock down.
Talking about suicide because of the lock down.
Talking about poverty because of the lock down.

Again, China, a country without concepts of personal liberty and freedom, the government clamped down extremely hard... and what do you know, massive second wave sweeping across the country.

You can't stop this illness. It's more contagious than the flu, and we have a vaccine for the flu, and we can't stop the flu.

Why would you think "if only government had done more!" would stop this illness, when we can't stop the flu, which many people, many people have built resistance too, we have a vaccine for, and is less contagious?

Based on what logic, would you suggest "if only government had done more" would we have stopped this illness, when we can't stop the flu? Explain. I'd love to hear your logic.
Crime rate not higher where I live since lockdown. You should move. Don't be a quitter. Don't commit suicide, you should have been raised stronger. Your family should have watched closer and spouse should have picked better. Never told you I was a nice guy, maybe it was the 20 plus years in combat arms. Well aware that many are have difficult financial time and hate it for them. Lockdowns mostly over and now people killing themselves and their loved ones to get back to normal living. Like Clint Eastwood said in the Outlaw Josey Wales, "Dyin' ain't much of a living, boy". Don't blindly follow your leader down the path to hell, just because he promises a faster trip. It ain't exactly like he will be riding with you. Read the science. Anti-science people are most always wrong, when their reason for looking for a reason to go against the science is political, economic or religious. Get over it.

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